bennettzone · 1 year
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word count: 1.9k
genre(s): fluff, established relationship, first kiss (yipeeee), gn!reader
✎ synopsis: after a long night watching over windrise, bennett comes to brighten your day.
✎ a/n: first fic in a while kinda nervous but hope u enjoy. <3 (I tried my best to proofread this btw but it's likeee 1 in the morning and im tired LOL)
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Today, you were exhausted. You spent all night at Windrise, looking out for anything out of the ordinary. Someone had been tipped off that there was a suspicious group of people lurking around. Your best guess was treasure hoarders. They usually were up to no good.
While Rosaria usually handles things like this, the group had been spotted in multiple areas, therefore alerting people of the situation and more places needing to be watched over. Furthermore, the partner you had been assigned to take nightwatch shifts with ‘got sick’ and bailed at the last minute. You were stubborn and felt like it was too much of a hassle to go all the way back to the city when it was already so late.
So here you were, extremely sleep deprived, hoping that this group was caught soon.
With a massive yawn, you looked over to see the brightest light of your morning, as if right on cue.
“Hey, Y/n! Good morning!” Bennett, your boyfriend, was walking toward you, with something in his hands, “I had to be so careful not to drop this…But you must be starving!”
Bennett sat next to you on a massive tree root, handing you something wrapped in a piece of cloth. Upon opening it, you found a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, but a breakfast sandwich. Nice.
“You’re my savior, really. I felt like I was about to wither away.” You joked, already rushing to dig in.
“Say…Where is the person who was supposed to keep watch with you last night? I saw them walking this way when I left yesterday.” He asked, scanning the area to find no sight of them.
“They got sick, at least that’s what they told me. So they went back, and I stayed here by myself all night.” Bennett choked on air hearing those words come out of your mouth.
“What!? No way…You should’ve come and gotten me, I wasn’t too far…That sucks.” He brushed his shoulder against yours, and you turned to see the biggest frown on his face.
“It’s fine, really. I’m going to sleep really good once I go home.” You laughed, finishing off the sandwich after.
“Let me walk you back…Better yet, I’ll carry you! How about that?” He said with a grin.
“No, no…It’s okay, walking will suffice. You’ve already fed me, so that’s enough.” You got up, dusting yourself off.
“You sure? I wouldn’t mind at all!” Bennett got up as well, before looking over at the sky, his expression dropping, “Aw man…No way, It looks like it’s about to rain…”
You chuckled, grabbing your bag. You prepared exactly for this moment. You pulled out two things.
“Here you go: coat for me, and another one of mine for you.” You said, handing the thicker one to Bennett.
Bennett’s face lit up again, taking the coat and putting it on as you did the same with yours.
“You know my luck…Thanks for thinking of me too.” He said, before quickly swooping you into a hug.
Bennett was really warm, which was a drastic difference to the chilly weather brought on by the wind mixed with the rain which began to sprinke across the land around the two of you. You melted into his embrace for a moment, feeling the drowsiness really starting to kick in.
“Isn’t it so pretty here when it rains, though? I love the way things look when it rains.” You said, making Bennett feel a little better about something he was sure was his fault.
You never felt frustration to that side of his luck, he was glad you could make something good out of it. Even if it did happen a lot.
You pulled away slightly, looking at him.
In that moment, Bennett felt a sudden urge to kiss you. Which was extremely overwhelming, considering that the two of you haven’t before. He thought really hard about it…He even leaned in a bit, but ultimately chickened out.
“It is…Windrise is a pretty nice place already, but I can see what you mean…” He pulled you back in, a bit tighter this time, taking in the scenery before pulling away completely, “Let’s get you home now, your bed is calling for you!”
Hand in hand, you and Bennett walked through the rain, and back to Mondstadt. As you were approaching the bridge leading up to the gate, you had a pretty good idea.
“Do you want to come to my place? If you’ve got nothing else to do, I could really use some help preparing for tonight…And also someone to make sure I’m up on time.” Bennett immediately agreed to this offer, as he liked helping you out for stuff like this. He was glad you felt like you could depend on him.
“Of course, as soon as we get to your place I’ll go and pick up some stuff for you. I’ll be back quick!” You nodded, and thus the walk to your door was swiftly over.
After you went inside, Bennett walked through town. He was headed to get some items from Blanche, the owner of Mondstadt General Goods. It went pretty smoothly compared to past times, which he was thankful for since he didn’t want to keep you waiting long.
As he turned around to head back, a familiar face stopped him.
“Good morning, Bennett! It’s rare to see you out in town this early.” Barbara walked up to him with a gentle wave, giving him a warm smile.
“Good morning Barbara! It’s rare for me to see you in town at all…What are you up to?” Bennett asked, shuffling through the bag of things he had in his hand.
“I’m going to pick up some herbs for some medicines I need to make,” Barbara then noticed that Bennett was wearing your coat, which piqued her interest, “Did you walk Y/n back to the city this morning?”
“Yeah, we just got back actually! I’m getting some things for them so they can go ahead and rest up.” Bennett said happily.
“You’ve been together for a little while now…It makes me happy that you’re doing well.” Barbara had a question pop up in her head, one that she was excited to ask, “I don’t want to sound like I’m prying too much…But has Y/n tried to kiss you yet?”
She said that with a giggle, but when Bennett finally processed the question, he let out a near scream and dropped the bag that was in his hands.
Barbara seemed shocked, but she didn’t question it before she began helping him pick up the things he had dropped.
“Sorry, that was overdramatic…It’s just…No, we haven’t done that yet.” Bennett laughed awkwardly, thanking her for helping him, “I wouldn’t be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about it though…I just don’t want to mess anything up with them.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure things will go well. They seem to really like you…I know you want to be careful, but I don’t think you should worry yourself so much over it.” He really appreciated her advice, as he felt a little better about it…Not so much him embarrassing himself though.
“Thanks for saying that…I hope it does go well,” Bennett clutched the bag close to him this time, “I should get going now, have a good day!” She wished him the same as he walked off, near sprinting back to where you were staying.
Walking into the door, he saw you waiting for him.
“Hey, you should be in bed!” He said, taking his shoes off after putting the bag down, walking over to you.
“I know, I know…I just wanted you to come back first.” You said, grabbing his hands, “Are you tired at all?”
“I mean, it’s nothing compared to you probably…I am a little, though.” He said, swaying on his feet a little.
“Come nap with me for a bit, then. What do you say?”
Bennett felt a lot of happiness swell up in him. He loved taking naps with you.
“Sure. I should wake up a while before you, so I can prepare all of your things then.” He said, and you nodded, pulling him to your room.
He put down the coat you lent him next to your bag, assuming you’d probably put it back in there with the one you had on earlier. (As you always did, specifically for him. He felt special.)
As you got into your comfy bed, you held up the blanket for Bennett to join you. You still felt a little chill in your bones from the rain, so you were really looking forward to all of the warmth you were about to get. And that you would get, because when Bennett snuggled up to you, it was like paradise.
You stayed awake for a moment, thinking.
“I can’t get that image of how beautiful Windrise looked earlier out of my head…I really enjoyed that. It was so much better because you were there too.” You said in a hushed tone, giggling a bit to yourself.
“I feel the same way…I can appreciate the rain a lot more when you’re around.”
You backed up a little, staring at Bennett who was staring right back at you.
“Is something the matter?” He questioned. You let out a little sigh before sitting up.
“A little…Can I ask you something? A request, rather.” You said, and he nodded, sitting up with you.
