funbonded · 2 years
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✟  Ƒ  Ƒ。✟  -      ❝  I  never  asked  to  be  like  this  you  know?  I  never  even  asked  to  be  made.  I  just  was.  And  then  I  was  made  to  do  unimaginable  things.  It  hurt  at  first  I  mourned  and  grieved  the  loss  of  my  own  innocence  the  night  I  killed  the  first  one.  I’m  over  that  now.  Far  out  from  the  ledge;  no  way  of  turning  back.  ❞
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟  Ƒ  Ƒ。✟ ❝   My  eyebrows?  ...  ❞    
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   ✟  Ƒ  Ƒ。✟ ❝   WHAT  DID  YOU  SAY  ABOUT  MY  EYEBROWS,  BEEFJERKY?!  ❞    
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funbonded · 2 years
@quotinggod​  .  R E P L I E D 
Sun vc: I'm afraid of the dark :) is that a problem?
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝  NO!   You’re  an  exception!  ❞  
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funbonded · 2 years
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Funfred's Date is:
Gender:  gay Birthday:  May  11 Favorites:  Green  and  Cooking  and  Sleeping Dislike:  Dark  Areas
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ Somehow  I  don't  think  we'd  be  compatible  if  they  were  afraid  of  the  DARK,  do  you? ❞
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funbonded · 2 years
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The  brief  flinch  he  got  from  the  was  enough  to  excite  him.  He  may  well  name  the  next  hit  straight  into  William’s  face.  This  was  GENEROUS  compared  to  what  was  in  store  in  his  chest  cavity.  
At  that  the  door  in  his  center  pops  open  and  out  lurch  two  prongs,  threatening  to  pierce  through  skin  and  tear  it  asunder.   
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 ✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ You’re  DISAPPOINTING.   ❞  He  would  sneer.  ❝ You  leave  me  for  that  long  in  some  bunker  and  you  expect  me  to  pity  you  because  you  fear  death? ❞  He  stood  right  over  his  former  master,  teeth  glistening  even  in  the  darkness.  Silvery  blue  eyes  stared  down and a prattle from his speaker.   ❝ You  gave  us  everything  and  then  you  TOOK  IT  ALL  AWAY!  I  would  have  given  you  everything  I  had  too!   ❞  A  prong  pierces  either  side  of  William’s  ribs,  just  wedging  themselves  through  skin  and  just  between  two  ribs  so  no  bones  were  pierced.  It  was  enough  to  hold  someone  still  be  their  skin.
✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ ME?  ...Make  people  happy?...well  we  wouldn’t  want  that  now,  would  we? ❞  He  teased,   ❝  then  again  it’d  be  quite  a  return  to  form  for  me  after    YOU  did  to  us.AND  killing    people  makes  me  happy,  isn’t  that  you  wanted?  -  But  you’re  not  just  ANY  person  now  are  you?  Killing you would make me exceptionally happy! ❞
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   ✗ @sprinqlockd​​   ✗  c o n t i n u e d
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝   OOooooh  don’t  be  that  way!  You’ve  got  love  the  classics!  ❞    If  it  isn’t  evident  by  the  ever  so  crazed  look  in  his  eyes;  he’s  enjoying  this.    ❝ I  know  I  do.   ❞    .  He  may  have  accidentally  been  a  bad  show  man  and  repeated  a  line  twice  to  many.  Call  it  excitement.  He  always  brought  all  of  his  energy  to  this  show.  If  she  managed  to  escape?  It  would  irk  him  some  and  yet  GLASS  HALF  FULL;  he’d  be  able  to  apprehend  her  all  over  again.
Still  he  turns  the  voltage  up  a  notch  just  for  a  little  added  heat.    ❝   Ooops  too  late,  French  Fry.  And  you  really  are  going  to  FRY ❞     He  did  notice  the  wobbling,  a  small  scowl  on  his  face.  He’d  better  fry  her  quick  and  get  it  over  with  before  she  finds  any  way  out.
There  was  not  much  he  could  do  from  out  here  aside  from  take  action  if  the  little  weasel  did  some  how  pop  and  go.  No.  He  would  have  to  be  careful  the  voltage  didn’t  interfere  with  HIMSELF  if  that  happened.  
