#⚓.. verse: i only sink deeper the deeper i think
firstmategod · 2 years
@fromshadovvs​ said: [ LEAVE ] : having just given the receiver a kiss of a lifetime, sender leaves the room, leaving the receiver to wrap their head around what just happened.
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For a moment, all Izzy could do was stand there, stunned silent, as Edward released him and left. He LEFT. How could he kiss Izzy and just fucking LEAVE? Izzy was still trying to figure out if he was going to pass out or just die when Edward disappeared from the room entirely, and before he could realize he was even moving, Izzy was chasing him down the corridor and dodging in front of him, stopping Edward with both hands on his chest.  He was still breathless, and flushed, and shaking when he tried to speak, and it took a few tries to get any sound to actually come out. “Edward - hey. Edward. You should - do that again.“ He glanced up to meet his friend’s eyes. “Do it again.“
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firstmategod · 2 years
@himbohotel // lyric starter from x
cry for judas: the mountain goats
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Calico Jack’s visits were always a special treat for the crew of Queen Anne’s Revenge. Izzy didn’t participate in the tomfoolery Jack and Ed led the crew through, of course, but watching everybody drink, and sing, and goof around was its own little reprieve. It broke up the monotony of life at sea, if nothing else. 
After another day of whippies and brekkie and whatever else they got up to, Ed was asleep, curled up on the deck with his hair down and his head pillowed on his arm. Eventually, Izzy would wake him and guide him to bed, with a gentleness he’d deny in the morning, if anybody was awake enough to call him out on it. 
But for now, the crew had dwindled down to only Izzy and Jack, awake and watching the waves.
Izzy poked a sleeping crew member with the toe of his boot, and scoffed when the man only snored loudly. 
“Some things you do just to see how bad they’ll make you feel.“
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firstmategod · 2 years
@himbohotel​ said: “there’s  a  killer  storm  going  on  outside ,   so   unless  you  want  to  disappear  under  mysterious  circumstances ,   i  suggest  you  get  comfortable .” calico jack settling in for the night on the only bed, lmao
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“right.“ god, he hated storms. granted, it was better to wait them out on land than at sea; he was beyond grateful for any chance to escape the inevitable terrible seasickness that always came when a storm crashed over whatever ship he was on. no, this was much better. as much as he hated spanish jackie’s, it was a much better place to wait out the storm than anywhere on the ship.  but, of course, there was his roommate. edward, as the captain, had gone back to the ship for the night, to oversee any emergency repairs and make sure everything was set for the storm. seeing the way the color had drained from izzy’s face as the storm began, he’d ordered his first mate to stay behind and meet him in the morning, and izzy had been absolutely relieved to do exactly as he said. but with so many people waiting out the storm, everybody at the tavern had had to double up, and izzy had been paired off with calico fucking jack.  “so, I sleep on the fucking floor? is that how this works?“
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firstmategod · 2 years
@aleximedicus​ said: [ WATCH ] for receiver to see sender get hurt enough to bleed.
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as much as he hated anything to do with surgery, and as much as he’d never admit it, izzy had a bit of a soft spot for lewis.  maybe it was because of his history, or because of how necessary a surgeon was to a ship, or just because the aftermath of violence always made izzy just a little bit more sated and agreeable, but as soon as he saw the blood pool under lewis’s hands, izzy was immediately running to his side and guiding him to sit on an overturned crate. “the fuck kind of surgeon gets fucking stabbed?“ his voice wasn’t quite soft, but it was certainly not as cruel as it could have been, as his hands set to work unbuttoning lewis’s waistcoat. by the time he got to the surgeon’s shirt, he’d lost his patience entirely, and simply sliced it off of him with a quick, dexterous flash of his knife. “what the actual fuck were you doing out of sickbay?“
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firstmategod · 2 years
@himbohotel​ from x (if you’d like to keep bullying mr. hands)
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Alright, WELL - between the blood, and the laughter, and the “good boy” comment, and the proximity of their faces, Izzy was quite suddenly losing this interaction. Any upper hand he’d had was long gone, as he glanced down at Calico Jack’s mouth, blinked a few times, and looked away, before building up the resolve to make eye contact again.  “Who told you that? Edward?” Good one, Izzy. Very clever.
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firstmategod · 2 years
@kraxed​ said: " god, i thought they'd killed you... never been so happy to be wrong in my life. "
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“they tried their fucking best at it, though, didn’t they?“ of course, izzy always tried not to make a habit of being captured and needing to be rescued. it wasn’t a good look for any pirate, let alone blackbeard’s first mate. but this time, he’d been knocked out during a raid, and when he’d woken up, he was tied to a post in the bowels of a ship he didn’t recognize.  there was always the hope that he’d be rescued, of course, but he would have understood if the blackbeard mythos had required edward to leave him behind. it couldn’t get out that blackbeard would risk men and time and supplies to rescue one man, no matter his rank; he would have understood it if he’d been left to die. it was part of piracy. one didn’t become the most fearsome pirate on the seas by openly caring about people. but there edward was, standing over him in all of his leather glory, and izzy couldn’t help but let out a short, half-delirious laugh. but he could blame that on the fact that he’d been tied to a post for the last god only knew how long. “I’m just so fucking charming, they couldn’t bear to kill me.“
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