#✧ * º • — filling up the empty space ⎧rafael.⎫
cordeliaeli · 8 months
So, this is totally possibly hypothetical but I figured if there was someone to talk to about it, it'd be you. Would you say real estate has been a fulfilling part of your life? I get you have the whole business and law side to things but I'm ... curious. @rafaelcb
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cordeliaeli · 1 year
who: cordelia browning & rafael bardales ( @rafaelcb) where: bardales inc when: april 2023
It was time, to no longer put off what she had been wanting to do for months -- even longer, before she had lost her job. With a sizeable deposit stored away, and an appointment to meet with Rafael, she headed into Bardales Inc to meet with the man. The paper with Cage's writing scrawled on it, folded in half. Hopefully he'd know what listing she was talking about, because she wouldn't want to explain that to the older man. Plus, she had said she was open to seeing other places like that listing, given she wanted what was best for her daughter at the end of the day. "Hi I'm here to see Mr. Bardales, I have an appointment." she said to the woman at the front desk who found her name and gave a short nod before asking her to have a seat and that he'd be out to gather her when he was ready for her.
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