#♯𝐑𝐄       ギ  ˛    𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗘𝗗            ›             ↸READONLY.
rcshcd · 2 years
 ​​​     ♯INSPIRATION .  ›
‘ afternoon everybody. for those of you who don’t know me, i’m 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒 and i’m a junior here at trinity hills, as well as a basketball player and sports major. when it comes to what inspires me today (?) i’d have to say my childhood is my number one inspiration — all my life I’ve been striving to make myself better and pushing myself to beat the system, and it’s a full time commitment. to be the best, you have to work your hardest, giving up isn’t an option. even when you feel like you’ve reached your limits or exhausted your resources — that’s just more fuel to keep going. looking back on where I came from and what I went through, and seeing where I am today, really gives me the motivation to uplift kids & teens like myself, who grew up in a crooked system or in neighborhoods that don’t set kids up to succeed. i want to inspire them to keep going and teach them that quitting is never an option like my adoptive parents instilled in me. my parents also taught me that in order to succeed you have to believe that you can, and also put in the work behind your goals. dreams will only go so far without putting in the actual effort. they helped me realize it’s not about where you come from or how you start, but how you finish and where you end up. they also showed me that it takes a village to help kids and teens succeed. which is why i’ve devoted time to support the youth and provide them academic resources as well as athletic resources by volunteering at youth centers around trinity hills, and back home on virginia. with my winnings, i plan to contribute to the work that the concerned black men organization has done back home around my city, and expand their work to cities like trinity hills. cbm is a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing positive male role models and mentors to youth, primarily black youth. thank you for your time. ’
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rcshcd · 2 years
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        ギ  ​​​   /   R. EVANS !   ♯GAMEDAY  .  ›  
standing at 6′ 3″, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒 highlight show continued with a buzzer-beating 3-pointer from half-court to finish the first half of the game against long beach university bears. with 2.1 seconds left, evans took the inbound pass and made a 48-foot shot just behind the half-court line as the buzzer sounded. it was shaad’s fifth 3-pointer of the first half, with a 19-point start by the 𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃. the shot also cut the titan's halftime deficit to 54-47. midway through the ( 3rd ) quarter against the bears, rashaad was injured on a play where his right knee was grabbed then stepped on by an opposing player while going up for a layup. evans was seen limping off the court with the help of his teammates, and didn’t return to the game due to being injured, as well as being ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct, technical fouls, and outburst toward the opposing player and referees — all following his injury. thu’s coach alluded 𝐋𝐁𝐂𝐔’s guard rj rhoden was the culprit regarding 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒 injury. the titian’s coach told reporters, “ 𝐑𝐇𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐍 ( #0 ) actually grabbed his knee and yanked it, then proceeded to step on it once evans was on the floor, which triggered whatever happened. we just watched the replay. you saw it yourself. ”      —     the coach closed the brief interview by stating evans will be evaluated after the game. the athlete will continue to sit out the rest of the game and depending on the severity of his knee injury, he will very likely miss the rest of this series.
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rcshcd · 2 years
“ ay’ wassup y’all ( ? ) i appreciate everybody for comin’ out and supporting the THU’s Gaming Central Club. remember it’s a $7 entry fee and if you’re interested in the raffle of the vr sets make sure you buy your raffle tickets — each ticket cost $2. you can purchase as many raffle tickets as you want. the more you buy, the chances of your name being picked will increase. after buying, you’ll comment your name + how many tickets your purchased under this post. i’ll use a randomizer to pick the three winners later tonight. other than that.. shit just have a good time and don’t fu- mess anything up ( ! ) ”
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rcshcd · 2 years
                                            ギ  ​​​  platform.  ›
“if i win i would continue to dedicate my time and attention to the younger generation. providing them with the knowledge, wisdom, and skill it takes to keep moving forward & being the best. make sure they know it’s people who wanna advocate for ‘em, and always rootin’ for ‘em. which is why the non-profit foundation i’m here to support is the cbm. they’ve made a positive influence on todays youth and my youth by providing academic and athletic recourses. they live by their mission.”
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rcshcd · 2 years
Like any typical Monday afternoon, 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 was attending his research methods in kinesiology class. In the midst of preparing for an upcoming assessment, the classroom’s silence was disrupted by the abrupt sound of various cellphone notifications sounding off one after the other. The male raised a brow but didn’t think anything of it, until he realized everyone’s attention had seemed to be settled on him. 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 unlocked his device and his brows formed a confused arch as his eyes discovered a collection of Instagram notifications, stating he was mentioned in the comment section of a gossip post. Promptly clicking on a notification, the male’s hues widened at the sight of his name beside 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑'𝐒. As he studied the description which detailed accusations shared by the woman, disarray rested on 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃’s appearance. “Bro, what the fuck…” he cursed underneath his breath.