“Go ahead, I’m all ears.” He said, already worrying that he had done something wrong.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything…I’ve just been thinking…” You dragged out your sentence a little, contemplating if you even wanted to finish it, “It’s just…I don’t know if you feel the same way about this in particular, but I was wondering if maybe…I could kiss you?”
Bennett’s eyes went super wide at your request, stunning him into silence. It’s crazy…He’d already had that same thought twice since he came to get you this morning.
You felt a little panic at the lack of a response, so you started frantically speaking.
“I-I mean, you’re allowed to say no! I know this isn’t the ideal time or place for our first one, maybe…It’s just that-”
“No! I do…I want to. I really do.” He said, stopping you as quick as he could react to.
You took a moment, before beaming at him. You couldn’t help but to take him down with a hug, nuzzling into the crook of his neck for a moment before coming back up.
“Okay…Let me know when you’re ready. Don’t think too hard about it. I’m already happy that you want to.” You said.
“For sure…I’m happy you brought it up. I’m ready whenever.” He said.
With that, you took a good look at him before leaning down.
The two of you closed your eyes, before you gently pressed your lips to his.
You felt a lot of happiness bubble up within you in that moment, running your fingers through his hair. You felt him bring his hand up to your face, which stayed after you pulled away.
You felt so happy that you could even shed tears.
However, you didn’t want him to worry, so you quickly got back into place to fall asleep.
“I’m really happy. I’m going to sleep so much better now.” You said, closing your eyes.
“Me too…I hope you sleep well. I love you.” He said gently, rubbing your shoulder.
“I love you too, Bennett. I hope you sleep well too.”
He was glad you were going to be able to sleep better as a result of that…Because he didn’t think he was going to be able to sleep at all.
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bennettzone · 2 years
paint me in trust | bennett x reader
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chapters ⇒ CH 1 | CH. 2 | CH. 3
word count: 3.8k
genre(s): fluff, friends to lovers
✎ synopsis: it all started with an encounter between you and bennett in dragonspine, which lead to an adventure where you are faced with many different situations.  
✎ a/n: final chapter :] hope u enjoy
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Chapter 3: paint me in trust, i’ll be your best friend
You woke up that morning feeling especially relaxed. No rush, no stress. Exactly what you needed considering what you had to do today.
It was something to look forward to, though! You happily recalled Bennett agreeing to meet up with you and accompany you on the trip.
Remembering that made wanting to go back the easiest part.
After getting up and following your routine of getting ready, you made sure to pack some extra supplies just in case you got stuck there longer than you wanted to be. Being extra prepared was important, you were reminded of that from the last trip.
That being said, you left your place feeling extra giddy. You’d never been so excited to go to Dragonspine…You were certain it would be a lot more enjoyable with Bennett around. He always made things a lot more exciting…
You didn’t doubt for a moment that this would be a memorable day.
Speaking of Bennett, you saw him in front of the gate where you said you’d meet up. He hadn't even noticed you yet, and seemed to be staring off into space.
“Hi, have you been waiting long?” You asked as you walked up next to him, immediately shocking him back to attention.
“Huh, oh— No, not at all!” He awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head, “I actually only got here a few minutes ago. I was so excited I tried to leave early but I ran into a few problems on the way.”
“I’m glad you made it. Do you wanna wait a bit before we leave?” You asked, and he shook his head.
“No need, I’m ready to go! We should leave as soon as we can so we don’t have to worry about it getting dark.” He beamed, already barely able to contain his excitement for your adventure.
“Alright then, let’s go.” You smiled, taking your place next to Bennett before making your way to Dragonspine.
The entire way there, Bennett couldn’t help but to almost talk his head off. Not that it bothered you, though. He told you a lot of things about the areas you passed through and even some stories of his own adventures thrown in as well. It was nice to hear, he told you things that even you didn’t know from all of your time exploring Mondstadt.
The way he spoke and jumped from topic to topic, it felt like he had all of it saved up over time until now. Almost as if…He’d been waiting for someone who would listen. You were happy to, but you really hoped he wasn’t thinking that you were only talking to him because you felt bad.
You’d genuinely wanted to be his friend like this for a long time, but until now it felt hard to catch a moment to even chat. He was usually busy adventuring…You wished that you’d had more opportunities to ask to join him. Better late than never though, and to start with such a thrilling trip made it ten times better.
That being said, it didn’t take too terribly long for the two of you to reach the outskirts of Dragonspine, and upon your arrival you advised that you both take a short break before going in to make sure you had everything you needed ready, in the case that there was an emergency. This was also serving as a short breather to prepare yourselves. You didn’t know what to expect after the last time you came out here.
“I actually learned how to make some warming bottles in case we needed them. I had the recipe sitting around my room for quite some time, I don’t think I ever tried making them until yesterday.” You said, taking one of said bottles out of your bag to show to Bennett.
He observed the bottle, the glowing red of the flame reflecting into his eyes.
“Looks fancy! I’m sure this will really come in handy.” He beamed, handing back the bottle.
“I’m hoping we don’t end up having to use it, but…It won’t hurt to have it.” Placing the bottle safely into your bag, you checked your supplies one more time before you both got ready to set off again.
Upon stepping foot into Dragonspine, you quickly refreshed the memories of the locations as you walked.
“We need to check below the Statue Of The Seven, next to the lake not too far from it, and next to the cave entrance. We should probably check in that order, I believe it’ll be the quickest.” You said, already seeing the massive beam of light from the statue in the sky.
“Sure thing! I don’t think there’s too many enemies around the areas either, well…Apart from the cave entrance.” He pondered on this for a moment, thinking back to the times he’d come here on a whim hoping for some good finds, “I mean, if we run into any trouble at all, I’d hope that it’d only be some weak hilichurls.”
“The hilichurls here tend to be more threatening. I remember one time that I, and a bunch of other people from the adventurer’s guild came here on a commission to defeat a big scary one…Ah, I can’t remember the name—“
“Frostarm Lawachurl!” Bennett said this in a burst, his eyes lighting up, “I’ve heard so many cool stories of adventurers encountering those! I’ve never come into contact with one myself, but that’s probably for the better…Who knows what would happen if it were me up against it.”
“I only tagged along as support since my vision isn’t very effective here…I have to admit, it was really cool seeing it in action. Kind of terrifying though, I’m glad that they’re not that common…”
Talking about your own travels seemed to light a spark in Bennett, as he went on about many different monsters he’d heard stories about. The ones he spoke of were only for the most qualified of adventurers to go up against, yet you’d seen basically all of them even if you didn’t fight them directly. Hearing of that fact, it only made him even more excited.
You were beginning to feel a bit chilly as the two of you talked, and you failed to notice that with each group of seconds passing by that you were walking closer and closer to him.
That is, until a random tree root tried to challenge you and sent you almost crashing into the frostbitten ground.
On your presumed descent to the ground, you fell slightly into Bennett…And by slightly, you actually fell straight into him. This was due to the fact that your right foot got caught and sent you very off balance, which just so happened to be in the exact direction of him.
It felt like a set up. It was almost like some power above was…Teasing you in a way.
You shut your eyes in an attempt to brace yourself, but you didn’t hit the ground. In fact, you felt a sudden warmth and the static in your ears from the adrenaline transitioned into a voice.
“Woah, are you alright?!” A pair of almost-burning hands squeezed your arms, trying to support you and pull you back onto your feet.
“I’m okay, sorry about that…” You shook your head, your body calming down slightly as you regained balance.
“No worries, you feel really cold though…We should get to some kind of heat source soon.” Bennett spoke softly for the first time since you started the trip, which sent some sort of signal to your heart.
You felt a bit of feeling return to your body in that moment, and suddenly things started feeling a lot more okay.
