#✎ Eldritch Games
fuckingloginwall · 2 years
✎ Creeper, AWWW MAN!
《Flesh Torn Voids》 《Origins Biology》
Harbinger, Cavalry Captain, Wanderer, two Failures, Funeral Director, Investigator, Deceased Soul, Abyss Mage, and at last, an Eremite, are each approached by entities from beyond the stars. Intended targets or not, they forge an unbreakable bond with these beings who will change them and Teyvat forevermore
They are promised power and artifacts out of this world, without hope of being replicated by those native to Teyvat, and all they must give up is a simple price
Bodily autonomy
⌡ 🔏 Reader from Faraway, please do beware⌠
⌡ 🔏 Autonomy is lost. The word smut is used, albiet partly censored, and the topic itself goes undiscussed and unapproached⌠
⌡ 🔏 Please inform me if there are other warnings I have failed to lend thee⌠
Extras! Extras!
Any usernames I came up with that are used by people in real life is a mere coincidence.
VERY inspired by Heroes are nerds
Basically, people who play Minecraft but they're eldritch to Teyvat and they decide they want Genshin Impact Skins and do it by taking over the bodies of the real deal.
Players everyone is bonded to:
Here's a ficlet lol
Teyvat could never predict what was going to happen today.
All of the sudden, everyone could see text appear before their eyes, text they could do nothing about.
Childe_Abuse joined the game
〈Childe_Abuse〉I spent literal YEARS trying to find you, you kow that right???/
G0tt1stT0t joined the game
AbyssBorneDream joined the game
〈G0tt1stT0t〉I was hoping for your brother or even better, Fischl, but I've no ire with you instead. It also fits my username too I suppose
MyExTheUSPresident joined the game
〈AbyssBorneDream〉Heeey Prinzessin, wanna wield the great and terrible powers of [AbyssBorneDream] the *Aeternus Mori* all for the low-low price of loaning your body to your new master and becoming a changed person in both mind and body?
〈MyExTheUSPresident〉Oh hello there you got a name yet?
IxXi_Sm_tTopic_iXxI joined the game
〈IxXi_Sm_tTopic_iXxI〉tke THAT bitch Susbedo iS MINE!111
TheSuslaDevil joined the game
〈TheSuslaDevil〉awwww...Iwas hoping for Rubedo...:(
HorsemanOfDeath joined the game
〈HorsemanOfDeath〉Ha hah! You're not taken!
a_VIVISECTION_of_me joined the game
dragONIO joined the game
〈dragONIO〉Ight, what's under your feathers and cloak? Time to see!
WardeNyah joined the game
〈WardeNyah〉 THANK YOU i was taking FOREVER to choose who I wanted to play as!
〈dragONIO〉. . . . .
〈dragONIO〉Anyways lemme pull up BehindTheName unless you've got a name yourself.
〈a_VIVISECTION_of_me〉Oh fuck you weren't supposed to be mine :/, well I guess your getting resurrected now, sorry about disturbing your sleep but we can't go back now.
Player -> Skin (aka their victims lol)
Childe_Abuse -> Tartaglia
G0tt1stTot -> Kaeya
AbyssBorneDream -> Fischl
MyExTheUSPresident -> Wanderer
IxXi_Sm_tTopic_iXxI -> Dorian aka Fakebedo
TheSuslaDevil -> FellFlower
HorsemanOfDeath -> Hu Tao
a_VIVISECTION_of_me -> Kazuha's Friend
dragONIO -> Geo Abyss Mage
WardeNyah -> Hydro Eremite
Abyss & G0tt Players are fans of Hollow Knight, but Fischl's is also a hardcore roleplayer who's chill with breaking character but also enjoys the ProjectMoon franchise, hence the 'Eternal Death' title in latin (sorry if it's wrong). Abyss likes Cult of the Lamb as well.
VIVISECTION, also known as VIVI is a Danny Phantom fan, and adores body horror, more so than Abyss.
They also listen to GHOST so Kazuha's friend is gonna learn some GHOST songs
dragONIO is a play on Dragon and Ohio and Oh No and ONIO being a Drag King or Queen irl, i never picked a gender for them
MyExTheUSPresident or E-X-E, .EXE or EX-EE, kins Sonic from the Snapcube Fandubs in an ironic or unironic way, and watched all fandubs, even non-Sonic ones. Never consumed official media.