Funtime  Freddy  was  one  of  the  scarce  few    animatronics  here  who  refused  to  use  the  charging  station.He  found  other  means  to  charge  himself.  Suppose  it  was  really  projecting  all  this  encasing  people  within  such  a  confine  space  filled  with  electrical  currents  surging  through  them. 
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝   What  will  you  do  now,  pet?  Tell  me  how  it  feels.  Do  you  feel  all  the  electricity  cooking  your  brain  yet?  I  hope  you  didn’t  think  I’d  make  this  easy  for  you  after  our  little  talk  about  you  being  a  hero.  Why  you  can’t  expect  to  be  the  hero  without  someone  who  intends  to  make  it  difficult  for  you  to  do  your  job,  little  lamb.  No.  I  think  I  made  my  word  clear  last  time.  I  won’t  kill  you.  I’ll  just  mangle  you  until  you  beg  me  to  finish  the  job.  You  can’t  do  anything  about  those  souls,  face  it,  my  dear.  It’s  not  in  your  control.  It’s  all  arbitrary  whether  this  encounter  kills  you,  despite  my  intentions  to  torture  you,  or  not  is  out  of  my  control,  really.  It  depends  on  whether  you  get  lucky.  It  makes  no  odds  to  me  whether  you  die  now  or  later.    ❞  
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✗ @cantfixyou​​   ✗  c o n t  i  n  u  e  d
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funbonded · 2 years
@loveasachoice​​ counted: Harper leaves a Valentine's cake for Funfred! Only, it's a very intricate fake cake, so he can keep it && look at it without it ever spoiling. Harper is not foolish enough to be there in person when Funfred discovers this gift. <3
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The  intricate  patterning  of  the  ‘cake’  is  familiar.  Funfred  has  been  around  his  brother  long  enough  to  know  that  his  brother’s  little  sweetheart  is  quite  the  master  when  it  comes  to  baking  cakes.  Or  in  this  case  making  a  replica.  He  moves  over  to  it,  scrapes  it  up  into  his  hand  and  boomf.  Drops  onto  his  rear  and  to  observe  it.  He’s  going  to  be  here  a  while.  Your  gift  is  appreciated  Harper.  Maybe  he’ll  let  him  live  ten  minutes  next  time  they  encounter  one  another.
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funbonded · 2 years
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Sliding  down  the  alleyway,  the  cops  hot  on  his  ...well  tail  coat.  They  really  need  to  lighten  up.  It  wasn’t  like  he  killed  anyone.  There’s  plenty  more  trouble  makers  on  the  street.  He  swerved  around  a  corner,  almost  completely   tripping  up  over  a  street  performer.
✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ Agh!   ❞  Fortunately  he  tumbles  right  over  their  head,  narrowly  avoiding  landing  on  top  of  them  and  crushing  their  neck  or  something.  Rolling  onto  his  side  he  is  able  to  look  up  at  the  latter.  He  was  certainly  some  kind  of  performer.   ❝ Ooops,  you  almost  became  a  new  client  for  my  carpentering ❞   Coffin  making,  of  course.  “  If  not  at  you  may  look  like  my  audience  after  one  of  my  stellar  performances!  “  He’s  brushing  himself  off.  
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝   Dead  of  course!  'Because  I’m  so  funny,  you  see! ❞  He  can’t  help  his  eyes  not  focusing  on  the  other,  while  he  tries  to  'gage  whether  the  authorities  had  followed  him  or  lost  sight  of  him.  Seeing  the  uniforms  rushing  off  into  the  other  direction.  Good.  They  had  lost  him.   ❝  So  what’s  your  deal,  friend?  I’m  Kellen!  Kellen  Fitzsimmons! ❞  He  offers  a  rather  grimy  hand.  He’s  clearly  not  living  in  good  conditions.
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/ @tresradiossolis​  for Aster / Human verse
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funbonded · 2 years
🖤⃝𓊈𒆜 @curseofbreadbear​​​​ 𒆜𓊉࿐ counted:   ❛ you’re my family too. ❜ -circus baby bc i keep having feelings over these two;;
&. 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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...Of all the things she could have said. She Just had to say that. Right before he was about to make an atempt to belittle her too. He shuts his mouth immediately- not that it was really where he spoke from but articulation was key to expression- he looks pressed for a reaction for a moment. 
Call her stupid. Tell her it was dumb. Call her stupid!
His chrome exterior would melt at this very second as he lunges himself for her, enveloping her into his embrace.
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝  I’ve been waiting for you to say that. ❞ Noooo! 
