#✦ SEEKING his own path of dreams. (alain ic.)
unmeinoniwa · 10 months
i cast spells 'concussion' and 'big slappy' to knock alain out of his confusion
ㅤㅤ WITH Yan Qing seemingly possessing the strength of a gorilla ( at least when compared to Alain ), he immediately found himself being knocked out of his ailment and now suddenly left with a throbbing and truthfully painful bruise on the side of his head.
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ㅤㅤ He sputtered, disoriented and shot Yan Qing an incredulous look, wondering what in god's name just happened. It felt like he just completely blacked out until he was apparently smacked in the back of the head for no goddamn reason. No, wait. Was ... Yan Qing helping him out ? Come to think of it ... he was hit by some kind of weird spell that nearly made him lose control of his mind -- that is until he was knocked back into reality ( honestly, some faeries enjoyed taking things a little bit too far ). " Agh ..." He held his head with a grimace. " ... Can you maybe just -- I don't know, smack me a little less like you want to kill me ? " He groaned while attempting to recover from the subsiding effects of his spinning head.
ㅤㅤ " But ... thanks ..." He mumbled almost inaudibly.
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reveriemagus · 5 years
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     ❛ I wonder if I should even bother with Christmas decorations this year. ❜ Not many of the townsfolk came by his house anyways and he didn’t really spend the holiday with anyone either.  
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wikitopx · 5 years
For decades, Cape Cod was seen as a vacation destination that offered every possible summer attraction … except a vibrant dining scene.
Not anymore. Now that tourists have discovered the lure of shoulder seasons, restaurants have a more reliable customer base from spring through fall. And, as if making up for lost time, chefs have been flocking to the Cape, rediscovering the wealth of local seafood, importing every of-the-moment food trend (kombucha, burrata, hakuna matata), partnering with local farms, and figuring out the complicated economics of how to thrive in a seasonal market. Thanks to their efforts, the region is a food lover’s dream.
As part of Yankee’s May/June travel feature “63 Reasons Why We Love the Cape and Islands,” I’m sharing some of my favorite Cape dining spots. So when you start planning your own getaway, be sure to bring your appetite!
Where to Eat on Cape Cod? Here are best Cape Cod restaurants in 2019.
1. Best Cape Cod Beachfront Dining: The Beach House at the Chatham Bars Inn
A few steps beyond the Beach House’s patio is a sandy path down to the water, but the restaurant itself is perched high enough to capture sweeping views of Chatham Harbor. Throughout the summer, there are clambakes on the beach three times a week, and executive chef Anthony Cole enriches the classic menu (chowder, swordfish tacos, tuna tartare) with seafood from the Chatham Fish Pier and exceptional produce from the inn’s own farm. (These ingredients also take center stage at the more formal restaurant, Stars, in the main building.) Save room for dessert … and time for a postprandial beach walk.
2. Best Cape Cod Bakery: Maison Villatte
Boris Villatte trained in Paris with the legendary Eric Kayser and Alain Ducasse, followed a wave of ambitious young French chefs to Las Vegas, and eventually landed in Falmouth, where he opened a bakery-pâtisserie. Here you’ll find all the classics: opera cakes, pain aux raisins, croissants, and éclairs. But don’t overlook the equally superb breads, which have raised the baguette game for every other baker in the region. During the peak summer season, waits can be long, but when the goods are this good, it’s always worth it.
3. Best Cape Cod Breakfast Spot: Spoon and Seed
Chef-owner Matt Tropeano grew up in Massachusetts but made his name in the kitchens of Manhattan. At La Grenouille, he earned a coveted three-star review from The New York Times. With a new family, however, came new priorities and the call of home. So at this casual Hyannis eatery, Tropeano serves the breakfast of your dreams: The challah in the French toast is house-made, the pancakes are fluffy and laced with buttermilk, and there are five kinds of eggs Benedict topped with real hollandaise. My personal fave: the cheddar biscuit with scrambled eggs, house-smoked pork loin, and homemade ham.