"That would tarnish my connection to my past life, muddying the memories that remain since the transfer."
IxXi was intially going for the FellFlower but decided to backstab Susla in their deal to have Fell and Dorian respectively and gunned for Dorian instead. Susla was sad that day man :(
Susla is a Chainsaw Man fan
The Players and their Skins cans't communicate with each other. Unless a Player installs a voice chat mod, they cannot be heard by those of Teyvat, they have to communicate out of signs, books, use chat, and whatnot. Player's cant use their skins to speak.
When Players leave the game, the Skins are given back their autonomy.
Also the ten Skins function as minecraft players now, they respawn at a random spawn point or where they last slept, their deaths show up in chat, they don't need to sleep anymore (they don't even need to worry about hostile mobs like phantoms or zombies or whatever!), they can craft, and everything else!
(Unless we make it so that minecraft mobs just spawn around Players and their Skins, possessed or not lol)
〈Kaeya Alberich〉Attention all vessels. We have retained the ability to use these entities means of communication. Please only use them in the event of an extreme emergency so as to not obstruct the populace's sight. Thank you.
Someone is abusing this power to obstruct people's sight.
Wanna dox yourself real quick? Speedrun speedrun? Kill a player or a vessel and get the Chat to snitch on you. None of the ten can hide it when they kill people either. When someone kills a Hilichurl or Abyss mage? Their name shows up in chat.
They call themselves Vessels, but we're calling them Skins cuz that's what they are to the Players.
Also they're getting taken out of Teyvat by the Players into another Minecraft Server that's just how it works lol. When Players leave the servers their Skins get sent back to Teyvet from where they left
It's an Origins SMP server btw
More on that in Flesh Torn Voids
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fuckingloginwall · 1 year
✎ Flesh Torn Voids
《Eldritch Games》 《Origins Biology》
One day the Vessels were taken out of their world and returned irreversibly changed. These entities placed their eternal mark.
But just where do these Vessels disappear to when the entities will it so? Would you like to see?
⌡ 🔏 Listen well, oh Reader from Faraway⌠
⌡ 🔏 Autonomy is lost. That is all I believe you need to beware⌠
⌡ 🔏 If I failed to caution thee against anything else within this tale, please tell me so⌠
Flesh Torn Voids Ep.1 ✨ Wardrobe Changes & Strange Rearrangements
6.9K subscribers
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Almost pitch black. Frantic breathing. Jumping and hitting the ceiling. Fist keeps hitting bedrock up above.
It keeps going.
It keeps going.
It keeps going.
The bedrock breaks. Jumping higher than ever before.
Breaking bedrock.
Stone . . .
Stone. Stone. Stone. Stone.
Jump up. Jump up. Jump up.
Green leaves rustling. Brown bark. Blue skies. White clouds. The sun up above.
Someone walking. Pale skin. Blonde hair. Green eye. Eyepatch. Black and purple clothes. Looks into the hole. Looks at them. Crouches.
A quiet feminine voice. "Hey, you good there?"
A man's voice rasps. "I've seen better days."
"Me too." The blonde stands up. "So where'd you come from?"
He turns around, looks into the tunnel. "I— I think I came out of the void." He faces the blonde again.
The blonde's voice isn't quiet. "What the fuck, you too?"
"Yes, where'd you get out from?" He drags himself out of his hole. Green grass under him now.
The blonde walks. "I dug out at around here, here come check it out." He follows them.
Another hole, as deep as his. They both look down.
"This is where I came out of."
"Ugh, I'm not looking down there. Don't want to see that shit again. I'll just believe you for now." He looks at the blonde.
The blonde starts looking all around them. "Nice to know that somebody else is in this predicament. Don't think you know where this place is either." They look at him. "Wanna be Void Buddies?"
"No. No more voids after today. I'm getting as far away from here as possible and burrying these holes til' they're filled." He looks back at the hole and where he came from.
"You wanna fill the void." He looks at the blonde.