It was fine. He could live with this. Funfred valued Baby she was like a little sister to him, she had always been like a little sister to him. He had just been waiting on the sidelines waiting for her to realize that she didn’t need Afton to welcome her to the family. She already had a family with her this entire time. Finally she seemed to acknowledge that. Of course he was overcome!
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funbonded · 2 years
🖤⃝𓊈𒆜 @quotinggod​​​​ 𒆜𓊉࿐ counted:  "You're not a monster." — Sun!!
Send ❝You’re not a monster❞ to comfort my (receiver) muse.  
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Funfred  drops  his  head,  not  a  monster...  Oh  poor  celestial.  Funtime  Freddy  was  a  monster.  That  was  it.  He  was  created  to  be.  He  had  only  ever  shown  Sun  the  better  parts  of  his  personality.  
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✟    Ƒ    Ƒ。✟    -            ❝      Thank  you...  ❞  It  felt  deceitful  to  not  be  transparent  with  someone  so  close  to  him.  Sun  was  just  so  innocent.  If  he  knew  the  truth,  it  would  likely  upset  the  poor  sunshine  animatronic.  The  panda  was  of  two  minds;  he  didn’t  want  to  hurt  his  friend  and  yet  this  was  wrong.  He  has  to  be  honest.  Torn  between  the  two.  ❝      I  wish  that  was  true,  Sunny  side-up,  for  your  sake  anyway.  But  it’s  just  not  true  at  all.  I’ve  done  some  terrible  things.  I  still  do.  I  wanted  to  tell  you.  I’m  sorry  I  can’t  truly  be  how  see  me.    ❞
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funbonded · 2 years
🖤⃝𓊈𒆜 @sprinqlockd​ 𒆜𓊉࿐ counted:  "Calm down!" (from @sprinqlockd)
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ Calm  down?  Calm  down?!  You  can’t  tell  me  what  to  do  anymore.  I’m  not  going  to  do  as  you  say  anymore!  What  are  you  not  GETTING  about  that?  ❞   His  voice  ladled  in  spite.  It  was  odd  because  his  shrill  voice  usually  carried  a  sense  of  hostility  yet  filled  with  enthusiasm.  This  time;  he’s  angry,  even  hurt.  His hand swung to the wall just inches away from William’s head.
He  knows  there’s  a  line  of  those  who  want  to  kill  this  man,  all  thinking  they  deserve  to  claim  whatever  life  he  has  the  most.  Funfred  was  no  exception,  except  in  his  own  mind,  this  was  his  CREATOR,  his  master.  He  used  to  look  at  him  with  eyes  of  admiration.  Do  anything  to  please  him.  Like  a  son.  William  had  never  treated  any  of  those  well  from  what  Funfred  had  understood.  
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Still,  here  they  are,  in  the  same  room  once  again  and  he’s  so  certain  he  wants  to  kill  him  yet  still  holding  onto  hope  that  maybe  his  creator  had  loved  him.  That  he  still  does  or  at  least  he  had  held  that  notion  at  some  point.  Such  a  foolish  thing  for  a  machine  built  for  murder  to  hold  onto  hope  for.  And  what  if  he  got  that?  Would  it  just  fuel  the  flames  inside  of  him?  Break  him  even  more  than  he  was  already  broken.   ❝ I  should  pull  you  out  from  within  your sad,  miserable  body!  I  wonder  what  I’d  find?  If  I  took  you  apart  piece  by  piece?!  ❞  
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funbonded · 2 years
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A  terrible  as  it  is  the  panda  senses  the  child’s  presence  and  he’s  going  to  set  out  to  do  what  he  was  created  to  do.  He  has  the  advantage  in  this  terrain  -  or  so  he  believes  -  shrouded  in  a  blanket  of  darkness,  mazes  twisting  and  turning  to  cavernous  ends.  
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Ears  pinned  back,  head  down,  hunched  into  a  skulk.  Optics  lit  up  to  seek  and  find,  and  he  was  no  amateur  at  either.  He  had  better  vocalize  his  intentions  to  start  the  game.   
