#✧ * º • — filling up the empty space ⎧cage.⎫
cordeliaeli · 3 months
I do hope you had the best Father's Day today, because you absolutely deserved it. Just got the kids down to bed, or well, Rosalyn is knocked out. Colton is fast away playing a new video game that I may or may not have bought him that'll keep him busy for hours until he falls asleep with the video game controller in hand. I'm leaving the cleaning till the morning. I was going to ask to escort me upstairs but I fear the poor adorable donkey we've rescued is feeling a bit homesick possibly, and hearing him cry crushes my heart so you might end up cuddling him tonight than me and my fancy lingerie. @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
Know this is last minute, and I probably should have called or said something two hours ago but the lights have been flickering on and off for the last -- well, two hours, and the heat has officially kicked off in my place. I have Rosalyn cuddled up to me right now because the flickering lights are freaking her out a little bit, and it's giving me a dull headache. Would you mind if we crash at your place for the night? Seems like the storm is starting to really pick up and I don't think waiting it out any longer is going to help anything. @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
Okay, look, I've really come to regret this -- this whole thing. I know I said I wouldn't, but I have... and I think the biggest thing is being honest. I hate the damn Elf on the Shelf. Why did I think this would be something cute to do with Rosalyn? Like in theory there's something really cute about how excited she is every morning looking for the damn doll but do you know the true panic at 3 in the morning when you realize you haven't moved the damn elf? Just what I need to ruin the whole magic of Christmas before she's barely two years old. Whoever talked me into this I should sue. Someone should also take away my Tik Toks because I've seen one where the elf ends up with a broken leg for three weeks so you don't have to move him, and yes it is a 'him' but I have a feeling we'll end up with more elves because did you know you can buy a whole elf family? Baby elves and all? Now tell me, did I give you a tiny heart attack at the beginning of that...? Just remember you still adore me, and I'm cute! @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 3 months
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Happy Father's Day, darling @cagenewman
To say that you have become the knot that holds our family together is an understatement. You've weathered so many storms with us already in the last few years and have shown nothing but support, kindness, strength, protection, in the face of moments where we didn't always know what would happen when the roads were so shaky. You've held onto an unyielding belief when we stumbled back into that football game over two years ago that it was meant to be. That we were destined to find each other and be together, and part of me now believes more than ever, that is true. Things might not always be perfect, but they are imperfectly ours, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Knowing that you're my husband and that you have raised Colton into a kind, caring, gentle soul who shows compassion for everyone he encounters has been a true privilege and to know that you've stepped and and now are raising Rosalyn as your own without any qualms. No hesitation to correct anyone, family included, that you have two children, a son and daughter, whether biologically or not. They don't know how extraordinary of a father they've come to have and someday when they're much older, yes, even older than a teenage Colton who is starting to think he knows the world, understand. There's no one I rather celebrate in spoiling being an amazing father than you, and can't wait for several decades more years to do the same.
I went a bit crazy with the gifts because I found one last minute that I couldn't resist with building our new home. It felt very you, and today is about you after all, so no complaining on what it must have cost, and thankful you can't access my credit card statement! First of all, we're having a bit of an all out night dinner with Brazilian steak and chimichurri sauce and a bunch of sides that are your favorite to go around. The rest are a bit outdoorsy because I know it's where you love to be, so because you and Colton are going to be going away on that father son trip, I've gotten you this folding chair -- apparently it's wonderful, comfortable, good for old backs! Colton agreed it was definitely the chair for you after reading that. Talk to him, not me! A new travel bag that condenses, but also if it gets wet is water safe, repellant? I don't know the reviews were wonderful and with all the outdoorsy things you'll do it's best if the bag keeps your belongings dry. Best also if you drop it in a lake it'll float and not sink. Saves you on all fronts. I would say the pièce de résistance is the grill, it's a both a pellet grill, charcoal grill, so can be used in the traditional old fashion away without all the gas potentially being around, but it has some updated new technology for temperature checking meat, and all smart wifi capabilities. We'll have to read more on that because definitely thinking even I might be out grilling sometimes now, best yet, it's a smoker too which means you can make as much delicious barbecue as you want.