"You know what I mean." A pause. "Do you know where you're from and what you were doing before the void happened to you?"
"Yeah I was beating the Ender Dragon with me and my friends." The blonde looks to the ground, walks aimlessly. "But then . . . I think we all died. Fell into the void too. Fuck I hope they're okay."
"Shit, you too? One minute I'm going to be a hero, the next I'm breaking bedrock." He sighs. "I hope my team is alright. Especially Mune . . . "
"A—" The blonde cuts themself off. Silence. They clear their throat. Their voice is clearer than ever before. "Did you happen to have a sword named The Blade Of Fallen Gods? Armor named after a fellow Godkiller?"
"H— How did you know that, who the hell are you?" He raises his voice, his voice that croaks. They stepp away.
A pause . . . the blonde stutters...
"T0ttle . . . ?" Their gaze is fixated on them.
His voice hitches. "You're the one tottling...Mune . . . ?" He looks at her.
"It's me alright, I had a kitten who was black and she was my familiar of Malum, her name was Malum and...what the hell happened to you? Last I checked your hair isn't blue."
"And you look like Fischl from Genshin Impact."
"Fischl? Genshin Impact?"
A tch. "You're uncultured as always. Where's some water to check myself out?"
"I dunno, it's just trees as far as I can see." BaAaAaAa "And animals."
"Well we've gotta find one then to see how we've changed." T0ttle walks towards nowhere.
"Yeah." Mune follows him.
Animals. Grass under their feet. The only audio for minutes.
The silence breaks to his voice. "So, how did the Void treat you? Are you still alright after it?"
She's quiet... "I'm thinking about it now and I don't actually remember anything. I remember how scared I was of everything, I remember dying and loads of emotions but before I broke bedrock I knew nothing."
They keep walking.
It's getting darker. The sun beyond the trees falls lower.
"How about you?"
"I don't remember anything either. I just know my emotions back then as well."
"That's a problem."
A pond up ahead. They run. Looking into it.
"Oh yes! Holy shit I'm Kaeya!"
"Is he from Genshin Impact also? Did we take over their bodies? Bodyswapping? Are they in our bodies now?"
"No, Kaeya didn't have stars in his hair or stars for freckles everywhere unless I missed something." He looks back at her. "You're also not wearing her Vision either, a gem that gives Fischl her powers."
"Awww, that's sucks. I never saw a gem on you either." She looks at him.
"And our voices are still the same. I feel stupid for not recognizing you earlier."
"We were disoriented and clawed out of the Void, don't beat yoursself over it."
They can see the stars.
She yawns. "It's getting dark."
"Oh shit you're right, quick we've gotta make shelter real quick." He runs to a tree. He collects wood.
She walks to a nearby tree. Chops it down.
Groaning. Rattling.
Swift whispering. "Quick, quick, quick!"
"Yeah yeah yeah!"
He makes a crafting table. A wooden pick.
A shriek. He looks to it. Too many skeletons. They weren't there before. They're surrounding her. They're shooting mobs surrounding them. They're shooting him. He runs behind trees. Walls himself off with wood.
Pitch black.
Rattling. Arrows. Groaning. Her panic.
The planks in front of him breaks. Mune's face. "It's— it's safe now. They're all gone now! I'm not hurt!"
"Mune. Where the hell did all those skeletons come from?" He breaks down the remaining planks.
"I dunno! One minute a zombie's hitting me the next skeletons are all around me." She digs dirt with a wooden shovel.
"Well then how did you do that?" He follows her into the staircase. He closes the entrance. He's moving sluggishly.
She stops. She looks towards him. "Hey you're emitting light."
"Wha—" He looks down. He can easily sees what's right next to him in the dark. Further along is difficult. "Holy, I am."
She gets behind him. "You can see so you take the lead."
"Huh?! We were stuck in the void, surely you can see in the dark just as well."
Amusement. "You're the nightlight."
A huff. "Fine."
He mines stone.
He mines stone.
He mines coal.
"Oh yes! Torches!"
He places one nearby. He climbs up the steps.
He lights the staircase walls.
He digs into the wall.
A five by five space. Three blocks of height.
He digs out the floor. He places dirt.