4. Best Cape Cod Ice Cream Shop: Sundae School
Since 1976, Sundae School has woven itself into the hearts and memories of generations of ice cream–loving vacationers. This is the kind of place where the strawberry, peach, and blueberry ice creams are made with seasonal fruit; classic New England grape-nut lives on; and the whipped cream is the real deal. New flavors may make their way onto the board, but the Endres family also knows that part of their magic is to make us feel as though some things never change. Locations in Harwichport, Dennis Port, and East Orleans.
5. Best Cape Cod Coffee Shop: Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters
Shayna Ferullo and Manuel Ainzuain fell in love in San Francisco cafés, and when they decided to relocate to the Cape, they applied their entrepreneurial mojo to opening the Cape’s most charming roastery. With its rustic-boho interior and comfy chairs, this Brewster spot may also be the friendliest, but don’t mistake the laid-back vibe for any lack of seriousness. This is top-grade coffee, sourced from small-lot growers and co-ops and roasted on-site. Coffee nerds love it, but fear not: You can also order a decaf with extra milk and sugar with pride.
6. Best Cape Cod Farm-to-Table Restaurant: The Buffalo Jump
I wouldn’t normally take this category quite so literally, but if it’s local/seasonal you want, why not head to an actual farm — in this case, Coonamessett Farm in East Falmouth? That’s what chef-owners Brandon Baltzley and Laura Higgins-Baltzley had in mind when they began doing informal pop-up dinners in 2016. Now, the Buffalo Jump serves a casual, imaginative breakfast and lunch seven days a week, April to January, as well as a dinner tasting menu Sunday through Tuesday. That dinner menu is eclectic, drawing from the local food shed; the couples’ earlier stints at restaurants in New York, Boston, and Copenhagen (Baltzley staged at Noma); and Baltlzey’s very fertile imagination. Here, simple crudités of farm-fresh veg are served with ”aioli that tastes like sunshine.” Grilled beach roses adorn in a scallop dish. Sometimes the food is funky, sometimes it’s delightful, but it’s always exciting. And in a dining scene that leans heavily on the tried-and-true, it’s a welcome addition.
7. Best Cape Cod Seafood Spot: The Brewster Fish House
What started out decades ago as a local fish market is now a destination restaurant, and as the Cape’s dining scene grows more ambitious, the Brewster Fish House keeps raising the bar. Yes, there’s perfect chowder, but also crudo and a New England spin on bouillabaisse layered with Maine crab and sweet lobster. Vegetarians and meat lovers are well cared for (as are gluten-free diners), but try not to miss chef Erik Schnackenberg’s many takes on monkfish (as a chop with pancetta and kale in autumn; as medallions with fiddleheads in spring).
8. Best Cape Cod Upscale Dining: Vers
Fans of Jonathan and Karen Haffmans mourned the loss of Vers in Chatham, but the ambitious modern American restaurant reopened in Orleans and it’s drawing visitors from both ends of the Cape. Jonathan Haffmans’s cooking could be described as painterly: Take one perfect ingredient, then layer on complementary flavors to achieve a perfect whole. And given how beautiful his plating is, the visual metaphor works. This is artful cooking, but never stuffy.
9. Mashpee - Popponesset Inn Restaurant
It’s tucked inside an inn that’s tucked inside a country club that’s tucked into a golf course. Inconspicuous, to say the least. If you’re jonesing for more saltwater time, check in for the night: guests gain access to the tony beachfront bar and raw bar, otherwise available to members only.
10. Falmouth - Quick’s Hole Taqueria
So this one’s not technically waterside, as it sits directly across from the Wood’s Hole ferry, but it’s water-adjacent, includes water views, and is also pretty water-fabulous. If you seek slightly fancier digs, head next door to sibling Quicks Hole Tavern -- the view from the second floor is worth the climb up the stairs.
Where are your favorite Cape Cod dining spots? Let us know!
