#✘ // Lounie Tunes; Loni.
astarab1aze · 1 month
🕯️ dish loux
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"Y'wanna peek inside m' 'ead, ma cherie? Ya gon need some bleach fer yer eyes after, 'cause i's not a pretty place in 'ere. Messy, got shi' e'erywhere, lossa porn, chilehood trauma, y'know... Issa garbage 'eap."
He grinned fiendishly.
"But iffin ya really wanna know wha' I be thinkin' o' you, shouldn't ya awready know? I show ya e'ery chance I get, don' I?" A waggle of his brow, canines peeking over between his lips, and a roll of his tongue for effect. He teetered on his heels, arms crossing over his chest - smug, he looked smug. "'m always touchin' on ya, starin' atcha, thinkin' 'bout all th' ways I could 'ave ya on tha' dance floor, naked, spread open fer me- All 'em chiquitas watchin', jealous o' ya, seein' how good ya feel, how loved. Touchin' ya, caressin' ya... I think 'bout fuckin' ya in public a lot. Really jus fuckin' ya all th' time. Many more ways 'an jus tha' too. Showin' ya wha' I mean rather 'an tellin' ya. First, tis easier. Second, hotter."
Was he dodging the question? Yeah, definitely. Did he have good reason? Maybe not. It wasn't like Loni would suddenly hate him for opening his mouth... He'd opened it plenty of times and she hasn't tried to kill him yet!
He clicked his tongue, tsking and pursing his lips.
"Ya really wan' me t' use m' words huh? S'it not obvious I think yer th' best? Tha' yer th' only woman I wan'? Tha' I'd 'appily get on m' knees righ' now an' show ya wha' it means t' worship an' be worshipped? Tha' wit wha' lil shreds o' a heart I got is in yer 'ands, an' ya can tear it up at any time?" He tilted his head. "'Cause I know ya know all 'at's true. I wan'ed ya fer years, waited patiently like a good ol' boy an' e'erythang, 'cause all I wan'ed was t' be wi'cha. Strong, scary lady, could suplex a troll iffin ya wan'ed to, buh also soft, so soft, could use yer whole body as a pillow, 'eart too. 'ere's more t' ya 'an anyone thinks righ' off, too, an' I love tha' 'boutcha. Ya got a pinch o' mystery t' ya, in tha' kinda way 'm not sure I can understand, buh 'm 'ere fer it. Y'know, 'cause yer pretty fuckin' cool, hot, spicy, full o' attitude an' a big 'eart."
Loux didn't really know what else to say - it was all simplistic, something an idiot could relay, but there weren't words enough to properly describe how he felt in the first place. She would just have to accept he never really was any good at this, best at holding hands, touching, squeezing, groping at all his favorite parts of her, breathing in her scent and running his ringers through his hair, pleasuring her until she was breathless and tired enough to sleep through the night.
He shrugged his shoulders some, grin faltering.
"Aw, y'know, words ain't ne'er been a friend o' mine. Sure ya wouldn't rather I jus - bendja over th' bar an' spell I love ya wit m' tongue--"
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astarab1aze · 2 months
loux would you still love me if I was a worm
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"Uh...yeah? Baby, I'll slurp ya up like a mcfuckin' noodle righ' now, don' test-uh me. Askin' me if I'd still love ya if ya was a worm... Shakin' m' fuckin' head righ' now."
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astarab1aze · 2 months
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ” lounie tunes lol
unhinged comedic relief
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"Fuck yeah they 'ave!"
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"what was it about me that first caught your eye?" leaning in close she rests both elbows on the bar. "youse coulda had how many other people that day with how busy it was, and yet youse called out to me... why?" lonie tunes bc imma laugh at the response i just know it
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Should he lie, or should he tell the truth? Would she slap him for it?
Decisions, decisions, he supposed. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't, but he wasn't so great with his words at the best of times. Maybe it would just be best to rip the bandaid off and tell her the gods' honest truth? Risk a bit of scorn, or maybe one of her best laughs. Either way, what bliss?
