#♰ ༻   what did you do now you little menace  / ic .
moralpuppet · 1 year
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Orel didn't really know how they wound up holding hands, he didn't mind, he's certainly held the hands of his friends before, he was enjoying the walk down the beach. Moralton was so far from the the cost that he had scarcely ever seen the beach. When he had...well his family trips had been few and far between and at that a wreck. 
He looked out at the water. Wondering what it would be like to swim now. He hasn't done such things since the incident. Luca's hand in his while his other hand grips his walking-cane.
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❝ I like the beach. It reminds me that I'm mortal. It makes me feel so small. ❞ He laughs, brightly. ❝   How about you, Luca? I'd say you seem pretty much at home here. ❞ Orel is none the wiser to Luca's sea monster form, still it's clear the latter boy is comfortable here...at least it seems that way to Orel. / @seamonsterchild cont.
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ It's Sunday and you know what that means?! CHURCH ! ❞
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moralpuppet · 1 year
☎️: quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet. @braveparanoiac
actions speak louder than words
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OREL CAN TALK A LOT WAS JUST A KID AFTER ALL and pretty neglected kid, when he wasn't getting lectured. He hadn't noticed there was a potential threat around and he should keep his voice down, thankfully, he noticed the gesture. Stopping his ramble.
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OREL WAS OVERTLY RELIGIOUS YET HE COULDN'T QUITE CONTAIN HIS CURIOSITIES  especially regarding nature. This place held strange creatures, of course Orel didn't believe in magic, still.
HE LOOKS UP TO OLDEST, WHISPERING. ❝  What is it?  ❞ Was it still ok to ask questions? What had they encountered.
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝  I have watched men go back to their old ways. Here in the crops of the garden of Eden; you're the fool.❞ / @fragmcntdstars lyrical starter for Lucifer
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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The harrowing shrieks achin to an actual name , the name of the lord himself no less , seems to have been the belting of a canines' baroos . Soon enters a boy on scene , face riddled with silent apologies .
❝ Sorry, sorry that's just my dog , Bartholomew , he's friendly he just gets excited ! ❞ 
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moralpuppet · 1 year
☎️: “sit down for a second and talk to me.” (Older Harold @artfulprankster)
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❝ Well, Christina did recommend I speak to someone since she has and it's been working for her. I guess I just wouldn't know where to start but if it helps you get some practise too I'm happy to help you help me.❞ HE'S SMILING, VOICE CHIPPER AND CALM DESPITE THE TIRED LOOK IN HIS EYES.
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HE STILL CARRIES THAT LIMP, A GAIT THAT WAS TO BE WITH HIM FOREVER. He seems less clumsy with it these days, however. Moves to do as instructed and sit. Finding a need to busy his hands all of a sudden, he reaches for a pencil to tap against the table for now. ❝ Where? - Well, gee, ❞ He never grew into his ears or grew out of his idioms, ❝  where'd we start? I guess maybe-sorry I've never done this before.❞
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moralpuppet · 1 year
@starywisteria prayed: " You could have been killed out there! " - Diana
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❝ Golly!❞ Orel hadn't even noticed the danger he had put himself in. He was too busy just worrying about his father, and God's watchful gaze. He resides to clasping his hand to his opposite arm, features pulled down into a frown. His eyes avoid any contact made.
❝ Gee, I just wanted to help.❞ He should have known one day Clay would stumble into danger in a drunken stooper. ❝ He could've gotten hit by a car. ❞ He scowls in the direction his pathetic excuse for a father had staggered off to. That was the second time now Orel had saved his life and, even though he didn't expect a thank you, Clay wouldn't remember it. Still. He's gone now.
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Orel's cane had scarcely made the journey, it still lay out in the road. He decided he's much too exhausted to go back for it so he just sits beside Diana in the grass. ❝ Mom kicked him out.❞ It was too much information about their family life that should be kept secret and behind closed doors. 
❝ Sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone, it was just - just the drink. ❞ He scowls into nowhere in particular. He hadn't meant to cause a scene. 
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ Gosh, it's hard to choose! They all look so good! ❞ He's scarcely seen Mrs. Arkangil around town, then again most of the women in Moralton were either housewives or spinsters that all lived in that one apartment complex. Orel never quite understood why. ❝ Okay, I'll let you decide, you baked them after all, which is your favorite? Do you think a girl around my age would like it? ❞ / @starywisteria starter for Penelope Arkangil
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moralpuppet · 1 year
@artfulprankster prayed: “we gotta get out of here.” (hello!)
