#✎ . .  VINCE WALKER  —  ❛❛  cool. ethereal. thermostat controlled. it's a/c by vince  ❞
pseudoneiiric · 2 years
@deathwis / @e1dest​ asked:
it's late by the time he gets off, always pushing his hours until something else comes up ; or when the overtime pay ain't cuttin' it. at least that's how it used to be, how it mostly is, though he can't deny that there's other reasons now. ones tangled and knotted within the old ones, completely inseparable despite his worn but honest efforts. his hands are scratched by it, bitten and pinched rough in areas they weren't before 'cause of the damn split-end ropes he's been dealt with. but he can't do nothin' except endure it -- so that's what he does. quiet on the sites he's sent to and falling into simple rhythms : feeling the stretch of muscle in his arm that flexes with hammering, a sun that doesn't compare to arizona's beating on his back, with the rays soaking into the white of his shirt, and the occasional rustle of his tool belt when he's gotta twist a certain way to reach for something. it's things he's spent decades getting familiar with, yet the issue is that now there's a new beat trying to wiggle in where it don't belong. jamming into the middle and screwing everything up, disrupting any workflow. it's … kinda in his stomach, he thinks, this incessant pull. this ache that tumbles down his arched back. the sensation has even managed to shoot straight into his bad leg! tyler ain't stressed and he isn't cold, so having that already risky prone limb randomly hurt and seize up is stupid. feels that tightly stretched pain fresh in his heart too, like he's half a minute away from kneeling over. he hasn't exactly figured out what it is, though it's similar to something he's felt before, so he's got some notion.
the door opens easily enough, tyler making it in with little trouble ; the sharp flick of his wrist to turn the key practically routine at this point. there's still a pause between him slipping said brass key into his jean pocket, but the holt doesn't waste time on it. knows he'll get the hang of it eventually. so he enters the place ( his place ) with no greeting on his tongue, quick to toss his hard hat on the closest surface and make his way to the bedroom. blue eyes don't linger on the area like they normally do, having darted towards the hall the second he stepped foot within plaster-covered walls. every step makes him feel that smothering nothingness in his belly tenfold, growing -- or is it slowly easing? all he can really understand is that the presence expands more obviously inside, raking gently along acid lining and making his rib cage shudder. rocking bones within, making tyler's towering posture sway ever so slightly. it doesn't take long to stand before the bedroom, the door slightly ajar, a fact that still prods at his chest each time he's confronted with it. remembering all too well how it would be completely shut and locked and then … this happened. cheeks burn slightly at the drifting thought and he abruptly leaves it unfinished, foundation always laid but never furnished. settles to open the door with a gentle, short push of his dusted palm ; not stepping back when the wood nudges forth with no fanfare. there's no loud noise of it slamming against the barely dented wall that's built around it, no screeching creak of rusted hinges ( tyler regrets fixing that, it'd be easier to hear anyone comin' that way ) … it just opens. and leaves enough room for the younger to slip in, even when it begins swiveling back to its proper place.
he shouldn'ta come in yet. still needs to change clothes and shower so he doesn't drag any chippings, mulch, or anythin' else that's too jagged into layered carpet. but the second he arrives beside the bed that dumb heartache floats right into grasping fingers, rational mind hazed over with something that outweighs any logic or self-consciousness. the very strings slicing through his stomach guide him to hover close, situated right above vince like he's an inch away from the decision of whether to suffocate him or not. hand stopping right before a peaceful face, fingertips trembling with the force of that action, and tyler pinches his lips and sighs through his nose, the noise more of a huff because of it. he takes a stolen second to think of orange and beige blending together, how coarse fibers would brush against his skin, before he redirects his arm towards the other man's shoulder. molding it beneath his hand and his chest compressing with the sturdiness he finds there. greedy grip tightens, and then tyler gives vince a rough shake. “hey.”
there's a softness that pushes at the edges of his scruffy chin, eating away at the exhaustion that lives permanently on tyler's face. shadows intense eyes with a want that makes the corners smoother, bags ebbing. the second he gives vince another aggressive shake to wake him, however, that's all hidden behind wooden beams and concrete. expression hardening once again into a slightly irritated, tired look. when the same shade of blue meets his gaze, he grunts, pushing past the rush of uncomfortable fondness that leaps up his throat at the sight. “move over. that's my spot.” it wasn't up for debate that tyler would sleep on the side closest to the door. after all, one of them had to play it smart. yet as he ghosts in place he begins losing that nervous jitter in his body, and he doesn't gotta be a professor to know why. ears flare with the realization, a sudden shyness dipping into his slumping shoulders. as he waits for vince to come to, tyler awkwardly looks away, and his heart isn't any better for it ; not when it's stabbed with that ache again.