Now the last bit is the real winning prize for you, is knowing that the whole day I'll be wearing this under my sundress for you to remove later once the day is over and everyone is tucked into bed, and you get to be the lucky one to take off.
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Happy Father's Day, babe.
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cordeliaeli · 3 months
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Colton really took the reigns of helping with Father's Day gifts this year. Mainly because he had a big idea for both of you two, that I didn't think you'd be against, but he also didn't want to feel like he didn't want it to feel like Rosalyn wasn't important to this. First of all, he really wanted to make sure that you just had an easy morning, despite explaining to him a toddler is unexpected though he promised to hold her off. He takes those babysitting duties very seriously. First he said he'd like to surprise you with a camping trip, he knows you two love to do that together and you were so supportive of me that the least I can do is make sure you get to get away for a long weekend. All paid, all you have to do is a pick a place with Colton, rent the trailer or pack the tents, whatever experience you would like, and I'll hold down the fort. He's very much looking forwards to this as I'm sure with the weather getting better you're already thinking about these things. Then we made these building memories with dad blocks. When the weekends come around or we have some free time and decide we need a bit extra fun or you want a bit of extra time with the kids you can pick out a block and come up with something to do. Everything from going out and picking a new lego kit and building it to hiking, fishing, planting something, movies, you name it there's some really fun ideas on there. The last is a keychain that we had some help from some of your workers make with the kids names hanging off of it. They wanted to make the day special for you but these aren't your only gifts because I couldn't pass up spoiling the amazing father you are either. Love, Colton and Rosalyn xx
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cordeliaeli · 1 year
Who: Cage Newman & Cordelia Browning ( @cagenewman )
Where: Cage's current worksite
When: Thursday, October 5th - mid-afternoon
It had been busy at work, the amount of paperwork that was piling up in her office was getting to be a little overwhelming. Today was a day that you found the blonde shoveling her lunching into her while typing away at her computer. You wouldn't think she had so much but papers were currently half climbing the walls with all the things she needed, before her mind was pulled from her thoughts as her phone started to ring. To her surprise it was Rafael on the other side of the phone, congratulating her on closing on the house and telling her the keys were ready to pick up. After explaining that Cage was unable to be reached she glanced around telling him to give her thirty minutes and she'd be to his office.
Took only a little convincing that she would have Cage come back and sign the papers but to give her the keys so she could surprise her boyfriend with them. It had been something she had been waiting nervously for, even if they had been told time and time again there wouldn't be an issue from Rafael, it was like so much felt like it was riding on it.
Off in her car she headed out to the work spot that she knew he was currently working at. Tires crunched down the road as she pulled up and dust settled against her old car's body. Cordelia knew that he'd be surprised to see her given she was supposed to currently be at work. Climbing out in her little tight fitting work dress her heels definitely weren't right for the rock covered ground but she made do climbing over little rocks and gravel as she headed towards the man who was pointing and gesturing to different things. "Hello handsome." she quipped a grin on her lips as she placed her hands over his eyes. "Guess who."
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
Who: Cordelia Browning & Cage Newman ( @cagenewman )
Where: Cordelia's rundown apartment
When: March 2023
Tonight Cordelia had invited Cage over to her place. It wasn’t something she did very often, but he was well aware of what her apartment was like. He didn’t judge her and knew, at the time, it had been the best she could manage while being on her own with limited income and then even more limited income when she became a single mother. While the apartment was falling down around her in some ways, she made the best out of it to make it home. Of course she knew not to have too many things plugged in at once or it might spark, to watch the countertops pulling away from the cabinets. The full intention for tonight was to talk about some listings she had found of available to get his thoughts and to see if he could talk to his friend Rafael about her being interested in viewing them. She had gone out of her way to make sure every apartment or property for rent she looked at was owned by his company, printing out listenings, and everything she needed in the process. 
