offier · 10 months
@cantfixyou from here
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at times, it might be easy for others to overlook the struggle tommy had been handling for so long. there were moments where he had moments where he seemed off, not really present or acting just a little different, but otherwise, seemed to handle it well. never fully losing himself to the glitch. well, at least, until now.
it's hard to pinpoint what caused the shift. maybe it's because he's been losing sleep. maybe it's the stress. maybe the glitch has just gotten stronger. but she had stepped out for a second, and that's when it happens. when a switch is flipped in his brain and he grabs the switchblade. she comes back, and he's off, moving towards her with the blade.
he lets out a soft laugh at her words, "is that really what you're going with, charlotte? i would have expected more." there is a slight pull at her words, the stirring of tommy in his brain. there's another step forward—not enough to close the distance, but enough to be a threat. more than he was already, at least.
"i have to give you credit, you've definitely caused quite the problems for me."
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fazbear-security · 11 months
Mike hadn't put a lot of effort into his costume. At all. He was too old to trick-or-treat, and didn't have many friends his own age to invite him out to parties or movies to celebrate the spooky season, so what was the point in putting effort into a costume he couldn't show off?
But he had to admit, he was starting to wish he'd gone for a little more than just your typical bedsheet ghost for this outing...
"I wouldn't mind being part of a matching set." Mike agreed with a laugh in his voice, exaggerating his shrug as dramatically as possible to be seen from beneath his sheet costume. "What did you have in mind, exactly?"
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yellowpuppet · 2 years
★。/@cantfixyou​\。★ Continued  
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Awh. Shame about the Jammy Dodgers and Jaffcakes.  ❝ What about crisps? ❞ As he pads out of the door he looks up towards her.  He scratched his head as Charlie spoke, not so sure what a Baozi was but upon hearing it had chocolate in it and was likely sweet he seemed more enthusiast.  ❝ HuH! Ok! ❞  He ran towards the kitchen.
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⋆ ★  ❝ Yum-yum! ❞ He knows what chocolate tastes like and he can already test it though he is yet to learn what all the other bits goes into this newfound snack.
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bravevolunteer · 2 years
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@cantfixyou asked: ❝ fuck you, man. i didn’t ask for this. ❞ ( from the last of us prompts? 👀 ) // the last of us starters
DID ANY OF THEM? Did anyone who ever even simply stepped foot in one of these restaurants ever ask for what came of it all? From the children barely involved to the underpaid employees to the victims to the two families at the start of it all... the blood soaking every restaurant hidden behind banners and birthday decorations has never been kind to anyone since the first accident. Michael KNOWS that, but she makes him stall in his words anyway. It's true, that neither of them asked for the way this place has stained them... but there is an unequivocal difference that separates Michael from the rest. He deserves it.
Blood remains on his hands, forever sewn into the decayed cracks of his palms. He shouldn't even be talking with her. Keep himself separate, never let them see too much of everything. If he has to be an asshole to keep her off his tracks, so be it.
He seems to jolt back into his body ( hah, it hasn't been his for years ), shrugging his shoulders as he avoids her gaze. "You're still here, though. You know you could quit any time if you hate it so much, right?" Maybe the night guard shouldn't be endorsing other employees to quit, but really, she'd be better off if she did. "If neither of us want to be here, there's no reason for you to get yourself involved in whatever doesn't get you your paycheck."
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@cantfixyou (continued from here)
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HE DIDN’T SPEAK UP OFTEN; he had never been good with words, even back when he’d been a human. He didn’t have many memories of that anymore, but every now and then, he’d run into an old drawing of his, and it would bring him right back. It was scary, and he didn’t like it. But he’d gotten more used to it than before, so he just dealt with it.
But something about BEING A WOLF gave him… almost some type of sixth sense. He could smell changes in the air, changes in emotions. He was always told that dogs could smell fear, and he knew for a fact that it was true now. He’d smelled it probably a thousand times over by this point, but the scent was EXTRA STRONG right now, so strong that Boris hadn’t even thought about it before reaching for her hand.
He wanted to protect her. She deserved protection. Charlie was his FRIEND, one of the only friendly creatures in this godforsaken studio. She was GOOD. She could save them… she could save them all. He would protect her at all costs. He smiled a little as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze back.