“There’s one up ahead near the statue, I’ll be fine until we get there.” Even though you said it with no falter in your voice, Bennett seemed almost reluctant to let go of you.
He did eventually though, giving you a look that had concern written all over it.
“Okay…Just let me know if you need a hand, I won’t mind at all.” You nodded at his words, and you continued down the path.
Just as you said, when the two of you arrived at the statue there was a lit torch not too far from where you needed to check on the flowers. This called for a short break, one of many you’d be taking on the trip.
“Say, how come you didn’t feel so cold? One could assume it’s because of your vision but from my knowledge it doesn’t really make much of a difference.” You asked, and Bennett shrugged.
“I have no idea honestly. I do start feeling cold eventually, but I guess I’ve come here so often I’ve gotten kind of used to it. Or at least I’ve been able to prepare myself better, I think…”
As he talked, he looked at you for a moment, quickly reading the sad expression on your face. It made him worry right away. He felt as if, for some reason, maybe it was his fault…Though he couldn’t think of a reason why, so he didn’t think of it that way for too long.
“Is there something on your mind? You can let me know if there is.” He felt a bit awkward saying that, but you appreciated him asking.
“I don’t think it’s anything serious, but…I’ve noticed I always get this weird feeling when I come here. I rarely come alone, but no matter the length of the trip or the amount of people I’m with, I always end up feeling really lonely…I guess Dragonspine just has this really…Isolating feel to it.”
Bennett understood exactly what you meant. He found himself feeling lonely more than he’d be willing to admit, but Dragonspine always took the cake for the amount of loneliness he could feel. Regardless, the endless possibilities of adventure always brought him back here at some point.
“I see…Let’s make this quick then! We shouldn’t stay any longer than you’re comfortable with.”
You smiled at his words, responding in agreement before you both walked to the location of the flowers.
When you checked, they were still there and intact.
“Wonderful…Okay, if we take that path over there we’ll end up next to the flowers I put by the lake.” Your energy was much better now, as hearing Bennett’s words seemed to rekindle the fire in you.
The next location wasn’t so pleasant to come across.
“Wow, jeez…Speaking of hilichurls, it seems they managed to get to the flowers before I could.” You said, disappointment lacing your tone, “It’s alright though, Flora told me it’d be okay if something happened to them. It’s for testing purposes, after all.”
“Aw, bummer…Hopefully we can find the last ones safe and sound. I know where we’re going now since you kind of found me there yesterday, haha…” Bennett said, a bit embarrassed but ready to head off nonetheless.
Upon reaching the cave entrance, you noticed immediately that the flowers there were gone too. Except, this time you saw a clear trail of footprints leading from the place you left them into the cave.
“I want to look a bit into the cave, but if we don’t find them quickly then I won’t worry myself to death over it.” Bennett nodded at your words, and you stuck close together as you wandered into the cave entrance.
You turned up empty handed, not much to your surprise. You had a little bit of hope… But that was quickly put out.
You were in the cave for a good ten minutes, before you decided to give up your search and head back.
The trip was almost over, which felt like a huge relief…All you had to do now was get out of here and make your way back to Mondstadt.
Once you reached the cave entrance, Bennett grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
“Hold on a minute…I hear something. Like…Voices, I think.” He said, and you both went silent as you observed outside of the entrance.
To your dismay, you saw a large group of Treasure hoarders gathered outside.
It was more than you, Bennett, and the two of you combined could handle. It was far beyond that…Plus they looked like the more threatening types.
You felt a wretched feeling building up inside of you, dread and fear combined and beginning to slowly eat you up inside.
It was so unlike you, someone who was thought of so highly by so many people…To feel that type of fear was deadly.
Bennett seemed to pick up on that fast, though. He tugged at your arm, leading you to an area away from the trouble.
He placed his bag on the ground, and to your surprise he pulled out some materials and made a small makeshift fire.
“Stay here for a bit, I’m gonna go check the area and see if there's a way we can get out without getting ourselves into any trouble. I’ll be quick, promise.” He smiled as he said those words, and even though you felt your nerves start to settle a bit, a part of your mind was begging him not to leave you by yourself here.
You didn’t want to stop him, though, as him doing that was probably your best bet on getting out of here without stirring up anything bad.
“Alright, but also promise me you’ll call for me if you need any help.” You said, and with that, all of Bennett’s doubts and worries seemed to melt away.
You trusted him with every fibre of your being, much as he did with you, and he was beginning to pick up on that.
“Of course, I promise.” He said, and at that, he walked away and began checking around.
As the minutes went by, you couldn’t help but begin to notice the horrible feeling of worry you were beginning to get.
Maybe it was just taking longer than you both expected it to…If he was in trouble he surely would’ve told you by now…
Your fears were beginning to get the best of you, though. You had to go check on him…
Walking away from the fire Bennett had made, you made your way to the cave entrance. It didn’t take long for you to hear the commotion that was rising.
It triggered something in you, and you picked up speed, quickly preparing yourself to engage in a fight if you had to.
Once you made it to the entrance, it became scarily apparent that the commotion wasn’t coming from the treasure hoarders.
In fact. the group of treasure hoarders had been completely wiped out by something far more threatening.
In front of you was the most terrifying sight, one of which involved Bennett standing at the feet of one of the most threatening monsters you’d ever come into contact with.
If you couldn’t guess already, it was none other than the frostarm lawachurl.
Breathing heavily, you rushed towards Bennett as the creature furiously roared. You recognized it as the charged up form of the monster. It only meant bad news.
Even if it was the slightest glimpse, you noticed that Bennett was starting to shake. Not from fear but the sheer cold that followed anywhere you went here.
You had to act, and fast.
Right as it was about to swing at Bennett, you lunged forward with your spear, distracting it for a moment.
“Bennett, we have to run!” You shouted, right as your weapon was nearly smacked from your quickly-freezing hands.
In that moment, time slowed down.
The beast was readying itself, about to launch a full-force attack on Bennett.
You had to do something, but what? Your vision was useless for this…And you had nowhere near the physical strength required to stop that attack.
So instead, you shoved Bennett as hard as you could out of the way, and activated a water shield that would not stop you from getting hit but would at least absorb some of the attack.
As soon as the attack made contact, you felt your entire body go cold.
It didn’t stop you though, as you ran towards Bennett and grabbed him, making a break for it and fighting through all of the pain that you felt in that moment.
You ran as far as you could, as fast as you could…All of your effort and remaining strength was focused on getting the two of you out of there alive.
You couldn’t focus on anything else, not aware of if Bennett was saying anything, or any sound at all, really.
All you need is that you felt your energy depleting fast, and your sight was going darker and darker until you no longer remembered what came next.
That was, until you suddenly realized that you were no longer in Dragonspine.
You shot up, disoriented for a moment until you realized where you were.
Though you felt weak, and chilled to the bone, you realized that your surroundings were none other than your own home.
But…Weren’t you just in Dragonspine…?
“Hey, you’re awake! Thank goodness, I was so worried…I don’t even know where to start, I should start by saying I’m so sorry for all of that, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have left you alone or tried to fight that thing by myself but I didn’t want you to get involved–“
“Bennett?” Your tone stopped him dead in his words, and he watched you carefully, “What happened?”
“Oh…After you blacked out, I brought you back to the Adventuer’s camp just outside of Dragonspine. A few of them offered to help take you back to Mondstadt, and Barbara checked up on you as soon as you got back…She said you most likely passed out from stress, and your injuries were very minor.”
Hearing that was a massive relief, until the severity of it all finally hit you.
