#✉ chlo answers mail ✉
jeanboyjean · 5 months
What do you think jean’s reaction would be if he likes you but yall aren’t together, and he catches you staring at one of the other guys after a workout, or something like that (I just know he’d be so dramatic lmao) feel free to pick one person, give a general reaction or a list, whichever you want, no pressure 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
asjkjskj OKAY so i just started writing and this is what i blurted out akjsdfnsd he is actually so dramatic i love it when he’s a little pathetic like let me love you u silly man. this became 500 words HAHA
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Jean knows.
He’s an idiot but he knows he shouldn’t be jealous. In fact, he has no right to feel anything at all. He shouldn’t even be looking to be honest. And yet, he can’t help it. Not when his world slows to a stop, walls caving in, vision tunnelling to zero in on you every time you’re in the same room together.
His grip tightens on the dumbbells he’s holding, knuckles white, teeth clenched. The sound of his blood pumping roars in his ears, silencing the music blaring in his earphones. 
Why the fuck are you staring at him? 
There you are, sitting on a bench across the gym in your cute little workout outfit and instead of looking at Jean, your eyes are locked on his friend in front of you. Reiner’s deep in a squat, with at least three plates on each side like the miserable show off he is. You must be between sets, with your water bottle in hand, but your gaze is fixed on his form as he grunts out another rep.
Honestly, Jean can’t even blame you when Reiner’s out there throwing around weights like it’s nothing. If he was attracted to men, he would probably be checking him out, too.
Jean huffs in annoyance. He looks down at his arms and flexes his triceps. Sure, he may not be as beefy as Reiner, but he’s no slouch himself. Why is it that you never seem to notice?
Sometimes he’ll feel a glimmer of hope when you smile at him the way you do with that little twinkle in your eyes as if laughing at an inside joke only the two of you share; only to be shattered in a second when you turn that same look on someone else. There’s only so much more of this he can take before he feels like he’ll be about ready to burst. 
Jean knows he should just look away and focus on himself. But how can he when you’re right there, looking as perfect as ever despite being sweaty and messy from working out. Hell, it only makes him want you even more. He wishes it could be him making you sweat. You would never need to go to the gym with the way he knows he could work you out. If only he could just muster up the courage to tell you how he feels. All he wants is to just make you his. He swears he would do anything to give you everything. 
He’s burning holes into Reiner’s body with his eyes and the other man must be able to feel it because he halts, looking up into the mirror to make eye contact with Jean. Reiner double takes and racks his weights. Clearly confused, he slides his headphones off his ears and turns to face Jean with his eyebrows raised. The movement catches your attention and you stir from where you’re sitting on the bench across from him. 
Your eyes follow Reiner’s gaze to land on where Jean is standing, seething, still gripping the dumbbells like his life depends on it. And then, Jean’s heart stutters and the air leaves his lungs in a whoosh … because there it is. Your smile. You've got that smile lighting up your face and now all the tension is escaping his body, leaving him weak in the knees. What he wouldn’t give to have you look at him and only him that way. 
When you lift your hand up in a small wave, it's the nail in the coffin. That's it. He’s going to have to make you his now.
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jean’s out here simmering thinking you’re staring at other guys … which true bc they’re also pretty hot … but in this instance you were actually zoning out and reiner just happened to be in front of you. 
i chose reiner #1 he’s gym dad #2 i can’t keep making every situation jean x reader x eren. 
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jeanboyjean · 4 months
can you do late night drives with jean pls 🙏🏻 cigarettes after sex def playing too 😞
can i do late night drives with jean? yes i can bc it is literally all i think about!! woke up yearning for him so im sorry bc this is VERY soft. im sick and twisted and it's all his fault. this is 1k words of pure fluff. established relationship.
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Upbeat pop music blares from the speakers as the credits start rolling on the TV to signal the end of the movie you had been watching. In the darkness of the screen, you can see the reflection of you and Jean cuddled up on the couch - you're curled up on your side with your head in his lap as he plays with your hair. A smile forms on your lips and you tilt your head up to look at him. The sun had set gradually over the past few hours and now the glow of the TV is the only thing that lights up the room. It casts a shadow over his face and you peer up at him as your tired eyes adjust their focus.
“What do you wanna do now?” You ask, your voice a little groggy as you blink up at him lazily. 
You slowly stretch out your limbs, a little achy from lying down for so long and Jean smiles down at you. He hums in thought, his hands stilling in your hair. After a moment, he slides your head off his legs and gently lays you down next to him. He stands carefully, rolling out his shoulders and straightening out his clothes.
“Let’s go for a drive,” he suggests.