“I’m okay.” His voice, as usual, was quiet and shy, words spoken meekly, barely above a whisper. He was afraid of being overheard — by the Searchers, by the Lost Ones, but most of all, BY BENDY HIMSELF. If he was overheard, it could put them BOTH in danger. He looked down at their hands, then back at Charlie’s face. “Are you okay?”
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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OREL GENTLY GETS DOWN TO HIS GOOD KNEE, TAKING HER WRISTS, offering to help her stand. ❝ Are you okay, lady?❞ He doesn't usually find a face he isn't familiar with around her so naturally he had noticed her. Just in time too she didn't look so good.
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❝ Here. Have some water I was going to drink it but you need it more than me.❞ THE BRUNET BOY OFFERS HER A FLASK. No doubt everyone else here had just walked right over her. Strangers weren't exactly greeted with kindness. Then again no one was. Orel, son of the callous, hunter-mayor himself, at least cares enough to stop when he sees someone in need. / @cantfixyou starter
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inkmchine · 1 year
🌙 ( ooooo about bendy and joey in particular? 👀 )
send ‘ 🌙 ’ for my muse to talk about their father // not accepting
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deep breath in. bendy expected this topic to come up in conversation eventually. slow exhale out. there are so many things he could say about that man. with none of them being good. manipulative. full of himself. delusional. so many different layers, all intricate && hidden well behind the guise of a hardworking animator.
dreams come true! you just have to keep on dreaming. the phrases are enough to make his stomach churn.
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❝ ...I hardly saw the man. He wasn't present when they created me with the machine, the first person I ever saw was some mechanic, ❞ he swallowed thickly. ❝ I did meet him later on, an that didn't go well. ❞ that is the understatement of a century. but delving into that was not what he wanted to do today.
❝ You can look around an see what he caused. What he inflicted upon others all in some futile search fer fame an money. ❞
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screenviolense · 1 year
@cantfixyou sent: this is real ,  i’m real .  look at me . ( from the dire situations meme, for leia, if you're feelin' it? 👀 )
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  she'd had bad trips before but this was like nothing she'd ever felt before. it wasn't just bad, it was a creeping dread that felt so heavy it felt physically overwhelming, trapping her in place. she could see and feel that there was someone in front of her, even being able to see the movement of lips, but any sound fell on deaf ears as the rushing noise in her ears drowned anything else out.
  ' i can't-- i can't understand what you're saying. ' leia squeezed her hand into a tight fist, finding some sense of sensation coming back as she dug her nails into her palm. maybe it was starting to calm down. ' i've got... it feels like cotton in my ears. '
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deathsbecome · 1 year
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@cantfixyou: “ do you remember anything at all? ”
question prompts / accepting
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"what do you mean?" at the very least, she doesn't remember the part of it charlotte is referring to. her previous time at other locations. the more paranormal aspects of the franchise. the fact that shes dead.
"like...in general? i remember quite a lot, actually." it's a drop in the bucket compared to what she's seen, though. "or are you talking about something specific?"
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finalsurvivorgrp · 2 years
@cantfixyou​ asked 🍔 - go to a fast food restaurant ( for the date meme, for maria and charlie!! 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻 )
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“This is so good,” Marai said, biting into the burger as she leaned back in the booth that they had found, her legs propped up on the rest of the unoccupied seat. She didn’t know if the burger was actually good or if she was just starving from being in the car for so long. She wouldn’t normally consider this to be a date, just going out for fast food while chasing a animatronic serial killer. But she thought that this counted, because she was enjoying spending time with Charlie even if it was a little stressful. And she honestly just wanted a reason to make this moment sappier than it already was.  “Try this,” she said, holding out a hot fry to the other.
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offier · 11 months
💬 + tommy, you're afraid to get close to anyone because of what's going on with that glitch in your head
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it. / accepting
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"Yeah, I mean, of course," he responds, letting out sigh as he halfheartedly tosses a hand up. "I'm scared of everything. I don't want to hurt anyone." Not his family, not his friends, not strangers. He doesn't want any of this. "It just feels like I'm on borrowed time with this."
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fazbear-security · 1 year
@cantfixyou (cont from here)
“It’s big, it’s cold, and no-one can hear you scream in it.” Mike replied with a cheeky smile of his own. He knew a decent amount about space, between his favorite space-set shows from childhood and his sister’s budding fascination with constellations, but the joke made a good opening for Charlie to elaborate. There was no faster way to learn than listening to someone passionate talk about their favorite topic, after all...