"This is probably better to sleep on than just stone."
She lies down. He lies down.
Fading to black. Shifting in dirt. Tossing. Turning.
There's light now. T0ttle's and torches.
He looks at Mune. She sits against the wall. She looks down.
"Mune . . . you have to sleep . . . "
"I can't and neither can you. You probably just closed your eyes like I did."
" . . . "
"Why can't you sleep?"
"I've slept in worse, several times before but..." she stands up. She paces. "The idea of closing my eyes, laying down on the ground and sleeping paralyzed me. It gave me the same feeling when the zombie hit me and the skeletons popped up to save me."
She stands still.
"Can you describe that feeling?" He gets up.
"I can't I can't, I just think..."
"I think it came from the void."
"N- no I haven't felt that. Nothing's wrong with where I sleep, it's sleeping I'm scared off."
"Oh. Well how is your fear of sleeping connected to your new powers?"
"Um . . . I...think it's connected to death somehow. I can see bodies that aren't there. Bodies of people who are dead I think. And I think I pulled a bunch of them out and made them skeletons when I made them..."
"Since when could you raise the dead?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything about how I got this knowledge T0ttle. I know so much about death and dying and raising the dead but I don't know where it came from and— and— it scared me and—"
Voice cracking. Sobbing. "T0ttle I don't think I'm alright! I don't think I'm alright—!"
Hitching. He walks up to her. She raised her arms. Hugging.
"What the fuck did the Void do to us Mune? What the fuck did it do?"
Her sobbing . . .
The intro plays now.
Minecraft Hardcore Survival ft. AbyssBorneDream
Surprise surprise Flesh Torn Voids was in fact a sequel to a Minecraft Hardcore series with little roleplaying if any at all.
There was one main goal across the whole series and it was to defeat the Ender Dragon.
They died trying, ending the series.
Abyss played a character and roleplayed sometimes. G0tt just played the game normally, occasionally playing along with Abyss in roleplaying.
G0tt and Abyss played all by themselves at first but occasionally had guests in the form of some friends. Some guests were temporary while others came back for the final battle against the Ender Dragon.
They all died. Some died on the islands whilst others fell into the void.
Flesh Torn Voids
Years after the end of the Hardcore series, Abyss would get the idea to make a more roleplay-oriented smp. One with mods.
Using their Hardcore series as inspiration, she would come up with the concept of everyone in the final battle having fallen into the void, dead or alive, and be permanently changed by it.
It would take a long time, but everyone escapes the void.
She convinces not just G0tt, but the eight other friends—some of them guests from the past series and some new—to join in.
The degree to which everyone roleplays varies. (See Mune not knowing Genshin Impact because she has no canonical means of knowing it while T0ttle knows it because G0tt knows it)
Nevertheless everyone plays a character, and has a Genshin Skin for the roleplay. It's going to become a reoccuring gag.
Everyone is recording their POVs and uploading them on YouTube. Everyone starts their series around the same time the duo does.
Anyways here's some lore.
The team dies against the Enderdragon and succumbs to the Void.
An unknown period of time later, they all successfully tear open the void with just their limbs, and break bedrock—two feats said to be impossible—and clawed into the world. Let's not even get to how they always resurrect after death as Mune and T0ttle will find.
Aside from Mune and T0ttle, everyone ends up in different dimesions and locations, no matter how illogical.
As they find one another around in this new world, they must work together to rediscover their missing memories, learn why they have these powers now (origins), and bond along the way.
That isn't to say that some people want to pursue the truth, however; they escaped death once, and wish not to tempt fate once again. So please, may they have a life where they may forget death?
Some people like WardeNyah just made their accounts recently since they wanted to join the server.
In terms of the lore, some characters look different than before the void, others do not. Example: WardeNyah's character
When I said that AbyssBorneDream was dedicated to roleplaying? I meant it. If any addons and mods down below are uncompatible, bet on Abyss to have reprogrammed them to be compatible. She also likely modifies them for a friend who wants some part of a mod to work differently, for quality of life chances, or for the sake of the lore.