"'m gonna be real honest wit ya, ma chiquita, ya had th' best ass outta e'eryone I seen tha' day, flatout." Shallow of him, at first, but he came to enjoy far more of her than that. "'Sides, y'awready saved me from a run-in wit some cops- I was sweet on ya awready, buh tha' booty? D'ya wan' me t' lie? Nuh-uh, no ma'am. Yanno tha' song by Tech 9 or wha'e'er? Titties? Yeah, tha' buh booty. Had me stopped up, actin' a fool t' getcho attention. S'why I kept comin' back 'round, howdy darlin'-in' up th' place an' cleanin' ya outta tequila. E'ery time ya turned 'round--"
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"Ya cain't blame me. I said it once, I say it again: Baby, ya got an ass tha' jus' don' fuckin' quit!" And he laughs, heartily, gathering her into his arms before she can do anything at all, nosing into her chest and quite maintaining a place there. "...I ain't playin' though. Mm, th' only booty fer me~"
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astarab1aze · 1 month
standing on her tippy toes smooching her dumbass (loux) right on the mouf.
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"Read 'em an' weep, suckas - m' wife loooves me!" he chirped, most satisfied, as if all was right in the world the moment her lips brushed against his own. Soft and pleasant, warm and spicy, drawing him away from his pride long enough to explore every corner of her mouth, from her tongue to the edges of her teeth. Arms looped around her waist, guiding her against him, and he leaned in ever closer to make it easier for her, breathing her in the while as if a starved kitten who'd at last been given a plate of cream to lick clean-- and he would, if given the sparest chance, in more ways than one.
He committed everything to memory; Her scent, the warmth of her skin, the sensation of her breasts pressing into his chest, the softness of her violet hair, how a few rays of sunlight danced across her cheek, everything everything everything. Holding her so tightly, diving into her shared kiss like the universe would implode if he didn't, nipping, sucking, rolling his tongue over her canines- So sloppy, naturally, but only because he was eager, always so eager, to show her in return how much he wanted, craved, loved her. He was happy she obliged him, spoiled him at times, gave him the opportunity.
This was leagues better than swaying on the dance floor not kissing. What bliss, what bliss.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
you can fertilize my soil, loux. unu.
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"Can I do it righ' now? Ain't fuckin' no dirt though. S'gotta be you. Soooo, can I? Like righ' now? Is ya down? 'Cause 'm down. When an' where, baby, an' I'll sow some seed."
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astarab1aze · 2 months
dying breath / lounie tunes uwu
non-verbal angst
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The expression on his face was nothing short of his usual - placid, cheeky, mischievous - but underneath it all, he was boiling. Burning and scorching with a fire foreign even to him, crackling into embers then ash, cooking from the inside out.
She said this would happen, that it had to. Something about godhood, something about Leanne, something something something, it didn't matter and he didn't care - the fact of the matter was, he was losing her. And it wasn't his fault this time, but by that same token, he couldn't do anything to change it, fix it either. Her cross to bear, her choice to make, her life to live and die, slipping through his fucking fingers in rivers of hot scarlet and the sort of misery he couldn't possibly describe with words. But it was there, aching, cutting away at heartstrings and settling heavily in the depths of his very soul, tearing him limb from limb without so much as any physical evidence. Not a mark, not a bite, not a scratch, not even a shitty minor blast of ice. Nothing, just her body held so tightly against his own, her voice so quiet, so broken he couldn't understand but hung on every bit. She was leaving him, and he couldn't even open his mouth.
Some man he was, that he couldn't protect her from this. Find another way. Save her from a stupid fucking death where she bleeds out in his lap, broken in more places than he had the heart to quantify - woe to a mass murderer, woe to a man who'd kill anything and anyone if it pleased him, woe to a villain who didn't deserve to be here, to be the one holding her like if he let her go that would well and truly be it. She'd be gone in a moment, those rich brown eyes fluttering despite how tightly he held them. He didn't...he didn't know what else to do but hover over her, gripping her, fingers twisting and slipping into her bloodied sides, teeth grinding, jaw aching, so much of him so ready to flip the switch and self-immolate.
Selfishly, so selfishly, he didn't want to be without her. She was everything to him. They were supposed to get married and have children together, something he never ever thought he could have. They were supposed to fuck in every room of the house, on every surface, in every way, like horny teenagers who met in high school. They were supposed to dance in the livingroom at three-in-the-morning when neither of them could sleep, pounding cups of coffee and whining about their exhaustion, commiserating, sharing kisses in the dark while the kids were still sleeping. They were supposed to go to the grocery store and pick out fucking tomatoes, argue over who gets to pay for lunch, go to the OBGYN together, holding hands and sobbing whence learning of their twins' genders. They were supposed to go on family vacations and take family photos and get their little slice of the Normal and Boring, their peace and serenity, when all was said and done and put to fucking bed. They weren't supposed to end, not like this, regardless of whatever she had to say about it. They weren't supposed to end.