You follow suit, stumbling up to your feet, masking a yawn with your hands as the lateness of the night hits you. His eyes soften at the sight and he pulls you in with his arms wrapped around your waist. His warmth envelopes you and you melt into his embrace, bringing your arms around to grip the back of his shirt. He holds you steady against him and your eyes lock together as you look up at his face with your chin against his chest. 
“Nevermind,” he says softly, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. “If you’re tired let’s just go to bed.” 
You shake your head. “No, I wanna go. I’m not tired at all.” 
It's a lie but it's also the truth. It doesn’t matter how sleepy you are, you would never say no. Throughout your relationship with Jean, these are some of the moments that you love the most. Impromptu drives late at night, no real destination, no real purpose because you don’t need one when it's just the two of you. Both of you sitting together with your messy hair and tired eyes, you in your pyjama shorts and him in sweats, no one to impress except each other. 
You’re in the car now, fiddling with your seatbelt, as Jean starts up the car. It purrs to life and you blink at the sudden brightness lighting up in front of you when he switches on the headlights. You sink into your seat, getting comfortable as he turns in his chair to back out of the driveway with one hand against the back of your headrest. Your eyes meet for a second and he winks before turning back forward.
The road is almost empty when he pulls out onto the street and there’s something about how quiet it is at this hour. It's uncanny how peaceful it feels when it’s normally roaring with life during the day, constant noise and movement, only to be dead in the night. Streetlights illuminate the darkness, guiding you along and you hear the steady hum of the engine and Jean’s soft breaths as he drives. 
He taps your leg, getting your attention. There's a rustle as he shifts in his seat to reach into his pocket and passes you his phone.
“Play something,” he says.
You nod, taking it from him. You quickly unlock his phone and scroll through his music to find it’s open to a playlist, the one he had made for the two of you years ago when you had first started dating. These songs make me think of you, he had said at the time, his voice hesitant but true as he had showed it to you in this very same car. He’s added a few songs since then and it makes you giddy knowing he still listens to them, that he still thinks of you like this. 
You click play on the song he was last listening to. Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby - Cigarettes after sex. A soft melody fills the car with the soothing acoustics of the guitar and drums. Jean glances over at you and smiles, his eyes twinkling in the light. 
His hand closest to you reaches down to rest on your thigh, squeezing once. You press your head against your window, feeling the cool surface against your skin. It grounds you as you watch the street pass, houses zipping by in a steady blur as Jean pulls onto the motorway, picking up some speed. 
His fingers slowly trace light circles into your leg, travelling up and down the inside of your bare thigh. His touch burns through your skin, creating an electric pulse that races through your nerves. A shiver rolls through you and you squirm in your seat unable to contain it, much to his delight. His hand slowly creeps up your thigh, sliding underneath the bottom of your shorts to press against the crease of your hip and play with the hem of your underwear. Warmth pools in your core and you press your legs together, trying to suppress the desire it brings. Heat flushes over your skin, creeping up to your cheeks as your head snaps to him. He continues to stare at the road in front of him but there’s a smirk on his face - he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“Focus on the road, Jean,” you say, nudging his hand down with little conviction. 
His lips stretch into a wide grin. His eyes flit to you, warm but glowing with a glint of mischief. They scan you slowly up and down and your skin prickles, goosebumps left in their wake as you bask in his gaze. 
“I am focused,” he retorts.  
“I don’t know if I believe you.”
“I’m focused on you. Isn't that what matters?” 
His words strike you in one quick blow. Your heart hammers in your chest, air lodging in your throat. How can the words come so easily to him? So carefree.
“You’re so sappy. You can’t just say things like that.” You mumble and he laughs, the sound weightless, filling the space between you.
His hand flips up in invitation and you accept, intertwining your fingers together. The song croons softly in the background as you play with his fingers, tracing the veins and the ridges of his knuckles. His fingers twitch in yours as he taps against the steering wheel with his other hand. As if second nature, he lifts your interlaced fingers to his lips and presses a soft kiss to the back of your hand. 
“I love you,” he says into your skin and you melt at the sincerity in his voice. 
“I love you, too."
You watch as his eyes light up, the smile never leaving his face. Your hands stay connected when he places them back down to your lap. His thumb gently caresses your knuckles and quiet settles between you again, no words needed to know what the other has to say.
The open road stretches out in front of you, beckoning you forward into the darkness that swallows your surroundings. Jean grips the wheel and continues into the night, no directions required, for now no end in sight. He continues to drive aimlessly, letting his heart navigate the way, because all roads lead to you no matter what.
