theomachst · 2 years
Sephiroth's eyes narrow ever so slightly over the top of his book. He transmits his exasperation by sinking further into the velvety corner of the couch upon which he had been reading the latest Durchdenwald essay on the necessities of providing security assistance to troubled locales and the eventual spread of lawlessness and anarchy if wounds are left to fester on the open roads of society.
"Genesis. Either stop wiggling or I will make you stop."
"I'm sorry, but I'm bored," comes the reply, hurled like an accusation.
"Is he really that interesting? He's dead, first of all. And second of all, he committed suicide because his side LOST- that's even worse. He couldn't even fathom the idea of living in a world where his ideaology might be wrong, how pathetic is that?"
Genesis tosses a throw pillow at the silver general in abject frustration.
"Stop reading the pointless ramblings of a sad, dead loser and come with me to go prank Lazard or something. Please? Please. Please."
He runs around to the other side of the couch to physically shove himself between the pages of his long suffering friend's book and his face, fluttering his eyelashes in an exaggerated and pleading fashion.
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theomachst · 6 days
❝ by your side is where i'm meant to be. ❞
It still manages to take him off guard, somehow- The way Angeal manages to say such things and yet earnestly means it with every well-muscled fiber of his being. It's almost painful how devoted he is and Genesis wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe there was something wrong with him, some unspoken deficiency that made him desire to latch his claws into someone's chest and wrap his wings around them in the most suffocating of embraces. If he couldn't have everything that Hewley had to offer, why bother having him at all? What kind of selfish creature could willingly demand such and expect even more?
It had always been their shared dream, ever since those bygone days spent laying in the grass with a portable radio and their glossy-eyed pouring over latest news of the Argent General in newspaper form- Something brought to their small hamlet all the way from Junon's rocky shores.
While Genesis' pursuits were largely intellectual and academic, any subject from agricultural pursuits to engineering painting a fresh and lush landscape for his mind to wander, he did enjoy practicing swordplay with his childhood friend. He was always chasing behind Hewley in that respect- Angeal had a broad and sturdy build that would be well suited if honed for combat, his father even managed to have a sword crafted especially for him. Genesis found himself both in awe of his friend's prowess as much as he was insanely jealous, his own slender figure and nascent breasts being completely unwanted, visibly the opposite of the image of strength he desired to become.
Training became an obsessive activity, muscle replacing supple curves as he toned up into an athletic figure. He'd saved money for masculinizing surgery he'd heard could be performed by city doctors, ignoring the lack of understanding from the other townsfolk, much less his own parents.
It wasn't enough to simply be faster or more agile than Angeal, he needed to be just as powerful in his own right- Otherwise, how would he gain respect? Sephiroth himself embodied both strength and beauty, but he cut a far more intimidating figure than a lanky ginger-haired teenager with 'more freckles than a lick of common sense', as his hecklers loved to parrot.
Perhaps that's why having such a hold over Hewley feels so insidiously thrilling. He'd managed to capture the heart and trust of a man he viewed as the ideal, an apex of human physicality, power and sound reason in equal amounts- All laid bare at his feet, hinged upon only his words and esteem. As guilty as he feels for enjoying it, he knows that Angeal has the same pull over him- That indescribable magnetism and familiar intimacy, no need for paltry words spoken about how ironclad their bonds of brotherhood must be. He is as weak as a trembling fawn learning to walk on four legs in the face of the other man, his magnitude of presence, the quiet assumption of trust and that either of the pair would leap into the path of direct harm for each other without prompting.
He knows that he holds this loyalty and kinship over Sephiroth's head, unintentional as it may be, that it's often all too easy for the General to feel like a third wheel in face of shared memories and jokes spoken between he and Hewley. And yet this makes him cling to his friend all the more for it, knowing that he has managed to grasp something that Sephiroth himself wishes he also had- In what other subject would such an achievement even be possible?
Yes, my side is where you are meant to be-
"And I at yours," he replies instantly, no arrogance or smugness evident in his expression, only the certainty of his statement.
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theomachst · 5 months
❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ [angeal - monstersmade]
"There you go again-" Genesis laughs, though a genuine air of exhaustion can be parsed from his tone.
"You don't have to worry about 'repaying' me, you're my friend and I want to do this for you. If you're really that torn up about it, then you owe me a drink during off duty hours. Deal? When's the last time we sat down and caught up, it feels like ages ago."
Of course, he couldn't blame Hewley (or could he) for being the 'spiritual heart' of SOLDIER, more myth and legend than the humble and borderline infuriating man he'd grown up with.
Was it the same for Sephiroth, he wondered, being forced to live up to impossible expectations that merely burdened one's soul rather than uplift it?
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theomachst · 2 years
7. [wall slam] - my muse pushes mine roughly into a wall, their faces only inches apart
Tension Meme [ACCEPTING]
Genesis is laughing.
Rich, full-bodied, nearly shaking from it. Coming straight from some wild, crazed place fueled by adrenaline and danger.
His crimson blade is forgotten on the floor, Rhapsodos soundly cornered and yet he isn't trapped at all- Arms like coiled pythons as they grip harshly at the wrist of Sephiroth's sword arm, while the other interlaces their fingers, an intimacy that would have been romantic if they weren't currently trying to knock each other senseless. Leather creaks as they steel muscles and struggle to leverage weight or height to the other's disadvantage, the Silver General is certainly larger of the two, but Genesis' shrewdness is nothing to underestimate either.
The tip of the Masamune is inches from Genesis' shoulder, poised at a downwards angle that threatens to bite past protective fabric and the well-timed barrier spell the redhead erected between them, a patchwork of interlocking hexagons shining translucent in the air and crackling from the pressure of the honed blade.