And after he’d made her sit through his musical choices for hours three and four of the drive, he owed her a captive audience.
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yellowpuppet · 2 years
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Green  eyes  fluoresce  as  they  catch  her  eyes,  they  are  not  the  same  as  how  she  had  found  them,  humming  of  fresh  batteries  thrive  in  their  chest.  The  consequence  of  such  is  knowing.  The  ability  to  know  and  understand  things  that  has  happened  to  them  -  if  they  can  remember  -  his  small,  felted  hands  taken  in  an  attempt  to  comfort  him.  
He  uses  his  shoulder  to  wipe  at  his  face.  Hair  on  his  head  suddenly  full  and  neatly  smoothed  back.  He  seems  less  confused,  more  stressed  as  though  they  were  capable  of  more  than  a  single  thought  at  a  time,  that  their  head  was  filled  with  thoughts  and  maybe  that  was  the  problem.  
They  could  at  least  find  some  gratitude  and  relief  in  the  fact  that  they  were  not  alone  right  now.  It  didn’t  make  it  any  less  terrifying.  It  didn’t  stop  their  little  body  from  shaking  uncontrollably.  
Words  were  hard  to  force  out  but  when  they  did  it  was  evidently  not  as  difficult  to  form  a  sentence  than  usual.  
⋆            ★        ❝ I-  Just  remembered  something  about  where  we  came  from.  ❞  The  other  him  must  have  stumbled  upon  some  batteries  in  this  house,  else  he  wouldn’t  be  fronting  right  now.  They  would  still  be  clueless  and  confused.  
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⋆            ★        ❝ I  can’t-  it’s  not  very  clear  but  I’m  worried  about  my  friends.  I’m  worried  that  I- ❞  They  look  down  at  felted  arms,  as  they  slowly  retrieve  them  and  place  them  on  their  battery  pack.   ❝  It  was  a  voice.  She  said  that  I  can’t  stay  away  from  home,  or  rather  -  THAT  HOUSE  -  for  much  longer.  She’ll  put  me  back  somehow.  Or  she’ll  use  my  friends  as  a  bribe.  Something  like  that  -  or.  Sorry,  this  isn’t  even  your  problem,  is  it?  You  didn’t  ask  for  all  this  you  just  took  us  home,  which  thanks  for  that,  but  I  don’t  know  how  much  longer  I  can  just  stay  here  knowing  my  friends  are  still  suffering  or  how  long  I-  we  can  be  free;  here  with  you  you  to  begin  with  before  it...oh!   ❞  He’s  frustrated.  Why  was  his  memory  still  terrible?   ❝ Goes  back  to  the  way  it  was  before.   ❞
He  would  scowl  at  the  wallpaper  even  with  his  mind  so  clear  it  was  still  impossible  to  say  something  Charlie  would  understand,  it  was  just  too  complicated  to  explain.    Eyes  softening  as  much  as  eyes  such  as  his  could.   ❝ Not  that  we  don’t  want  to  stay  here.  We  do.  You’ve  been  kind  to  me  -  to  us.  I  suppose  you  just  didn’t  expect  us  to  come  with  so  much  trouble. ❞
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@cantfixyou​​  ★  c  o  n  t  i  n  u  e  d
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funbonded · 2 years
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝   OOooooh  don’t  be  that  way!  You’ve  got  love  the  classics!  ❞    If  it  isn’t  evident  by  the  ever  so  crazed  look  in  his  eyes;  he’s  enjoying  this.    ❝ I  know  I  do.   ❞    .  He  may  have  accidentally  been  a  bad  show  man  and  repeated  a  line  twice  to  many.  Call  it  excitement.  He  always  brought  all  of  his  energy  to  this  show.  If  she  managed  to  escape?  It  would  irk  him  some  and  yet  GLASS  HALF  FULL;  he’d  be  able  to  apprehend  her  all  over  again.
Still  he  turns  the  voltage  up  a  notch  just  for  a  little  added  heat.    ❝   Ooops  too  late,  French  Fry.  And  you  really  are  going  to  FRY ❞     He  did  notice  the  wobbling,  a  small  scowl  on  his  face.  He’d  better  fry  her  quick  and  get  it  over  with  before  she  finds  any  way  out.
