#✖ ❝i had locked my heart; i was imprisoned by dark.❞ ⇨ headcanons.
biologicalengineer · 7 years
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alcoholism. amnesia. anxiety. appetite loss. binge eating. co-dependence. cynicism. defensiveness. denial. depersonalization. depression. derealization. devaluation. displacement. dissociation. drug abuse. dysphoria. emotional detachment. flashbacks. flat affect. guilt. hallucinations. hypersomnia. hypervigilance. hypochondria. idealization. insomnia. intellectualization. introjection. isolation. low self esteem. narcissism. night terrors. obsessive compulsion. overeating. panic attacks. passive aggression. paranoia. phobias. projection. psychosis. rationalization. regression. repression. restrictive eating. risky sex. self-harm. somatization. splitting. sublimation. suicidal ideation. sleepwalking. suppression. thousand yard stare. triggers. trust issues. violence. whiplash temper.
tagged by: @crimefought tagging: @allroundlostcause @misshoodoolady @enterludes (sam) @shculdbeafraid @agcntvasqucz @filiamatris
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
swearing   |   fingernail chewing   |   slouching   |   slurring   |   drinking   |   smoking   |   drugs   |  obsessive checking   |   bad time management   |   slang   |   poor grammar   |   overworking   |   slacking off   |   oversleeping   |   under - sleeping   |   skin picking   |   poor eye contact   |   lying   |  rambling   |   skipping breakfast   |   junk food   |   self - criticism   |   procrastinating   |  daydreaming   |   forgetful   |   envious   |   jealous   |   gossiper   |   drama - seeking   |   secret teller   |   spitting   |   lip licking   |   lip chewing   |   drinking from the bottle  |   yelling   |   poor hygiene   |   impatient   |   hot - headed   |   biased   |   complaining   |   scab - picking   |   cheek - biting   |   teeth - gnashing   |   stealing   |   scamming   |   speeding   |   hair - pulling   |   large ego   |   eavesdropping   |   exaggerating   |   fidgeting   |   freeloading   |   littering   |   one - upping   |  whining   |   borrowing without returning   |   unnecessary aggression   |   talking during performances   |   plagiarism   |   copying   |   glaring   |   spacing out   |   ignoring   |   over critical   |   messy   |   hateful   |   overly prideful   |   competitive
tagged  by:     @crimefought tagging:     whoever.
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
a very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!  When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
TAGGED BY: @birdghosted
NAME: alexandra danvers AGE: 29 SPECIES: human GENDER: cis woman ORIENTATION: lesbian INTERESTS: guns, women, alcohol, science podcasts, black clothes, astrophysics, biophysics, molecular biology, biochemistry, reality tv shows PROFESSION: secret government agent BODY TYPE: mesomorph EYES: brown HAIR: brown/auburn SKIN: fair/pale HEIGHT: 5′6″ WEIGHT: 125 lbs COMPANIONS: deo, superfriends, (occasionally:) legends, team flash, team arrow ANTAGONISTS:  anyone who hurts kara. CADMUS.  PET PEEVES: lack of control, shitty alcohol, prejudice/intolerance, men’s arrogance COLOURS: black, dark grey, dark blues & reds SMELLS: lavender, coffee, jasmine, vanilla, & sandalwood. FRUITS: cantaloupe, honeydew, blackberries, strawberries, peaches, & pineapples. DRINKS: whiskey, chamomile tea (often with whiskey in it), & hazelnut coffee. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?  yes  [x]  ||  no [ ]  ||  occasionally [] FAVORITES: fancy shit. she’s a snob. SMOKES?  yes []  || no [x]  ||  occasionally  [  ] DRINKS?  yes [x] ||  no [  ]  ||  occasionally [x] DRUGS?: yes [ ]  || no []  ||  occasionally [x] DRIVERS LICENSE?: yes [x]  ||  no [  ]  
TAGGING: @nationalcityy @crimefought @monstricidal @shculdbeafraid @daxambcrn @vespertiilian @fatesacred (sadie) @misshoodoolady
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
alex is that bitch who talks shit about haunted houses but as soon as she goes to one and someone scares her she punches the actor so hard in the face she breaks their nose or, alternatively, she screams "fuck you" at the top of her lungs at the actors while children are present.
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
canon facts that spg loves to ignore:
alex has screened every boy who has ever breathed in kara’s direction. she knows everything about them (social, blood type, allergies, weaknesses, etc.). she did this even before she was with the deo.
alex has diverted nasty boys away from her sister since she was 14.
kara doesn’t know how many bones of boys alex has broken who’ve been interested in kara. that’s a need-to-know basis, but alex really enjoys breaking their dominant hands. (you don’t get to touch my sister and you can’t masturbate, HA.)
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
take this test for your muse and post your results, tag as many as you’d like ! REPOST.