Genesis is breathing heavily, partly due to exertion, but the amusement glimmering in his eyes is hard to miss as well. There's a certain tension and strained quality to his voice as he tries overpowering the other SOLDIER, a manic looking grin twisting his features.
"Bet this is the first time anyone's actually made you break a sweat, huh?" he points out, clearly thrilled.
Genesis gets a dark gleam in his eyes, which usually means he's about to do something reckless. Which he does, with relish to spare.
Dispelling his barrier, he pushes forward off of the wall and bares his teeth like an animal, giving a quick little staccato of clacks as he bites air.
"Chomp chomp, bitch."
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theomachst · 2 years
Cute date suggestion: we fight with swords and if you disarm me, I’m yours
Answer my texts or you’re fired
Remember when we were first deployed together We were such a sorry sight, full of wounds Yet reflecting on the scars we earned, they like. mean something to me now
was that the last time we actually felt alive, just living in the moment? is that fucking weird or
Time keeps passing by like nothing’s different. like nothing’s changed me and angeal are just cruelly entangled together and the more we struggle it just gets even worse, i don’t
You ever feel like life is just one big joke, yet you’re the only one not laughing?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about things i probably shouldn’t
I wish I could hear your voice
Nice speech
You really had me for a moment there, you know. You could have ended it right then and there, but you didn’t.
are you ignoring me now, is this punishment for when I didn’t reply? I couldn’t. nothing was ready. I needed time.
but I wanted to see you sooner, I wanted to explain everyth
I know you don’t hate me for what I’ve done even though you have every reason to
I know because you let me go
Even after all this time, you haven’t given them your phone You know they could track me down but you haven’t helped them at all
so even if you don’t say anything, i know
 you know, i fucking meant it when I said I love y
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theomachst · 2 years
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? 
Muse Talking About Mun [ACCEPTING]
"Soda is... how do I put this. Very opinionated. He has a lot of strong opinions about a variety of topics, but I have noticed we tend to clash more often over morality and what it means to be a hero."
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"While I agree that people at large lack nuance, he's so much more pessimistic than I am! He has been through a lot, though- So I can't exactly fault him, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's right, either... I get the feeling he actually expects the best out of humanity and that’s why he gets so upset when others let his expectations down, but don’t tell him I said that.”
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theomachst · 2 years
‘i  missed  you’  kiss.
The infirmary doors slammed open and the nurses seemed used to his dramatic entrances, because they simply rolled their eyes and moved out of his way.
Genesis' pace seemed to pick up the closer he approached Kunsel's sickbed, eventually grabbing the plastic headboard laden with pillows and shaking the entire frame in abject frustration.
"What in the hells is wrong with you, you reckless fool- How could you allow yourself to get hit by a greater marlboro's breath attack? THAT'S LIKE WHAT THEY'RE KNOWN FOR, HAVING BAD BREATH. I don't care if your accessory mitigated some of the status ailments because at the end of the day you're still on the hospital wing suffering from Gods knows what else you could have caught in the swamp- You're lucky you don't have parasites, do you know that?!"
He was half tempted to just take one of the many voluminous pillows and smother him to death.
"You're lucky you're not slowly being digested in the gut of a gigantoad, or covered in deadly leeches, or having your life force converted into nutrients for a carnivorous plant! If you ever leave me on read again, I don't care if the Goddess herself is there holding you up, I will hunt you down and murder you with my bare hands before you can do it yourself-"
As if half-crazed from anger alone, he seizes Kunsel by his broad shoulders and kisses him with the ferocity of a coeurl trying to rip his face off to feed it to her pups. The duskier man's hair is in disarray, flushed from the tips of his ears down the length of his neck, lower jaw slightly agape in what seems to be deeply embarrassed shock and awe.
"I should kill you right now..." Genesis murmurs, burying his face into the scratchy fabric of the hospital gown covering Kunsel's chest. Then interlaces trembling fingers between the 2nd's and squeezes hard enough for it to be painful, as if terrified that the other man might drop dead no sooner than he releases his hand.
"If you do that again, I really will kill you, you know."
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theomachst · 2 years
[taunting stare]
That look.
"Oh, it's ON, now."
Genesis wastes no time in pouncing onto his friend, trying to get the larger male in a headlock so he can administer a punishing noogie. Angeal may be large, but Genesis is quick... and annoyingly persistent.
They stumble and roll through the grass beneath a Banora White tree, the redhead's clothes sure to be in a state of dust, tears, and stains from their horsing around.
Locking his legs around his best friend's waist from behind, he also hangs off of Angeal's shoulders like a deranged koala- Laughing so hard his face is beginning to hurt. It's a pleasant kind of burn, he'd rather die from having too much fun rather than boredom, after all.
"Give up yet?" Genesis crows triumphantly, though it doesn't seem like he's actually won anything, simply managed to get in a difficult position for Hewley to pry him off.
"Now, my secret weapon-"
He starts spidering his fingers all over the place- across stomach and sides, above then beneath Angeal's shirt in an attempt to tickle him into submission.
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theomachst · 2 years
☀ Does the mun listen to you while writing or not? 
Muse Talking About Mun [ACCEPTING]
"He does take my input seriously, of course- He can be a bit clueless about how I'd approach things. He keeps telling people he's still 'feeling' my motivations out, but he also tends to hone in on one theme or aspect of my outlook and goes a little overboard...."
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"He feels it's important to delve deeply into topics others normally gloss over or don't find interesting- Especially darker topics, so Soda clearly has a writer's agenda on top of simply trying to understand my views better. I can get a little bored when he gets THAT intense, however.”
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