After placing the paperwork out on the table, she pushed aside the letter. The particular letter that she was writing to Rosalyn’s biological father. She wasn’t sure that it would reach him, if he did, would he even read it or acknowledge it. There had come an important decision once Cage had come into the little girls life. Without a doubt, Nathaniel wanted nothing to do with the little girl, he made that abudentally clear. It wasn’t even something she was willing to entertain, the main point, were the paperwork tucked into her purse. Folded up were the pieces of paper to start the process for him to officially sign away his rights as the parent. While he wasn’t on the birth certificate, she wanted it done legally, so that someday, so long as he chose to, Cage could fill those shoes as he was already doing. She hadn’t really spoken to him about it because the fear of him thinking she was moving too fast when these could take months, years even depending on how long the other parent dragged things out. It felt right to start it now, get ahead of things. Which is what left the start of a letter with, 
Dear Nathaniel, 
I wanted to speak to you about our daughter. My daughter… 
Just that simple line had been erased, re-written, and erased a bunch of times. Obvious by the waring paperwork but that was as far as she got, not really sure what to say in the moment. So it got pushed to the back of the table, listings of apartments placed in the forefront, her future — far better, as she ran into the kitchen to work on their dinner as she waited for Cage to make his appearance.  @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 1 year
"So the baby sitter and her boyfriend stole Rosalyn again." she chuckled, "I should start charging them instead of paying her to watch." Really a joke because of how well that she does with the little girl and how much she adored her. Cordelia was lucky in a lot of ways that way. "Has Colton decided to ditch his dad for his cooler friends now or is he just running off to grab some food?" Another tease in there as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "And when are you going to win me something cute?" A grin tugging to her lips as she place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Even though I could kick your ass at the balloon popping." @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 11 months
Even though so much of Cordelia was a social butterfly, there was part of her that always longed and looked forward to getting back to Cage. Despite what some might think, they weren't the type of couple that needed to stay attached at the hip, have each other intertwined with each other at all points no matter who they talked to. It was one thing they knew they'd always find their way back together even in the most crowded room. After chatting with people again, wanting to take as many rounds through the ornate area they were now exploring, she made her way through the throng of people, looking for the familiar man. While you would think the masks would make it a little harder there was nothing unfamiliar about the strong jawline and blazing blue eyes she spotted.
Once reaching Cage she gave a smirk, "Care to dance, Mr. Newman?" she hummed, her voice soft as velvet as she took another step towards him. "Since I think it's only fair we enjoy as much of tonight as possible." Not that they didn't enjoy other events, but these nights were special, they got to dress up, feel fancy, and just enjoy being with each other. @cagenewman
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
Who: Cordelia Browning & Cage Newman ( @cagenewman )
What: Homecoming Game
When: Friday, October 14th, 2022
Homecoming time in Merrock, Maine was notorious. Anyone who was anyone showed up to support the local football team. It was a tradition that was engrained in those who had grown up in the small town. As the weather dipped chilly, people came out in droves knowing that it was that time of year everyone was cheering on the current team hoping to see them go further than the year before, or even decades before. To Cordelia it was just part of their way of life, she couldn’t imagine life not gathering under the bright spotlights cheering on the local team. It brought back those vivid memories of when she’d be in her cheerleading uniform -- usually attempting not to freeze, while cheering on her boyfriend on the field. Now was a little different, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a few surprises up her sleeve. Slipping in to the far back of her closet with the same cheerleading uniform she had worn all those years ago. While she had more womanly curves, it still fit, sliding across and hugging her curves, showing off the soft expanse of soft but flat belly with the cropped top. Pulling her hair up into a pony tail she shifted to pull on a simple pair of white tennis shoes before slipping on a jacket that covered up her outfit, tying the belt around her waist tightly so that it almost looked like a jacket dress. Tonight she had opted to drop her daughter off at one of her co-workers to babysit who wasn’t going to be going to the game and watching her own grandchildren, and had so graciously offered to take Rosalyn. With it getting colder and her wanting to always be on the move she knew it’d be a little easier. As if directly on time, she heard the familiar truck pull out front as she smeared on a quick bit of lipstick over her lips and grabbed her bag before heading out the door -- after all they didn’t want to be late to the game. 
