#✧༄ཾ┊ azaliya's paperwork
azaliyas · 1 year
Hello dear!
I would like to request an alhaitham x f!reader, wherein they're both burned out from work and had a big fight hehe but make it angst to comfort please 🥹
summary : as scholars and researchers, you and alhaitham had to deal with a lot of stress and pressure from deadlines, inhuman amounts of workload and tiredness. one evening, after another day of exhausting work, a simple argument turned into a huge fight with both of you throwing insults and yelling at each other. neither of you really meant any of that, and you both know that at the end of the day, comfort is where the other is.
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : angst, hurt to comfort.
cw / tw : fem!reader, mentions of fighting and self-negligence, both character and reader are burned out, cursing and yelling.
characters : alhaitham.
note : aaaahhh! this is my first request! i'm pretty excited about it ngl ewe i hope it's what you kinda imagined and that it's of your liking, dear anon! <3
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when, as a young and hopeful student, you entered the akademiya you knew you were going to deal with a lot, since the sumerian institution was worldly regarded as the best school existing. you knew stress and deadlines would have become your new best friends, but you were ready for all of that. you were passionate about history and social studies, the vahumana darshan was the obvious choice to satisfy your thirst for knowledge.
it was during those years that you met your boyfriend, alhaitham, a student of haravatat that was also well-versed in the topics of the other darshans. you would sometimes ask for his help and, surprisingly to others, he wouldn't complain about it one bit. many thought it was because you could offer something to him in exchange, but they were absolutely wrong. alhaitham always accepted to help you because he recognised your intelligence and pure love for knowledge, a love that made you aware of your limits as a human, and so respectful of not keep going on with your studies when the possible knowledge could harm you to a non returning point.
and from that, it was easy for him to fall in love with you, going against all logical thoughts because for him love was illogical, but loving you was not.
alhaitham was tired. his mind felt numb, the more he read the book in front of him and the less he could understand the words printed on it. he knew it was pointless to continue reading if he wasn't registering any information, it was a waste of time he could have spent doing something more productive. yet there he was, closed in the four walls of his home office, trying to make heads and tails of the documents scattered all over his desk.
accepting nahida's offering as the acting grand sage, he thought, was the worst decision he could have taken in his whole life. even if it was momentarily until the lesser lord would have find the right people to take over as the sages, he was already tired of all the extra work he had to do, since he didn't renounce to his position as the akademiya's scribe. but now all of that was taking a toll on both his body and his mind, as well as his relationship with you.
when was the last time you two went on a date? or had at least spent some time together, doing one of the typical couples stuff he despised but you loved? or when was the last time he had held you in his arms, had a proper sleep, a proper meal, a proper anything? it had his blood boiling knowing that, after the commotion caused by the turmoil he and cyno and aether caused, he hadn't been able to enjoy the new freedom of sumeru with you. he knew you didn't mind it that much, because otherwise there wouldn't have been any peace in the nation at all, had the plan of the sages went well, nor did he regret do the right thing that was rescue the lesser lord.
but alhaitham missed you, all and everything about you. he missed your kind and pretty smile, he missed your lovely laughter. he missed your fingers gently playing with his hair, he missed your nails lightly scratching his scalp. he missed the warmth of your body, he missed the softness of your skin under his lips.
he missed his dear, precious lover, yet he couldn't do much about it, because even if you did manage to get some free time, you two were too tired to do anything that wasn't sleeping to finally get some energy back.
on the other hand, at the akademiya...
your office at the akademiya never felt so suffocating. it was big and spacious, lots of windows with a beautiful view on the city of wisdom and knowledge, but it was starting to being claustrophobic. how many hours had you spend there, trying to write your paper, you didn't know. day after day you would close yourself in, surrounded by books and old papers, trying to finish your research about the traditional celebrations of khaenri'ah, how they would celebrate important occasions such as the birthday of a member of the royal family or the coronation of a new king / queen, but sources were rare and your mental sanity was running thin. and yet, because you were so damn stubborn, you kept searching and searching, putting aside your well-being for this. the paper could have gotten you funds and a promotion as a full-time professor and you had all the intentions of getting both.
raising your head your eyes fell on the clock on your desk. almost 11pm. you sighed, hands ruffling your already messy hair. how long have it been since you had a proper shower, instead of a quick run so you could optimize your time and spend as much of it as possible on your research? you had no idea. another sigh left your lips and you decided you call it a day.