You sat up in your bed, still feeling the chill that buried itself beneath your skin. You were shaking, and even though you didn’t feel much pain it was still overwhelming.
“I’m glad you’re okay…I felt so scared in that moment. I’m glad I decided to come check on you. Don’t beat yourself up over this either, because we’re both okay.” You tried to get out of bed, but ended up nearly collapsing again before Bennett caught you for the second time that day.
“Hey, be careful…You should really rest right now.” He said this gently, and you couldn’t help but to melt into his arms at that moment.
Even with the flames in your fireplace being set ablaze, and the cozy blankets on your bed that you were so familiar with…You were still freezing, and nothing felt more warm and calming than this.
Bennett didn’t protest at all on this, and instead decided to stop talking and hold you tightly, running his hands along your frigid arms.
“I swear I’ll do everything I can to make sure something like this never happens again. Don’t ever hesitate to let me know if you need someone to tag along with you, I’ll always be somewhere you can find me, alright?” Bennett said, and you nodded, feeling your body shake with the warm comfort you’d been longing for ever since you stepped foot into Dragonspine that day.
“If I’m being honest, seeing you in danger like that made all of my fear go away, even if it was just for a second. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you either…And knowing I can’t always be there is really scaring me for some reason.” You admitted this with a heavy heart, and it seemed to stun Bennett into silence.
All he could do at this point was hold you, like it was the first and last time he’d ever be able to do so.
“It doesn’t have to be that way. If it helps you feel better, I’d be happy to tell you when I’m planning on going on any adventures, and you can choose to go with me on as many as you’d like. I had fun today, even with the slip up at the end. I wanna be there to make sure that you’re safe, too…As long as that’s alright with you.”
Even though you had only reconnected with Bennett a couple of days ago, it felt as if nothing had changed. The type of attachment you felt to him was different, like you never wanted to leave his side as long as you could manage to.
You pulled yourself back a bit, allowing yourself to look at him.
“That’s completely fine by me, I’d love that more than anything.” A warm smile crossed your face as you stared at each other, and he felt the same way as you in that moment.
It was odd, the fact that the way you felt for him managed to escalate so quickly. You weren’t uncomfortable with it though, as it was a nice feeling to have after so long of spending almost every day by yourself.
In that moment, the two of you subconsciously were leaning forward, and it wasn’t until Bennett realized just how close your faces were that his cheeks were suddenly stained with a bright shade of red.
“Oh, uh…Is this okay with you…?” He asked, and the same wave of sudden embarrassment hit you as well, but you nodded after a moment, and Bennett smiled.
“I feel really lucky to have crossed paths with you again, you know…You’ve always been so special to me, like a constant thought in the back of my mind. I really don’t mean to talk so much, but it’s hard not to with you…I hope you feel the same.”
“Of course I do, one hundred percent.”
And with those words leaving your mouth, the space between you began to close, before Bennett pressed the most gentle kiss imaginable onto your lips.
Quite endearing, if you do say so yourself.
After he pulled away, his demeanor got a lot more shaky.
“Ah…Jeez. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, really, but…You should really get back into bed now. I’ll be with you the entire time if you’re comfortable with that, I just wanna make sure you don’t put anymore physical stress on yourself.”
With a small laugh, you complied, getting back into your cozy bed with Bennett watching over you.
Even with the disaster at the end of your trip that day, the outcome was nothing less than satisfactory.
You were excited for the things to come, no matter when that may be.
And luckily, you could always return those flowers to Flora tomorrow.
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bennettzone · 2 years
bennett fluff hcs
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✦ hi yes these are some long-winded cute bennett hcs because i miss him. enjoy, x.
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Let me start off with hugs, he loves hugs!! He almost ALWAYS asks if it’s okay first since he would rather die than make you uncomfy, but sometimes he cannot help himself. Say he got something more than a cabbage out of a chest? Jumping for joy he’s about to tackle you from excitement. While he may act awkward about it at first, once he gets comfortable he MELTS into hugs. They are very safe and secure hugs, like it is the last hug he will ever get in his life. He is also very warm so if you are chilly then problem solved with a bennett hug. He always smells like grass and outdoors in general but in a tolerable way. A comfortable way, because it’s him
Cuddling with him knocks him out so fast. He feels that he can let his guard down around you, he feels very safe. Being able to hold you like that makes him so very happy, and as mentioned above he is very warm!! Best feeling cuddles ever.
His kisses are very gentle and sweet. He would loveee kissing your cheeks and forehead. He rarely ever surprises you with him, as like I said he doesn’t want to make you uncomfy, but would love if you surprised him with them! His face goes brrr red. Easiest way to give him butterflies.
When you go on an adventure with him, your safety is always his top priority. If you find yourselves in a dangerous area, he always holds your hand through it as long as he is able to. While he likes when you accompany him, his bad luck stresses him out since he doesn’t want it to cause trouble for you on accident.
Many days, Bennett greets you in the mornings. He’d pretty much be the first thing you saw outside your home every single day. He always offers up some kind of breakfast if you hadn’t eaten yet, (although cooking isn’t his strong suit, you can at least appreciate the effort and it’s not too bad if you help out LOL), and goes with you on your daily routine as long as you permit it. (be honest, why would u not)
He always walks you home when it gets late too!! He wants to make sure you get home safe, and be able to leave you with good feelings before you go to sleep/relax for the day. :] He also silently hopes it is a night where you invite him to stay, as falling asleep with you is his favorite safe place.
He gets very warm and fuzzy whenever you reassure him. He could be having a day where he feels at his worst but your kind words always pick him back up. A lot of people don’t have a ton of faith in him, but as long as you do that’s all he needs <3 He always wants to be someone you can trust and depend on! (like his teapot line. get it teehee)
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52 notes · View notes
bennettzone · 2 years
paint me in trust | bennett x reader
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chapters ⇒ CH 1 | CH. 2 | CH. 3
word count: 2.9k
genre(s): fluff, friends to lovers
✎ synopsis:  it all started with an encounter between you and bennett in dragonspine, which lead to an adventure where you are faced with many different situations.
✎ a/n: first fic on here!! this is something I published on a03 a while back, I figured I’d put it here too to get back on my writing feet lol. This chapter uses details from the commission 'floral fresh.' (the follow-up commission 'fresh flora' will also be used in a later chapter.) the work title, as well as chapter titles, are taken from human by dodie. I hope that you enjoy!!
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Chapter 1: lean for me, and i’ll fall back
Flowers don't stay fresh for long. Flora, the owner of the Floral Whisper, has been thinking of ways to preserve them better...
This all started a few hours ago. A trip to Dragonspine that you didn’t expect to take.
Had you known how difficult this would have ended up being, you would’ve done this much, much earlier.
Your commissions for the day seemed simple enough. Clearing out some hilichurl camps, running an easy errand for Sarah...And finally, a task from Flora. You usually saved the easier-sounding ones for last, that way you could make the most of the daylight.
Little did you know, you skimmed over the most important part of Flora’s commission...That it would be taking you to Dragonspine. Not like you hadn’t been there before, doing much more difficult things, but...This one involved a lot more running around.
Usually, these kinds of tasks would be impossible. They weren’t handed out to many people in the Adventurers’ Guild. It was those who proved to be very strong and experienced, even more common for those who had visions.
You just so happened to be very strong and experienced...And also had a vision of your own. It wasn’t very useful in Dragonspine though, as it was a hydro vision. Perhaps one of the worst-suited for Dragonspine, both assumed and proven. You had become very skilled at using your polearm though, so even if you were fighting in Dragonspine it was uncommon for you to have to rely completely on your vision for those commissions.