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i hope he's got an electric car bc cruising around for no reason? in this economy?? 🫣
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jeanboyjean · 7 months
what would you say jean’s love language would be? 🥺🤍
he absolutely shows love through acts of service. he's such a selfless person at heart and he would do anything for the people he cares about. wake up in the night and ur thirsty? he'll get up and get water. working late again? he'll wait up to pick you up bc he doesn't want u taking the train at night. when ur favourite jacket rips and ur upset bc it's not on sale anymore, he'll learn to sew and put it back together for you.
and i think jean loves words of affirmation. he would do all of this anyway, but hearing you tell him how much u appreciate and love him would make his heart so full. every time you tell him how lucky u are to have found him, he's glowing and kicking his feet the whole day. when he's feeling down, all he needs is you to hold him and tell him everything will work out.
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jeanboyjean · 2 months
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i saved a bunch of screencaps from pinterest omg 😭😭😭😭 idc he always on my mind but his wet hair 😿
omg u and me both 😩 my gallery is a mess lmao
why is he always looking so unimpressed 😭 😭 he's so wet cat
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jeanboyjean · 2 months
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jeanboyjean · 4 months
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IT WAS SO GOOD OMG AHSJSJ HIT ME RIGHT WHERE IT HURTS!! ur writing is amazing 😭 cant wait to read more hehe
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jeanboyjean · 1 month
i watched your pinned video and now 'too sweet' is stuck in my headddddd😩😩
whenever it gets stuck in my head i have to rewatch the video ahsjsjsjs it's self care 😌
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jeanboyjean · 4 months
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jeanboyjean · 6 months
I know I'm late, but your trademark is jean!! without a doubt. I always think about you when I see him, every photo and fic of him makes me think of you. he = you. it's undeniable
ily em <33 he really is the one for mee i'll happily bear this trademark 😌 will never shut up about him
tell me my trademark!
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jeanboyjean · 2 months
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jeanboyjean · 4 months
hi Chloe!! indulge me please!! what would jean do for Valentine's Day?? hope your weekend's been a relaxing one so far!! <3
what would jean do for valentines day?? o my goodness mochi i cannot handle the thought of him im going to explode. it's been a relaxing day for me today and i hope you've had a good one too! 
i think jean would definitely plan something for u. he keeps it lowkey, nothing extravagant but he takes advantage of the day to show how much he really appreciates you. 
he would start with a cute note left on the bedside table - something like hi beautiful! good morning come to the kitchen when you’re awake ♡ (omg i am literally kicking my legs typing this i actually can’t get into it). i always headcannon him to wake up first and usually he’ll wait in bed until u wake up because he loves the way your sleepy eyes light up when you see him. on this day though he’s in the kitchen already, whipping up your favourite breakfast. he sits u down and spoils u, taking away your plate when you're done and shooing u away when u go to wash it. you both have to go to work so u make the most of the morning (i.e. shower together!!). i think i’ve said this before but the way he expresses love is through acts of service!!! he goes home early from work (without u knowing) to get everything ready to surprise you with your favourite meal + bakes a little cake for dessert (imagine him calling his mum for help. im crying on the floor). it may seem simple but it's so intimate and perfect bc u can just see how much care has gone into it. to cap it off you go for a drive and park up to watch the stars and when u kiss ur both thanking each and every one for bringing the two of u together 
*uncontrollable crying*
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jeanboyjean · 5 months
theme is an absolute BANGER in jeanboyjean we trust to make a sexy jean theme
askjndkjsa says u?? ur themes r always so hot. doesn't he look so good in pink hehe <333
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jeanboyjean · 5 months
the new theme is so pretty!!! oh my god I'm so in love w itttt
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thank u my love ur too sweet!! <3333
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jeanboyjean · 2 months
seeing you reblog 10 things I hate about you made me grin from ear to ear!!! I love that movie!! I love Patrick (ignore the circumstances in which he fell for Kat)! He's also very Jean-coded to me 🥺 and I relate to Kat too much lol hi Chloe!! just wanted to share my inner thoughts after I saw that post lol hope you're doing well my friend! <3
it's one of my faves!!! and AGREEEE he's very much jean-coded im happy someone else sees it too hehehe and im def a bit of a kat as well. i would die if jean serenaded me in front of the school 😭
thx for sharing ur thoughts mochi!!! its nice to hear from u :) i hope ur having a good week so far <3
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jeanboyjean · 2 months
OMG !! the purple of your theme is so gorgeous!! i havent been super active recently so i definitely missed the moment when u changed up ur theme but holy shit its so pretty!!!
thank u em!! watch me change it again bc i can't make up my mind 😩 i haven't been active much as well but i miss uuuu i hope ur doing well ♡
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jeanboyjean · 3 months
waaa chlo the purple looks soso good on ur blog and i love the new pfp tehe 🫶🫶
ty ada!!! i love it too but it also makes me sad bc i feel like im cheating on jean 😔 but idk shin suits purple more and i want to show him some love too!!
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