The Modpack includes: Optifine, Pehkui, Origins, Origins: Umbrellas, Medieval Origins, Lato Origins, Quickster Origins, Volcanic Dragon Origins, Honey Bee Origin, Genesis, Starborne Origin V5.
The Aether, The Twilight Forest, Biomes O' Plenty, The Bumblezone, Blue Skies, The Undergarden, Runic Dungeons, Dimensional Doors
Probably some other mods in there, but those can be whatever you want.
"The void, doesn't take just all of your items. When you fall out of the world, you lose your everything." "Or at least we were supposed to." "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." -Dialogue idea for the RP
The Players
Yeah everyone wanted Genshin Impact skins for a Minecraft Roleplay lol. They also take their Skins to other servers like Hypixel or single player worlds as well
That doesn't mean they don't fuck around in Genshin Impact however, they have plenty of fun running around in Teyvat with eachother, wrecking havoc, building shit, mining, exploring the Abyss and trying to build up to Celestia whilst getting smited down again and again.
"cmon cmon we can totally kill Celestia this time around, CMON!"
Somebody asks their friends to help cuz they got lost in the Abyss, set their spawnpoint there and keep gettign spawn killed.
The death messages give everyone an aneurysm.
Someone is gonna try to fight the Players so that they release the Skins from their hold but they'll learn it's futile rip
The Skins
AKA The Vessels
Poor guys are trapped in their bodies and can only watch their bodies be piloted.
They also feel everything the Players do with them. From pain to moving, to the beds they sleep in, they still feel everything and maybe it helps with muscle memory for some tricks like speedbridging.
Yeah idk if i mentioned this is Creeper, AWWW Man! but they have inventory as well plus the ability to break and build like a player
Speaking of inventories, anything a Player keeps in their inventory after logging off stays in the inventories of their Skins, meaning the Skins can keep otherworldly shit on them and use it in Teyvat.
Also, uh, if T0ttle, saying that Kaeya has no star freckles nor stars in his hair didn't make it obvious, the Players modified their Skins to fit with their Origins and those changes are permanent to their bodies. Clothes not so much, those can be changed but body modifications are permanent.
Also their origins obviously alter their biologies permanently.
What are everyone's said Origins now you ask?
Kaeya -> Starborne
Fischl -> Necromancer
Eremite -> Warden
Tartaglia -> Merling
Wanderer -> Quickster
Kazuha's Friend -> Phantom
Hu Tao -> Nukelian
Dorian -> Honey Bee
FellFlower -> Siren
Geo Abyss Mage -> Dragonkin turned Volcanic Dragon
More on this in Origins Biology.`
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fuckingloginwall · 2 years
【Genshin Impact Works】
Tumblr media
" If anything you find here happens to excite you, so much so that you want it now, you can always ask for me to tidy it up faster so that you get it sooner. Of course, I work at my own pace so don't expect instantaneous results . "
" What if two or more people want anything on here faster, you ask? Well my mood and schedule will both play a role in who gets their desired writing faster . "
" Just remember, above all else, you're not getting complete stories, but instead a collage of ideas that form the image of what they could be. Part of the reason why I opened up this place was not only to have my works be seen, but inspire others with them . "
" Anyways, please enjoy all that this Omnibus presents before you, or wait until my work-in-progresses have reached my satisfaction . "
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In which the game is connected to a real Teyvat out there in the universe. A Teyvat that can think. You may even be a deity to them. Reader-Insert, as is the tradition.