Even with that being said, you preferred to have someone tag along with you, just in case things went south. Not that you didn’t trust yourself, you were simply always advised to do so and trusted the word of those who were far more experienced than you.
This time, however, your lack of being able to carefully read the details of the commission led to a staggering realization: You wouldn’t have time to ask anybody to come with you, so you were on your own for this. It was either that, or you give up on the task. You weren’t one for backing down from a challenge, though.
The only good part was that you didn’t necessarily have to be in a situation that involved combat.
Flora’s task seemed simple enough. She was looking for easier ways to preserve her flowers, meaning that she wanted to test how they handled being in Dragonspine. She requested they be placed in three different areas: Near the Dragonspine Statue of The Seven, next to a body of water, and one near the cavern.
Simply put, this would be more time-consuming than challenging.
You had an idea of finding your way around Dragonspine, so finding places to warm up wouldn’t be an issue. The only challenges you’d be facing were potential threats, and you could fight if you needed to. Best to avoid it though, that’s what you thought. You didn’t have time to waste since you took a while before taking on the commission.
You still had a few hours of daylight...That’s what you were banking on. Getting there quickly, placing the flowers quickly, and getting the heck out of there.
At least...That’s what the plan was supposed to be.
That brings you here, sitting next to a lit fire observing the final area you needed to place flowers; near the cavern.
You just so happened to notice someone was already there, although...They weren’t exactly considered an enemy threat.
You recognized him, a fellow member of the Adventurers’ Guild; Bennett. You hadn’t spoken to him much before...Apart from a few passings, and the occasional small chat while running into each other before getting your daily commissions.
You had heard a lot about him though, he’d been raised by the older guild members since he was a baby and you’d known of him ever since you joined a couple of years back, he was actually one of the first few people to introduce themself to you. Not to mention, many of the guild members spoke of horrendous luck that followed him everywhere. This resulted in a lot of what they’d call failures of adventures.
Perhaps that bad luck they spoke of is what got him in the situation you saw him in.
A group of hilichurls was bombarding him, and it almost physically hurt to watch. He was getting knocked around so badly, nearly getting hit full force by an axe-wielding mitachurl and constantly dodging shots from the regular hilichurls...you felt as if you had to step in to help.
You really didn’t want to fight today, much less run into someone, but...He really looked like he needed some help, and who else if not you? People rarely come around this part of Dragonspine…
Your heart ended up deciding for you regardless, and you found yourself charging toward the situation.
Everything felt like it went in slow motion. Your heart always pounded whenever you fought. No matter the severity of the situation or strength of the enemy...It was always exciting. It was treated as a fight for your life, every single time. Even the weakest enemies can catch you off guard, you grew up with that knowledge and carried that thought through every single battle you got yourself into.
You saw three hilichurls lined up, and took an opportunity to strike. You stabbed at them, quickly maneuvering yourself around them and taking them all out in swift movements. It shouldn’t have seemed as easy as it did, yet your adrenaline was rushing so much that maybe you got some sort of superhuman strength that was carrying you through this dilemma.
You couldn’t yet feel the cold that was biting at your skin, hitting your face in icy breezes, or your frigid fingers that were numbing as you kept your grip firm on your polearm.
Bennett didn’t even have time to comprehend your entrance, as he was occupied with perhaps the most threatening enemy there: the mitachurl furiously swinging its axe at him.
Over time, mitachurls became a lot less threatening to you. You fought them so often, it’s hard to remember what it was like to feel scared approaching one. However, they could be very threatening if you were caught off guard or cornered.
While they were less of a threat in your eyes, even now you didn’t underestimate the strength they could possess. They were no pushovers, they had more experience than your average hilichurl and possessed greater strength as imagined.
However, it just so happened to be fully focused on Bennett. How it hadn’t noticed you yet was beyond you. That was to your advantage though, as it left you with the perfect opportunity.
You charged towards the mitachurl, promptly striking it in the back with a precise stab.
Bennett had seemed to weaken it a lot more than you originally thought, as it went down with no further issue.
This left you staring at Bennett, looking shocked to his very core.
“Woah...It’s you!” A smile beamed from Bennett’s face, as he seemed to relax a bit.
“Yeah...I’m glad I was here.” You said, and Bennett nodded.
“Me too, hehe...I was in a really sticky situation. I could’ve handled it, but...I’m freezing a bit. I got ambushed while looking for a heat source, just my luck…” The last part of his sentence was tainted and faded with disappointment, but overall it didn’t seem to bring him down that much.
“I know of one nearby, just over there. I have to leave something here right quick, but I can meet you there if you’d like? I have some hot soup in my bag to help.” You said, and a glimmer of excitement appeared in Bennett’s eyes.
“You’re serious? Like, you mean it?” You nodded to his question, and while he looked a bit hesitant, he eventually agreed.
“I’d offer to stick with you, but...Whatever you’re doing, I don’t wanna mess it up.” He laughed a bit uncomfortably, before walking in the direction you told him that the fire was in.
After Bennett walked off, you found a nice spot to put the flowers in. Hopefully, they’d be left undisturbed...Flora mentioned to you that she’d need them back after a couple of days.
Now that you had time to calm down, you felt the cold start to fully kick in. You were freezing…
It was definitely time for you to get to a heat source as well.
Walking back to the fire you were previously at before finding Bennett, you were greeted with a less-than-ideal sight.
The fire had been completely eradicated by a pile of snow, and Bennett looked hopelessly defeated next to it.
“That’s so weird...I walked over here and I must have disturbed the snow or somethin’, it fell directly on it.” You started to wonder if this really was the bad luck the adventurers were talking about.
Just two occurrences, although close together you refused to judge him harshly for it. He was struggling just as much as you were, no way you were abandoning him over some petty words you overheard from the guild.
“Hey, it’s alright. I know of a device near here that radiates heat. It’s close by and can’t be snuffed out so we should be fine there.” You said, and Bennett seemed relieved at your words.
It was only a minute or so of walking before you both approached the device, and you promptly activated it before it gave off a huge burst of heat, relieving you both immediately of the cold that felt as if it was seeping into your skin.
“Ahh...That feels so much better.” Bennett said, and you nodded in agreement, taking a seat on a nearby tree log and taking the soup out of the pack you brought with you.
“Have a seat, we can share.” You smiled, and so he did.
After about fifteen seconds of silence, Bennett broke it with a question.
“I hope this doesn’t come off as offensive or anything, you know, with you helping me and all, but…” Bennett paused for a moment, contemplating on how he should word it, “You’ve heard stuff about me, right? It shocks me that you’re not trying to get away from me cause’ I’m sure you’ve probably noticed...My luck is horrible.”
He laughed at himself, but you noticed it wasn’t a happy laugh at all. More so laced with subtle sadness.
“I have, actually. It doesn’t bother me though, if anything it was really lucky that I found you. For both of us, I mean.” Bennett seemed surprised at your answer, stunning himself silent for a moment.
“Is that so? Huh...I guess you’re right! Perhaps luck was more on my side today than I thought!” His smile returned to his face, a lot more genuine than how he appeared before.
It was almost funny. Another thing about Bennett that you knew was that he could find something good in any bad situation he was in. His presence made you feel a lot better about being out here.
“Actually, I’ve been curious...What are you doing out here, Bennett? You don’t look like you came prepared at all.” You said, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
“I did, actually! Or, I was, at least… Some weird boar-looking thing surprised me and managed to take all of the stuff I had with me. No idea how that happened though, I thought for sure that my stuff was really secure on me. Guess not, though. My mistake.” He laughed again, and then turned the question around on you, “What are you doing out here? If I’m being honest, I only managed to get out here through a series of distractions. I meant to stick around the entrance, but I guess you could say...I got a bit lost.”
