menelvagor · 3 months
❛ fear cuts deeper than swords. ❜ / @tcbefearless to Eomer from Lothiriel
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Éomer looked out over the courtyard that was studded with hundreds of little buds of flowers. Spring was finally arriving. These places in Minas Tirith were nice, peaceful even, especially after the War of the Ring, but it was not home. That was where he most wished to be now, under the sun, with wind whistling through the long grasses, but there was much business to attend to and serious conversations to be had.
"This I know, and only too well," he answered slowly, casting a short glance at her.
Lothíriel he had met there in Minas Tirith after the battle of the Black Gate. Her father he had fought with bravely, the Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. The new leader of the Rohirrim was being introduced to many new faces, by both his sister and dear friends.
"You have likely met my sister, Éowyn. She was so near death I thought I had lost her also. That fear - that she would come here and fight too, that she was gone - was worse than any injury I have or could have been dealt. I am sure you felt the same with your family."
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sonxofxgondor · 3 months
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@tcbefearless asked: 'not a pretty description, but it suffices '
Sentence Starters: Agatha Christie! \\ Lothiriel
Colored to cedar both in eye and hair, the rays of brunette warmed to traits more familial than distant. Born of a countenance that Boromir could recall without strain, the lineaments from the branch of Imrahil, the side of his mother and her complexion. Kindness felt from the mere presence of her - the touch from the hand of Lothiriel - silver wrapped around her finger. No more a child but rather a woman married, the bride of Eomer and the Queen of Rohan. Proud and generous, diplomatic was what the court had dared to call their reunion, her and Boromir beneath the White Tree. A council of relations between the peoples made whole again; the Steward and the Queen. Commanders to the worries of their own kind, as unakin to cousins as could be, the very least in family happiness. Conversation free from the concerns of political negotiation, however, Boromir relished in her company, the taste of sweetened tea and baked treats.
Cup hot to the grasp still, corners of the mouth coated lightly in shortbread cookie crumbs, stories and tales were shared between the pair as if no time had passed. Battle victories and the spoils of war; the promise of good harvest and bountiful flowers come to bloom. All the land reborn, made anew come the end of Sauron, life from it better than before. More ample, the dreams that Boromir had hoped would come to pass come the finish of his journey, the battle against his woes. A wish granted from the heavens above; the prayers that had become answered, the skies over Gondor never to be darkened in the name of misery again. Boromir could find pleasure in his peace. Harmony in the lack of tension, serenity in the chance to be able to breathe without having to look over his shoulder. Boromir could take his happiness completely. Selfishly, with both hands, fingernails sunk deep into, smile that could go for days and days.
Choosing his next victim upon the tray brought to them both by the cook, a glass so clear that not a sole speck of dust dared to corrode, Boromir chewed into a second cookie. Soft and able to melt from the first touch of the tongue, chocolate chips and brown sugar, a delight that was addictive, temptation that gave reason to almost taking a third so soon.
"Had I not known you, dear cousin, I would have sworn you were one of my Gondor soldiers upon the battle field!"
Boromir grinned, cleaning his fingertips with the cloth provided, ivory then stained tawny, the slight smear of chocolate. "Do remind me, you are speaking about the birth of one of your horses, yes? Gorgeous creatures, aren't they? Your husband has promised to show me some of Rohan's best the next time I come to visit. I plan to hold the both of you to that! Oh! Lothiriel! It has been so good to see you. I have missed you so. It seems only yesterday you were following Faramir and I around, trying to best us at sword-play. You were always very skilled - and I do mean that. But now... now you are a queen. As beautiful and as smart as always, if not more so. My cousin, I feel so terribly old! Where has all the time gone to?"
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pointedprongs · 7 months
❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜ - @tcbefearless
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“Reading. You do realize I’m capable of that, right?”
His hazel eyes sparkled with his teasing tone, looking up at her over the rim of his glasses with an arched eyebrow and his signature smirk. He shifted so there could be more space so she could join him — his hazel eyes moving back to the book back in his hands. Besides his auror training, he had been doing his own research about werewolfism and the rumors of a new potion being in the works for werewolves to keep their minds on the night of a full moon. He donated to the research for it the moment he had heard about it — but it was moving far too slow for his taste.