 ✟  Ƒ  Ƒ。✟ ❝ I  know  you’re  heeeree!  Come  on  out!  Either  way;  you  won’t  last  very  long. ❞ 
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟    Ƒ    Ƒ。✟    ❝ Our  creator  made  us  what  we  are.  You’re  a  short,  tempered  brat  with  blood  on  his  hands,  Birthday  Boy ,  just  like  we  already  established.  And  me?  Well...we  already  know  that  story.   ❞  The  words  spoken  as  though  there  was  a  smile  in  them, His  voice  dropped  into  a  whir.
Nothing  but   the;two  of  them  in  a  dark  room,  fresh  kill  strewn  across  the  floor  and  harvested  for  remnant.  Yet  Funfred  acts  as  if  it  wasn't  there  as  though  he  wasn't  covered  in  a  coat  of  fresh  blood. Needless to say he had gotten caught. Not that it was ever a secret that he did this.
 ...then  something  oddly  contemplative.  
Funtime  Freddy  hadn’t  killed  Michael  yet.  In  fact  it  was  getting  harder  and  harder  to  even  pretend  like  the  thought  even  still  crossed  his  mind  anymore.  So  why  didn’t  it?  Despite  his  teasing,  he  always  tried  to  remind  Michael  of  his  mistakes  and  that  they  were  similar  because  it  was  a  quick  route  to  upsetting  the  man  and  provoking  a  tantrum  out  of  him.  -Which  Funfred  delighted  in.  -  Still,  this  time  was  different.  Too  different  for  his  liking  though  different  all  the  same.  
What  could  only  be  compared  to  a  sigh  from  his  speaker  he  goes  and  sits  at  a  work  bench,  it  creaking  in  the  darkness.  He  looked  to  the  empty  hand  socket  at  the  end  of  his  arm.  Then  back  into  the  darkness  at  Micheal.   ❝  Maybe  once  I- ❞  He  paused,  grimacing  to  himself,  this  was  stupid.  Why  should  he  share  anything  with  this  disgusting  human  being?  
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Even  if  Funfred  had  called  Michael  that  in  jest  many  times  it  was  audible  because  it  was  truth;  he  truly  did  see  them  as  brothers.  He  saw  himself  as  another  member  from  the  disgusting  line  of  William.  He  continues.   ❝  Once  I  wanted  to  be  different,  you  know.  Then  I  realised  I  couldn’t  change  what  he  made  me.  So  I  embraced  it.  I  need  remnant.  I  thrive  off  of  it.  The  more  I  gain  the  more  alive  I  become.  I  learned  to  love  what  I  hated.  I  learned  to  love  me.   Could you ever do the same , I wonder ? ❞
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✗ @lastafton​  ✗  p l o t t e d   s t a r t e r  
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funbonded · 2 years
🖤⃝@animatronicabundance​​ counted: Alas, she can't get him a real heart as she's much too tiny. She likes arts and crafts though , so a paper heart made to look like a real heart is presented to the bear with a little ta-da motion. It's not 100% accurate but cutting paper with such tiny hands is a very hard task.
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As  much  as  he  was  bolstering  about  how  much  he  wanted  a  real  heart  for  valentines  day  but  for  the  record  he  didn’t  expect  one  of  his  little  rabbit  pals  to  emerge  with  a  gift  for  him.  There’s  one  thing  the  panda  isn’t  immune  to  and  that’s  rabbits.  And  even  more  intense  than  that;  he  isn’t  immune  to  his  little  bunny  pals.
His  optics  descend  to  meet  the  pink  rabbit,  eyes  scanning  the  paper  heart,  and  this  truly  was  a  heart  one  that  was  far  more  anatomy  accurate  than  most  he  had  seen  on  this  holiday.  With  a  bark-laugh  he  swoops  her  up  in  his  only  hand.
A  smile  evident  in  his  voice.  
✟  Ƒ  Ƒ。✟  -      ❝    Wow,  Bawnet!  This  is  -  Well  this  is  fantastic!  I  think  we  should  hang  it  up  on  the  wall!  -  Haha,  well,  thank  you!  ❞  Funfred  makes  a  mental  note  to  make  something  for  Bonnet  in  return.  She  deserved  it.  Simply  for  existing  and  making  his  world  a  whole  lot  cuter.
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝ I’m   really   going  to STEAL  some  heats  this  Valentines!  Just  you  wait!  LITERALLY  of  course ! ❞   ...Oh boy.   
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝     Lets  be authentic this Valentines. We want REAL hearts not whatever those ‘love hearts’ are. Speaking of which did you know you can make that shape by sewing two regular hearts together?     ❞
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