#♯ ⸺ « adair blythe. » … ⌜ conversations. ⌟
ghcstales · 6 months
closed for …  @covcrt where …  sentinel  electric  headquarters when …  ten thirty o'clock
ever since the grand event had started, the hours began to mingle together and despite the darkness outside, it was hard to tell how late it really was. no care from others was shown regarding that, thus adair did not even try to bring such silly topics up to anyone. many, from the looks of crowded dance floor, were enjoying themselves. others, if not by dancing, were spending their time at the bar. for a little while adair too, managed to find stillness in the midst of chaos that had already taken over the place and its guests. and although that had covered most of the attendees, there were a few outcasts. black sheep, if you will. a few that didn't feel the vibe of the evening or simply decided to not partake in the silly game that so many power hungry individuals were obssessed with so much.
❝ enjoying yourself? ❞ the agent inquired without peeling their eyes off the dance floor upon sensing a familiar restless presence enter their space. ❝ hope you did not give into their persistent nagging about finishing these... drinks. ❞ or whatever those were, they thought. adair tilted their head towards the table next to them and a couple full glasses of what seemed to be champagne resting on top of it. just then, as if lightning had struck from the sky above, did adair come to an odd realization ― just how many times they had missed out on properly greeting their colleagues. well, some of them. those they respected enough to put effort into welcoming. ❝ hi [   ...   ] ❞
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they added after turning around enough to face the other. eliot was one of good guys in adair's book, after all. thus, it made sense for adair to treat them like one in hopes of him eventually connecting these puzzle pieces together.
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ghcstales · 6 months
closed for …  @tvrmoils where …  sentinel  electric  headquarters when …  around ten o'clock
given mercy's extensive numbers in various types of agents, it was way too easy to forget the faces of those working in other divisions. their voices, on the other hand, was a completely different story. especially those of intelligence agents. they were, after all, the ones adair worked most closely with aside from fellow field agents. most voices coming from the other end they tolerated. some were surprisingly pleasant event. but the remaining few... were scarred so deep within adair's brain a worry was ignited under countless of layers of their gut. thus, seeing a somewhat familiar face at the bar did not trigger any viceral reactions. it was precisely when adair was in listening range, being a couple of feet away from the other, that all too familiar voice reached them causing adair to shut their eyes in a poor attempt to gather the remaining bits of patience still left within them. ❝ i did not peg you for a social butterfly. ❞ adair announced with a loud enough tone to attract the other's attention, moving to lean against the counter while making sure a certain amount of distance was maintained in between them. ❝ what? long-distance bullying no longer scratches that nasty itch of yours? ❞
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ghcstales · 6 months
closed for …  @skyf4llz where …  sentinel  electric  headquarters when …  around nine-ish o'clock
little to no effort was made by the agent to suppress the overly exhausted sigh that left their body in such a great stillness that the one of water glass' long left and forgotten on a counter could hardly compare. despite a solid decade spent at mercy's, adair found themselves holding continuous inner resentment towards social events given the amount of precious time required for small talk and other unnnecesary pleasantries. most of the time those only offered an artificial sense of genuinity rather than much needed honesty and accountability especially after such unfortunate recent events. besides, by the looks of it and hosting of a ball during one of these days told adair enough about mercy's willingness to get to the bottom of things.
aside from the obvious, the amount of drinks and repetitive 'quick visits' from servers showing up with full glasses of liquor managed to take adair aback. either they've become so rusty at socializing and showing up at events like theses or somoeones intentions were not as pure as they first appeared to be. ❝ and they keep on coming [   ...   ] ❞ a low mumble to no one in particular slipped through the agent's lips right before they took the form of a light frown.
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surely getting everybody drunk was not the intention, was it? ❝ you weren't joking about those suits of yours. probably wouldn't find any fancier one to wear for my funeral. ❞ adair greeted the familiar face currently heading in their direction after spotting the other from the corner of their eye. ❝ and i do know a few hot spots that have some really impressive pieces in their possession around the city. ❞ agent ghostrider added while moving a couple of glasses they were previously served around the table, liquid in them still very much untouched despite the server's irritating dilligence in serving them extra shots and glasses whenever opportunity arose.
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