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there’s  a  bone-deep  exhaustion  that  follows  vince  most  places,  one  he  valiantly  tries  to  ignore  for  the  sake  of  getting  out  of  bed  most  mornings.  michelle  was  never  exactly  patient  with  that  sort  of  thing,  and  he  never  could  blame  her  for  that.  she  married  him  wanting  someone  ...  who  could  care  for  her.  provide  for  her.  start  a  family  with  her  and  be  her  companion.  and  vince  tries  his  hardest  to  be  those  things,  tries  to  ignore  the  viscous  smear  somewhere  deep  in  his  chest  and  settling  murky  in  his  belly  that  reminds  him  how  much  it  takes  out  of  him.  how  bad  that  accident  at  the  airline  had  been  for  him.  it  doesn’t  help  that  this  very  black  spot  had  driven  her  out  of  the  very  same  bed  he’s  sleeping  in  now,  moved  from  sacramento  to  st.  louis  with  only  a  couple  scratches  to  show  for  it.  he  recalls  waiting  up  at  night,  cozy  in  bed  with  reading  glasses  on  as  he  pores  over  a  romance  novel  michelle  had  been  reading,  one  he’d  been  sneaking  peeks  at  too  when  she  was  gone.  he  knows  she  probably  wouldn’t  have  minded  him  borrowing  it,  reading  it...  but  back  then,  he  had  always  been  testy  around  her,  worrying  about  how  he  might  fail  her  next.  a  suspicion  that  proved  right,  when  he  heard  the  keys  in  the  door  and  he  hastily  turned  the  lamp  off,  placing  the  book  back  on  the  bedside  table  and  his  glasses  somewhere  nearby,  holding  his  breath  because  he  didn’t  want  her  to  know  how  worried  he’d  been.  he  could  see  the  light  click  on  behind  his  closed  eyelids,  hear  her  humming  pleasantly,  smell  the  wine  and  perfume  on  her.
staying  up  late  for  tyler,  though  vince  doesn’t  want  to  admit  it,  feels  much  the  same.  though  he  knows  that  tyler  doesn’t  have  many  options,  what  with  him  being  one  of  america’s  most  famous  fugitives,  vince  can’t  shake  the  paranoid  imaginings.  tyler  taking  overtime  so  he  can  chat  with  one  of  his  coworkers...  a  really  tall,  handsome  guy,  built  and  slender.  vince  squeezes  his  eyes  shut  and  refocuses  when  the  mystery  man  ends  up  looking  like  tyler’s  twin,  imagining  instead  someone  a  little  older  —  tyler  likes  older,  he  thinks  sourly  —  maybe  a  manager  or  something,  someone  that  can  bend  him  over  the  desk  and  make  him  choke  on  his  own  moans.
vince  squeezes  his  eyes  shut,  tries  to  chase  the  thoughts  away  and  tell  himself  tyler  would  never  risk  it.  but  he  can’t  help  but  turn  the  bedside  lamp  on,  rolling  onto  the  other  side  at  the  scattered  clothes  on  the  floor.  mostly  his  own,  since  tyler’s  always  been  neater  than  him.  his  gaze  falls  on  the  hamper,  and  he  hesitates.  is  it...  weird,  to  smell  your  boyfriend’s  clothes  because  you're  scared  he’s  having  an  affair  even  though  he’s  probably  just  working  overtime?  his  toes  flex,  and  he  braces  himself  for  his  bare  feet  to  touch  carpet.  goes  to  rifle  in  their  stuff  until  he  finds  a  shirt  he  likes,  burying  his  nose  in  the  fabric  and  taking  in  a  long  breath.  it  smells  like  him,  earthy  and  reliable.  vince  can’t  help  but  feel  that  longing  lance  up  in  him,  and  he  wants  to  drop  the  shirt  back  in  the  hamper  out  of  reflex,  but  he  doesn’t.  can’t.  it  takes  him  a  while  to  be  able  to  wrench  it  out  of  his  hands,  chiding  himself  all  the  while  for  the  bad  idea.  way  to  make  himself  miss  tyler  more!  making  his  mind  whir  and  wander,  wondering  who  could  be  smelling  that  woodsy  scent  on  his  boyfriend  right  now.  with  a  beleaguered  sigh,  vince  clambers  back  into  bed  and  clicks  the  lamp  off.  tries  to  still  his  breathing  enough  to  will  himself  to  sleep.
next  thing  he  knows,  there’s  a  hand  on  his  shoulder,  shaking  him  awake.  “huh?”  murmurs  vince,  blearily  looking  up  at  the  intruder.  he  doesn’t  remember  what’s  going  on  for  a  solid  minute,  blinking  until  he  can  finally  muster  up  a,  “tyler?”  there’s  a  warmth  that  blooms  in  his  chest  then,  one  hand  fisting  into  the  sheets  like  he’s  imagining  it’s  tyler’s  shoulder.  “what  time  is  it?”  it’s  only  then  that  vince  realizes  what  tyler’s  asking  of  him,  and  he  awkwardly  shuffles  back  over  to  his  side  of  the  bed.  still,  his  hand  is  poised  over  the  covers,  waiting  for  tyler  to  come  on  in  so  he  can  wrap  both  of  them  up.
