kobayashisoul · 1 month
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》 ʀᴏᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ɴɪɴᴊᴀ & ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ɢᴀᴀʀᴀ: ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱᴏᴠᴇʀ 《
Hey Guys! 🩵
Today I got this Picture and it's in my Opinion one of the most beautiful and Canon-looking Comissions I ever got. Since I got it I didn't get tired of looking at it. its.sunjyo really is a Genius in Drawing Gaara - and now, two Gaara's in one Picture! That's really like a Dream came true. 👀
The Difference between them couldn't be bigger. In Appearance they are kinda looking alike, but their Personalitys are ... Well it's as the Name says, two completely different Worlds where different Things happened.
Road to Ninja Gaara is still a Jinchuuriki, fighting with Shukaku's Powers. He is a rebell and m*rdered way more people and did that way longer than his Canon Self. He is arrogant, selfish and cold-hearted. He shows no Mercy in Battles and he doesn't have a Problem with k&lling people, even for just looking at him a second too long. At least he was like that before he met Road to Ninja Raziela. Things started to change from then on, but very slowly. But as bad as he always was, he is and was always a loyal person.
Canon Gaara isn't a Jinchuuriki anymore since he was 15 years old. He was like RTN Gaara is before his Fight with Uzumaki Naruto. Nowdays he always wants to find a polite and peaceful Way to solve Things. He is quiet, reserved and introverted - but in a loving way. Words may be rare, but he thinks carefully about everything he says and anything has depth and he means it. He is interested in Friendships and Social Interactions, and found true love, in my Oc Raziela. And he is absolutely a loyal person and passionate about his Interests.
These two really couldn't be more different and I simply love what I created with Road to Ninja. 🩵
Art (c) its.sunjyo on Instagram
Gaara's RTN Design (c) @xkobayashisoulx
Sabaku No Gaara (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from its.sunjyo on Instagram. I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I am a Comission Collector. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
Gaara's RTN Design and Story belongs to me. ⚠️
Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way, written or drawn. ⚠️
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nimmie-nugget · 1 year
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No but srsly tf did I do to Mui’s chin💀💀 the shadings also terrible 😔
and I love interacting with others! Don’t be shy to dm me🤗 I’d never skip an opportunity to make new friends! I’m a loner irl🥲
My content will mostly be about the Tokito twins but I will happily do other characters too!
I will gladly do your requests and if you want something specific please add some context!
I am not entirely fixated on Demon Slayer! Please scroll down and read “Extra Note”
Time zone: PST
Do not use my shit without permission! Thx :)
(👆—It’s not like their going to cuz have u seen what u wrote💀💀)
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-No Smut
-No Incest
-No Phedopilia
Can be platonic, just specify what kind of relationship it is :)
Anything that I did not mention in the rules will be accepted!
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Please do add some context so I know where I’m starting off, it’s just like- I’m terrible at starting things off 😭!
It can also be any AU you’d like!
If AU is not mentioned, the AU will immediately be chosen by me, and please specify if you want it to be a Oneshot or Headcannons!
Edit: why do I have 👆 here 😃?? AU would be original if not specified 😋
I can’t guarantee my fanfics will be as good, since I’m new to writing. (Not new anymore but I’m still using this as an excuse 🗿✨)
I do hope my fanfics live up to your expectations <3 (YEAHHH!! Don’t be disappointed if it didn’t live up to your expectations because I friggin put my efforts and shit in there 😤❤️)
(How do u tell someone to not be disappointed it’s not like they can control their emotions like emotion benders or smth)
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~Extra Note~
Note for Xreader
I just want to mention the fandoms I write for Xreader~
-Demon Slayer Tokito Twins are my main focus, tho I don’t mind if you want to request a different [Character] X Reader.
-MHA only the Todoroki Family.
-Helluva Boss Helluva Boss is not an excuse for nsfw. There will be a few suggestive content in Helluva Boss. A LOT of vulgar language, not just swearing but I will censor the words with ‘*’
-Hazbin Hotel Season 1 yuppy
-Yandere Simulator apparently the fandom is still somehow alive so I shall write 😎.
-Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Reboot yuppyyyy
-Five Nights at Freddy’s Strictly Platonic. Do specify the relationship between the character and reader when requesting.
-Security Breach Strictly Platonic. Do specify the relationship between the character and reader when requesting.
-Ruin DLC Strictly Platonic. Do specify the relationship between the character and reader when requesting.
-Migi To Dali these twins istg, thought they were genius’s in the beginning but turns out there idiots and I respect that. 🗿☕️
-The Amazing Digital Circus We have all gone too far in simping to turn back now. 😔
-Murder Drones V stan here, if she doesn’t make a comeback I’m gonna cry for the rest of my life.
And that is all for now~ I will update “Extra Note” as I get introduced to others fandoms!
P.s I know Fnaf, Security Breach, and Ruin DLC are from the same fandom but I just thought I should make it separate.
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Forever Infinity Hashira/Alive Yuichiro AU [Currently in a Re-making.] <No xreader>
👆I lied it’s never coming out 😋👍
Demon Slayer [No XReader]
Demon Slayer
Todoroki Family
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Yandere Simulator [Coming soon…]
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun [Coming soon…]
Five Nights at Freddy’s [Coming soon…]
Security Breach [Coming soon…]
Ruin DLC [Coming soon…]
Migi To Dali [Coming soon…]
The Amazing Digital Circus [Coming soon…]
Murder Drones [Coming soon…]
Random Crap
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toreii · 1 year
Im debating if I should translate this chapter, but in the meantime, let me scream😆
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He sounds like a very mature Idia to me.😂 I wish we could see what he really looks like. I mean, I know the genetic features run in the family, but I would have still loved to have seen his face.
And, as if this wasn’t enough:
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Idia’s mom sounds so young to me. And, in a sense, gave me Rika from Mystic Messenger vibes. Is it me or is there a calculating chill on this woman?😂
Oh god, I’m just so floored right now. I know your son and everyone else is pretty much in danger right now, but I just…I need more time with the parents. Im loving the helmets, but at the same time I want to see them.😭 I want these crumbs I couldn’t get in episode 6🥹
Now that I’ve had a nap, I proceeded to the next part. First off, their parents don’t have names. They are merely referred to as Director for Shroud papa, and Chief for Shroud mama. Their mom is basically the head of technology.
I know Idia has expressed before that his parents don’t seem to care for them. And, they do come off as all work and no play. I feel like it’s mostly because they are at the front of STYX. This is, in a way, the family business. They have to run it.
The more I hear the director, the more I do feel like he’s obviously older, but a more mature sounding Idia. He tends to be more level headed, as he’s assessing the situation on Sage’s Island, and speculating all sorts of possibilities. He’s also quick to delegate STYX, and start getting things done just like Idia is quick to formulate plans in a pinch. It’s why I say he’s like a mature Idia.
The chief, however, I feel like she has two sides to her. As Chief, she’s very business-like. Shroud papa also mentioned that she’s a genius! I guess it makes sense because she is an engineer. She also predicted Ortho would reach out to them via the STYX satellite because Idia hacked into it since “he can’t live without internet”. Anything involving technology is her thing. That being said, this is a woman who knows her boys all too well.
While their dad wondered if his sons were already gone, mama was like “They’re alive.” Shroud papa asked how she knew, and her response is “A mother’s ‘intuition’.” Even when Ortho finally managed to reach STYX, it’s like a switch flipped and she went into mama mode.😂 It’s a little jarring hearing her have such a youthful voice like that of a teenage girl. She sounds waaaay too young.🤣
And, she definitely doesn’t treat Ortho like that isn’t her irl son. She calls him “Orth-kun”, but it’d be more like “Orthie”? She asks Ortho if “Onii-chan” is okay. She asks if he has any injuries, too. In a baby voice, tells him it must’ve been so scawwy😆 Ortho definitely inherited her optimistic attitude.
