#⚔fight moves claim / scott adkins 🔥 | l broke so many bones but 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦 of them were my 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
infernal-general · 2 months
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No one truly expected the 8'5 feet tall fighter to rely on acrobatics instead of her devastating raw physical strength. Yet she kept defying gravity in new ways every fight, making the building shake with the crowd's roar. The Viper Club had a history, a little older as her stay in Hell was, although not much. It was also painfully clear that the demon founding it favored her to any other fighter, no matter their potential or future achievements.
Which...ultimately wasn't surprising. A dragon among snakes, defending her undisputed throne with beautiful brutality. Rozália noticed the influx of new fighters with similar style, they were a welcomed change and challenge, both slippery and strong enough for her to truly play and make the victory nectar sweet. Skilled too, she absolutely had to resort to her arsenal of knowledge, had to win with finesse as well.
Rozália assumed they belonged to the same gang based on fighting style alone and unfortunately for them, they all wanted a till death match. Which she was more than happy to provide without the slightest flicker of pity. Ultimately, she respected opponents close to her level of skill. Metallic claws of her foot drummed lightly on his neck, still half unconscious from the fall before.
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Vicious and victorious, she tore into his throat, claws sinking deeper and deeper into viscera as the crowd howled for blood shed by the Champion. After a few more seasons of basking in the roar, she had left the ring with a flourish pose.
Ebony hands lightly framed her face, the second set of arms skillfully massaging her wrist tendons, the third applying some kind of paste like cream which's recipe was a six sword guarded secret. Two pairs of calm cerulean eyes searched for any signs of mental distress, sometimes Athrox worried a little too much.
"I assume you've already made the connection." His voice calm and level as always, no matter what happened, how brutal her execution was, how severe her injuries were
“I know they are from the same gang and keep going for the till death option in a sense of honor and vengeance of their fallen. Who they are, better said were tied to, I haven't had time nor mood to investigate. You know how my official job is.” Rozália sighed and Athrox only smiled. By now she knew it was pride, he had to spell it out to her a century ago.
"You are forever getting better at the bait kicks. Haven't seen one so high yet." He praised again and she as usual didn't quite know how to react to something which wasn't criticism or mockery "And I have a feeling I might get a visit from the leader."
“And so do I a new challenger.” she half asked half spoken out loud
"That is something I don't know yet गुलाब."
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infernal-general · 2 months
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Heeled boots rhythmic clicks echoed through the silent streets, as suspected drawing a few less than savory lingering leers.
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It took tremendous effort to keep her grin hidden and play the lost rich woman with a little too high slit dress a bit longer. Flickering lamps cast ominous shadows on her face, now well aware the pair of footsteps steadily following hers, the grip on the cane's handle tightening in excitement. The flex of long, elegant fingers were misinterpreted as a gesture of fear given by the faint snickers and the "Isn't it too cold out for ya in that pretty dress? I could warm you up!" explanation followed by many others in varying degrees of creativity
The lamp was broken when she decided to stop and turn around.
“I'm afraid I'm a little lost...my friend was supposed to pick me up somewhere” which was part truth, she had to weave her way out from the charity event, unseen both by airheaded guests and her bodyguards.
"We can show the way for a favor" followed by laughter until one finally ogled something else than her legs and realized the eyepatch covering her left eye "Holy shit the bitch is half blind!" Now that caused a snarl to ripple across Rozália's face, seems like she had grown too accustomed to people knowing and fearing her enough to not let even the thought of that cross their minds out of terror.
"Maybe completely" the otherwise silent one pointed at her cane and had the gall to wave his palms in front of her face
“Afraid I won't see your dick? Perhaps I should've bought magnifying glass too.” can't fit so much to the ridiculously tiny purse died on her tongue as greedy fingers grasped her from behind while the silent guy decided to backhand her; truly a magnificently witty comeback.
Her mind mostly focused on the plan and the pleasure ahead, the barrage of insults starting or ending with slut, bitch barely registering.
“My turn.”