He couldn't take it. He pulled her ever closer against him, something hot burning in his eyes only to morph into steam the second it was free of his lashline. Shouldn't have been able to emote like that at all, but maybe even his body had made more exceptions for her than he thought... How unfair it was, this, that he should lose her. That she should unravel him, leave him a gaping wound to bear the infection of grief and despair - temporarily or not.
"Sh-shhh, ma chiquita..." he stammered, maintaining his bedside manner as best he could - for her sake. Keeping himself normal, usual, calm, collected might give her comfort in her final moments - he had to try. For her. He had to. "E'erythin's awrigh', 'kay? Jus close yer eyes, 'm here. 'm right here. Yer doin' jus fine, baby. S'awright, s'awright. Sh, sh, sh..."
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astarab1aze · 2 months
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ” Lounie tunes again
unhinged comedic relief
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"Yeah, an' wha' 'bout it? So I wanna chase ya down like rabid dog sometimes, ya literally cain't fuckin' blame me. Ya walk 'round wit all tha' ass an' expect me to not drool and fall all over m'self tryna get atcha? Unreal, ma chiquita. Unreal. Ain't give a damn 'bout lookin' stupid, 'specially not when it comes t' you, 'cause - an' I say again - yer fine as hell. Ya cain't blame me! An' b'sides, y'know I ain't stupid anyways. Ask me anythin' an' I'll give ya th' righ' answer. Like will ya marry me? Yes. 'ow many kids we havin'? As many as ya wan'-- Next!"
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astarab1aze · 2 months
👀 + "I want to marry youse..."
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"Y'know, babycakes... ya got summa th' worst fuckin' taste--" But he wasn't mad about it; Rather, the opposite - overjoyed, in fact. He'd have never had a chance with her if she didn't, if she wasn't into complete baffoons just like him. And maybe that was awful of him, and maybe it made his feelings for her seem shallow and selfish, and maybe he didn't deserve her at all...but she had him by the balls, and he'd have married her yesterday if she'd let him.
He stood before her, looking not a day older than twenty-five despite being in his fifties now, the heat of all the suns in all the universe burning within him. He wanted to pull her into his arms and cover her in evidence that he was there, always, forever, with handprints and teeth marks. He wanted to touch her, bury his face into all her curves and crevices and show her again and again how much he loved her, how deeply he felt for her when words failed him and his voice caught in his throat. He wanted to marry her, start a life with her, have kids, maybe even adopt a dog, buy a house, the whole picket fence and Sunday dinners - the dream, the boring, safe, happy life he should've lived. With her. Yes, he wanted that goofy shit like you wouldn't believe, utterly at her mercy and desperate to achieve it in ways he'd never be able to admit.
And who could blame him? She was everything to him.
He looped his arms around her waist and held her close against him, careful in his gentle sway to the quiet, slower song that'd begun to play. The bar was theirs for the night, now empty aside from them; He could do what he pleased, and such was a little dancing, tender in his playfulness - ever and always harkening back to what'd drawn them together in the first place. Normalcy, comfort in the mundane, masks off and relaxed enough to be themselves without the trappings of their meticulously constructed masks, never having to be anything more than who they were in truth. He did so love dancing with her; Gave him the opportunity to breathe her in, touch her, pepper a few still-messy kisses over her.
"'Sides, that's my line, y'know - and I accept your proposal," he said, a hint of mischief in his voice but no less serious. He was grinning, ear to ear, nuzzling into her hair and shifting his arms around her, holding her against him tightly, as if she'd disappear if he let go. He loved her, he loved her, he loved her - and he'd have given anything to make this last, permanent. The fire within burned ever hotter, a twinge of emotion pulling on his heartstrings. He wished he could've wept, let it hit him and carry him away like it would any other achefully needy man, so he held her tighter instead and heaved a sigh. "Been wanting that for fuckin' years, Loni. More than ya can ever know."