“I’m out here for a commission. Flora asked me to put some of her flowers around the area. I would’ve done it earlier but I didn’t read it carefully enough, I had no idea it’d bring me out here.” You smiled warmly, realizing something, “If I had realized sooner though, I probably wouldn’t have run into you.”
Once again, Bennett’s face lit up.
“Wow, you’re right! Sorry you had to get involved, though. Oh, and thanks for the food! I was starving since my stuff got taken a while ago.”
“My pleasure. We should get going soon, though. I’m all finished up and there’s not a lot of daylight left. I know a path that has little to no enemies and a lot of heat sources. Wanna head back together?” You asked, and Bennett hesitated once again.
“Well, if you’re sure, then yeah! I’m not gonna lie, I’m beat.” He said this with a small chuckle at the end, and with that, you gathered your things and headed off.
You both managed to leave Dragonspine with almost no trouble, apart from Bennett having a few literal slip-ups along the way. Strangely enough...It was a dirt path that you never had trouble on. You didn’t mention it though, as every time you looked back to see if he was alright, he gave you a pleasant smile and a thumbs up.
It felt good finally having somebody with you. Dragonspine had such a lonely and bitter atmosphere to you. It felt grueling ever having to be here alone for just fifteen minutes. Bennett being by your side brought you warmth and comfort, unlike any you had experienced with any other adventurers that had ever accompanied you. The difference with him felt so clear, he was making the atmosphere feel alive rather than lonely. Every time you came here with someone, they were so focused on getting in and getting out that it always felt like a blur. This was different though, time passed much slower and it wasn’t upsetting.
The walk back to Mondstadt was peaceful. You ran into nothing on the way, and even the bad things that were happening to Bennett every so often slowly started to die down a little.
Then there you were, standing at the front gate to the city.
You were kind of surprised that Bennett came with you all the way here, it was rare to see him around at any other time rather than the mornings on some random days. You weren’t complaining though, it felt good to not be alone after that trip. Being in Dragonspine always left you feeling lonely and sad, but Bennett made it hard to feel that way.
“We can split here. After a few recent incidents, I don’t think people really want me around right now, hehe…” Bennett rubbed the back of his head, a bit of flashback pain appearing on his face in the form of a cringe.
“Alright then. Thanks for sticking with me, I really appreciate it.” You smiled, and he looked as if he wasn’t expecting your words at all.
“You mean it? That’s good to hear! Same to you.” He returned a smile, the memories of his recent misfortune fading away from his mind.
“I’ll have to go back in a couple of days, try not to get yourself into any trouble there again. I might not be there to help.” You said this in a teasing tone, and Bennett couldn’t help but laugh with an embarrassment-induced blush slightly appearing on his face.
“Sure thing, just be careful when you go back, hopefully, you’ll have better luck than I did.”
You nodded, and soon after you and Bennett parted ways. It wasn’t horrifically late yet, so you quickly reported back to Flora to tell her that you successfully put all of the flowers where she had asked.
“Thank you so much for your help! I’ll let you know when I need them back.” She gave you a gentle smile, and the satisfaction of successfully completing all of your commissions for the day accompanied you on your way home.
Where you lived was nice, in the way that the atmosphere always made you feel so much better after a tiring day. Especially after trips to Dragonspine, as the flames emitting from your fireplace helped you relax.
After getting ready to sleep, you sunk into your sheets much more easily than usual. You were exhausted and still felt slightly cold. It was easy to get comfortable, easy to lose your thoughts to that sleepiness…
You couldn’t help but think about Bennett, and if you’d see him again anytime soon.
Those in the guild always had so many rude things to say about him, and it made you very frustrated and confused at times.
Both of your parents were in the guild, so you grew up there, basically. This meant that you saw Bennett a lot. Even with all of the time you spent together as kids, nothing that bad ever seemed to happen when he was around you.
It got a lot lonelier after your parents decided to become the wandering-type of adventurers, leaving you here. It motivated you to seriously join the guild though, and become strong on your own. You had years of constant teaching from your parents to take with you on your own journeys.
Every time you just so happened to be around Bennett, though...Even if you weren’t really that close. It always managed to make that loneliness melt away, even if it was just for a second.
You really wanted to see him again, you knew that much.
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20 notes · View notes
bennettzone · 2 years
paint me in trust | bennett x reader
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chapters ⇒ CH 1 | CH. 2 | CH. 3
word count: 3.5k
genre(s): fluff, friends to lovers
✎ synopsis: it all started with an encounter between you and bennett in dragonspine, which lead to an adventure where you are faced with many different situations.  
✎ a/n: second chapter woohoooo sorry it took a minute i got lazy
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Chapter 2: you’ll fit so nicely, you’ll keep me in tact
You woke up a bit later than you usually would today. Perhaps it was from the exhaustion you faced in Dragonspine yesterday, going there on the job more than likely always made you much more tired than any other commissions would. It was as if that place sucked the life from your body...It was unsettling.
It didn’t take long for you to get up, though. You felt well rested and ready to go for the day. You were hoping that your commissions would be simple enough, you really didn’t feel like going back to Dragonspine a second day in a row.
Quickly getting dressed, you headed outside. It seemed to be about...Noon, maybe? Again, you slept way later than you usually would.
After heading to Katheryne’s booth, you looked over your commissions for the day. Carefully, this time. Very carefully.
Upon inspection, you got really lucky! All of them were easy and would take no time at all…Helping with repairs, getting rid of some slimes...And of course, the usual of having to clear out a couple of hilchurl camps. Perfect, easy enough. Most importantly, none of them would be taking you to Dragonspine.
All you could think was…well, thank goodness.
As soon as you finished up looking over your commissions, you headed out of the city. None of them were ridiculously far. Taking the main paths to get to the locations meant you’d probably get everything done before the sun set.
That reminds you, you need to gather some extra materials to prepare for tomorrow. You remember Flora saying she wanted you to retrieve the flowers in a couple of days, so that most likely meant you’d be going to get them in the morning. Best to be prepared for it, there’s no telling what will happen this time, or how long you’ll be there.
You also wanted to dress a lot warmer this time, you didn’t think you’d have to yesterday but the hold up proved you wrong. Better to be safe than sorry.
Just as you thought, finishing up your commissions proved to be an easy feat, and as you had predicted, there was still a good bit of daylight left. That meant that you’d go around for a while looking for the stuff you needed, all according to plan.
After living here your entire life, Mondstadt was memorized like the back of your hand. Walking around and finding the stuff you wanted was an easy task, you knew the closest places that would provide you with everything you needed.
You just so happened to be in Windrise on your way to your next destination, and that was when you got distracted by something. Of course, you already knew about the abundant amount of windwheel asters that were scattered around The Statue of The Seven there, but…It slipped your mind, it wasn’t what you were looking for, after all.
The beauty of those flowers always caught your eye. Although the general locations of them were few, it was easy to find a ton of them depending on where you looked. This area as well as Stormterror’s lair were the best places to find them from your experiences, but Windrise was, as you’d expect, a much easier and safer place to navigate.
So…You had a while left before you needed to go home for the day, maybe stopping to pick a few wouldn’t hurt…There isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t.
Windrise was a very calming place to be. The atmosphere was soothing and nostalgic in a way. You’d probably say it’s one of the places you enjoy relaxing at the most. It felt like nothing bad could ever happen here, like a safe space away from the bustling city.