TAGGED BY: @heroheart TAGGING: @nationalcityy @e1mayarah @inze @saralaxce @agoodluthor
warmth---58% (more supportive, comforting than cold, selfish) Intellect---90% (cerebral, analytical) Emotional Stability---38% (irritable, moody) Aggressiveness---90% (controlling, tough) Liveliness---90% (wild, fun loving) Dutifulness---54% (more untraditional, rebellious but also somewhat conforming, traditional) Social Assertiveness---42% (shy, withdrawn but situationally bold, uninhibited) Sensitivity---70% (touchy, soft) Paranoia---78% (wary, suspicious) Abstractness---18% (practical, regular) Introversion---82% (private, quiet) Anxiety---74% (fearful, self-doubting) Openmindedness---54% (more curious, exploratory but also somewhat closeminded, set-in-ways) Independence---54% (more loner, craves solitude but also somewhat outgoing, social) Perfectionism---70% (orderly, thorough) Tension---78% (stressed, unsatisfied)
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
alex was that drunk girl in the bar who was either crying hysterically in the bathroom or holding some stranger's hand or hair while they threw up or cried. there is no in-between for her.
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biologicalengineer · 7 years
CHARACTER SOCIAL MEDIA/TECH INFO     ( repost don’t reblog please! )
TWITTER  NAME : adanvers NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS  ON  TWITTER : 450 WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ? Guns, motorcycles, working out, Maggie, Kara, and occasionally social activism.
FACEBOOK  NAME : Alex Danvers NUMBER OF FACEBOOK FRIENDS :  —– 50 WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ? : —– She never uses it. She hates Facebook.
INSTAGRAM  NAME :  alexdanvers NUMBER OF INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS: —– 67 WHAT  KIND  OF  PICTURES  DO  THEY  UPLOAD ? guns, motorcycles, working out, Maggie, Kara... sensing a pattern here?
SNAPCHAT :  adanvers TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  ON  MY  STORY : doesn’t know how to do this. TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  DIRECTLY  AT  PEOPLE : she hates snapchat but Kara made her get one.
TYPE  OF  PHONE  THEY  OWN :   iPhone 7 5  LATEST  PEOPLE  THEY  CALLED :  Kara, Maggie, Maggie, Kara, J’onn WHO  WERE  THEIR  LAST  5  MISSED  CALLS  FROM :  Eliza, Kara, Winn, Winn, Eliza LATEST  TEXT  AND  WHO  FROM :  Maggie: Sorry... you saw Winn doing WHAT now? At WORK?  Kid’s got bigger balls than I thought. Right on, Schott. LATEST  PICTURE  THEY  TEXTED : A puppy she saw on the street which she texted to Kara.
LAST VIDEO THEY TEXTED : a video from game night where Kara forgot what a cucumber was called (she described it as a long pickle that women sometimes put on their eyes) and everyone else was crying laughing.
TYPE  OF  PICTURES  ON  THEIR  PHONES : Maggie, Kara, guns, motorcycles--. TYPE  OF  VIDEOS  ON  THEIR  PHONE :  Same as above. ANYTHING  ON  THEIR  PHONE  THEY  DON’T  WANT  PEOPLE  TO  SEE :  all the racy/nsfw pictures she takes for Maggie. 5  MOST  USED  APPS: — instagram, duolingo, piano titles, google docs, youtube. WHO  THEY  CALL  MOST  OFTEN :   Kara WHO  THEY  TEXT  MOST  OFTEN :   Maggie LATEST  VOICE  MESSAGE  AND  WHO  IT’S  FROM :  Eliza: “Alex, it’s been a while. If you have some time... please give me a call. I love you. I miss you. Hope to talk to you soon.” WEBSITES  THEY  VISIT  MOST  OFTEN : google, youtube, cnn BACKGROUND  PICTURE  ON  THEIR  PHONE : Maggie and her.
TAGGED  BY: @marsdin TAGGING : @notallbusiness @nationalcityy @e1mayarah @inze
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
kelsey's pet project: alex danvers' complete astrology chart.
sheer, pointless nerdiness beneath the cut. will sort later.
Back to list of charts More Free Reports:
Compatibility for Lovers: add a second person - compatibility Horoscope: your stars today See the planets’ influence on your natal chart for the next 14 days: transits
Natal Chart Report
What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the positions and aspects in your chart. With this report, you will find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The most personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most people already know their Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the houses of your chart. Aspects between the planets are also listed and interpreted.
If the birth time is unknown, you may not know the Moon sign for certain. This is because the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-½ days, making it quite possible that someone is born on a day in which the Moon sign changes. Less probable but still possible is a change of signs for the other planets and luminaries, depending on the planet itself (example the Sun changes signs every 30 days or so). For an unknown time, on some birth dates the Moon may be in one of two possible signs. The possible range for Moon signs can be determined by noting the sign at 00:01 and also at 23:59.
Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these positions and aspects are some of the “parts” that make up a “whole”–you! Some of these interpretations will be contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be downright timid in love, and that same person can be aggressive in business. Not only that, we evolve and grow throughout our lives, facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a different way. We all have choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better so that we can work with our natal charts rather than against them. Any computerized report that interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is somewhat disjointed, simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not synthesized.
Some of the interpretations that follow are detailed, while others are brief. You can do some further reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other astrology sites, and by reading astrology books.
The tables here show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based on your birth data. Below the tables is your free birth chart report.
Alex Sex F National City, CA 6 United States 02/22/1989 08:00 - Julian day 2447580.17 Timezone -8.00 ST 18.22 Lat 32.40 Long 117.06
Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses
The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. On the right, you will find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.
Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0 Sun Pisces 4°01’ Ascendant Aries 8°11’ Moon Virgo 26°01’ II Taurus 15°03’ Mercury Aquarius 7°55’ III Gemini 11°57’ Venus Aquarius 23°43’ IV Cancer 4°59’ Mars Taurus 19°56’ V Cancer 28°45’ Jupiter Taurus 27°55’ VI Leo 28°01’ Saturn Capricorn 11°12’ VII Libra 8°11’ Uranus Capricorn 4°27’ VIII Scorpio 15°03’ Neptune Capricorn 11°43’ IX Sagittarius 11°57’ Pluto Scorpio 15°11’ R Midheaven Capricorn 4°59’ Lilith Libra 1°39’ XI Capricorn 28°45’ Asc node Pisces 4°52’ XII Aquarius 28°01’
The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.
Planet Aspect Planet Orb Orb/Value Sun Sextile Uranus 0°26’ 237 Moon Trine Mars 6°05’ 25 Moon Trine Jupiter 1°54’ 107 Mercury Sextile Ascendant 0°16’ 151 Venus Square Mars 3°47’ -34 Venus Square Jupiter 4°13’ -36 Mars Conjunction Jupiter 7°59’ 62 Mars Opposition Pluto 4°45’ -70 Saturn Conjunction Uranus 6°45’ 136 Saturn Conjunction Neptune 0°31’ 342 Saturn Sextile Pluto 3°59’ 46 Saturn Square Ascendant 3°01’ -30 Uranus Conjunction Neptune 7°16’ 55 Uranus Square Ascendant 3°44’ -11 Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°28’ 28 Neptune Square Ascendant 3°32’ -8 1189 -189 1000
Asteroids & Chiron
The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart.
Chiron Cancer 2°15’ R Ceres Aries 12°56’ Pallas Pisces 6°40’ Juno Virgo 3°56’ R Vesta Sagittarius 23°46’ Fortune Scorpio 0°11’ South node Virgo 4°52’
Natal Chart Report
Birth Chart
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Alex .
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.
• Sun in Pisces •
As the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself a little experience of all the signs. This gives Pisces Suns the ability to identify with people from all walks of life–from all backgrounds–in some way. These individuals are not only changeable and adaptable, they have open minds and tremendous understanding. But Pisces itself is often misunderstood. Pisces Suns may spend a good portion of their lives yearning for understanding, and the other part in a state of divine discontent. Suffering is sometimes glamorized in the Piscean world.
Sun in Pisces people are frequently pegged as wishy-washy, but this is all a matter of opinion. What you will find behind a vaguely directionless, spacey manner is a deep person with real dreams. Their dreams are more than getting that picket fence or making it up the corporate ladder. Pisces are tuned in to a higher purpose and their dreams transcend the individual. A deep love for humanity, and compassion that knows no bounds is found with this placement of the Sun. Pisceans are not known to be cutthroat business types, nor are they given to throwing themselves out into the world in an aggressive manner. But make no mistake about it, Pisces can be extraordinarily successful when given the chance to express themselves. The arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, healing arts…these are all fields in which Pisces can find expression. Their imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition endow them with enviable gifts of insight and creativity.
Pisces is a sensitive sign–both sensitive to criticism and sensitive to others’ feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, at least in theory, Pisces wouldn’t hurt a fly. They believe in people, are deeply hurt by compassionless human behavior, and have a hard time saying no. Harsh realities are avoided either through escapist behavior or self-delusion; but every now and again reality does raise its ugly head, and hits Pisces over the head. This is a sad time indeed. Pisces retreats into their own world, self-pitying and giving pep talks to themselves (“I will never trust again!”). Rest assured, though, that these periods are rather short-lived and even useful. Pisces seems to derive energy from their (generally short) bouts of self-pity. They come back stronger, with a spring in their step, ready to face the world again, and just as, if not more, compassionate and trusting as they were before. Some might even wonder if Pisces finds pleasure in suffering. Sometimes this is the case, but most of the time, Pisces pulls a lot of creative energy from sadness. Pisces is the poet or artist with angst, although this trait is often more apparent with Moon in Pisces.
Some find Pisces’ tendency to be late for appointments, spaced out behavior, and absent-mindedness amount to irresponsibility. Pisces would be shocked to know this, however. Who me? Pisces wonders. Irresponsible? Pisces Suns absolutely care–their love knows no bounds–but their retreats from ordinary life (whether they are as simple as daydreams or actual departures) that they so seem to need every now and again are not always understandable to no-nonsense signs, such as Virgo or Aries. Many Pisces seem almost allergic to things like shopping lists, maps, directions, and instructions, and for some brave souls, even watches – they prefer to feel their way through life than to follow some plan. We find plenty of artists, poets, and musicians with Sun (and other personal planets) in Pisces. Piscean themes are woven throughout the songs of Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, for example.
Short description:
She is compassionate and sentimental. She likes isolated occupations: administration, archives, history. Spirit of self-sacrifice.
Weaknesses: tendency to be led astray, lack of experience or inability to apply experience practically. Lethargy, over-sensitivity and emotionalism.
