#✧ verse ―≽ ♬ ♩ a hatful of dreams ♪ ♫
wpureimagination · 5 months
✿.。.:* ☆::. 𝓞 pen
Willy looked as though his heart had just broken in to pieces at the words that had just come from the other's mouth. Both pain of shock and pity wrang out in the next words that came out of the chocolatier's mouth.
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"Wh--You- you mean you... You've never had chocolate?!"
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wpureimagination · 4 months
"it's nothing, just a stupid dream" / tcbefearless from Eilonwy
Willy was quick to shake his head at this statement, brows twitching downward. He swallowed back some emotions, clicking his tongue softly against the roof of his mouth in thought. He hated to see anyone give up on a dream, to dismiss something so precious as a dream. It hurt even more to hear a friend say such things.
"Not stupid," he whispered. He turned from what he was working on to face Eilonwy, soft eyes meeting hers. A warmth approached his cheeks as the corners of his mouth lifted. Blinking a little, he leaned forward where he sat to give her his full attention and care.
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"Tell me about this dream," he breathed. "I'd love to hear of it--in great detail! My mamma always told me to hold onto my dreams...because every good thing we have in this world started with one. I'm yet to prove her wrong, you know."
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wpureimagination · 4 months
"If anyone comes through that door to hurt you, I'll deal with it." / tcbefearless Eilonwy
Willy looked rather confused, a permanent stain of utter bewilderment plastered upon his features. He considered the other's words carefully, though. He trusted Eilonwy. Enough to know that if she thought him in danger, she would be there to help him out of it. Not that he needed helping. He had talked himself out of quite a lot of difficult, potentially dangerous, and even life-threatening situations. Still, he was not one to so readily decline the help of a friend.
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"Uhhh... Well, thank you, Eilonwy, but...Who...are we waiting for..exactly?" The young chocolate-maker didn't exactly keep many enemies, after all. "Is there someone out to get me? Because...I don't feel I've done anything wrong, so, uh...Maybe we should just talk it through if somebody IS going to come in here to hurt me. Instead of jumping to conclusions? Sounds like it all might be a- a- a big misunderstanding."
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wpureimagination · 4 months
continued with @miidnighters from (x)
Before Willy can set the sovereigns on the counter, he is stopped in his tracks. The man behind him had spoken up and seemed to be protesting the price of Willy’s purchased goods. A quirked brow as he watched the other lean over to speak to the shop attendant. His gaze flickered back and forth between the two as they discussed the price, trying to mentally keep track to make sure he had enough. The original price, after all, had been quite steep. But, sure enough, the other had managed to lower the price significantly! Whew! He beamed, sliding the money over to the shopkeep. Once paid for, he tipped his hat in thanks and then turned to follow the man who had helped him. Surely he wouldn’t be getting away without a thanks!
“Hey, uh…Er, sir?” A clearing of his throat, quick to reach out to touch the man's shoulder should he not hear him. “You, uh, you didn’t have to do that. But you did it anyway. And for that I am grateful.” Taking off his top hat, he pulled a small jar of chocolates out and popped off the lid, tilting it in his direction for the taking. A welcoming grin.
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“Thank you. I know this isn’t really much of a repayment, but I promise you they’re exquisite! You’re welcome to as many as you like.”
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wpureimagination · 4 months
continued from (x) with @miidnighters
Stepping into the room, Willy hadn't wanted to startle the other, but she seemed busy. No use interrupting, so he simply announced his presence by pressing a colourful round chocolate truffle to her lips until she accepts it. A warm smile in return, his gaze trailing down to whatever sort of magic she was working on.
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"Can I ask what it is you're doing? Or shall I keep quiet so you can work? Don't wanna ruin your concentration!"
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wpureimagination · 5 months
✿.。.:* ☆::. 𝓞 pen
Lighting a candle and setting up for the night would hardly keep Wonka warm in this bitter cold, but he was used to unsavory conditions. So, without a single complaint, he flipped off his hat and pulled out his portable goods--an alarm clock, a candle for light and warmth, a cup, a spoon, and his little teapot full of hot cocoa. Of course it wasn't just any hot cocoa, it was Wonka's hot cocoa, which he had been working on perfecting during his time overseas. He was pretty certain was reaching the end of those journeys, though. Soon he would have enough to settle down somewhere and work on opening up his very own chocolate shop.
With a soft blow, the candle ignited easily and he gave a hum of satisfaction. As he stirred his freshly poured mug of hot chocolate, he glanced up at the person whose attention he had managed to gather. A bright smile, lifting his teapot in offering. His ears and nose were a bit cold given the circumstances, but the chocolate would warm him up soon enough--that was exactly what he had designed it to do, after all. That and create pleasant dreams and a sweet night's sleep. He would be needing that after the kind of afternoon he had.
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"Would you like to try some?" The words were welcoming, unaware of the idea that he could possibly be some kind of predator or otherwise unsavoury figure. He was a bit naive to the ways of the world.
"It's made from the cocoa beans of an island far across the ocean. I've never actually gotten the name of it, come to think of it, but there were only a few beans left, so I used them to perfect my hot chocolate! It's made to warm you up even on the chillest of evenings." Reaching into his hat, Wonka pulled out another mug and set it atop his suitcase beside his own, already beginning to pour the stranger a cup.
"There's plenty for sharing, if you like. And if not, I'll have both cups myself." A shared grin.
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