standing up, you took all the materials and put them aside, knowing you would be again in your office back tomorrow morning. your head felt like a hammer was hitting against your brain walls, an annoying whistle in your ears as you left your office, hand on forehead and another on the wall to support yourself. you felt so weak, when was the last time you ate a proper meal? puspa café's snacks were good, but they couldn't possibly be enough.
you left the akademiya, the gentle night breeze blowing on your warm skin. you shivered at the feeling, goosebumps arising on your arms, but it felt good. "i'm still alive", you thought, "this akademiya shit still hasn't gotten the better of me". a bitter laugh escaped at your own thoughts — how fucked up were you, actually?
dragging your feet in the silent city, you walked down to get home. alhaitham was probably already asleep, you imagined, because your boyfriend wasn't the type to stay up late to finish work, not even now that he was the acting grand sage, after the rebellion he planned and executed with the help of the general mahamatra cyno and the traveling hero aether to rescue lesser lord kusanali.
when you got home you expected anything but the sight of your boyfriend in the kitchen, brewing himself a cup of coffee. his eyebags were prominent, his hair a mess, his skin pale. all signs of exhaustion, just like yours.
«haitham, why are you still awake?» you asked stepping inside the kitchen. you heard him sighing, his beautiful teal-orange eyes burning your figure.
«the same as you: working my ass off for the akademiya.» his sharp tone had you flinch and frown, not expecting him to throw his tiredness on you.
«well, you should go get some rest. maybe it will help with that attitude of yours.» you bit back, and your boyfriend scoffed at your words.
«says you, looking like shit for neglecting your basic needs in favor of your academic research.» his coffee was long forgotten, his attention solely focused on your and your argument.
deep down alhaitham knew it wasn't fair of him to throw his exhaustion and tiredness on you, reversing in the same conditions as him, but he couldn't stand your lecture about self care when you were the first to not follow your own advice. he loved you and hated the state you were in because of work. and yet he threw all of his logical stuff shit out of the window the moment you retorted.
you, on the other hand, were left bewildered by his harsh words. he knew what you were going through, working your ass off to finally be acknowledged by the higher-ups and see your dreams realised. you felt your breath hitching in your throat and your eyes burning, but your pride stopped you from bursting out crying in front of your boyfriend. crying would have meant giving it up and you didn't want that, you wanted him to recognise your hard work.
«you're not better than me, alhaitham, otherwise you would be sleeping by now. say, how many cups of coffee did you gobble down?» your voice got higher than your usual tone, and he noticed it way too well. his hand itched to go up to his headphones and turn on the soundproof option, but he desisted. if you wanted a fight, he would have given you the fight of your lives.
«and when did this conversation slip on me when you are the one who has it worse?»
«i have it worse because i'm trying to fulfill my dreams, mister "i have it all easy-peasy lemon-squeezy"!»
«as if i have ever wanted to hold the position of acting grand sage. it's a pain in the ass dealing with all these stupid and arrogant scholars.»
«and there you go again with that awful attitude of yours! do you even hear yourself? they're working so hard and you don't even acknowledge it!»
«like you never got acknowledged for your efforts, pushing you to this point?»
that last sentence of his went over the invisible line neither of you ever had the courage to pass. if first your voices came to a yelling mess that could be heard through the whole city, now the house was dead silent. in that silence alhaitham's eyes widened when he registered what he had said, but it was too late to apologise. the tears you fought to hold back during the argument finally escaped, streaming down your warm cheeks. your lips trembled and before your lover could say something, you talked first.
«you're a bastard, alhaitham.» a sob interrupted you, but you didn't care. «you're an insensitive bastard that can't and doesn't want to go past his nose because who cares if others are struggling? i'm not, it's none of my problem.» you managed to retort even in the middle of your hiccups.
you gave your back to your boyfriend, who was standing still, frozen on the spot. you walked away, out of the house, while he could do nothing but watching your figure disappearin the late night.
his lips trembled, but bit them to stop. his head fell down.
the front door closed with a loud slam.
you ran back to the akademiya, but instead of going to your office you went for the pavilion outside, the lower level of it where almost nobody ever went. it was quiet, facing the city outskirts, and it was away from the home you shared with alhaitham.