Sun in XII
You have a tendency to be introspective and need some space and seclusion in order to pull up your strength. You may avoid the spotlight, and if you do find yourself in a public role, you tend to hide your true self behind that role! Because your will is directed inwards, you need to find a path for yourself that allows you to “get away from it all” at least some of the time. Honor your need to be alone with yourself, but avoid over-identifying with your inner world to the point that you truly feel alone in a crowd. You shine when you serve others in some way. Your compassion sets you apart from others, but try to work with it rather than let your compassion work against you by reinforcing your own sense of loneliness.
237 Sextile Sun - Uranus
It is natural for you to question tradition. You are, above all things, an individualist. You naturally rebel against that which is established. It doesn’t mean that you consistently break all the rules, but you definitely do question some of the rules, especially those that simply don’t make much sense. You possess a huge distaste for routine. You work best when you have some say as to when and how you get things done. You possess much self-integrity. You avoid labeling people and are most offended when others attempt to label or stereotype you.
You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog, and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. You don’t have to try to stand out as unique–you are original, creative, and progressive without trying. You are far from pretentious. You value honesty and truth, and you avoid putting on airs. You believe in the equality of people, and easily relate to people from all walks of life. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or adventurous experiences into your life. You are generally appreciated by others because you are open-minded, fair, and not judgmental. Nothing really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior.
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.
• Moon in Virgo •
Lunar Virgos find security in the little things in life. They feel most content when they’ve straightened out all the details of everyday life. Many of them enjoy running errands, paying bills, and balancing the books. They take care of these things happily, although some won’t let on. In fact, many Lunar Virgos are quite practiced at nagging and complaining. As long as they are appreciated, however, these people will help you take care of your life, too. They are at their best when they feel useful and needed. If somebody needs help, they are generally the first to jump up and take on the task.
Some people with Virgo Moons are accused of being underachievers. While it may be true that Lunar Virgos can lack self-confidence, many are–quite simply–content with living “regular”, unassuming lives. They appreciate simplicity, and are often most comfortable when they’re not getting too much attention from the world at large. Lunar Virgos are easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress. They worry incessantly when there is too much to think about; and they know their limits. Arguably the worst position for a Lunar Virgo is without a steady routine or a simply satisfying job. They need to feel useful, and they best express this by helping others in little ways. They need something to call their own, and the space to do what they want to do. The unhappy Lunar Virgos are fussy and complaining sorts. They are victims of routine and freak out when their plans are not followed. They are restless and nervous, and can’t seem to see the big picture. Probably the best remedy for these people is a job or hobby in which they can express their deep need to analyze, attend to details, and micromanage.
These people express their affection for the people they care about in little, but practical, ways. They can be a little stiff when it comes to open, gushy displays of affection. Lunar Virgos are often shy with new people. However, when they are comfortable, they are anything but shy. More often than not, others can count on Moon in Virgo people. They are reliable and trustworthy. Above all else, Lunar Virgos are practical. Others turn to them for help and advice. In relationships, Lunar Virgos can be self-effacing and kind. Some are quite shy in love, and easily intimidated on a sexual level. Many are not very comfortable with their sexuality, but they aim to please nonetheless. The sign of Virgo is very body-aware, in general. If this awareness combines with a lack of self-confidence, Lunar Virgos can be too aware of the parts that make up the whole. This can lead to a tendency to be intensely self-critical. Once Lunar Virgos learn to come out of their shell, however, they can be earthy partners with a lot to give.
Some of the most skeptical people are Lunar Virgos. They can’t help but poke holes when faced with others’ blind faith. Their criticism can be maddening, and their insistence on seeing the practical in anything emotional can be challenging, especially if you are the dreamy type. Virgo curiosity shows up big time with this position of the Moon. To some, it can be confusing. Lunar Virgos seem very interested in others’ problems, for example, but can be quite cool and even unsympathetic in the long run. Their advice can seem hard to more sensitive folk; yet Lunar Virgos can be surprisingly delicate when faced with others’ criticism. Virgo Moon people are generally busy and quietly happy when they have their lives under control. They aim for a simple existence, and are often quite content with very little. Many are early risers, ready to take on the day with enthusiasm. They scurry around, keeping busy and managing their life quietly and expertly. As long as their little world is manageable, Lunar Virgos can be a delight to be around.
Short description:
She has a very good memory. Scientific or medical studies preferred above all others. She is humble and moderate, calm and reserved. Emotional discipline. She is willing to help, devoted and gentle.
Weaknesses: servile nature, frequent changes of occupation, gets annoyed, upset, worries. She is too shy.
Moon in VI
Is not always a natural leader, but succeeds in being the right-hand of an important person. In most cases, she is an employee, worker etc. usually by choice. She likes the country, respects Nature and likes animals.
You have an emotional need to be useful, to work productively, to be organized and on top of things, and to lead a healthy life. If these matters are chaotic in your life, it’s a symptom of emotional unrest. You need a lot of variety on the job–to be stimulated and engaged in order to feel happy. Some of you might seem to change jobs often, forever in search of the “perfect fit” job. Acceptance that any job requires some level of routine is hard for you. You are very sensitive, and especially aware of minor health annoyances or body aches and pains. Some of you have hypochondriac symptoms. Some attempt to get out of things they don’t want to do by emphasizing health problems or even exaggerate illnesses in order to gain sympathy. At your best, however, you’re a person who always helps out and shows your affection for others in practical ways in order to help them solve problems and improve their lives.