You made a silent agreement with yourself to come back after your trip to Dragonspine tomorrow. It would probably take some of the stress off of your back to be able to relax. It’s been so long since you had a day to yourself…Not that only following up on Flora’s commission was considered a day off from adventuring, but with how busy you’ve been lately it felt like that could be the closest to a break you’d get.
Plus, constantly being on the move and spending all of your days doing this got kind of isolating. It was harder to encounter people. Besides speaking to Katheryne in the mornings, the most conversation you got sometimes were from hilichurls…
Adventuring is fun, but after a while it feels good to be able to relax and talk to people you feel comfortable around. Where there’s no threat and no fighting…You’d never give up adventuring completely for it, but it felt okay to want to indulge in that.
After picking up a few of the flowers and putting them in your bag for safekeeping, you sat down next to the water. Sitting next to it while the breeze picked up always brought back good memories.
While in the middle of your short break, you couldn’t help but to feel like…Somebody was watching you. The only other person around that you could think of would be Dr. Edith, but she usually sticks to the other side of the tree, not to mention she’s usually caught up in her own thoughts anyways.
What could this feeling be…? Maybe you were just imagining it—
“Oh, hey! I didn’t think I’d be seeing you here.”
You knew that voice.
“Bennett?” You said, turning your head to see him standing behind you.
“Yep, it’s good to see you! How are you holding up from yesterday?” He asked, and you noticed he was taking a few seconds to scan the area as he talked, you wondered if he was looking for something…
“I’ve been better, honestly. Dragonspine always leaves me feeling weird for a while after I visit…” You said, turning back towards the water, “You wanna sit down and relax for a bit with me? I’m taking a break from preparing for tomorrow.”
“You sure? Well, as long as you don’t mind, I’m down. My legs do kinda ache…” He chuckled, sitting down on the rocks next to you.
“What have you been up to today?” You asked, and you received a pained expression from Bennett, but only for a second.
“Oh, well…You know…” He awkwardly laughed, shifting a bit where he was sitting, “I’ve just been hanging around, you could say. I was hoping I’d see you, actually! I wanted to ask you about something.”
He wanted to ask about something? Huh, wonder what that could be.
“Alright, what’s that?” You asked, not quite sure what his response would be.
“I was thinking…Dragonspine’s a really dangerous place. I don’t wanna jinx your trip again or anything, but…I wanted to ask if it was alright if I tagged along next time you went?” He quickly stopped himself, shaking his head, “Not that I think you’re not capable or anything! I think you’re really strong, it’s just…”
It seemed like Bennett’s thoughts stopped processing right there, but you got what he was trying to say. You wouldn’t really mind it…
“Of course, why not? You made the trip yesterday a lot better for me.” After saying that, the expression on Bennett’s face was difficult to read. Maybe it was shock, or confusion, you weren’t sure.
“…Phew, okay. That’s great to hear, heh…” He seemed relieved, and his previous expression seemed to melt away.
“I was always taught it was safer to travel with other people. If you get stuck there alone, it could prove to be very dangerous.” You said, and Bennett nodded almost immediately.
“Yeah, that’s why I wanted to ask. I wasn’t sure if you already asked around, is all…I was told the same thing about Dragonspine, although considering the place is already dangerous, people don’t often wanna go with me.” Hearing that from Bennett made you a bit sad.
He was such a fun person to be around…It made you even more sad that you couldn’t go adventuring with him more often. He always seemed so busy, going on his own adventures. On top of that, you rarely ever saw him around.
“I just have to retrieve the flowers Flora asked me to put there, so I didn’t think about that too much. It’ll be nice to have you around, though. Being with you yesterday helped me to feel a lot safer there.”
Another unreadable expression from Bennett.
Speaking of, you never really knew how he took your words. The way he looked, and how he spoke to you regarding what you said always made it seem like he’d never had those things said to him before…Surely not, though…How could people spend time with him and come out of it feeling upset or bitter? It was beyond you, you’d never had a horrible experience with him.
“Aw, you mean it? That’s nice…I hope I can continue making you feel that way.” There was a certain softness to Bennett’s words, quite different from his usual booming and upbeat tone. It made your chest feel warm, almost like you’d been struck by the most comforting beams of sunlight.
“Say, Bennett…If you’re not busy, do you wanna come with me while I get things prepared for tomorrow? I want to make triple sure I won’t run out of anything, even if it should be a short trip.” You asked, and Bennett’s face lit up.
To Bennett, you saying that meant the world to him. Even if it seemed like a small gesture to someone else, it was the grandest one to him. He didn’t know what made you so different from everyone else, but…His bad luck always seemed to pipe down a lot when he was around you. He’s been unlucky since birth, but when he spoke to you it felt like he lived an entirely different way…Felt kind of weird, but not that he was complaining. You were like a wandering good luck charm, in a way. It seemed to try and cancel out the bad, even if it was only a little bit, it felt like a huge difference to what he was used to.
He didn’t want to be selfish, and indulge in that. It could lead to you getting hurt, but…He promised himself he wouldn’t let anything happen to you under his watch, he’d take every hit and shot for you. You were so kind to him, kinder than anyone else had been in a long time.
He was incredibly grateful to have gotten the chance to connect with you again, much like you did when you were kids wandering around the guild.
“…Yeah, I’d love to!” His face beamed with a bright, burning passion. It was exactly what you needed, and gave you the motivation to do your best tomorrow.
“Okay then, I need to get plenty of sweet flowers for the most part. It should be easy, I see them everywhere.” You said, and Bennett nodded.
“Yep, me too! I saw some on my way over here, actually. Not too far that way.” He pointed to the right of the two of you, and you noticed right away the abundant amount of sweet flowers spotted all over the terrain.
“Wow, that’s a lot…This gathering trip might be over sooner than I thought!” Hearing the happiness in your voice was music to Bennett’s ears…He was glad to be helpful.
The stuff you were looking for wasn’t all that uncommon, you could find loads of it if you walked around for a bit. So that’s what you did, and you did it all while speaking to Bennett the entire way.
He told you loads of stories. About his adventures, about his dads…It was like he never ran out of stuff to talk about. You found that amazing. Not that you wouldn’t expect him to, he’s out adventuring basically all of the time.
You didn’t want this to end, being around him was genuinely so much fun…
“—And then, bam ! A whopperflower knocked me right off my feet— Wait, woah! The suns already setting! Have we been walking around for that long?” Bennett asked, motioning towards the sun resting below the traveling clouds.
“Huh, I guess so. Time really flew…” You said, and it felt as if your words drifted away with the wind.
“Don’t worry, tomorrow’s gonna be even more fun! We might even find some treasure while we’re looking around!” He said, already imagining tons of possibilities for what might be in store for tomorrow.
“You’re right, I’m definitely looking forward to it. What do you say about meeting at the gate tomorrow morning?” Bennett hastily agreed, and with that you both started on the walk back to the city.
“Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you decide to stick around in Mondstadt?” Bennett’s question seemed totally out of nowhere, but you knew why he asked.
When your parents left to become wandering adventurers, they gave you the option to stay in Mondstadt or to go with them…And you picked Mondstadt. Word of it quickly got around the guild, as your parents wanted to make sure you were looked after properly once you started adventuring yourself.
“Oh, well…I guess I just like being home better. Sure, there are probably tons of fun adventures elsewhere, but…Homesickness isn’t really my thing. Plus, if I can make it easier for everyone around here to feel safe then that’s a bonus!”
The look Bennett gave you was different than anything you’d ever seen from him.