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months
In vague relation to the Blood Communion quote I shared the other day which also referred to slaves - Anne definitely was never errr... shy - here are some thoughts after reading
The Black Vampyre
First off - thanks to the nonny who shared this with me! :) It was a hugely interesting read, and it will definitely stay in my mind.
A few words to the short story itself.
I have read the version by Gothic World Literature Editions. The notes, and additional texts differ somewhat from the PDF version I shared in the other post, so whoever wishes to read up on it might want to read both. This post contains quotes and photos from both.
The story itself is short, and supposedly written in two afternoons. Its language is powerful, but also confusing and the text seems very much one of its time, even though it also breaks with various preconceptions. There's so many references that I was very glad to have an edition with the necessary explanations.
⚠️The short story might be triggering for some - it opens with a slave owner trying to kill a slave - the lone survivor of a slave ship - and failing to do so. It is, as short as it is, graphic and gory, and I personally did not see the comedy in it. The story deals with the plight of slaves, too, set against the backdrop of Haiti at the time of uprising - "the Haitian Revolution, the hemisphere’s first successful colonial revolution against slavery".
My edition opens with this quote:
"Our bodies shall burst from their fetters, glorious as a curculio from its shell;—our minds shall soar like the car of the æronaut, when its ligaments are cut; in a word, O my brethren, we shall be free!—Our fetters discandied, and our chains dissolved, we shall stand liberated,—redeemed,— emancipated,—and disenthralled by the irresistible genius of UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION!!!"
As I said - powerful.
This is part of the Prince's speech to his fellow vampyres and freed slaves. The story itself deals with revenge, and how it is exacted, and it likens the plight of the vampires to that of the slaves. A plight which is stopped by soldiers, the ruling institution.
There is also betrayal, and a vampire child, and a flight to Europe.
There are various references to the capitalist grip (as noted here in the introduction):
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Now, I am no literary major. I majored in Computer Science, (and often go at things highly logical^^) and so I would invite those of you interested in the actual breakdown to read the PDF and/or book and the contained references and explanations, as mentioned.
However, as this was put to me in relation to Anne‘s works… let me dip into that aspect of it all - or, better, the aspects of this story within Anne‘s work - and the show, since reading it… did bring up some weird recognition, and parallels, imho.
These could be circumstantial! Likely are.
Or maybe Anne (and/or the writers) read the story at some point and it lingered… because, as said, I found it quite powerful in language. We'll probably never know.
Now, @lynnenne put it very well on the other post when she recalled Rolin saying that it would be hard to write a sympathetic slave owner.
And there is nothing sympathetic about Mr. Personne. Perceiving the lone survivor of a sunken slave ship he deems him non-work-worthy, and so decides to kill him on the spot. When drowning him fails, he tries to burn the boy, and gets burned instead, and the (vampire) boy goes and supposedly takes his baby.
The boy later returns as a "Prince", to marry the widow of the slave owner, having with him a mortal boy he has given education. There is evidence within the text that he spell-binds her a bit, in fact the powers seem somewhat familiar (already).
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(from the "Themes" part of the book)
The Prince turns her, on a graveyard, making her drink blood from her later child's dead (and recently buried) body. And making her resurrected dead husbands (three in total) fight each other. He then leaves her and the resurrected first husband, the slave owner (who is also turned), with the boy - who turns out to be the baby she thought dead, and who is now called Zembo. He tells them he forgives Mr. Personne and to sail to Europe.
On their way to the ship they encounter a vampire ball - with the vampires and armed (freed) slaves present. They observe, and, other than the slaves, the vampires are eventually slain by soldiers - Zembo, raised by the Prince, has betrayed him.
The three remaining vampires - the wife, the slave owner and their child - manage to procure a cure and turn back into mortals. However she is pregnant, and gives birth to a "mulatto" vampire child, which then passes on some traits down the generations to the narrator of the story.
