#✒️ | v; i’d just as soon kiss a wookiee ( star wars )
orchestrahearts · 1 year
Invade my muse's personal space! Send "you're warm" to see my muse's reaction to yours randomly cuddling up to them. JACK FOR KATHERINE
aforementioned meme.
“You’re cold,” Katherine replied with a whine as Jack cuddled up next to her. He’d been outside in the cold while Katherine had remained inside, doing some basic maintenance on her ship. “We need a blanket.”
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
[ intrude ] one muse walks in on the other while they’re treating their own wound.  for Katherine from Jack at cowboynewsie but Jack's the one that's hurt
nonverbal meme.
The doors slid open as Katherine walked through. “Oh.” She stopped short when she saw Jack, wrapping a wound. “Hi. Sorry. I’ll go. Unless you need help?” She glanced at the door then back at Jack awkwardly, taking a step to leave.
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
“What you did was very brave, stupid but brave” (Canon or SW Darcy&Katherine?)
katherine will fight everything.
“Not that stupid, it worked, didn’t it?” Katherine said with a grin before wincing, a sharp pain where she had a fresh blaster burn. There were probably better – smarter – ways she could’ve handled their most recent escape, but she improvised and they got away without too much injury. That was the point, wasn’t it?
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
Space allowed for a certain quietness and a certain sadness to creep in if you weren't careful. And that's where Darcy found himself as he sat in the cockpit with Katherine flying towards their next destination. It was what would have been Rose's 14th birthday today, and the sadness seeped in.
"Kitty? Does missing your sister ever get any easier?"
Most of the time Katherine didn't mind the quiet in space. She found a certain peace to being alone in space, maybe because of the amount of time that they spent running away from people in space. She glanced over at Darcy at the question, eyebrows furrowed.
“I guess.” She looked out into the infinity that was in front of them. “I still miss her all the time but it’s different now. A lot of it is just noticing when she’s not here when she would be.”
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
for @betterto-die-thanto-crawl
Katherine woke with a start, the stinging sensation of electricity still coursing through her veins. Her breath was short and panicked, her eyes adjusting to the darkness as the nightmare faded. She felt the spot where they used the electric prod, wincing slightly at the tender part of her skin. It’d been healing well enough, but it was still soft and delicate. Her body was shaking a little, though she couldn’t entirely tell if it was from the fear from the nightmare or the specific pain that came with recalling the feeling of electricity being sent through her.
She wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep again, she could tell. She slid out of the bed, looking around the room. It was so quiet. Katherine wasn’t used to it. After so much time spent on the run, she was used to the sounds of her ship. And Charlie, cuddled next to her, breathing. Sometimes she was whimpering from pain, or a nightmare she was having, but it was the quiet that was unfamiliar to Katherine. Even in her home before she ran away, it was never perfectly quiet. The sounds of her siblings, servants, droids, all walking around outside her door.
The quiet didn’t last long though. She could hear someone from the next room. Jack. She could tell it was him after only a moment. It wasn’t Charlie, and there was only one other person Katherine was used to hearing in her ship after all this time. She walked out of her room, trying to see in the dimness, following the sound to where Jack slept. She crouched beside his bed, gently shaking him.
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
"I may have hooked up with Luke Skywalker in one of the locker rooms and I think I have a crush. Help?!?!?" (More Hoth Adventures bb!!)
no meme, just dumbasses on hoth.
“You’re kidding.” No way did Darcy hook up with Luke Skywalker. It wasn’t exactly a secret to anyone else that he seemed to have a crush on Luke, but she couldn’t believe they actually hooked up.
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
@betterto-die-thanto-crawl ❤️’ed — for Charlie
Several weeks had passed since Charlie had told Katherine about the dreams she was having. She was still avoiding Jack everywhere they went, which remained hard, given the tight quarters they shared most of the time. After yet another awkward evening spent stuck in between them, Katherine decided it was time to talk to Charlie.
