#♫ :: ❝ OOC.
nakamanokizuna · 3 months
@distortionmewtwo The Mewtwo shyly approached the two, anxiously wringing his hands together, but his smile was warm. "H-Hello there," he said softly. "I-I, erm.. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you before..." In all honesty, the presence of what may have been a human, UV wasn't sure, made him quite uncomfortable, but he wanted to make an effort to be polite for the event. It wouldn't do to be rude. "M-My name is Ultraviolet, what's yours..?"
"Hello there!"
Upon noticing you, the masked boy gave you small smile and wave while you approach. He gave you a quick look up and down before going.
"And i dont think i've seen a digimon like you either?"
He wanted to ask Shoutmon for confirmation- wherever they may have ended up after going through that rift with him... But atleast he can still hear his melody from here, so he could probably find and ask them later.
For now he should introduce himself too.
"I'm Taiki, it's nice to meet you, Ultraviolet!"
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melodyplucked · 1 month
btw i’m gonna do a few opens tomorrow for a few of my oc girls on my multi i think … so y’all can keep an eye out for those … i’m thinking like … chloe and mackenzie and probs at least one or two more …
we’ll see how my day back to work goes but- i have a craving to write the girlies so …
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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Please send your muse's results to my ask with this card!
♣️ im gonna do it anyway and I'll just post it again when I move blogs oops
Bella likes people who are bigger than her. She's only 4'11" so it isn't exactly hard....
And you don't really need to burn the world for her, but if you're willing to, that's hot.
She loves to learn, so being able to teach her something is huge! Doesn't matter what it is, at all.
Musical can be liking music, playing an instrument, singing, etc...
The ability to lift is appreciated, but ask before you lift early on!
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thejumpingspider · 19 days
Can you tell the basics of your sona? Like if you had to make someone be interested in them in few words^^
Yeah totally!
Idk if I can do it in a few words but the thing I developed him on was sort this kid who was a final survivor after a nuclear fallout. He stuck around with most of the other survivors and befriended them before he got bitten by a radioactive spider. Over time the people he’d become close with from this traumatic event started dying off, leaving him alone to fend for himself. He sort of wandered the wasteland for a while, finding really anything he could to eat and anything else to entertain himself (the main reason he likes nirvana so much is because he came across an abandoned house with a Walkman and some cds left behind, in perfect condition. He saw it as a sign to keep pushing forward.) He ended up joining the spider society after being found by Peter B and Miguel, where he’s been training to use his powers “correctly”.
The way I’d describe his personality is very rebellious, energetic, and curious, but he’s also stubborn and tends to get anxious when he isn’t around other people (something something trauma). He’s very artistic and creative too.
It’s sort of out of date atp because I’ve moved to toyhouse but if you want to know more little details he has an unvale!! His toyhouse page is still under progress since I haven’t had the chance to fill it out but yeah :] basic synopsis :]
Hope this isn’t too long qwq
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hatchetsfield-arch · 6 months
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i have never felt so welcomed??? and just?? a part?? of a rpc?? or just like anywhere really the way i have with the hatchetfield rpc. from the first day y’all have been so SO incredibly kind and warm and fun and inviting and such such joys to chat and write with!!! your talents, wit and kindness are unmatched and i am so very grateful and lucky to be able to be a part of it. as someone who's world has recently dulled from some pretty rough things i've been going through, you all have been making my days a lot more saturated and vivid. you guys are wonderful and you're my friends now no takebacks heheheheh >:)
@sleazeballtm @beaniestm @slautertm @dorkustm @crisisbabe
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rcdiostcrs · 26 days
so my riordanverse characters (+pjo!orion, pjo!jakke, & a new oc) are going to be here. at least for now. they're the only ones i have muse for so i'd like to have a single fandom, but more active blog. i'm mostly set up, so go ahead & follow if you'd like.
dm me over there if you'd like to continue any threads, otherwise i'll be abandoning them for a fresh start. feel free to send any memes from here over there until i start posting prompts. all plots are welcome to stay (in fact, i encourage it).
i will only be found on this blog for the foreseeable future.
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seaofserene · 1 year
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leviathan & rahab! more kids + a doodle of the family dynamic
ft. @scumbag-the-hedgehog's scourge !
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melodyplucked · 2 months
i've managed to do a whole two replies while watching renee's lollapalooza set ... mind you i've been struggling to write for a WHILE now lowkey
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sarcaasmic · 6 months
@unhlnged sent 🩵 for Rafe & Ellie
send me a 🩵 and i'll answer the following regarding our muses' relationship! if you can't see the emoji, send 'light blue heart'!
who curses more? Ellie curses often and casually but boy can Rafe cuss when he's angry, so I feel like they balance each other out here.
who is more patient? Ellie.