your cried all your tears on your way, your cheeks now dry and sticky. swallowing the annoying knot in your throat, you took a sit on the edge of the empty pavilion, legs casually swinging in the void beneath. luckily for you it was a somewhat warm night, so you didn't have to worry about getting a jacket (as if you didn't forget about it anyway).
your lips were still trembling, the whistle in your ears now replaced by the harsh words alhaitham threw at you. was it true that you never got acknowledged because you didn't work hard enough? or was it because you weren't smart enough? what did the akademiya consider you? average? mediocre? barely above the standard? but you surely had something, otherwise you would have been expelled long ago with the reason of dragging down the prestigious name of the sumeru akademiya.
you started feeling cold not from the night breeze, but from the painful realisation that, maybe, you weren't enough. your heart ached in your chest at the thought. did you just waste years and years of your youth for a dream that had no chance to become true from the beginning? were all of your efforts worth nothing in the akademiya's eyes?
you were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't hear footsteps approaching from behind. you jumped on the spot when a piece of clothing was draped over your shoulders, covering your shaking figure. your head snapped up only to meet with alhaitham's gaze, one you had never seen in all of your years of dating him: a gaze filled with sorrow and remorse.
«can i take a sit?» his voice was low, gentle.
you nodded and he sat beside you, his legs joining yours in swinging over the edge. you pulled his cape tighter around you, now aware of the coldness that was taking over your exhausted body.
silence filled your surroundings for a while, only the gentle flow of a river in the distance occupying your ears. you didn't know what to say nor where to start, and alhaitham had never been good with words when it came to feelings and such. sure, he improved thanks to you, but his lack of experience was evident. it had been painfully evident in that fight of a couple of hours ago, too.
«you were right, i am indeed a bastard, but my inability to look over my nose, as you said, is the last reason for that. even if i acknowledged your struggles and had to watch you crumble under the amount of pressure and expectations the higher-ups have on you, instead of helping you and give you comfort, i hit you were you are most vulnerable. that indeed makes me a bastard, one that doesn't deserve someone as good as you in his life. but still, i do hope you can forgive me. is that selfish?»
you waited for alhaitham to finish his little speech before raising your gaze and look at him. you could read all the tiredness that got a hold of him and had the best of him and his usual calm self. his eyes were curved down, his brilliant teal-orange hue dulled by regret. his lips were pale and bitten, pressed in a thin line.
«i won't say you're not, but i also don't want you to think that those words i said are entirely true.» your voice was still hoarse from crying, so you cleared your throat before continuing. «i'm sorry for what i said, i wasn't in my right mind. it's just that... maybe you're right, i'm not good enough for the akademiya and that's why i never got acknowledged.» you sank your face in your hands, hiding from your boyfriend.
alhaitham, however, was having none of it. he took your hands in his and pushed them away, then grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him in the eyes.
«that's not true. you're one of the smartest women i've ever met, and they were really few. you have a way with words that's hard to describe, your passion for research admirable and an example for many. you know when to stop to be respectful of the limits that we, as humans, have. it's the akademiya that's made of arrogant and noisy scholars who can't recognise a gem when they're holding one, not you not being enough for an institution made of corruption and greed.»
his lips met your forehead, his words digging holes in your brain, putting roots in there. he was right, he was so goddamn right. you were smart, you were curious, you were knowledgeable, you were respectful. you had all the qualities of a proper scholar, so how the hell did you think you weren't enough? you were even too much, but it would have been a freezing day in sumeru city before you were going to give up on your dreams.
your body though, reminded you you have been way too self-neglecting to start a war with the higher-ups and fuck them over, for now at least.
your hands slipped away from alhaitham's to find themselves on his cheeks, cupping his handsome face. you pulled him down for a kiss, one that was much needed. his arms found rest around your waist, chests pressed together and foreheads touching.
you needed a vacation, and so did alhaitham. you two needed to destress away from the akademiya and spend some quality time together, in each other's arms after neglecting your needs and desires as a couple for too long. and you also needed to stand your grounds and show the akademiya who you were and what you were made of.
there would be time for that, though. for now, you only needed alhaitham, his gentle touch and his sweet kisses, his comfort and his reassurance that he would be there for you to help and support you, as much as he needed the same from you. he may be the almighty genius that saved sumeru and held a knowledge many would kill to have, but in your arms, he was nothing more than a man driven by love and devotion for you and your persona.
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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azaliyas · 1 year
summary : being a vampire wasn't easy, and it was even harder to hide your true nature from your lover. but secrets aren't mean to be hidden forever.