There  was  not  much  he  could  do  from  out  here  aside  from  take  action  if  the  little  weasel  did  some  how  pop  and  go.  No.  He  would  have  to  be  careful  the  voltage  didn’t  interfere  with  HIMSELF  if  that  happened.  
Funtime  Freddy  was  one  of  the  scarce  few    animatronics  here  who  refused  to  use  the  charging  station.He  found  other  means  to  charge  himself.  Suppose  it  was  really  projecting  all  this  encasing  people  within  such  a  confine  space  filled  with  electrical  currents  surging  through  them. 
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✟ Ƒ Ƒ。✟ -   ❝   What  will  you  do  now,  pet?  Tell  me  how  it  feels.  Do  you  feel  all  the  electricity  cooking  your  brain  yet?  I  hope  you  didn’t  think  I’d  make  this  easy  for  you  after  our  little  talk  about  you  being  a  hero.  Why  you  can’t  expect  to  be  the  hero  without  someone  who  intends  to  make  it  difficult  for  you  to  do  your  job,  little  lamb.  No.  I  think  I  made  my  word  clear  last  time.  I  won’t  kill  you.  I’ll  just  mangle  you  until  you  beg  me  to  finish  the  job.  You  can’t  do  anything  about  those  souls,  face  it,  my  dear.  It’s  not  in  your  control.  It’s  all  arbitrary  whether  this  encounter  kills  you,  despite  my  intentions  to  torture  you,  or  not  is  out  of  my  control,  really.  It  depends  on  whether  you  get  lucky.  It  makes  no  odds  to  me  whether  you  die  now  or  later.    ❞  
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✗ @cantfixyou​​   ✗  c o n t  i  n  u  e  d
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spxnglr · 2 years
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@cantfixyou - continued from here.
HOWEVER COMPOSED HE WANTED TO REMAIN, HE ALSO KNEW FAR BETTER THAN TO UNDERESTIMATE THE POTENTIAL REPERCUSSIONS OF POSSESSION. Indeed, he himself had endured it once before, and though it hadn't presented much in the way of immediate problems or significant harm, the psychological effects had lingered for a little longer than he would've liked. It'd been a dawning realisation, the fact that however equipped he was on a physical level, he was still human, and thus vulnerable in many other ways. Thus, in an effort to offer a slight balancing of the odds, he'd managed to achieve the remarkable feat of rigorously training his mind and conscience, the desire to render himself immune to such forms of attack and manipulation driving him almost obsessively - and, against all odds, he'd succeeded.
WHILE HE HAD NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT IN THAT REGARD, THE SAME COULD NOT BE SAID FOR HIS COMPANION. That wasn't to say that she wasn't a strong, formidable character - more than once, he'd found her unwavering resolve remarkable; admirable, even - there was only so much assistance he would've ever been able to offer her in such a short space of time, the secret to his own protection having not been included. Perhaps, once they were both far away from this mess, he'd change that - but for now, all he could do was remain close, his hand reaching for hers as an immediate response to her command, his other arm wrapping itself around her shoulders, fingers coiling around her arm and forming a strong, supportive grip.
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❝ Not if you wreck its shit first, Charlotte. ❞
IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE, HE'D HAVE BEEN AS UPFRONT AS POSSIBLE. However, as he witnessed her already-struggling form, he couldn't have hoped to hide the mild terror that was deeply etched onto his features no-matter how hard he might've tried. For now, at least, she didn't need the truth - she needed strength. As much as she could muster.
❝ It's going to be difficult - but I need you to fight it. As hard as you can. You'll know how. ❞
HIS VOICE REMAINED FULL, EVEN IF, INTERNALLY, HE WAS STRUGGLING. Possession was a far less predictable experience than he ever wanted to admit, and the fact that, at this stage, he was practically powerless to intervene did nothing to ease the churning mixture of grief and anger that bubbled away within him.
❝ All you have to do is force it out. I can do the rest. I'll put that bastard down for good, I promise. Just keep your eyes on me, alright? I'm not going anywhere... ❞
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peskyduck · 2 years
@cantfixyou - taught ♨️ - my muse offers your muse a warm beverage ( from the wintertime / seasonal prompts ! )
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'A tea! Make it a tea! A touch of milk, no sugar.' He insists. Sugar makes the beverage taste more like it should be for an adolescent and having it black often burns his beak. With the cold biting at his fingertips, the offer of a warm drink is very welcome.
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