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Babe! @cagenewman
Even though my official birthday plans for you won't start until tomorrow, and continue throughout the weekend, can't pass up giving you your presents. While we celebrate another holiday, I stand firm this is why we need a whole birthday weekend or week for you, so it doesn't steal your thunder, obviously! First, I couldn't pass up a delicious chocolate malt and stout cake -- something tells me the Irish would approve. Best yet, I also go cupcakes to bring to your brother's which means you could keep this cake for yourself -- so long as you're willing to share with me. The photo frame has an original vinyl of Hank William Jr's music and the lyrics to one of his songs scripted on the outside. Now I know you're not exactly a jewelry person but something tells me these are pieces you won't mind in your wardrobe. The watch is one completely crafted from wood, aside from the inner mechanics to make the watch actually work. Felt like this is something you could dress up, dress down, wear whenever you like and it still looks timeless on you. Plus the brown goes with your pretty blue eyes. The bracelet has a simple white gold charm engraved with a 'C' for Colton and his date of birth on the back to keep him close to you. Of course, little miss, couldn't miss out on giving you a gift. So I drew these little figures of us and she... made us... okay, so she definitely got your eye color right, just not the sizing -- never said she was gonna be the next up and coming artist but she is all too excited to give this to you.
Guess now that the gift giving is out of way I can get to the mushy stuff. The last year hasn't been without its difficulties, but seeing your birthday and celebrating it together leads us to yet another year together. There has been no one as honest, well-meaning, and caring coming into the life of someone with a child and immediately embracing not only your old high school sweetheart but my daughter, who adores you, in case you didn't notice. We're blessed to spend another year with you and going into the next year I hope it's going to be another exciting, adventurous, crazy, passionate, year around the sun till we're standing back here again next year.
Seeing the man you've become since walking back into my life has been such an amazing experience and I realize just how lucky not only I am, but so many people are to have you in their life. There's genuinely nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy, and I realize that I've never been more happy than because of you. You have the most amazing spirit and can't wait to see what this world has in store with you through the next several years of your life. You deserve the world and hope I can give you a fraction of happiness you deserve.
So, happy birthday, handsome.
PS. Cute butt.
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
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For my two favorite guys on Christmas...
You never know how special Christmas is going to be until you get to spend it with people that mean the world to you. These last few years I forgot what the sparkle behind Christmas truly was until you walked back into my life. Now, I know it didn't go off with a perfect hitch, and this is definitely a far better remembered Christmas than last, but you've given Rosalyn and I the most precious gift of all, something that I didn't know I would ever have. Christmas with family and Christmas with those who love us. There are some things I will never be able to repay, verbalize, or thank you enough for giving not only me but my daughter. The way you've opened your home, your life, and your heart to a little girl that isn't yours and shown her what it means to be cared about by someone else. For someone who shows up without question, you've made these last several months some of the best I've had in a long time. You're an incredibly special person, Cage, and I'm so lucky to call you mine.
For you, I know you don't necessarily drink all the time but these topographic glasses just hit me as something you would like. They're different places and landscapes of areas of the US and who knows, maybe you've traveled near some of them, but I figured you could break these out when wanting to have a little special drink. The gloves and jacket are something I've been told everyone needs in their outdoors arsenal. The gloves are all-season wax coated that you can grab a burning log, stick your hand into the snow, or work around without worry of temperature or environment. The jacket is a fleece lined wax trucker jacket that apparently ages like a fine leather over time the more you wear it and beat it up. Figure when you're working outdoor on some of your wooden projects it will keep you warm, save and will give you that gorgeous cowboy look that will become one of a kind that as it is moved, creased, and bent will wear into its own unique pattern. I couldn't resist getting you a little gadget after those long workouts, runs, or practices with Colton to loosen up tight muscles -- when I'm not there to help with that, of course. Lastly, I am fully expecting a full on show with some festive boxer briefs that I couldn't pass up, we'll save them for after the kids go to sleep.
For Colton, I'm incredibly new to buying for teenagers, so I went the practical route for things he's going to need to be impressing all the boys in his grade and making the girls swoon. Everyone needs their own varsity style jacket, at least until he gets his own varsity jacket in his years to come, this is just giving him a head start to walk around wearing one proudly. I did splurge and get him, hopefully, his first pair of aviator Ray-bans, because who doesn't need a pair of those when the summer comes around. They're something that can grow with him and become a staple to keep around for years to come, I hope. Lastly, I couldn't not get him something fun, and apparently these are all the 'cool' rage right now. An ultra-mini pocket projector that can turn the wall in his room, or the side of the house, or wherever he likes into his own little movie theater, whether to watch Tik Toks, stream/play video games, or watch movies, I figured this is something he can carry around and impress all his friends when they're out and looking for something to do. I apologize now for all the places he'll probably end up trying to use this projector in now but hopefully he will get full use out of it.