There's several aspects of this which seem... familiar, as mentioned.
We have a "prince", taking a child, and returning a child. Fathering a vampire child. The Prince is likened to Helen of Troy and Medusa (the Medusa ring in the later books springs to mind, and we all know Lestat's title then). And of course: Viktor.
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The Prince raises a child and is betrayed by that child - and killed at a ball. Claudia comes to mind, of course.
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The "wife" tries to flee to Europe with said child. (Note: I don't necessarily buy into the Louis is the wife labeling, since I believe that both Lestat and Louis fluctuate in their gender roles, but to call the parallel / echo here...) In the books Louis is a slave owner.
There is a mixed race marriage, and a mixed race child, making a very interesting commentary for the time, in contrast to the historical social concerns.
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The show gives us Dubai as a backdrop for the modern setting, which is most assuredly no coincidence.
Dubai, with laws that forbid Louis' very state of being, totally apart from his vampiric status. Dubai, built on oil and slave labor, a capitalist playground, so very fitting for the vampires to reside there.
The Black Vampyre is a remarkable story, but it... I'm not sure how to put it. I find the punishment of the other husbands and then forgiving Mr. Personne (the one who did try to kill the Prince), and the later baptizing of the child - and as the text noted as a "reward" for the betrayal of the Prince - do not sit all that well with me.
Maybe that is due to our time and day. And of course the fact that this story was written anonymously within the literary high class circles of New York puts it into its own context.
There seems to be no good reason to kill the vampyres... apart from their supernatural status, and their challenge of the status quo.
The PDF text explains this better than I could:
"The pleasurable play with life, death, and the living dead encourages readers to see financial crimes among white people as forms of vampirism, while cautiously side-stepping the most obvious form of financial and life-predation present in the story: the enslavement of Africans. In this, the story turns to superstition not necessarily to dupe its readers, but rather to redirect their attention toward some crimes and away from others."
Look at my right hand, not at my left. (That is something the characters in Anne's book as well as the show do a lot, too.)
There is a poem which was published with the second edition of the story, and in this several professions, and actions are likened to that of being a vampyre, too. And there is a "Moral" chapter preceding it, which lays the meaning all out, at least in the author's opinion.
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Again, it is a remarkable book/story. Its relations to The Vampyre by Lord Byron, and therefore the relations to Frankenstein and other works from that group are hugely interesting, as is the criticism inhabiting the text.
"In the process, The Black Vampyre drafts obeah into the “MORAL” that appears at the story’s end: that the true vampires are the shysters, the leeches, and the myriad other grifters who profit from other’s hard work and responsible behavior."
I'll close with another snippet from the PDF, which is a review of the time, making a rather... interesting comment:
[...] the absurdity of supposing that any sane woman could fall desperately in love with the character of a Vampyre.[..]
...yeah, how on Earth could a sane woman fall for a charming, rich, beautiful immortal... Couldn't be me^^.
Maybe that was the comedic part I missed^^.
Original ask
The PDF of The Black Vampyre
A Blood Communion quote dealing with slaves and their... possibly later role for the vampires that Anne put into the last book.
In regards to the last link: Anne Rice was never shy with words or themes, Louis' backstory was adapted for the show, granted, but the themes permeate the Chronicles, and some characters have rather difficult backstories - Armand's "rent boy" reaction comes to mind, everyone who knows his backstory knows why. But also the show's change to him will need to come into play within it - there have been discussions about this already, and though there is no way to tell yet how it will be addressed - and if it might in turn change other things or which things - I doubt it will be ignored.
It will be hugely interesting to see how the show tackles all this, because it is beyond doubt one of the most difficult aspects of the Chronicles.
I for one am very glad that they changed that part of Louis' story (and his race) - because of course this change now carries repercussions for the rest of the show, as it should.
And the change to Armand will bring its own repercussions, and I'm aaaalllllll for the show to deal with it.
So thank you to whoever put me to The Black Vampyre. It was, and is hugely interesting.
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