“Lils, you’ve always been good at potions. Have you ever created your own?”
There was a crease in his brow as his eyes moved over the book once more — his free hand fiddling with the golden snitch he had stolen back in his second year when he was dared to. He didn’t know that it would imprint on his touch. He was a chaser, not a seeker. The gold metal ball moved between his fingers, as his eyes focused on the book.
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starwrittenfates · 6 months
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𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘴 𝘚𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘦 & 𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘌𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘴-𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝. for @tcbefearless
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elementxrymydear · 2 months
starter for @tcbefearless
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"don’t shoot."
John steps closer, why was he not surprised by these turn of events? He should have known that it was her.
"Irene." He breathed, slowly pointing the gun to the ground." What are you doing here? I could have shot you, you could have gotten hurt." The former doctor wasn't sure how he would have felt if that had happened, it wasn't as if he disliked Irene Adler, she actually brought some fun and excitement to his and Holmes shared life.
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storyuntrue · 1 month
@tcbefearless: who's afraid of little old me? / John Watson from Irene
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“Many   people are,   men   more   so   than   women,   I’m   sure   you   know   that   by   now.”   It's   an   obvious,   stating-the-fact   tone   that   John   takes   with   her,   eyebrows   raised   and   head   tipped   low.   Some   amusement   is   curling   at   the   corner   of   his   mouth,   but   hopefully   his   mustache   covers   that   up.   She   must   have   known   that   the   innocent   act   wouldn’t   work   on   him,   right?   Or   does   she   truly   believe   him   to   be   the   obtuse   friend   to   the   consulting   detective?   “Maybe   even   Sherlock,   at   certain   times.   Though   that   fear   soon   turns   into   some. . .   perverse   fascination,   because   whyever   else   would   he constantly   keep   tabs   on   you?”   
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@disasteregyptologist liked for a Faramir starter.
All had seemed to be going well, or so he believed. His brother's death had been a hard one for all involved; his father took it the hardest. Faramir had taken it just as equally hard due to the fact that Borormir and himself had been incredibly close and his elder brother had protected him from their father's cruelty. But now that had not been the case and instead, Faramir had found himself going out on errands and such to occupy himself.
With the sky above being dark, clouds building overhead threatening a storm for the town to suffer beneath. His head tilted back looking up at the sky and low and behold; a drop landed right upon his forehead. Lovely. With a light scowl appearing upon his features the man moved forward, heading into the town where he always found himself to be at.
Upon reaching said town the young Steward had slowed his pace, taking in all the vendors and shops that were open, a small smile appearing upon his features as he took in everything each had to offer. The sounds of citizens chattering and laughing filled the air pulling his attention away from his thoughts for the moment.
Until his gaze landed upon a young woman reading - a strange thing to find these days. His head tilting he slowly makes his way over, "Apologies," Faramir speaks to announce himself, pausing In front of her. "That book your reading, what is the name of it?"
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writtenxbeginnings · 4 months
‘ SPOTS TO KISS + 6 ’ / tcbefearless for Benedict from Sophie
Spots To Kiss meme ----- Answering for @tcbefearless
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Benedict liked to think that he was a kind, thoughtful person. He had never taken someones virtue or caused scandal. He had only slept with those that - even if society deemed it inappropriate - were able to make that choice for themselves in good conscious. Yet when he got into the drawing room only to find it empty other than Sophie, who was getting the morning pastries set out on the table, he couldn't stop himself. Ever since she had first found him at the lake, he had been slowly pushing her boundaries, and now was no different. At least until his family interrupted the moment. He moved forward, coming up behind her before he slowly came up to stand beside her he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek, holding out a few flowers from the garden in front of her. "Good morning!"
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bcbliophile · 6 months
@tcbefearless Elionwy & Penelope
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The Queen's ball was always a stunning affair, as this was her third season her mother had all but given up on her, allowing her to dress in a more flattering dress, a soft pink, almost rose gold to go with the theme, cut to suit her body instead of the more fashionable styles, but she felt beautiful for once. Even her hair was styled different, to frame her round face and yet she still felt invisible, she bowed to the Queen when presented and then melted into the throws of the Ton once more.