Was the only warning before her legs snapped close on the man's neck while using the other for leverage. A vicious roll of her torso sent all of them to the ground, her actual weight and confusion playing a large role in it. Like an agitated snake, she shot up from the ground, her left hook carrying an unforeseen amount of power behind it, quickly followed by a clean uppercut with the opposite hand. Ogler joined his friends Groper and Silent on the pavement in disbelief and considerable amount of pain.
"What the fuck! Crazy bitch!" Groper decided to swing a faulty punch despite not being far off in his exclamation. Emerald eye blazed with bloodlust as she caught the arm, already bending it the wrong way as she slid closer
“So you don't want to fuck me anymore?” the fake innocence stark contrast against her demonic expression and intention; bones breaking and poking through skin after a smooth upwards wrench, followed by her forehead slamming against the bride of his nose.
A small click
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Rozália turned with amusement at the pocket knife pointed at her with utmost determination.
"You don't have to be alive for me to fuck." Silent announced and that was a new one. She lunged for the familiar silvery glint in the darkness, with a twist freeing the glistening sword from the sheath.
“Mine's bigger I'm afraid.” Rozália laughed with twisted mirth, using the moment of surprise to both deliver a slash forward and to kick Ogler in a twisted dance she mastered the steps to long ago.
The fencing was short lived as Silent was trying to unsuccessfully breath through his slashed throat on his knees. Sharp heel slamming down to the crawling Groper's uninjured hand, causing the man to spiral into a desperate whirlwind of pleas and apologies. He would do anything. But what to do when she only wanted him to bleed ? In a last ditch attempt Ogler decided to charge at her with a broken bottle.
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The crunch of bone accompanyied by thunder of heels, the scream cut short by a sword through the throat. And this is how euphoria felt. Only slightly ruined by the fact that the victory was against such unskilled lowlife opponents. Maneuvering through the limbs of corpses for the discarded sheath of her sword was when she felt the presence.
Head cocked slightly after the precise twirl around, still full offensive position but she hasn't lunged yet.
“You must be truly lost.” she came to the conclusion after taking in the man's clothing and ethnicity. And she wouldn't sink as low as shanking a lost foreigner- “But I do hope you have no plans about telling anyone about the little show here. Police needs a few unsolved cases to run after.” her instincts told her not to sheath her blade yet. The same ones that whispered her sister was unfortunately alive and well; she was compelled to believe them. Weapon lowered slightly, still not relaxed in terms of position, the Viper was waiting.
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infernal-general · 2 months
@r-adio from these prompts
❛ why is it whenever we see each other, you’re covered in blood? ❜ & ❛ just a few more stitches and you’ll be as good as new. ❜
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The original plan was archery practice. This works too though; the General half thought as she stabbed an arrow through the gills of a loan shark.
The commotion from a nearby bar and the two young, bloodied sinners scrambling out of the door chased by a group of shark demons draw her attention. It was almost located in the Military district; while she refused to think of herself of Overlord she was above that, she was still viciously protective of the core of her territory. From what she could pick up from the stammers, the sinners had the money to settle their debt but the price suddenly increased on the spot. And who else they could turn to in this Ring?
At first Rozália was strangely civil while the victims shook behind her imposing height further strengthened by her build and crowned by harpoon horns. When a gun was pulled she simply acted accordingly: immediately redirecting the weapon and breaking the elbow with one smooth wrench upward. Chaos familiar for her followed, the two teens took their stumbling way out of the situation.
She settled into a fast, slippery and brutal rhythm; her height never a hindrance, only advantage when the movement required. As if she weighed nothing, the jump done with utmost ease, clawed feet snapping in splits sending two demons slumped to the sidewalk.
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Her bow laid discarded, not for long and the small angelic knives flicked from the hidden sheaths at the tips, the death toll quickly raising after a few graceful, precise spins; black tar blood tainting her clothing -fuck, that corset was new- and dripping down from her chin.
The radio filtered voice cut through the small bloodshed, no, training; the General not even bothering hiding her immediate eyeroll.
“Hussar general.” an another stab after the hiss “In a ring or better said domain of thugs and even more merrier kind of scum. Put it together Sherlock.”
