#✘VERSE; POKEMON: Reincarnated Truth; I will free us from this cycle of despair; for the sake of my brother; my soul; and this world.
scarbladed-archive · 5 years
"We may not want the same thing," Lelouch--or maybe it's the man he was before he was Lelouch, the man who joined his soul with the Dragon's-- says, eyes fixating past Kenshin and to his brother: "But that doesn't change that you are my brother. I will put all I can into my victory but I still care for you." [YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOIN ON]
The dragons see eye to eye; for once, in his original form he was taller. Not little in his incarnation. There’s a terrifying knowing that was absent before, as if the words the other held were nothing but a gentle send off to a man who had already said farewells in his heart long ago to ever sharing any sort of life with his past flesh and blood. 
Little brother, I love youIloveyouIloveyouImsorryImsor–
❝ … ❞
 For once no impassioned pleas, no words, no replies. Nothing. Silence within the soul of the older brother, the one who by accident had slain the little one, the one he had once hummed songs to as a child, delighted at his birth before their mother. What color were their mother’s eyes?
 He cannot recall so well anymore this cycle… how many has he tried in vain? How many has he hoped that the one before him would remain this way, defiant, arrogant and proud ? Never aware of the wounds both of the soul and of body lain across this spirit before him, smiling still with flame-stained hair and soft purple eyes, different, but still achingly similar to ‘Kenshin ‘ . 
He does not betray a thought, while their souls to an extent can communicate, this is as far as it goes, and how it will end. He already has the means to win this fight, after losing so many times, being forgotten so many times.. so ‘Lelouch’s’ words feel hollow to him after the nigh hundreds of cycles. 
Of dying, living, bleeding. Reshiram softly nudges the nose of the bleeding ‘birth-mark’ upon this ‘Kenshin’s’ face, who too, is smiling though his eyes are veiled, that same smile at the coffee shop. Veiled in an almost holy, sanctum from the light of the Truth Pokemon’s wings. 
He has worked diligently and without care for this existence in silence, and he will end and put to rest the pleas of these Pokemon, his brother’s soul willing or not, and his own, in silence. Finally, it will be over. The world can move forward no longer clinging to conceptual ideas that were so much more than words could hold. Did that make him no longer the embodiment of ‘truth’ if truth meant so much more than a title? How amusing in the end. 
❝ …… ❞ He continues that unadulterated, loving smile, despite the cross-shaped wound blatantly staining the spirit’s cheek in dripping red; the same wounds that ended his life are piled now upon countless from past lives of fighting, trying, to save these three lives around him. The single life before him, stubbornly clinging to a concept but not the truest sense of it, if ideals could be summed up in titles their fight truly had been meaningless. 
He takes a step forward even as his form begins to fade once more into Reshiram; time is almost up, but the older brother’s eyes are at a sorrowful peace, and exhaustion as he holds out his former blade…and as before, drops it, as if to repeat the first. 
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[ Forgive me. I will steal your victory away. Forgive your foolish older brother. ] 
Kenshin takes a step, smiling the same smile, enigmatic and crooked and indecipherable as blood stains the entirety of his left cheek, a birthmark indeed; plopping onto marble flooring, a chime of a requiem, a hymnal, prayer of a lost soul that will not save itself.
[ I love you, brother, ‘Lelouch’, and all the names I could not save you by. ] 
Another step. 
[ I love you even though you never needed me. As your tiny hands grew.. ] 
The pokeball is in his hand. 
[ And mine grew calloused from war and battle…. ] 
He extends it in a dramatic flourish that the other would be proud of, the wind sensing their battle, Kenshin’s culmination of centuries of retaining his memories and planning coming to fruition…..
[ But this time, neither of us will win, but one of us will surely be saved.
I want you to live the life you denied yourself long ago..and so… ] 
He glances at the black dragon with a small smile, a knowing, tender light, then at the white before canting his head almost briefly, he will end a mystery, an enigma, a blighted brother whose intentions and thoughts of him were muddled despite the achingly tender smile belying all he felt, and all his guilt for failing to [protect] the one he loved the most.
[ … Come, you two. Cast aside your flesh and mine and let us sleep together. ] 
The pokeball drops to the ground, rolls, and falls at ‘Lelouch’s’ feet.
[ Goodbye, and ‘thank-you’, and ‘I’m sorry’ and……  ] 
Nothing is inside the ball.
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scarbladed-archive · 5 years
pokemon au verses ‘ aka pain.
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i’m also making a separate pokemon verse for @obligeas​ that’s reincarnation based. i’m not sure on the details but i do know kenshin retains all his memory of being an extension of reshiram / the original big brother who died after his little brother did ( @obligeas​ ) obviously they aren’t blood related in the timelines but all you need to know?
kenshin is basically homura akemi in this verse, save he actually is fully capable of solving the problem for good to free everyone and the two legendaries, and above all, the brother he loves in every timeline. 
this time, kenshin does not ever gain the value of his own life again like he does in the kyoto arc with the ultimate ougi, it dies with lelouch’s first incarnation, and only through the end result of the two brothers finally reconciling and realizing their bond is stronger than their beliefs, that kenshin can take healthy steps in the next life-time. 
also kenshin basically thinks the ideal / truth concept is really not worth the penultimate worth, life, freedom and loved ones. having ideals and beliefs and the truth is wonderful, but if it is responsible for destroying everything, then he thinks that people need to understand ‘peace’ is far more valuable and sacred.
 he’s kind of ascended the basic ‘oh this is the truth and this is an ideal thing.’ 
thankfully reshiram understands since they go through hell..every cycle.
verse tag drops:
✘VERSE; POKEMON: Reincarnated Truth; I will free us from this cycle of despair; for the sake of my brother; my soul; and this world. ✘LELOUCH (obligeas): I have lost countless times to save him with nothing to show for it. I will set him free; never to be remembered.
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