To the future Christmas's we'll share together, watching the kids grow and become their own, to spending time with your family and knowing that I'm finally part of something special because you're apart of my life again. Thank you for walking back into my life when I needed you most, not only as a friend, but a partner. And to Christmas late night fun later in those boxer briefs. @cagenewman
All our love always,
Cordelia and Rosalyn
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cordeliaeli · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day, babe! @cagenewman
While this isn't exactly our first Valentine's Day together I figure I would make my intentions going forward loud and clear with this card! Hopefully that clears up that I will always be by your side in some way. With this being our first Valentine's back in the reigns and already promising you a show in some lingerie I figured that would have been gift enough but I wanted to make sure that you got a little something extra out of it, besides my time in your bed. First I found this leather wallet and yes, it's cheesy as fuck, so don't make fun of me later, but I might have found the coordinates to the football field and had it enbossed into the leather, while it might not have been where we officially met, that field holds a lot of memories becoming the Cage and Cordelia we were, and we are today, and wanted anytime you look at that to give you a little smile, and maybe appreciate all that I went through under those bleachers! Next it wouldn't be Valentine's Day if we weren't filling ourselves with sugary goodness, and yes these have to be shared with Colton as well! But homemade red velvet whoopie pies, who needs chocolate covered strawberries when you can have this classic and the best of them.
Lastly, the shirt is for Colton, his love of video games just felt fitting when I found it out shopping for little gifts for people. Even if he'll probably find it cheesy he can at least never say he doesn't have a shirt to wear that has pink in it if needed!
Looking forward to all the fun and trouble we get up to when we break into that tequila tonight, but promise to nurse my hangover in the morning sweetly please and I'll be sure to do the same. To many more cheesy, cute, and handsy Valentine's babe.
xo Cordelia
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cordeliaeli · 3 years
Okay so this is a really late night conversation but I have question for you. Know you’re pretty good at working on you know -- manly things? Yeah, I’m going to go with manly things because I can, but how much would you know about... say... heating? Can’t 100% confirm or deny that my heat is or isn’t working and I’m not sure if it’s something I should know how to do or the landlord is just ... trash and hasn’t turned on the ability to turn on the heat yet... Any ideas because I’m one quick shake away from taking a wrench and whacking pipes to see if that helps. @cagenewman​ 
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cordeliaeli · 3 years
Who: Cordelia and Cage
Where: Merrock, Maine
What: Awkward Run-ins
When: Saturday Feb 5th early-ish morning
After dropping Rosalyn off to the babysitter, stacks of resumes and folders tucked in the crook of her arm, Cordelia was out searching for work. Yes, on a Saturday. While she had dropped off and applied to different offices, now was time to tackle the smaller places with walk-ins. Someone had to hire her, right? But first, coffee. After ordering the piping hot cup of coffee she was just pushing the door open to the cafe before strolling out when her arm knocked hard into someone’s chest -- accidentally -- sending her coffee flying to the ground, splashing back up at her. “Fuck, dammit. Sorry I wasn’t looking where I was --” he voice clipping short as she looked up to see Cage. @cagenewman​
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cordeliaeli · 3 years
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To Cage on his Birthday @cagenewman
Whilst I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to do anything for your birthday given our circumstances presently, it feels odd to not send a little something. Money isn’t in high demand so I did make these cupcakes myself, did test a few of them myself and they’re pretty delicious, I would suggest sharing with your siblings and son as there’s more then enough to go around but I won’t fault you if you decide to keep them all for yourself. Know you’re a fellow coffee lover and apparently this whole pour over coffee is the big range now, it’s no longer French presses, I was practically scolded when in the store looking for something and give your aesthetics I thought this crafted one would be perfect. Can fit everything from a single cup to a full size underneath. Made sure to include the pour over and a cute little mug, can’t give you half a gift. Hopefully you’re able to enjoy it on some mornings when running to your favorite shop isn’t available. 
- Cordelia 
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