25 Trine Moon - Mars
You are a passionate person who loves life. Although your emotions are powerful and immediate, your passion is generally controlled and directed. You are a sexual person who nevertheless doesn’t get too carried away or controlled by your passions. Because your emotions are strong and you know how to channel them into constructive channels, you don’t easily understand such things as “crimes of passion”, impulsive behaviors, or emotional excitability in others. You’re generally open, accepting, and natural in your sexual expression. You need an emotional connection in order to feel complete on a physical level. You may have an affection and talent for sports, but other factors in the natal chart are necessary to provide the motivation and commitment.
Short description: She is frank, honest, full of vigor and ambition. She is strong-willed and powerful at work. She is a little hard on herself but, above all, on others whose capacity for action is not as great.
107 Trine Moon - Jupiter
She is generally pleasantly composed, due to an inner sense of harmony and emotional balance. She is optimistic–and realistically so, most of the time–which contributes to her overall “luck”. She is able to get a real perspective on emotional matters that not only benefits her outlook, she is able to offer support to others when needed. Broad-mindedness is a wonderful characteristic. Quick to find humor in situations, she is generally warm and fun to be around. Deep down, she believes in the basic goodness of people and of life in general, and this basic and natural attitude helps her to attract positive circumstances and to make good connections. One of her best qualities is tolerance. Usually, she doesn’t take life too seriously in the sense that she believes in having a bit of fun. her hunches are more often than not bang-on.
She is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. She likes good cooking, her comforts. Her friendships are sincere. She is a worker and knows how to surround herself with the right people: She is appreciated at work.
Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.
Mercury in Aquarius
Not necessarily loud or flamboyant, but she often has a quiet way of stirring others up. Delights in exposing what she deems biases in others’ way of thinking. Very quick to contradict others, and to offer a different perspective, she enjoys intellectual debates. Amazing powers of observation, and a quirky way of looking at the world. Humorous and interesting. Loves practical jokes and raising eyebrows.
Mercury in XI
She has lots of friends. She likes intelligent, cultivated people which whom she can have verbal battles: she likes debates, interminable discussions. She likes to be friends with younger people: friends come and go.
You are endlessly curious about people, group interactions, community affairs, trends, and teams. You are attracted to people who bring new ideas into your experience, and who have something novel to contribute on an intellectual level. You are very forward-looking and fair-minded. Fair play, impartiality, and unselfishness are important ideals for you. There can be many changes or fluctuations in your personal wishes, dreams, plans, and ideals. You might attract friends who come and go, or who are dishonest or duplicitous.
151 Sextile Mercury - Ascendant
She is intelligent, with quick and lively reflexes. She is preoccupied by her circle, likes to exchange ideas with her friends, but also with strangers. Of an open nature, she goes out to others.
Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking spirit. They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. They are attractive when they are acting a little aloof. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate that they don’t follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. Venus in Aquarius men and women are attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. They don’t want to follow all the rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. They can appear quite standoffish at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Emotional types may be put off by their detached manner in love. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love them for their intellect, and to admire their visions. They value lovers who are also good friends, and they avoid emotional displays or confrontations like the plague. Venus in Aquarius will delight in shocking you with their unusual ways and their forward-looking thinking.
Pleasing Venus in Aquarius involves letting them know just how interesting they are. Put up with their occasional need to act superior on an intellectual level – they are very proud of their unique ideas and visions. Dream along with them, and don’t fence them in. They need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself.
Venus in XI
Successful professional life in great part due to good relationships, friends or patrons. She finds love in the circle of friends.
The friendship level of your relationship needs to be genuine in order for you to sustain romantic interest. You tend to focus on a person’s unique qualities – those traits that make him or her stand out – as the most attractive. Your relationships must possess some kind of unconventional element in order to keep your interest levels high. Calves and ankles are either erogenous zones for you, or parts of your body that are particularly attractive! You may meet lovers through group activities. Although you value friendships and group affiliations highly, you might jump into friendships without considering the responsibilities they might entail.
-34 Square Venus - Mars
While she is passionate, she likes carnal desires and voluptuousness above all. She may go to excess and is often unsatisfied.
Whether it’s an infatuation or a full-blown love affair, relationships get you out of bed in the morning. You are passionate and seem to need an active romantic and sexual life to drive you. Often, this area of life is somewhat challenging, especially in youth. As much as you want to be involved in a passionate affair, your timing can be off and/or it’s difficult to find a relationship that mirrors your strong desires and expectations. Especially when you are young, there can be a real awkwardness with your social skills–this may or may not be apparent to others.
You are highly creative and generally are driven to express that creativity. Your passion for romance is often channeled into your creative output. For example, challenges in relationships may be a large part of the drive behind your poetry, music, or other art.
Love and hate are very much mixed together for you. You are prone to love-hate relationships with others, likely because your passions are such that the old saying “there’s a fine line between love and hate” rings especially true for you. Some level of competitiveness, anger, frustration, or angst is present in your romantic relationships. Although you are quick to anger, you are generally just as quick to forget about it.
\r\n -36 Square Venus - Jupiter
She is nonchalant, pretentious, full of self-importance. She likes what is beautiful and sometimes ostentatious, and spends lots of money for the sake of appearances. She likes to please and has numerous amorous adventures. She is unfaithful and undergoes tribulations in love.
Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.
Mars in Taurus
“Slow and steady wins the race” could easily be a motto for Mars in Taurus. These goal-oriented people are not known for their speed, but their staying power is tremendous. Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when they’re overly provoked. They generally don’t fly off the handle as quickly as others, however (unless Aries is prominent in their chart). Mars in Taurus people value strength and stability. They are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. Most are not afraid to work for what they want, and there is an overall patience to this position of Mars. If it takes a few years to achieve their goals, so be it. People born under a Mars in Taurus are often rather sensual people. Some are slow to arousal, but theirs is an earthy and powerful sensuality.
Most have well-defined long-term goals and the determination to achieve them. They usually are not the type of people to take on too many projects at once. If they don’t think they can do it, they won’t! It is almost impossible to get these people moving once they’ve made up their minds on a matter. You want them to go shopping with you? Unfortunately for you, about half an hour back, they’ve kicked up their heels, changed into something comfortable, and they simply won’t budge. Immovable is the only way to describe Mars in Taurus people who have made up their minds. Adaptability is not their strong point. In a similar vein, attempting to rush Mars in Taurus people is a lesson in frustration. They won’t alter their pace for most anything. If you can get past these “quirks”, however, you’ll find that Mars in Taurus natives are often quite reliable and strong personalities. It may just be worth the wait!
Mars in II
She undertakes daring and dangerous enterprises. She has lots of initiative. She works hard for her money, of which she earns a lot. She is a spendthrift, money comes and goes. She is always ready to start from scratch in the event of a setback. Great willingness and enthusiasm.
You are likely to be a hard worker, although you appreciate the process and might be slower than some as you focus on the method and tend to each step deliberately and carefully. You love to produce things of practical value. You are ambitious when it comes to making money and acquiring possessions, but you might be impatient or impulsive when it comes to spending. You can be quite possessive, both of material things and of people. You like a physical challenge, and your physical abilities and energy make up a strong part of your sense of self-worth. You like to work independently, or you value things most when you have achieved something on your own. The world of the five senses is most important to you on sensual and sexual levels. You have a hearty appetite with strong stamina. You defend your values fervently.
62 Conjunction Mars - Jupiter
She has a good sense of organization, she is jovial, frank and sincere. She is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. She loves life and takes all it has to offer. She likes sports and the outdoor life. She is successful professionally and emotionally. She usually has lots of children.
She is honest and forthright in her dealings with others, and she tends to trust others readily. She can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because she is so eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter her mind, although success itself is not that important to her.
-70 Opposition Mars - Pluto
You have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity.
It is all too easy for you to find something negative about a situation. Avoid issuing ultimatums when you meet an obstacle. Instead, find a way to convince others to work with you of their own free will. Ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to you and you must have something that stirs your imagination, some vision or ideal or dream to motivate you. You have a strong urge to act out your fantasies or to live your dream, and you will DO things that others only talk about or dream about. Artistic creation, drama, or other areas in which you can express yourself imaginatively are excellent for you.
You do not easily tolerate a dominating attitude in others. You have a healthy respect for power and authority, but only if it is handled fairly.
This aspect gives you a somewhat Scorpionic attitude toward your lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of your Mars considerably. In other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in your sexual nature. Your approach to love and sex can be quite intense at times. Your sexual desire nature is a very strong one, and you may even use sex as a bargaining chip in your relationships in order to achieve your goals. More likely, however, is a very focused and intense sexual nature. This also adds a very magnetic quality to your appeal. When a woman finds you attractive, it can transform into a near obsession! Your aura is strong and somewhat mysterious. You tend to come across as stronger than you intend. In fact, some people are intimidated by you, and you may not understand why this is so. When you want something (or someone!) you are very determined. For you, it can be “all or nothing”. When you are finished with something, you leave it behind you and there is no going back. You want a deep, soulful attachment on a sexual level. In your love life you do not take rejection well. You fear betrayal and abandonment, and this can skew your perception of your lover. You have a highly developed sex drive, but you must learn to rein in your aggressiveness in this area. Power struggles and control issues may surface often in your relationships. You perceive the cruel edge in people, and understand its source. Self-confidence develops out of self-control in your interaction with others.
Jupiter represents expansion and grace.
Jupiter in Taurus
She attracts the most good fortune when she is charitable, generous but discriminating, and patient. Watch for over-indulgence. Delights in sensual pleasures and wants the good life.
Jupiter in II
Easygoing over money matters, no credit problems, increases her inheritance. She earns good money, without too much effort. She enjoys what she has.
Saturn represents contraction and effort.
Saturn in Capricorn
She is scrupulous, honest, correct, worthy and respectable.
Weaknesses: melancholy, sullenness, disappointment and bitterness.
Saturn in X
Her up-bringing is rigorous, severe. Her professional life is all-important. She is serious, methodical, persevering. She wants to have power, to succeed and has all the necessary qualities to achieve this objective, by taking one step at a time.
136 Conjunction Saturn - Uranus
She knows how to be on top of the situation. She perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. She is very practical. She proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve her objectives in the end.
342 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune
Her plans are realized in a methodical fashion, she works hard to achieve success.
46 Sextile Saturn - Pluto
She perseveres, achieves her projects through hard work.