Creator!Reader Lore ➣ Lore dump for my two Creator AUs, Genshin Impact Cult AU
C!R Imposter AU ➣ Lore dump for my Imposter!Creator AUs
Tutelary!Reader Lore ➣ Lore dump: You're no creator, but you're still a guide of sorts, Genshin Impact Cult AU
T!R Imposter AU ➣ Lore dump: Tutelary has an Imposter
Connecting Dots ➣ None of the AUs up above, Traveler dies a fuckton because nobody like you two or Paimon :)
Fixer? More Like Breaker! ➣ Project Moon Crossover, Fixer!Reader, Creator!Imposter AU, Standard Isekai and Reverse
Genshin Impact But TommyInnit ➣ None of the AUs above, Streamer!Reader with a friend group, Minecraft gets dragged into the mix
I Can Barely Feed Myself ➣ Creator/Tutelary AU, whatever floats your boat, Reader is barely getting by
I Love My Selves ➣ Post-Imposter Hunt, Creator Reader (not my AUs the more typical ones), Reader makes their Self-Insert and forgets about pleasing Teyvat
Mask It Or Casket ➣ Motorcyclist!Reader, Creator!Imposter AU
Primordial Fears ➣ Chainsaw Man Crossover, Reader is the adopted sibling of Kobeni, Imposter!Creator AU
Reality Ensues ➣ Creator!Imposter AU, Reader doesn't need to fear being hunted, nor wants to be a god
Reject Humanity Return To Dust ➣ Creator!Reader, Corpse Timeline, In which Teyvat's bacteria render Reader bedridden, the same reader stays in the wilderness and actively avoids civilization
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✎ Standard Reader Isekai
You're nothing special, just an unfortunate soul sent to Teyvat
Blasphemous Coworkers ➣ Chainsaw Man crossover, involve all of Special Division 4 and then some
Li:Sitcom ➣ Reader + shenanigans with Zhongli, Childe, Hu Tao, and Xiao. An AU where your knowledge of Genshin is secondhand
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✎ Character Centric Isekai
Adventure Dungeon Lucky✮! ➣ Bennett-centric, Isekai & Reverse Isekai, System
Architectural Aneurysm ➣ Kaveh-centric, Media Transmigration(?) Reborn as a one-off mentioned character
Because Villainy Is The Way To Go ➣ Ganyu-centric, Media Transmigration(?), Reborn as a secondary villainess
Break Break Spiral Down! ➣ Ajax-centric, Media Transmigration, Reverse Isekai
Changelings From The Chamberlain ➣ Standard and Reverse Isekai
Coffin Hopping ➣ Archon-centric, Standard and Reverse isekai, Narnia inspired
dearly departed (dearly beloved) ➣ Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xiangling, Yun Jin, and Xinyan-centric. Media Transmigration and Reverse Isekai
Death Granted Breaths ➣ Kazuha and Tomo-centric, Media Transmigration(?) and a splash of Reverse Isekai
Eldritch Games ➣ A Squad of Ten is too many to list here. Minecraft crossover, sagau elements. Eldritch!Gamers who are mostly secondary. Their skins are holding the spotlight here
Hollow Legacy ➣ Ajax-centric, Hollow Knight Crossover, Isekai
Homemade Meals Taste Better In Another World ➣ Xiangling-centric, Standard and Reverse Isekai
Literary Vivisection ➣ Baizhu-centric, Media Transmigration and Reverse Isekai like "whaddup i'm roommating you now"
My Snow Cone Taste Weird (You Spiked Our Drinks) ➣ Harbingers-centric sans Ajax and Tartaglia, Media Transmigration, System
rhinestones. falling from the skies (here we go again!) ➣ Diluc, Kaeya, Lisa and Layla-centric, +Itto and Kuki, Media Transmigration
Smite Them All ➣ Cyno-centric, Standard and Reverse Isekai
The Adepti of The Cursed North ➣ Adepti-centric, Reincarnation + Isekai
The Mad Habits of a Rabbit ➣ Amber-centric, Reincarnation + Transmigration
The Rain Was Transient (But This Flood Is Eternal) ➣ Makoto-centric, Past Media Transmigration(?), Reverse Isekai
To Waterboard My Double ➣ Ayato-centric, Media Transmigration
Transmigration Group Therapy ➣ Past Media Transmigration And Isekai, Reverse Isekai
Why Us? (Who Share These Memories) ➣ Reverse Isekai + Reincarnation AU Fusion
Wraith of Violet Thorns ➣ Lisa-centric, Media Transmigration(?), System, Reverse Isekai at the end
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✎ Other
Hydraulic Overdrive ➣ H2O: Just Add Water AU, idiots get themselves turned into mermaids basically
Khaenri'ah Is Dead, Long Live Khaenri'ah ➣ Butcher AU and obligatory Major Character Death, Khaenri'ah playable centric
Raining Storms Upon The Law ➣ Yelan-centric, System, Reincarnation AU
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