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astarab1aze · 3 months
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starter / @bedlamology - loni
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"Mm... s'not tha' I don' wanna take ya there. S'tha' nightfolk ain't got access t' it anymore. 'em fuckin' Viostrans an' th' Tir'elfhen 'ad a lot of us banished. Somethin' 'bout a 'andful o' wars an' shit, some pissed off empress wit a bone t' pick - pitit li yo te mouri, kids died - an' th' fuckin' commander o' th' Viostran military wit a brain parasite th' size o' Texas who pissed off some god tha' smote us all--" He paused, realizing he'd been rambling on, idly fingering his ear weight. Nightfolk history was complicated and lengthy, no different from human history in this respect - layered, convoluted, confusing. It was no easy task to describe anything about true Sunjatta, but he was a well of information, if she wanted to learn.
If he was gonna marry her some day, why not babble on about the intricacies of his people, shifter or no? Terran or Sunjatti. He sighed and reclined where he sat, carefully gathering her into his lap, one leg on either side of him, and settled his hands on her hips, fingers lightly drumming where they lay.
"'Course, lots o' our history seems like a gran' fairytale ya'd tell a kid t' warn 'em off actin' a fool, buh - th' long an' short o' it is Viostra went t' war wit Miraglas over pollution in th' Enumglais river; 'Fore anyone knew wha' was happenin', Viostra was destroyed, an' th' elves - sick o' all th' other shit goin' on, too - cooked up a plan t' get rid o' most o' us. Tha' went triple when th' empress' children died. No one e'er thought it'd be possible, buh 'em Tir'elfhen found a fuckin' way I guess. Y'can imagine 'ow we've adapted since we landed 'ere, thousands, millions, 'owever long ago it was. Hid fer most o' it, tha's obviously still true t'day, too," he continued, wrinkling his nose and briefly looking away. A storm, to be sure, in him. He wasn't homesick for a place he'd never been, never seen, barely knew the history of. "S'not really all tha' important 'ese days. Don' think most nightfolk e'en know 'bout Sunjatta b'yond some nebulous idea o' it - like issa concept, not a place."
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"if my ass wasn't so nice would you still love me?" lonie tunes
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"Ha! Y'cain't trick me this time, ma chiquita. When I said yers was th' bes, I meant tha' shit. Saw, specifically your ass an' m' future was a done deal, 'eart an' all awready yers... Wha'chu mean would I still love ya iffin y'ain't 'ad no ass--" He had to think for a moment, actually, but it wasn't as though he fell in love with her curves first - No, it was gradual, over long many years, but it most definitely helped. He'd always wanted her, from the beginning, naturally- He wondered why she asked, why she needed the assurance. It's not like he'd change his opinion overnight, and certainly not over something so trivial. He loved her thighs more anyway, in the end. Happy to grope them now, in fact, while the kids were at play.
So that's what he did, gathering her into his arms so he could lean over, glide his fingertips over skin and muscle until he found the perfect vantage point, and lifted her off the ground, guiding each leg around his hips. He settled her on the kitchen counter, gently but needily touching his very loved regardless of what she looks like wife. And promptly peppered her with kisses that'd softened and grown less messy over the years, but no less full of all the love he could possibly contain.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
bites loux
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...Wrinkles his nose and promptly leans forward to take a gnarly bite himself.
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"if something ever happened to you I would stop at nothing to bring you back." / lounie tunes ;v;
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"Ne, ne, ma chiquita, s'cute when ya get all up in arms f'me. Ya love me, huh? Don'chu? Aww, shucks!" He's grinning like a fiend, palming his cheeks like a blushing, basfhul high schooler. In truth, he was charmed, and perhaps he shouldn't have been, but all he wanted to do was drag her into his arms and kiss up and down her neck, leaving little marks behind, and certainly a bit of drool. Affections so clearly defined in the needy, hungry expressions of his dearest love. But they were separated by the bar, chatting during a lull, cash filling up her tip jar the longer he loitered, waiting and waiting for the bar to close so he could have her all to himself.
He chose to ignore the more dramatic implications behind her statement, or rather take them into consideration and decide, with certainty, never to put her in that position - as had been his goal from the beginning. It was simple really, requiring no further thought in the moment. He leaned into his knuckles then, free hand swiping his shot of tequila from the counter and swirling the honey-colored substance around briefly before knocking it back, unbothered by the flavor or burn.