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“And just maybe- well, you're going to regret that.” Rozália chuckled as jaws snapped around her thigh, penetrating the tissue. The shark however immediately let go with a horrified shriek as hellfire blood began to eat away his tissue completely till the insides of his throat were visible “As I was trying to say: maybe because I'm the only one who actually gets shit done in this Ring.” a brief pause “Except for Ms. Carmine.” she gave credit when due, although the Overlord definitely didn't get her hands nor feet this dirty and this often.
The distraction was enough for the remaining loan shark to deliver a lacerating cut from shoulder to mid back, earning a surprised and furious “Anyád picsája-!!” (Your mother's cunt) not because of the pain but because of the mistake
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Serpentine pupils stabbed daggers into the Radio Demon at his comment, more and more tempted with each second passing to change targets. A snarl revealed perhaps a little too much fangs, refocusing on the frantically fleeing shark demon, nimble clawed fingers pulled the arrow from a corpse.
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Despite her injury Rozália still drew the 4'5 feet recurve bow, arrowhead quickly filling with hellfire till it was burning brilliant crimson. The only problem was that she seemingly aimed right at Alastor. She simply couldn't help it before adjusting the aim higher; a breath in, out : the arrow whizzing through air - in between his antlers- with deadly precision.
A low growl of satisfaction as the final target collapsed dead, the rush momentarily pushing the pulsing pain completely out of her mind.
“Now at this point I suppose I have to ask exactly what you think you can gain from encounters like these?” Rozália turned to the spectator
“It's no secret I also work as a cage fighter, if you look for more bloody, quality entertainment.” she shrugged, attention only made her blood sing wilder, entertain the crowd even more; his presence and comments might even just be welcomed in the Viper club
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infernal-general · 2 years
👊Maybe with Fizz having accidentally watched a fight and now is like can you teach me to fight better? I dunno feel free to IM me if needed!
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The roar of the crowd was synchronized with her thundering heart. Her military job didn't pay for the lifestyle she found comfortable, therefore Rozália took on of a few side careers; the cage fighter one the most enjoyable. The star, the face of the Viper Club without a single defeat throughout her career brought many challengers filled with hope to knock her off her throne. And how she enjoyed ruining those promising fighters beyond recognition, greedily siphoning the light and hope draining from their eyes as their limbs were crushed by her.
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Despite her build, the demon general moved like lightning -and punched with a force of one-, surprisingly light on feet, effortlessly acrobatic. She played with her own weight as if she weighed like a feather, toyed with her opponent in the brutal dance.
She was almost always leading, few able to match her brutal rhythm, the current one managed to duck before the swing could connect and wrenched her arm backwards, the shoulder loudly popping out of its socket. The only reward was a low growl; he overstayed his welcome as her foot came down on his, the force and weight shattering the ankle. But Rozália wasn't done. Metallic talons of her foot instead of fingers dug into the mangled foot, severing the Achilles tendon with sadistic glee glowing in serpent eyes.
He staggered away once her merciless grip was released, trying to put as much distance between him and his doom as possible. Lips split wide, ignoring the pulsing pain of her shoulder, she began advancing to finish what she started. Raw fear shone oh so brightly in the eyes of her former challenger, trying to once again get into a position, only to find out how useless his left leg was. Rozália used that split second of distraction to deliver the finishing blow.
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Blood splattered onto a few members of the audience standing too close, the challenger sliding down to the floor after the flourish kick; barely, but alive. As always, it took a few seconds for her move to register, then the howls rose in volume and she stood victorious & vicious, basking in the animalistic reactions. The crowd parted when she stepped out of the ring, by now they knew better than to attempt to touch her after a match.
The pained hiss only left her lips when she was close her personal dressing room and she was coming down her high of adrenaline; the bright colors uncommon in Pride also catching her eyes.
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“Don't tell me your image of me as the 'Hero in the Red Cape' is ruined.” she chuckled deeply as a greeting to Fizzarolli, her right hand carefully examining the popped out left shoulder, the only prominent injury she suffered.
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