From : https://wikitopx.com/food/top-10-best-restaurants-in-cape-cod-700293.html
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
@tenkoseiensei​ replied:
i'm a bird actually
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     “ IT doesn’t change my point, buddy. ” 
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
@tenkoseiensei​ || short starter (open.)
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     “ YOU look like you have a nice pair of fairly strong arms, want to be a good samaritan and help a guy out ? ” It was truthfully some menial labour if he had to put it in short terms but it wasn’t like it was anything shady ! “ I promise I’ll repay you for your time or even treat you out to lunch ! ” 
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unmeinoniwa · 10 months
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ㅤㅤ" JESUS ! " He nearly knocked over the simmering concoction all because of a certain idiot decided to startle him from behind ( there was a potential that it was unintentional but he doubted it ).
ㅤㅤHe breathed a relieved but yet exasperated sigh and lowered the heat on the stove just so he could shoot the outlaw an unimpressed look. " I can see you're clearly bored out of your mind but I told you I was busy wasn't I ? If you're lonely then go play with the kids outside or something. " Either he did bore himself out after spending a few hours with them or he apparently would much rather spend his time inconveniencing the witch.
ㅤㅤ" If you're hungry, I left some pastries I baked in the kitchen otherwise ... stop bothering me unless you want your face to explode. "
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
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     " WITH all due respect, no. " Who the hell is this person and why she is asking for his hand in marriage ? " If you want someone to accept your proposal then find some hotshot at some host club or whatever and then you can at least live in your own fantasy. "
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ" BRO just kill him if he's an easy target. Isn't that the point of the game ? "
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
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i dont see anything. i don't hear anything. isn't a fantastic life to live in peace?
i miss my peace and quiet.
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
yq vc i'm normal
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     " IF you're normal then I’m an archon of the martial arts across the land.  "
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
hello friends. who wants a cabbage
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ㅤㅤ" DEPENDS. Is it free ? "
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
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     “ I’M opening new applications for a new assistant because my current one is threatening me to hit me over the head with a baseball bat for 100 bucks. ” 
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
But how about my muses, can they ask him for his hand in marriage or- haha in combat
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ㅤㅤ" MY answer is still going to be no, regardless of who's asking ! Doesn't that kind of thing call for ... I don't know, getting to know each other first ? You really think I'm going to say yes to a bunch of strangers ?! " Marriage was off the table regardless because he doubts he'll ever fall in love with anyone nor does he care.
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
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     “ IT’S almost like the moment I step out of the house, I get assaulted by a horde of bees or something. ” 
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unmeinoniwa · 1 year
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     SIGHS. “ ... You know, I expected you to go on with your business after that one job but are you seriously going to stick around ? You’re like some kind of mosquito I can’t get rid of ... ” Alain is just being tsundere, don’t worry but he’s definitely not in the mood for this. 
      “ ... Fine. If you’re going to insist on sticking around then it won’t come free. ” 
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
@armxtus​​ || short starter (for eizen.)
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     “ WOAH ... your fists are really packing aren’t they ? Never seen anyone completely obliterate a monster with their bare fists ...” Good thing Alain wasn’t that monster because he wouldn’t have stood a chance against even a single punch. At the very least, that problem was dealt with so there was room to breathe. Though, he couldn’t help but wonder if this guy was one of the Malakhim he’s heard so much about ( given that the other wielded rather powerful artes ) but weren’t most of them under the Abbey’s command though ? 
     “ Oh -- here. This fell loose during the scuffle but it kind of popped open though. ” He had picked up what seemed to be a pendant during the showdown and offered it back to the tall man. He wondered if the portrait inside was a family member of his or something but he wouldn’t pry for now. “ I tried closing it a couple of times but I think the hinges got loose. It’s not much but I’m pretty handy so I can try to fix it up for you as thanks -- well, I guess it was my fault for being so careless in the first place but still, it’s the least I can do. Either way, I’d like to repay you in some way. ” 
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