"Ain't nothin' I wouldn' do f'you, neither, princesa, buh I wouldn' wan'chu t' go so far. 'm pretty sure one day, 'ma marry ya an' we're gon 'ave some lil'uns t' take care o'... If anythin' 'appened t' me, they'll needja-- Ain't nothin' gon 'appen t' me, though. I always find a way. So don' worry nothin' 'bout it. Gotchu, cheri."
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astarab1aze · 4 months
❛ that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me. ❜ / lounie tunes but a diff vibe
smut starters
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Loux inhaled sharply, lips quivering into a smile; He delighted in how bold she'd been this time, how she dragged her nails down his chest, dug them in, left vivid red in her wake. How she slowly lifted her hips and bobbed, dipping in shallow circles, bumping his cockhead into warm, wet walls, sucking him in and squeezing. She was doing so well, a low groan rumbling from deep in his chest, well enough to try new things on her own, shuddering above him in thinly veiled satisfaction of her own, soaking him with slick. She was so tight, and he struggled to keep himself from pushing her down, hot hands leaving handprints on her breasts instead of her hips, leaving only ample evidence of this night behind - something she would wake up to the next morning and quiver at the thought of.
Blood rushed to his cock the longer she dragged this on, teasing him, so much so that he had to question whether he'd shifted it, made it longer, girthier to fill her up completely- Or if it'd been her all along. She was so beautiful, sexy like this, richly violet hair spilling over her shoulders, sweat beading on her skin, folds sucking him in and fluttering as they pushed him out, slick dribbling down between his thighs. Oh, sweet fuck, heat burned deep in his gut, a smoldering flame lapping at every nerve, twisting him into knots. So sensitive, but he blamed Loni and her incessant need to drag this out, anguished in his desperation to clap his hands on her hips and follow through--
"Miss Lady, I'ma needja t' take me all in an' move a bit faster," he huffed, a palm inching up her sternum to curl around her throat, warmth pressed into marred flesh - making his urgency known. So patient, so gentle, unwilling to take too much control, but nevertheless incapable of waiting for much longer, synapses firing, body aching to hilt himself inside her and watch her unravel first. Feel her shake and vibrate and fall apart in his hands while still wrapped so snugly around him, and to take joy in overstimulating her until again she came. He was trying so hard to be good. "Please, baby, 'm beggin ya t' move those 'ips..."
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astarab1aze · 4 months
"oh lots of ladies love you, huh?"
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"Baby, babe, Miss Lady, t'ain't like tha'-- I don' reciprocate-- 'is was a fuckin' trap, I fuckin' knew it! Shoulda jus' kept m' fuckin' mouth shut iffin ya was gonna come at me like 'is. I ain't do nuffin' - 'm a reformed manwhore, thank ya very much. 'm a good boy now, scout's honor! T'ain't my fault chiquitas can't resist me; T'ain't m' fault th' chicos cain't neither! 'm sorry I was born so sexy, literally can't 'elp it-- Don'tchu look a' me like 'at-- Could be runnin' 'round like I was born ferda streets, buh 'ere I am, tryna make a man o' m'self so we can get married an' 'ave a kit or two, maybe three, whole litta I don' fuckin care s'long as it's wit ya-- An' ya questionin' m' loyalty like 'm some fuckin' goomba off th' street--"
Wildly defensive, yes, but the fox wasn't up to any funny business. He hadn't had sex since maybe a few weeks after he'd met Loni, hadn't even bothered making his usual passes at all the coffee shop girls (some of them were even concerned when he stopped coming by) and bodega clerks (mostly straight dudes who loved the attention), bagel guys and hotdog standees, pizza deliverers and college students-- He'd cut them all off at the knees, slowly reforming himself into a....slightly less horrible man to be with, so he could justify his gall to be attracted to her as if he deserved to look at her in the first place-- No, no, Loux didn't deserve shit, try as anyone might to pry that admission out of him; He never truly took anything for himself, believing his life the sacrificial lamb on the altar, but he wasn't so stupid he would refuse to actually live life. There was a reason so many loved and hated him, a reason so many people wanted him...or wanted him dead. He'd rather die than have Loni hear a single fucking word of either.
But it didn't matter if he was gonna keep shoving his own foot down his throat each and every time he opened his mouth.
