#spiderverse oc
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artfight attack for @mack-doodle!
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t1koy-roll · 22 hours
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(WIP) Is anyone ever gonna match her freak
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woooaaah-buddy · 1 day
maybe its me, maybe im bad, but if i was spiderman and i found out smn i rlly rlly rlly cared abt was gonna die (for me likely my best friend, or my partner) and i had to choose between saving them and the whole world, id save that person, no thought, no questions asked, nothing needed, id save that person with my bare hands, no spider powers needed, maybe im bad, but if someone told me my best friend had to die for the rest of the world to live, i would save my best friend without a doubt, and we'd be together while the rest of the world ended around us because i chose her over the rest of them, cuz j would choose her over the rest of them
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absolute-artlad · 1 year
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brown-spider · 1 year
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Hobie should have a little old lady who adores him
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peskypixel · 1 year
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his name is spider-crewmate and he stops imposters
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nakakabaliw · 1 year
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Alriggghtt! 🪩🪩 Let's Get Groovin'! Introducing SpiderFunk, my Funky Disco Spidersona from 70s Philippines! Their disco ball can turn into a big claw (to be illustrated) and they got bit by a…. you know how the song goes!
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elinex · 11 months
had the worst idea for a spidersona
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(according to google the shortest wavelength of light most spiders can see is green so that’s like. their red yk)
+the reviews because i just know tumblr is gonna destroy the quality
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
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My Spidersona! :D I'm calling him Phan Hạo Nhiên but ig Spider-Vietnam or Spider-Viet works too? :o)
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justkkaydraws · 6 months
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Portrait painting of a big romantic man with anger issues 😋🫠
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guilherme-rm · 9 months
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Metroid X Spiderman
Pretty happy with these
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t1koy-roll · 2 months
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Backwards compatibility
(Image description down below!)
[Image ID: A two-panel comic of a woman with graying hair, facing away from the viewer talking to Spiderman-2099 (aka. Miguel O'Hara) from Across The SpiderVerse. They are standing on the rooftops of New York's many industrial buildings. Comic panel one shows Miguel covered in the purple-and-black checkered placeholder texture from Javascript. The woman asks him "Why do you look like that?" to which he replies "Excuse me?" in a bemused tone. She says "I don't think your suit is working. Got something more.. 'graphics-friendly'?", pointing at his malfunctioning suit. He proceeds to ask his holographic agent LYLA: "For shock's sake- Lyla, do you have any period-appropriate renders?" to which she replies "Hm... I may have a few!"
Comic panel two is a GIF format, showing Lyla snapping her fingers, changing Miguel's outfit with a bright orange flash of light, showing different versions of him in Roblox, Poptropica, Minecraft, an emo from 2000s MySpace, and his old 1992 suit in a backward-compatible design that the grey-haired woman could see. She is frowning, unamused with how she can only see him in the styles of old internet games and subcultures. /.End ID]
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juniperarts · 11 months
My spider OC, Marisol, made it to the SpiderWeb Gala 🕷
The play on light is a ref to her fighting style.
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faretheeoscar · 5 months
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x SpiderFemaleReader
Warnings: 🔞 NSFW, Masturbation, brief mentions of sex, oral sex.
AN: English is not my first language, no beta read/grammar corrected.
PART 2 PART3 PART 4 (final soon)
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Needy Miguel that comes home tired of another day at the spider society, dealing with more than he can take on.
Needy Miguel that feels the weight of the multiverse on his shoulders and feels empty inside when he opens the door of his room and nobody is there to greet him and comfort him.
Needy Miguel that drags his feet to bed exhausted, disengages his suit and lays flat naked on the bed, his body drained of energy.
Needy Miguel that tries to drift off to sleep but thoughts of you earlier on the day when you were together on a mission start invading his head, making him hot and bothered.
Needy Miguel that even though he’s tired and he know he’ll regret this in the morning gives his already hard cock a couple of testing tugs and immediately moans and squeezes his throbbing member at the thought of how good the curve of your ass looks in your spider suit.
Needy Miguel that dry fucks his fist angrily out of frustration of not having anyone that can satisfy him, not having a warm body against his, at the frustration of not being able to tell you how he feels about you, about not having the opportunity of fucking your sweet cunt instead of his own fist like every other day when he finds himself at this exact same situation.
Needy Miguel that stitches his eyebrows together as he thinks about how your moans would sound probably like heaven as he fucks you senseless, picturing your legs spreading out for him, your inner thighs full of bruises that he left after eating you out and making you come on his tongue at least 3 times before he buried his fat cock deep inside you.
Needy Miguel that decides to finally reach out for the lube and drip down some drops, moaning and arching his back at the sensation of the cold substance against his hot head.
Needy Miguel that likes to edge himself, likes to fuck his fist fast to then slow down and just rub his thumb against the underside of his weeping swollen red tip making his legs shiver and whimper in need.
Needy Miguel that plays with his balls with his free hand, pulls them down, kneads at them, stretches them and brings them together as he feels a sweet relief from that.
Needy Miguel that changes positions in bed and closes his eyes, resting his feet flat on the bed to meet each violent and fast tug of his hand with a thrust of his hips as a loud groan erupts from his chest and resonates all over his penthouse.
Needy Miguel that was too tired to even notice that when he threw his gizmo next to him in bed, he accidentally called you, the live feed option turning on, making you witness everything; hearing each moan and sweet sound he made, praising your name over and over again until finally loads and loads of thick cum ran down his knuckles when he met his release.
Fair for me to say you’re gonna probably have an interesting chat with him tomorrow.
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AN: This is my first post writing smut for Miguel, I had a revelation about him after I woke up knowing that I dreamed about him but sadly I don’t remember what it was about 😭😭
Reblogs and comments are kindly appreciated!
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absolute-artlad · 1 year
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art dump for my spidersona/oc, Spider Fool! They're from Earth in the year 1200 or something idk
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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(one of hundreds, and doubt still seeps in.)
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