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❝  Oh, don't worry, Harold. We'll be fine. ❞ He stands between the younger boy and the older bully. He didn't seem scared or even worried. If only the bully knew the strength Orel possessed. If only Orel wasn't so nice to withheld it anyway. He doesn't resort to violence even after he's been punched in the face, leaving his face bloody and bruised.
He just smiles, something that seems to freak the bully out a little. Still, Orel supposed he should take responsibility here and get the youngest out of the way of all the violence.
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❝  If you're done picking on us and punching me in the face we'd better be going somewhere else where those things won't happen. ❞ He guides Harold away as he says this.
❝  We're okay. ❞ He reassures.
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝  Well, I know a lot more about alcohol than I probably should. People use it to forget and be emotionally distant from their families. ❞  HE SWINGS HIS LEGS TO AND THRO, both his hunting leg and his other leg from his seat at the counter. Strictly orange juice for him.
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❝  I think it makes people unhappy when they don't know where else to go or be without it. I hope those people look around them and see maybe they have something who makes them happy after all they just didn't know it... ❞  HE PONDERS, A THOUGHT COMING TO HIM.  ❝  Maybe some people don't want to even start to look for that to begin with they just want to stay stuck. Change is scary but I don't think we can stop things from changing. Someday I'm going to be as old as you and I can't stop that so...❞  OREL IS SOMEWHAT OF A REGULAR HERE NOW. He comes to Lucifer's bar, unknowing of the nature of his friend, he comes in early hours were there are less likely to be anyone actually drunk, just to say hello and catch up. Orel always made time for his friends. Even if he chewed their ears off with his talking. It's a sign of affection. / @fragmcntdstars starter for Lucifer
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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Reading those books is probably what caused the mass possession in the first place! Orel seems a little unsettled by all this now. Gee, first the teacher now the students. Evil's running rampant through this school. Perhaps he did need to resort to freeing everyone from the grasp of the devil after all. ❝  It's one thing to read Frankenstein, that's supposed to be funny-❞ To Orel it was because of how unbelievable it is. Still his 2nd favorite book ever though. ❝  But all this Darwin stuff can't really be believable right? ❞
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Oh, the ginger kid knew Harold then? ❝  Harold's your friend? Great! I'll keep that in mind. ❞Orel seems to generally be problem solving in his head, he's going to have to give this entire school an exorcism somehow.
❝  Well you are right about magic. ❞ He concludes. ❝  And, gosh, what if your right about the possession taking over the school, I didn't think it could spread this fast! ❞ Golly he just hopes he's not susceptible himself. ❝  I mean, what if we're the only ones unaffected? ❞ There's a tiny twitch in his eye as he contemplates that as though it was very much fact. ❝  Then it's up to us to save the students and teachers at Jerome Horwitz!❞ / @inventedbymelvin CONT.
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝  Aw  but   she's   he's   so   cute!  ❞  /  @cicxdas quote starter for Cleo Cazzo probably regarding her main rat buddy
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ I think my Dad should go to therapy .❞
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ I hope when I die I can go to Heaven and serve God,...though I wouldn't want to be greedy. Maybe I should just focus on actually getting to Heaven. Not like just visiting but staying you know. If God would have me...❞
OREL HASN'T COME HERE JUST TO TALK ABOUT HIMSELF, however, he paid Gabriel a few visits now. This time he brought the angel something.
❝ Oh I forgot! I brought you a 20 dollar gift certificate from Pizza Joes I heard that's what you should give someone when they already have the gift of Heaven...and immortality! It was on a radio commercial! It's from me to you as a special thank you for all the great advice and for your time! ❞ / @killmenots starter for Gabriel
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝  This Father's Day I'm going to give my father the chance to be forgiven by God for all the terrible things he's done by including him in my prayers. Thank you for making me Dad. That was the only honorable thing you've ever done.❞
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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❝ I don't really like eggs, I guess but you must know enough about human food since living here with us!...What do Aliens eat by the way?  ❞
Since he is the only person he knows of that knows Hal's true identity, other than God of course, he thought maybe she hasn't been asked a lot of questions about Vortians. It never hurt to ask.
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❝ Well you clearly like icecream!  ❞ He giggles holding his up, it was nice to get icecream with a friend./ @vortship starter call
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