#✖ █ ▌  out of sunflower seeds  ( ooc. )
truthsaved-a · 2 years
archiving and moving him to my multi !   give this a like if you want me to follow you from there 
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
sorry I haven't been on, but I've been struggling on here and have been on my other blog. I've got quite a few muses on there now from more fandoms so if anyone is interested, let me know!
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
you know what, like this for a one-liner song starter or small para based on said lyric bc its easy. other people do it and it looks kinda fun !
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
hello I have survived one whole year in graduate school! and you know what that means... it's about to be summer break. now, I do have a job but it's only late afternoon/night so I was thinking I might be around here a bit more again? maybe? 👀
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
activity notice ! I've already been really low activity on here, but it's going to be worse because my bf is visiting and since we are long distance I want to spend as much time with him as I can. then, at the end of the month, I have 2 small medical procedures and moving apartments yay so ill be off of here completely.
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
Heading home today from my visit with bf. It's a long drive and I'm not looking forward to it but I'll be back around here soon!
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
So I think I've done all the revamping / cleaning up that I'm going to for now... like this to plot? I'll message you on here and then we can add each other on disco if it's easier after initial messaging.
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
Drove for 10 hrs to get home to visit my family, my bfs family (new nephew was born recently and I've only seen him once for a few short hours), and then eventually my bf. So, I won't be on much for writing but disco and random things being posted by me is entirely possible!
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
mulder’s behavior in s2 ep7,  entitled ‘3′  , is just so fascinating.  i’m rewatching it right now and i think that with scully’s disappearance, which he feels is ultimately his fault, he is overcome by a grief very similar to mourning death.   the main difference is that she is still out there somewhere,  or so he hopes,  and he can’t do anything about it.   which is possibly worse in the sense of moving on or healing.  and him sleeping with the vampire lady is partially him just looking to fill a void as much as it is something that he might would do anyways.  i don’t mean he’s   “promiscuous”  i just mean that if he finds any connection with someone emotionally,  there is a physicality that comes with it.   though he is less likely with scully around (bc he loves her duh),  he is a still very openly sexual man.   he tries not to cross any line with her, and succeeds he guesses because she’s never raised any real problem about it.   all of this to say is that i have to find the balance between mulder being the comedic relief about sexual tension and actively exploring it. 
also, something to note is that her disappearance occurred sometime in may or before may because when he walks into the office at the beginning of the episode,  he has to flip the calendar all the way to november and uncover the desk that was protected by plastic.   what did he do from may to november???   almost 6 months of leave from the fbi and what in the fuck did he do with it??   i need to think about this bc i feel that it’s an important gap in his life. 
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
gonna be going through a blog-wide clean-up like deleting posts and asks, clearing inactive followers, graphics overhaul, and other things!  then i can properly be on this summer
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
Thinking about doing a super lowkey multi of random niche characters that I'm into, it'll probably be a v private blog and I won't promo it openly. Probably just lowkey link it somewhere and if it's found, then it's found wshsafds
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
tagged by : ( stolen from )   @perdurant    tagging :   whoever also wants to steal it 
name : blue    it’s my penname / alias for tumblr !
pronouns :  she / her 
preference of communication : discor.d but dms on here is okay for short bursts
name of muse : fox william mulder
experience / how long ? ( months / years ) :  since 2012 for rping in general but with mulder it’s been like 5-7 years?  i don’t remember tbh .
best experience :  honestly,   idk because there’s been good times and bad times on every blog i’ve had.   i loved a lot of my ocs,  but i created them in a time when tumblr wasn’t very accepting so i just stuck with my one true love of a canon character (mulder) and hoped that he would get more interaction.  which isn’t the case for the most part.   i guess the x-files is officially becoming like... niche or something. 
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers :  hmmm... maybe the absence of any communication between muns.   we don’t have to be besties,  but i would love to be able to shoot a few messages back and forth every once and a while ! 
fluff , angst , or smut ? :  i love all three.  i like a nice balance of fluff and angst,  then with partners that have a lot of chemistry ooc / we talk and are more comfortable,   smut is also something i’m good at   *hides face emoji* 
plots or memes ? :  memes are best for beginning interaction and then inspiration leads to plotting once we’ve kind of gotten some ideas floating around! 
long or short replies ? :  both !   i love paras and multi-paras for things that need the depth in writing.   and then the short replies are nice to easily bounce back and forth. 
best time to write :  probably right after lunch-ish to mid evening.   and then when gremlin blue comes out,   late in the evening / night can be fun.   
are you like your muse ? :  um.... so.... we are kind of the same person.   both born in october,  rocky relationship with our parents,  love psychology,  lanky build,   good at shooting basketball hoops,  believe in all sorts of things like cryptids,   our mbti type and enneagram type is the same (if you believe in those),   and i’m currently dating a redhead.    lmfaoooooooo. 
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
when are we going to get another x files resurgence???  *shakes fists*  i need all of the characters like 2 years ago
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
Tumblr media
in this verse,   mulder will be mostly the same as far as occupation and life back story.   the only difference is that he and scully are platonic partners in the fbi.   
mulder travels to a town in which similar abductions are happening to children in the town much like how his sister disappeared.   he does this on his own without scully because i envision this taking place around s4-s5 in which she has discovered her can.cer.  he doesn’t want to drag her into what likely will be another dead end for him because there is no evidence,  no theories or suspects.  just children disappearing out of their locked bedrooms and houses in the dead of night while parents slept or babysitters sat in the living area.   
on his first night within the city,  at the bar of his hotel,   he runs into  bill denbrough  ( @pagetorn​ )  and they have a conversation skirting around the cases contents over a couple of drinks.   due to hotel booking mishap (and us wanting to do a thread based on a silly meme)  they end up sharing a hotel room.   during that first night as ‘roomies’,   bill has a nightmare and is comforted by mulder as well as learning that mulder also suffers from them due to something that has happened in his life,  which is not yet revealed.   from there,   the rest is history.   their full story hasn’t been written out yet in threads,  but the plan is for both of them to be able to eventually open up about their shared sibling-disappearance trauma and bond over it during the case once they get past general distrust from not knowing each other very well.
in this verse,  bill will be mulder’s significant other and thus, aware of whatever bill can remember over time about I.T. and derry.   bill would be around for whenever he discovers what truly happens to his sister within season 7.   then once ch 2 happens,  mulder would likely be around more to support,  but ultimately knows this is a fight that bill has to fight with his losers club.   he could help research,   or would just for his own benefit because this is just the kind of case right up his alley.  he would likely have interactions with the group set during the movie because he would come with bill and stay in derry to be near him.  maybe in separate lodgings as to give space while bill and the club are figuring out what they need to do to kill I.T?   also,  to be out of the way so that hopefully,   I.T. won’t be able to use him against bill as easily.   then,  with any of the losers after the movie takes place,   mulder would be the supportive bf   (maybe husband by then??? screams)  and hopefully they would adopt him as a friend.  it would be adorbs  :’).   
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
I want to go roller skating.... there's no one up here where I live to go with me though bc all my friends got jobs for the summer in other states
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truthsaved-a · 2 years
i have been on a rollercoaster of emotions these past few days because im absolutely exhausted. The second job I got hired for is an absolute shit show with management and im probably either gonna quit or limit my hours there to very part time. Pls hit me up on disco if you wanna plot or talk (if you don't have my disco then just message me here to get it). Pls I am lonely
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