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pseudoneiiric · 2 years
i was talking the other day about how i should write a meta about how vince sees himself, and while i was taking the bus home today i was thinking about it. and it kind of hit me that vince is a really difficult character to nail down writing-wise. like i mentioned this in a voice note a while back, but vince just isn’t tropey. you can’t really assign him tropes and kind of write from that trope, because he doesn’t really fit any trope at all. he’s not entirely the self-sacrificing type, not entirely a doormat, not entirely a fighter, not entirely the fat loser, not entirely an athletic wrestler, not entirely an academic type... and so on. there’s just a lot of complexities to vince that make it hard to kind of get his voice down.
like, here’s an example. we can kind of see through vince’s dialogue that he doesn’t like himself very much. he feels insecure about his size, he doesn’t consider himself to be intelligent, and he pretty regularly hides or covers up his true feelings. but then he’s also calling himself a superhero around zoe, standing up for himself around jim, and really knowing to some degree who he is, what he wants, and what he values. i keep coming back to the constant dialogue around vince being a fighter; the lawyer in his dream says, so you do got a little fight left in you, jim always wants vince to fight back, and if vince tells michelle he’s going to sue the airline, she tells him she’s happy to see him fight for something again. like i think vince is a very passionate character when it all comes down to it. but this post isn’t really about who vince is, but rather who he thinks he is.
and that’s kind of complicated! i keep coming back to the line where jim’s like “you’d make a good shrink” and vince immediately shoots back with “more like a neurotic patient”. im like (lawyer voice) oh so you do got a little anxiety left in you. i just think a lot about how vince was bullied as a kid but he still has such amazing workplace relationships. does he even realize how many friends he has? like, i think that’s the real tragedy of vince, that he probably has a much better support system than he gives himself credit for. i think about how supportive michelle is once she realizes where her priorities are, and like... god, and we can’t forget that line where vince is like “how could you think you’d be better off without your family? without mine, i’d be...” like it’s about him defining himself by his family but still not being a total doormat! he’s not happy making all these sacrifices for them, but he’s not unhappy either. it says something that i can see him pushing michelle about bruce’s texts and i can also see him telling her that it doesn’t matter, that he doesn’t want to know, that if she says nothing happened, he doesn’t want to make problems that don’t exist. like vince is soooo fascinating to me because you really have to be immersed in his mindset to write him. it’s hard to write him if you don’t have your finger on his pulse, so to speak. and i know this is rambly and not very put together but the point is that there’s a lot of contradictions to vince’s character, but not in the same way that we see contradictions in lilian’s character, for example. it’s not really opposing things like how we see for lilian, it’s more that vince is really complicated while also being surprisingly simple.
i wish i could nail this down exactly but unfortunately i am way too tired! but i may return to this concept and continue rambling about it. there are just so many lines for vince that hit different and really make me think about him. the ones i mentioned above (“so you do got a little fight left in you”, “more like a neurotic patient”, “how could you think you’d be better off without your family? without mine, i’d be...”, “i have enough problems without making ones that don’t need to exist”), but then there are a whole ton more, like... when he’s talking to jay about why he didn’t pursue flight school, he mentions that once michelle and zoe came into his life, he just had a new dream and the old one fell to the wayside. which is so important to me! and “fuck you, sheriff” haunts me, alongside lines like “it’s a/c by vince” and “no fear. gonna be awesome”. and like, come on, you can’t say vince is passive and fearful when he tells dale to his face “keep it in the gene pool” like COME ON!!! this man is insane and i haven’t even talked about his complex about his intelligence and appearance. oh my god
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pseudoneiiric · 2 years
tag dump for adf muses!
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pseudoneiiric · 2 years
okok last one. i nudge joyce towards vince. would you wife the lesbian up? ( for the : recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction! meme )
recommend ships for my muses!  /  accepting!
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“joyce? ah... ha...” would i’m married be a good enough excuse for this? it doesn’t seem like it’s... pertinent right now. besides, that’s not really the reason why vince is guiltily sneaking glances at the manager. it’s not that joyce isn’t a lovely woman. career-driven, a great mother to her son... he knows she’ll make someone really happy. he’s just not sure the two of them are necessarily... compatible. not that he has anything more than a gut feeling about it. he can’t point to any one thing and say — there it is. that’s why we’d never work. it’s more of a feeling. “is it a cop-out to say i’m already married?” acknowledging his earlier thought but framing it like a joke, vince straightens up and scratches the back of his head. “really, i... don’t think it’s that good of an idea. joyce is great, but i just don’t think it’d work out between us. but, hey — zoe and ash might turn out to be great friends if they had the chance.”
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