While reading every spiteful word the woman spoke, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 sensed as if a switch within him had been flipped. The man generally prides himself on always holding onto his good spirit and confident outlook on things. But all he felt at the moment was the exact opposite of that. angst glowed over his body as his expression progressed from confusion to ultimate vexation. The new uncanny view of him was not only a hit to the male’s ego and reputation, but also a dreadful look for his parent’s reputation as well. He found himself staring at the pictures and video’s of a younger toddler that in fact did resemble him.  After closing the app, his phone lit up with an incoming call from his mother. 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 shook his head and rejected the call whilst standing on his feet and tossing his backpack over his shoulder. Entirely overlooking his professor calling his name, he continued to storm out of the classroom and headed toward the university’s student parking lot. 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 knew it was only a matter of time before he did something impetuous if he didn’t control his anger. In truth, he wasn’t upset that there was a child in the question. He was more annoyed at the fact she took their private disagreement and spun it into a story that did not state 100% accurate information. Instead, she created a story that she would benefit from. By the time 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 reached his car, he had a multitude of missed calls, followed by a lengthy voicemail from his adoptive parents. Before pulling off, he braced himself to hear the raging chatter he had waiting for him as soon as he pressed play.
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                  ❛     rashaad mario evans ( ! ) i know damn well you see me calling your phone. when does this shit with these women end with you ( ? ) at some point you need to start thinking with your mind and not with what’s in your pants. listen, before you even fix your mouth to ask, we can’t help you out of this one. take care of your responsibilities like the man your father & i raised you to be, and fix it now ( ! ) call that woman and handle it, now ( ! ) you’re way too smart to keep making all these dumb and reckless decisions. i need you to start thinking about all the things you’ve worked hard for, all the things WE sacrificed to get you where you are. your decisions don’t just effect you and your future, it effects us as well. the longer you prolong this, the worse it will be.  please don’t make me embarrass your lanky ass by coming down to that frat house. call me back. i love you, son.  ❜ 
As he listened to the voicemail, the male drove in the direction of his home. Once it was over, a deep exhale escaped from his lips as his finger slid up and down his text messages, in search of a specific thread he shared with the alleged baby mother. Despite not wanting to agree with his parent’s take on the situation, 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 knew they were right. There was only one way to handle the issue, and that was by facing his responsibilities head on, and without their help. He couldn’t keep using their money as a crutch to all his problems. Unlike his infamous steroid scandal, this wasn’t something their money could make disappear. The athlete knew running away from what could be the truth would cause more drama than he could handle, and was fully aware he needed to deal with the consequences of his poor decision making. With a blank expression decorating his duo, 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 sent a message to 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐓 inquiring about the best time for them to meet up.
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         ❛     oh wowwwww, look who finally knows how to return a fucking message or call. i had to do all of that just for you to finally acknowledge the fact we need to talk ( ? ) something i’ve been trying to get you to do for almost two years now. you’re such a clown & so predictable. let me guess, mommy & daddy told you to reach out to protect their precious image ( ? ) spare me, nigga. before you even assume it, i don’t want or need your money. what i do want is for my daughter to be acknowledged by her coward ass sperm donor & for you to step up and help me take care of her. we can meet up thursday afternoon to take a dna test. i’ll send you the location when i wrap things up with my next client. oh, if you care to know, her name is aloria. ❜
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rcshcd · 2 years
acknowledging his teammates motivational speech, 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 allowed the corners of his lips to curl into a smile as he clapped his hands together. once a moment of silence filled the room, he took it upon himself to also issue a few words of encouragement for the team. “now how we supposed to top that G’ ? ” he spoke through a series of laughter, nudging the tall figure standing to his left. “like G’ said, it’s been a minute since we’ve all been here & despite all the odds against us — we’re back and better, baby ! ” 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐀𝐃 announced enthusiastically with his voice raised, making sure his energy matched the cheering sounds coming from the other side of their locker room doors. “no matter how hard we work people will find something negative to throw at us tomorrow. we can’t let that shit phase us. ” he added, keeping eye contact with the familiar faces that were gathered around. “ regardless of the scoreboard, we always gon’ be the real winning team ‘cause we put in all the time, the effort, created a solid foundation of brothers, put in all the hard work & we know that shit is going to pay off ! let’s get out there and support the people who came to support us ! ” @trinityedu
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