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"Ne, ne, ma cheri, I ain't-- fuckin' like tha' no mo... Shi', I was jus' playin 'cause I ain't like spillin' no beans. Ain't tryna 'ave m' whole world turned upside-down an' split down th' middle 'gain. Anyone knowin' i's ya an' we both done fer. An' I like ya, I fuckin' like ya a lot, an' I don' fuck wit-- Look, 'kay? Jus' cut me some slack, please, baby, 'm beggin'--"
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astarab1aze · 4 months
her thighs tremble as she lowers herself onto him. hands braced against his chest as brows furrowed together. "nnngh... this is..." harder than I expected. she thought it'd go in easier, but now that she was trying to take charge so she could sink down onto him it dawned on her maybe she was in over her head. "fuck..." tears began to form in the corner of her eyes; eyes filled with obvious frustration and something else- "I-I'm sorry... I can't do it loux..." she deflates quickly before lifting her hands to her face, wiping wet lines from her cheeks. "h-help. I really want to do this, b-but I'm just nervous. I dunno what to do... teach me... please?"
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But he's quick on the uptake, already so easily shifting his grip on his hips to her wrists, carefully - so carefully - pulling them away, smearing away her tears with the pads of his thumbs. He's smiling, too, heaving a sigh and slipping what little of himself she could manage out of her, so effortlessly turning the tables and repositioning, pulling her down next to him and on her side, face-to-face where she could see him up close and without fear. If she wasn't ready, this was fine - he was patient, he could wait until she really and truly was; But if she wanted to, so badly, in her bones and in her heart, he would take the lead and let her melt away--
"Jus' tell me, baby, tell me wha'chu wan' an' I'll make i'so," he murmured against her lips, pressing his forehead against her own, leaving breathy kisses at the corners of her mouth, her chin, her jaw, carding his fingers through the lengths of her hair, trailing them down her spine in gentle undulations- Careful, cautious, but not so limiting, not so misunderstanding that he would cease all touches, squeezing the soft flesh of her ass, slowly dragging a finger down the back of her thigh to guide it over his hip. In his mind, she wanted intimacy, he could tell that much - and patience, the love she'd been rejected, and summarily rejected on her own, but she found a man who was more than willing to give it and take all the time she needed. "Or... d'ya wan' me to, mon cheri..."
He slots himself between her thighs for comfort but makes no further moves to escalate, not yet, the storm in his eyes matching her own - burnt sienna meeting thunderheads and lightning. He wanted this more than he'd have readily cared to admit, wanted to feel her wrap around him, slick and shuddering with pleasurable heat, but she held all the cards; Lips and teeth shorn into her skin, kitten licks to her pulse, tender palms and steady temperatures warming, soothing, anchoring. Soft shushes whispered against her throat, chin, then lips again, "It's a'right, fi mwen, it's a'right. I ain't leavin' ya. We don' gotta rush it."
And he kisses her properly, in full, steals her breath away for just a moment, fingers skimming her side, arm hooking beneath and around her. Doesn't let her think the worst, doesn't let her assume, doesn't let her think - just for a moment, just enough to guide her back to him, away from the frustration and embarrassment and ache she felt. So much had happened in her life, forced her into this position she couldn't yet free herself from but wanted to - how she wanted to, he knew, could feel it in the quiver of her lips. Because nothing was worse than wanting, yearning with all of who you are, to share a connection with someone, to show them just how much you want them, how much you love them, and being unable to. Choking up in the moment when it finally comes; He knew, he knew, he knew. Maybe in a different way, maybe he hadn't understood at all, but...
He could see it in her eyes.
And he knew to take the hint, knew to slowly roll his hips in between her thighs, tip sliding between pliant folds, softly uttered questions on his tongue. "Like 'is...?" Slow, slow, shifting to give himself a better angle in this position, gather her into his arms and pulling her ever closer against him if it were even possible - setting an even pace, pressing into sensitive nerves, broaching waiting flesh but never quite dipping in. He was happy to coax her back one stroke at a time, noses brushing, acutely aware of the hitch of her breath. "Lemme know...when yer ready, Miss Lady. S'bout ya, jus' ya, 'kay? An' wha' ya wan'. Tell me, baby, tell me ya wan' me t' go slower, faster, whether ya wan' me t' put it in. S'kay, don' be embarrassed, ain't nothin' t' worry 'bout, shh, baby--"
Tears, so much stress and distress on her shoulders. He was there, he was there, and he wasn't going anywhere.
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