-30 Square Saturn - Ascendant
Her life is difficult and cramped. She is a worker, but success takes time in coming. She has problems in being open. She accepts solitude, rather than looks for it. Family problems.
Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.
Uranus in Capricorn
A great battler. She has so much power, that one thinks nothing can defeat her. Her mission in society, in the world means everything to her.
Uranus in IX
Interested in humanity. She is highly intellectual. She travels a lot. Her mind is always alert, even when sleeping, during which time she often resolves the problems of the previous day.
55 Conjunction Uranus - Neptune
-11 Square Uranus - Ascendant
She is inconstant, lacks control and is nervous.
Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.
Neptune in Capricorn
She is discerning, wise and sensible.
Neptune in X
She is a very idealistic person, and wants to see her ideals, hopes, and dreams made concrete and real in the everyday world. She is driven to put ideals into action.She has great ambition, which sometimes obsesses her. She always wants to check work already done, she is terrified of being less than perfect.
28 Sextile Neptune - Pluto
-8 Square Neptune - Ascendant
She is very easily influenced and fragile. She suffers disappointments.
Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.
Pluto in Scorpio
Great sexual activity.
** House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.
• Ascendant In Aries •
People with Aries Ascendants are direct and quick. Their first instinct is to do, rather than think. Planning ahead? Forget it. Aries rising simply charges forward without much ado. This position does not make a person aggressive. Forthright, yes, but aggression is too strong a word for these natives. They have a youthful, direct manner that sees what it wants and generally goes for it. At the same time, there isn’t any malice in their intent. Some Aries rising people are competitive, but they generally put most of the pressure on themselves. These people love to come out ahead in all that they do. They get ready quickly, walk quickly, and have little patience for dilly-dallying. Their temper is quick, too. It’s also quick to disappear. Rarely do you find Aries rising people holding grudges. Their mannerisms are rather simple and straightforward.
Aries rising loves action, and is often trying to stir up some activity. Their strengths lie in their enterprising ways. Finishing things they start does not always come as easily, unless the ruler, Mars, is placed in a more tenacious sign, such as Taurus or Scorpio. Aries Ascendant often gives a rather swift walk, with the head leaning forward slightly. This walk is surprisingly distinctive. Headaches, and sinus and eye problems are the usual physical complaints of this position. Rashes and acne on the face and shoulders sometimes occur. Broad shoulders and slim hips are common. Often, Aries rising people are quick to smile, and they possess a youthful charm throughout life. Probably early on in life, Aries rising people got typecast as the “independent” child. As adults, people with Aries Ascendants often stick to that role in life. People don’t run to help them out – they appear quite fine doing things on their own. These people have learned to be self-reliant, and this generally stems from their early experiences. Despite a rather brusque and independent manner, these natives are usually very willing to compromise in their relationships, and are very attached to the people they hold dear.
** House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.
• House II in Taurus
Financially usually comfortable, but there can be a tendency to splurge on luxury items. However, she is unlikely to go wanting. The house where Venus is placed can show areas where money can be made. Holds on to things. Sentimental about personal possessions.
** House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.
• House III in Gemini
She adapts well to any kind of change, and enthusiastically. She doesn’t like monotony. Early family life was busy, and usually this position suggests a number of siblings. Work in communications or the media is possible. Writing talent is also probable. Reads and thinks a lot, but is not very focused. Has a lot of projects going at once.
** House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.
• House IV in Cancer
Reveres family life, children have a large place in her heart. Sheis by nature calm, affectionate, delicate and tender. Values peace and calm in the home. Is nostalgic and collects things of sentimental value.
** House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.
• House V in Cancer
She will often be in love, up until the day she meets the chosen one. She is not a gambler, by any means. Is safe in a casino. Takes great pleasure in home life. Hobbies may be cooking, sewing, and other Cancer-related pastimes. Very affectionate lover, but private and sensitive.
** House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.
• House VI in Leo
Ability to command, authority at work. Weak point: the heart and arteries.
** House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.
• House VII in Libra
Looks for compromise in relationships and marriage. May get involved in a committed relationship earlier than many.
** House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.
• House VIII in Scorpio
Lots of vivacity and hastiness put life in danger too often, and one of these times could be too much.
** House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.
• House IX in Sagittarius
Long voyages abroad. Might settle permanently in a foreign country. Intellectual work, mathematical mind.
** House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older
• House X in Capricorn
Someone who is completely trusted at work. Respectable, irreproachable in her work and moral qualities, scrupulous and praiseworthy.
** House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.
• House XI in Capricorn
Stable friendships with composed, wise people, from whose experience of life she can profit in her own life.
** House XII is the area of education and of emotion.
• House XII in Aquarius
Friends can be complicated, perhaps bringing predicaments to your life.
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
BOLD what applies to your muse.
financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.
medical: fit / moderate / sickly / “disabled” / disadvantaged.
class or caste: upper / middle / working / slave /
education: qualified / unqualified / studying
criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / nope
married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated
has a child or children / has no children / wants children
close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased.
orphanedish / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded  / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.
belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious.
philosophical: yes / no.
pro-choice / anti-abortion /  doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-marriage / anti-marriage / doesn’t know or on the fence / doesn’t care.
pro-death penalty / anti-death penalty / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-drug legislation / anti-drug legislation / doesn’t know or on the fence / doesn’t care.
left wing / right wing / middle / doesn’t know or on the fence / doesn’t care.
heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual.
sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable.
romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable.
sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.
potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other /
potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other /
combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
smoking: never / sometimes (weed) / frequently / to excess.