"That dress is lovely" The redhead complimented the lady next to her, one she had not spoken to before. She found herself lonely with Eloise cutting her from her life, not that she could truly blame her, Even if she had done it to protect her, she had still ruined her and there was no fixing that no matter how many times she tried. So she offered the other woman a smile, nursing her lemonade.
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brooklynbred-c · 6 months
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tcbefearless : "it's just a flesh wound. nothing major." / from Eilonwy
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these kids really were pushing themselves more than they needed to. for once he just wanted to see them out being normal kids , teenagers , whatever . . . MUCH YOUNGER THAN HE WAS. that was the main point. he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. his hands on his hips as he shot her an expectant look on his face , as if to ask her silently if she was joking. " uh huh . . well major or not , lets get it fixed up. " he gestured with his head for her to follow him. " come on kiddo. while i'm director i'll be dishing out band aides and aspirin. "
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monsieurpadfoot · 7 months
“You are a wonderful idiot sometimes.” / @tcbefearless
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“Aw! Evans!”
He still called her that, even though her last name changed when she married Prongs. He was surprised with how much he had actually enjoyed her company — after getting over the fact that a majority of James’ time now belonged to the firey red-head.Despite his initial objections to growing close to Lily Evans and allowing her to integrate into the group, she was a pleasant addition to the group. His hands rested over his heart, touched by her words.
“I knew you loved me. You married the wrong bloke.”
His arm wrapped around her and he pulled her against his side — wiping an invisible tear from his eye. He gave her a half hug, before releasing her and glancing around their home — the home that James had inherited once their parents had passed away. The home that he spent his final teenage years in after he had run away from home. He sat down, clearing his throat and shifting — his fingers nervously tapping on his knees and shifting, having a hard time staying still.
“So —“ silver eyes settled on the redhead once more, “— this person Moony’s out with…do you know anything about them ?”
Purely for curiosities sake.
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fxckingmoran-a · 10 months
~ @tcbefearless || Liked for a starter ~
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Sebastian exhaled a plume of smoke, drawing his jacket tighter around himself in an attempt to protect against the cold London air. Eyes spotted Irene, lips taking one last drag before flicking the cigarette to the ground, stamping it out with his foot. He waited until she was closer before speaking.
He didn't trust Irene. Sure, Jim thought that she was worth working with. Didn't mean that Seb felt the same way. A sentiment that he'd been sure to tell his boss - several times. However, he still had to work with her. He wasn't the one calling the shots - He'd just pout about it a little. "Get anything from Holmes tonight?"
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joyfulmagic · 25 days
i never craved attention until i tasted yours. / @tcbefearless from Amelia to Illya
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“My attention is…complicated…when your uncle has me on a short leash,” Illya countered, “I crave yours as well, but it does not seem like something we can safely do, wisely do.” He was being honest that, yes, he desired Amelia in return. The problem was that he was basically her guard dog and Mycroft’s attack dog until he got dirt on Mycroft that would let him work as a free agent.
“It would be wrong of me to engage with our mutual feelings while still…working for…your uncle,” Illya explained to Amelia reaching and cupping her face lovingly before chastely kissing her cheek. “Once I earn my freedom, my attention is all yours,” he promised.
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fxckingmoran · 2 months
~ @tcbefearless || i could get used to a place like this. || From Irene Adler ~
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"Yeah, yeah - You've got a hard-on for Holmes, we get it." Sebastian mutters, snapping on a pair of gloves and moving to root through Sherlock's bedside table. "Hate to break it to you, but he's not gonna move you into the place." He pulls out a notebook, flicking through it and turning it upside down before taking a picture. "Are you going to help me look for the codes or are you going to just stand there daydreaming about him?"
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starwrittenfates · 4 months
🐝 🐝 you're bee-utiful! pass this along to five writers to bring the sunshine in && give friendship a bloom! / Tcbefearless
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OOC ;; Thank you friend! <333 Much love and hugs towards you. You are also a fantastic writer and I enjoy interacting with you.
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elementxrymydear · 2 months
starter for @tcbefearless
Sherlock can't stop the grin from spreading on their lips. " What gave it away?" They ask her, shrugging their shoulders back." Is it a surprise that I would be stalling? I thought we were waiting for Watson before going ahead with this." It did seem that the good doctor wasn't going to show up leaving them with Irene, not the best of ideas.
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