The door swished open to her quarters, and as she expected, Charlie was inside. “Hey, can we talk?”
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
“I want a friend. And a pet.” Charlie to Katherine... SW au. (droid time?)
into the woods we go again, we have to every now and then.
“Nooo,” Katherine groaned, looking back at the droid Charlie had brought. “I don’t want to have to deal with a droid on my ship.” She hated having to talk to droids. They always either beeped which she didn’t understand (she never could understood binary) or they were just so… obnoxious. It was probably a dumb reason to not want droids on her ship, she knew they could be useful, but what was she supposed to do every time she got stuck on the ship with them?
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
❛ you think i’m jealous? ❜ Jack to Katherine, about Darcy
“Could it be more obvious that you are?” Katherine had noticed the way Jack acted when she was spending time with Darcy. Moody and pouty and endlessly annoyed. Katherine couldn’t say that she hadn’t been encouraging it, it was fun to watch him so bothered over her. She’d been cuddling up to him because they both liked the physical contact but seeing Jack jealous was an added bonus.
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
“Do you see the man with evil eyes?“ for katherine
the legend of zelda.
“Yeah, who is that?” Katherine asked, eyeing the the guy across the room. She didn’t like the look of him, but there were lots of people she didn’t like the look of. “Should I get the ship ready?” she asked, eyebrow raised.
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
“You keep trying to pick a fight, but I'm still just happy you're alive.” from jack at cowboynewsie
the incredibles — @betterto-die-thanto-crawl
Katherine huffed. "Yes, I am, because we wouldn’t be in this mess if it hadn’t been for you.”
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
“I’ll protect you.” for Katherine from Crutchie
soft things.
“I know you’ll try,” Katherine replied. Charlie always tried and often helped. Whatever it was she was doing, it did protect her. Both her and Jack. She’d seen it, even if she didn’t understand it. “You don’t have to, though.”
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
Send me O_O for my muse’s reaction to yours seeing them naked to Katherine from Jack
catch my girls nude.
Katherine had been changing into a much needed fresh set of clothes when she heard the doors swish open. She let out a noise of surprise, moving behind the nearest bit of cargo.
“Hoping to get a good look?” she said irritably when she saw it was Jack.
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
❝ you’re gonna get us both in trouble. ❞ to katherine from jack at cowboynewsie
andor sentence starters — @cowboynewsie
"I'm sorry, I can't just ignore this!" Katherine's hand hovered over her blaster.
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
Send “You’re afraid of me, aren’t you?” for my muse’s response!
is my muse afraid of yours?
Katherine shook her head. “No, I’m not. But other people seem to be.” Why else would people like Charlie be hunted the way they all seem to be. At the bottom of it, there had to be some amount of fear. Katherine couldn’t exactly tell why, but there had to be something at the bottom of it all. 
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orchestrahearts · 2 years
HC: Katherine (SW verse)
although her father doesn't like her flying much, katherine has had lessons from one of the best pilots. katherine is so stubborn and bullheaded that he knew she was going to fly anyways so she may as well know what she’s doing.
katherine had to buy a totally new wardrobe when she ran off to be a smuggler. her family always kept her in the finest clothes but even if she wasn’t looking to fly around seedy underbelly characters, she would’ve stood out like a sore thumb.
katherine taught herself how to shoot a blaster. she was always told that girls like her never did such things but she insisted one of her family’s guards show her. she had amazing aim from the start and it only improved with practice.
katherine’s family has done business with both the rebels and the empire. although he has sympathies for the rebels, pulitzer refuses to put his family in danger by officially taking a side. katherine is well aware of this which is why she chose to act on her own when she ran off.
katherine’s secretly had her ship upgraded. the one she was given by her father is a small but sturdy, good quality one with certain amenities to accommodate katherine who’s used to a certain quality of life, but he didn’t want it able to go deep into space/travel long distances. katherine had it modified so that it can.
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