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess.
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
tagged by like 3 different people. ksdjfksd.
tagging: @notallbusiness @leksakom @eliizadanvers @bethewhitecanary @offershope
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
tagged by:   @agoodluthor tagging:   @notallbusiness @nationalcityy @e1mayarah @winndowsvista @leksakom @inze @lenx-luthor @mggsawyer
famous first lines of poetry pt. 1: BOLD the ones that apply to your muse.
i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // tyger tyger, burning bright // i have done it again // do not go gentle into that good night // the sea is calm to-night // let us go then, you and i // april is the cruelest month // pretty women wonder where my secret lies // there is a place where the sidewalk ends // i carry your heart with me  (i carry it in my heart) // two roads diverged in a yellow wood // whose woods these are i think i know // let us twain walk aside from the rest // once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary // i taught myself to live simply and wisely // it so happens i am sick of being a man // i wandered lonely as a cloud // does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? // o my luve is like a red, red rose // o captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done // out of the night that covers me // it was many and many a year ago // you may write me down in history // do not stand at my grave and weep // some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice // hope is the thing with feathers // the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees // no man is an island // remember me when i am gone away // i met a traveler from an antique land // ‘twas brillig, and the slithy toves // this is thy hour o soul // when we wear the mask that grin and lies // death be not proud // and death shall have no dominion // laugh, and the world laughs with you // the art of losing isn’t hard to master // to see a world in a grain of sand // is there anybody there? // nobody heard him, the dead man // that crazed girl improving her music // come to me in the silence of the night // where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // when you are old and grey and full of sleep // in flanders’ fields the poppies blow // i thought of you and how you love this beauty // life, believe, is not a dream // it may be misery not to sing at all //  if tarry space no limit knows // come live with me and be my love // had we but world enough and time // my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense // bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art // thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // how do I love thee? let me count the ways // heaven is what i cannot reach! // my dear, my dear, i know // in visions of the dark night // shall I compare thee to a summers day? //break, break, break // she walks in beauty // i had a dream, which was not at all a dream // he clasps the ring with crooked hands.
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
Bold What Applies to Your Muse!
tagged by: honestly i just stole this from twin @altruisticlies. ;) + was tagged by @pinpilinpaux
tagging: @nationalcityy @e1mayarah @inze @lenx-luthor @seiismic @allroundlostcause @moonoverbourbon
Broken A Bone | Gotten Welds | Had A Near Death Experience | Killed Someone | Tried And Failed To Kill Someone | Invented Something  | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Gotten Bonded | Self-Harmed | Traveled To Another Country | Been In A Play | Received An Inheritance | Been In A Car Wreck | Lost A Loved One | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Been Slipped Something In Their Food/Drink | Won A Contest | Won An Election | Joined A Sports Team | Gone Skydiving | Gone Hunting | Been In A Band | Had A Job | Been Fired | Been To A Wedding Party | Owned A Pet | Seen A Ghost | Skipped Class/Work | Learned An Instrument | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Sued Someone | Been Robbed | Been Mugged | Been Kidnapped | Been Sexually Assaulted | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotized | Gone More Than One Day Without Eating | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Seen Someone Die | Attempted Suicide | Been Tied/Chained Up | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Was A Traitor | Been In A Fight | Been Arrested | Been To A Funeral | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Had An Attempt On Their Life | Gotten Away With A Crime | Gone On A Road Trip | Been In Love
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
do you ever think about how alex’s dad “died” when she was 17? alex was likely a fairly popular girl, so when that happened she started to become the subject of gossip less centered about her ‘weird’ adoptive sister and more around herself. i think 17 was when alex started really acting out. like, she did it before, because she was struggling with how to cope with not being the only child, but after jeremiah “died,” i think that’s when it took a self-destructive turn.
as someone whose dad died when i was 19, i can tell you, it does something to you. you’re old enough to understand everything in gross detail but too young to really deal with the full weight of the trauma. i had a bad relationship with my dad, but alex had a great relationship with hers, so i can only imagine that made it even worse for her.
a lot of people credit kara graduating college and therefore alex feeling like [alex] isn’t needed [by kara] anymore as alex’s beginning of her downward spiral, but i think it started her junior year of high school when she lost her father. everything after that was just fuel on the fire - with kara’s graduation being the last straw to an already burning bush.
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex?
🏢 - Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex?
you know she wants to get fucked in a DEO supply closet. c’mon, now. 8)
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biologicalengineer · 8 years
down & dirty.
👙 - Favorite outfit in the bedroom?
ᕕ༼⌐■-■༽ᕗ nothin’.
i mean… a tie, and nothing else. 
0 notes
biologicalengineer · 8 years
down & dirty.
👅 - Would they rather give or receive oral sex?
depends on her mood, to be honest. alex really loves to give oral, but obviously also really loves to receive it. classic response, i know, but… if she had to pick one, it’d be giving.
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