who does the driving? Rafe, not just because Ellie's Jeep is out of commission, but it's also their preference
who is louder? who is quieter? Ellie tends to be the quieter one except at socials where she has to be the one to speak up cause Rafe's too busy being all broody, plus his voice just naturally comes out louder
who is more physically affectionate? when it's just the two of them they're pretty equally into physical affection, but in public it just depends on the situation
who is more likely to tease the other? I'd say they're pretty balanced here too, they both tease each other a lot just about different things
who is better with time management? Rafe, Ellie can get anxious about punctuality if it's something important but she's also the type to lose track of time easily
who wins the arm wrestling matches? Rafe, sometimes he lets Ellie win
who controls the music in the car ride? Ellie, whether Rafe likes it or not, though it doesn't often go without a complaint from him
who covers dinner when they order in? Rafe, whether Ellie likes it or not
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? Ellie is more shy
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? I'd say neither, both dress like their lifestyles, tho Ellie would probably say Rafe and vice versa because of their contrasting lifestyles
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? Ellie starts them Rafe ends them
who has the darker/more "edgy" sense of humor? Rafe
who is more competitive when it comes to games? Ellie can def get pretty competitive but Rafe goes further
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? Rafe has the bigger appetite and Ellie has the bigger sweet tooth
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? Rafe. Need I explain? Though Ellie is not afraid to talk back or throw hands
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? Rafe hosts and organizes, parties aren't Ellie's thing
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? Ellie is likely a little better since she has more cooking experience because of her past, but I do imagine Rafe being good at grilling. Idk if I could see them cook for each other but I could see them cook together
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? Rafe.
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? Both are good at hiding emotions but I think they'd learn each other's cues
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? Rafe because possesiveness Ellie's shy
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? Ellie just cause it seems like Rafe has a tough time with that sort of thing (not saying he doesn't care)
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? I don't know who would be the bigger prankster but I do know that whoever it is, they will suffer for it
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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Flowers curling from your lungs in interwoven vines
Petals bloom across your tongue like soft exploded mines
A braid of love and longing in the taste of rose and pine
A fatal growth belonging to the want you couldn't hide
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wiccanblood · 3 months
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get it together, gang that should've ruled her out as a suspect from the start
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rcdiostcrs · 2 months
heading on a sibling vacation with my brother. won't be back to my laptop until august fourth. hopefully i'll have internet access, so i'll be around on mobile, but don't expect a whole lot of non-dm things.
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innocence-impulse · 3 months
✧ ━━ Romance Headcanons.
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Name: Alice Scarlett
Nickname: "Arisu".
Gender: female
Romantic orientation: Heterosexual
Preferred pet names: none aside from "pussy", but it was reserved only for her lover. Others who dare to call her so, well…will have some regrets afterward.
Relationship status: Verse dependent, one romantic ship per verse, I guess. She's free as the wind.
Opinion on true love: Alice considers love to be a very personal and intimate thing, reserved for only a few people she might be interested in and who are interested in her as well. She believes it can happen only once in a lifetime.
Opinion on love at first sight: Alice considers it to be childish, to happen mostly between teenagers. Although she doesn't deny it, she believes a chance to happen a very low with her, since she needs a very much information about the other person and a lot of communication.
How ‘romantic’ are they?: At first sight, she's not romantic at all. She can give a very cold stare, behave cold, and treat the same. She'll become a romantic person when eventually falls in love, with some time she'll grow attached to the other person, and her personality will open up bit by bit.
Ideal physical traits: Though not quite picky, but she likes them being fit and even muscular. However, if the person has nothing except appearance, she won't be interested no matter how good they look.
Ideal personality traits: Kindness, Selflessness, Intelligent, Caring, Patient, Sincere.
Unattractive physical traits: none, she might also fall in love with a cyborg. Again, it's mostly about personality thann appearance.
Unattractive personality traits: Greedy, Selfish, Ignorant, Liar.
Ideal date: Depends on a verse, but mostly it's a museum, a theatear, or outdoors. It doesn't matter for Alice where, if it makes them both happy.
Do they have a type?: Alice doesn't have an actual type, but she prefers strong, confident, and protective men, also somewhat risky and kind of a gambler.
Average relationship length: life long preferably. If Alice falls in love, she gives her love everything she has, so she completely closes herself to that person. If a person would stop loving her, though, she'd have a long period without even looking at men, before she could choose someone else.
Preferred non-sexual intimacy: Everything referred to touching, like rubbing back, giving a massage, and also reading, or watching something together. She loves to hear her love's thoughts on any topic, that's an important part of intimacy for her.
Opinion of public affection: Alice is a very, and I mean, timid person, despite how she might appear in bed. She would allow to hold her hand or instinctively grab her love's hand or waist if she suddenly felt insecure or was scared of something. Besides that, nothing further than slight touches can't be allowed in public, but in private, it can go as explicit as it might be.
Past relationships?: none.
Tagged: took from @scarlxtleaves Tagging: @dangaer, @diverse-hearts-ocs, @primowishes, @chainedbystories + everyone else! No pressure!
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melodyplucked · 8 days
soooooo- i was definitely planning on getting writing done after work today but y'all ... i got both my shots yesterday (booster / flu) and while i did just get back from the office ... i am pretty much down for the count as a result of the reaction ... so i will probably not really be doing anything on any of the attached blogs or my multi unfortunately, since my symptoms have worsened through the day
i love y'all- will try to write tomorrow if i hopefully feel better, and maybe later tonight if my brain is cooperative for it...
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sarcaasmic · 4 months
//going on a semi-hiatus, got some stressful stuff going on irl so gonna be very low activity for a while
Update: life is a little less stressful, but still probably gonna be low activity for a bit
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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At Poe's Masquerade
Hiding both FACE and MIND
All free for you to draw
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