“Wow…That’s so awesome of you! I mean, I always knew ever since we were kids that you’d grow up to be strong because…You’re still the same person I knew, you haven’t changed a bit, still just as kindhearted and all, heh.”
“Neither have you. You’ve always been the same wonderful and passionate Bennett…” The memories coming back to you were nothing short of endearing, almost like they happened yesterday.
“It’s crazy, because you’re the only person I’ve known outside of my dads who feels that way about me. I’m surprised my luck manages to not be so bad around you.”
Those words pounded at your heart.
“I think you’re amazing, Bennett. Bad luck or not.”
At that very moment, it was as if something switched in him. Kicking in full swing like he’d never felt before. Like waves of electricity, feeling tingly all over his skin.
He fell silent, taking in the nice feelings you’d provided along with your words.
What an amazing person …That’s all Bennett’s mind could put together and comprehend.
“Wow, I don’t know what to say… I—“ He suddenly stopped, as you both heard a rumbling in the distance.
The wind quickly picked up, and you felt droplets of rain start to scatter on your skin as it quickly picked up and seemed to begin into a more intense than usual storm.
“Gah! Are you kidding me!?” Bennett seemed to be inconvenienced to the point of frustration, emotions you’d hardly ever seen on him in all of the time you’d known him.
That’s when you realized you’d lost track of both the time and where you had been walking. With the storm quickly coming in, you could hardly tell where you were at.
“Bennett, I don’t know where we’re at…Do you think we need to find someplace to stay until the storm passes?” You asked, and he snapped out of whatever thoughts he was in to look around.
“It’s okay, don’t panic. This happens to me a lot, so I’ve memorized the area pretty well. If we run we might be able to make it out of here before the storm gets any worse…If that’s okay with you?” You frantically nodded, feeling a bit of anxiety piling up in your skin.
Storms always give you a horrible feeling. Rain itself was calming, but…Thunder and lightning were a different story, always being terrifying to you.
Bennett picked up that something was off as soon as you agreed to run. As you both set off, going from a quick walk to a run, he asked you a question.
“Do storms like this make you nervous?” He tried talking over the increasing volume of the storm, while also focusing on where you were going.
“Y-Yeah, a little bit.” You said, feeling a bit ashamed to say it.
“Try not to worry! Like I said, I’m used to this so everything’s gonna be alright!” He stopped for a moment to look around, trying to figure out what direction would be best.
Then a realization suddenly popped into his head.
“I know the quickest way from here…But the path is a bit chaotic. We can take that one but it might be difficult to keep up, especially if you’re nervous, so…” Bennett held out his hand, with a reassuring smile on his face, “I’ll lead the way, and you won’t have to be scared. Just stick with me.”
You felt your face warm up, and your chest felt like it was on the verge of exploding.
With shaky fingers, you took Bennett’s hand, and after assuring him you were ready he led you both down a winding path.
With every boom of thunder, you couldn’t help but notice that Bennett would hold your hand a little tighter. A small gesture, but a big help in keeping you focused and grounded.
Out of all of the things that ceased to scare you anymore, perhaps storms would never make their way onto that list.
But luckily, Bennett was here to help you through it. Who knows what would’ve happened if you were alone…Suddenly, you didn’t feel as anxious as you did when it started.
Sure enough, Bennett managed to get you both out of the storm and to the bridge going into the city. You were soaked to the bone, shaking from being both cold and on edge.
Breathing heavily, you and Bennett leaned against the stone surface of the bridge to calm yourselves down. And after a moment, Bennett sighed.
“Listen…I’m really sorry. Stuff like that always happens when I’m around, and…Knowing it makes you nervous, I feel really bad.” Bennett frowned, rubbing the back of his head. “I don’t wanna be the reason for your fears. I want to be someone who you can depend on, and know that if I’m there I’ll have your back no matter what…But…I understand if it might be too much for you to deal with, I wouldn’t blame you if you changed your mind.”
That was perhaps one of the most jarring things you’d ever heard come from his mouth.
“…Why would I change my mind? If I’m being honest…That was actually a lot of fun. Yeah I was scared, but…You were there, and you helped me a lot. I really appreciate that…” Your smile after saying that was so gentle and sincere that it might’ve pierced right through Bennett’s heart. “I don’t think your luck is to blame. It has to storm at some point, right? So I’m not bothered at all.”
“Are you serious? Like, completely sure?” He asked, still not convinced.
“Yeah…Being around you is fun. If you ever want someone to go adventuring with, you can count me in. I won’t ever go back on my word, and that’s a promise.”
It was silent, and all you could hear in that moment was the breeze flowing through Mondstadt, as if the storm that you were both in minutes earlier never happened. Peace and comfort were all you felt, all right next to Bennett.
“…T-Thank you.” Hearing a shaky sentence from Bennett with such a broken tone was something you’d never heard before in your life.
Your eyes quickly shifted over to the boy standing right next to you, shaking with glossy eyes that were threatening to become so much more.
“Bennett…” Your heart stung in that moment, and that was when you realized just how much hearing that probably meant to him.
Bennett spent most days alone, and even more adventures alone. He yearned for someone to want to be in his presence, travel with him when it felt horrible to be alone. Yet, it felt like all odds were against him when it came to that, and basically everything else.
He could find the positive in any situation life threw at him, yet hearing directed words that were laced with negativity and resentment from people who he admired so much made it a lot harder.
Yet, you were always kind to him and refused to pin any of the misfortune on him no matter how ridiculous it got…He was grateful for you, grateful to have met such a wonderful person.
He hadn’t realized it, but he had slightly leaned into your side, weak with sudden overwhelming emotions making it hard to stand up straight.
It was then that you had turned to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Bennett…Is it alright if I hug you?”
You didn’t even have to ask, but…It was so like you to do that, he thought.
He nearly collapsed into your embrace, feeling a stray tear leave his eye and hit your shoulder. Your hugs were warm and felt safe, even if you were still soaking wet and slightly shaking from the rain.
You were like a ray of shining light to him.
And he desperately hoped he could be the same to you.
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bennettzone · 2 years
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✎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ last updated: 03/16/23
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✗ please do tell me if any of these links go to different places/don’t work!
• Hello!! I’m Vee, and I’m a writer! This blog (not very shockingly) is dedicated to Bennett from Genshin Impact :) this post is an overview of the writings I’ve made for him. However, I try to regularly rb things of him as well!
• My requests are always open! Please go beneath the cut to see my requesting criteria/already existing writings for him. ♡ thank you!
✎ Request Criteria:
1. I will not be writing nsfw content of him, even in scenarios where he is ‘aged up.’ Any requests of that nature will be ignored.
2. I can only write fem!reader/gn!reader type content, and I do not have plans to write ship content. I don’t want to unintentionally disrespect any groups outside of my own.
3. You can request in the form of a one-shot or a simple prompt! The idea can be as detailed or up to interpretation as you want it to be, I’ll try to take a crack at it :]
4. I cannot guarantee how much time it will take me to write it. I will eventually but it just depends how I feel/how my times going but as someone who generally doesn’t have a life I usually can give it a go LOL
✎ Writings:
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✎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Series
✓ - complete ✗ - work in progress
❥ paint me in trust (✓) ・ genre(s); fluff, friends to lovers ✎ ; it all started with an encounter between you and bennett in dragonspine, which lead to an adventure where you are faced with many different situations.
chapters ⇒ CH.1 | CH.2 | CH.3
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✎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ One shots
❥ raining in windrise ・ genre(s); fluff, established relationship, first kiss, gn!reader ✎ ; after a long night watching over windrise, bennett comes to brighten your day.
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✎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Other
✎  fluff hcs
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✎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ END
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