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : angsty, suggestive in some points, curses.
cw / tw : vampire!reader, depictions of blood and dead animals, mentions of presumed infidelity (there is none dw).
characters : cyno, diluc, heizou.
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01:57 am, moonlight night.
it had been a while since your last meal. a true one, the only that could really satiate your stomach, because despite the delicious foods and tasty drinks your lover would usually feed you, they did nothing to fulfill your true needs. luckily you didn't need to go hunt that often, once a week could do just fine, but right now you were on your eighth day, practically starving.
you couldn't take it anymore and decided to finally slip out, away from the gentle embrace of your warm lover, leaving him alone in the large bed of your shared home. he never noticed you go out at night, and you were more than sure that he wouldn't that night too.
you never thought so wrong.
after changing in a much more proper attire than your pyjamas, opting for an all-black outfit to let the shadows of the night hide you, you jumped out of the window and went into the forest.
you have always disliked the thought of hurting animals, but you were absolutely against the possibility of feeding off of humans; unwilling ones at least. your clan had strict rules about this, but you didn't have the heart to lure and play with poor innocents just because you needed to drink. plus, animals were the base of almost all meals for a reason.
a bunch of wild animals were sitting around the roots of a large tree, some snoozing and others ruminating the green grass. you ignored the smaller ones, too little blood, but locked your gaze on the two biggest. they would have been more than enough, perhaps giving you the chance to go on even for two weeks before your next hunt.
you hid behind a tree not too far away from the little beasts, eyes targeting the biggest two. you felt your fangs poking your bottom lip, which you licked in anticipation. your breath hitched in your throat, fingers clawed, ready to jump on your preys.
a bolt was all it took to you to ground the targets, the others running away deeper in the forest as you snapped the two animals' necks, ending their suffering as quick as it started. there was no point in letting those poor beasts endure more pain than necessary.
you didn't waste any more time and sank your fangs in the first animal's body, sucking its blood quickly to satiate your thirst. the thick liquid felt ecstatic sliding down your throat, a satisfied hum leaving your lips as the limp body fell from your grip, all of its blood gone.
a trail of fresh blood dribbled from your lips down to your chin, red staining your fangs and painting your lips in a nice shade that made the best lipsticks in commerce pale. you were ready to sank your teeth in the second prey when, suddenly, footsteps reached your ears. panicked, your head snapped behind your back, only to see the last person you wanted to witness that state of yours: your lover.
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cyno had suspected you were hiding something from him for a while. of course, being the general mahamatra meant nothing could go past his prying eyes. everything and nothing had his gaze on it, making it difficult for something to escape him knowing about it. however, you did manage to escape, and he was surprised. he thought that, being you his lover, meant he was the person that knew you better, except for your closed family that you held in high regard.
but cyno couldn't stand the thought of you hiding something from him. however, he decided to take his time with it, patiently collecting evidence after evidence after understanding that you wouldn't have told him anything had he asked you. you were incredibly stubborn and that was something that he both despised and admired about you. it was part of the charm that bewitched him and lured him into your arms.
he started noticing you regularly left your shared bed, at night, once a week or so, usually leaving one hour or two after midnight, always coming back in a couple of hours. you would dress in dark clothes but would bring nothing with you, not even a weapon. you would come back with the scents of the forest lingering on you, lightly, but his keen senses could smell it nonetheless. and then he would smell the blood, that would have him slightly widen his eyes. however, during your moments of intimacy, he couldn't see any wound on your body. so, where did the smell of blood come from?
he went to tighnari in search of answers to his questions, but not even the forest watcher could help him, except for a very simple advice: to follow you. only by following you wherever you would go into the forest he would have gotten the so much needed answers he wanted to know. but he needed to be careful, he knew you weren't a fool, a single mistake and you would have driven him away from whatever you were hiding from him.
before leaving tighnari back to his duties, cyno asked a question the forest watcher deemed to be the strangest his long-time friend ever asked him: how much blood could a human lose without dying?
tonight was the ideal one to follow you and finally uncover your secret. cyno waited for ten minutes before getting up and quickly change, jumping out of the window like you did and easily tracking you down. it was his job, a piece of cake for the fearsome mahamatra.
you were fast, but he was faster, and so quiet you didn't notice him. or perhaps you were so focused on whatever task you had in mind that you didn't check twice your surroundings? who knew, but it worked for him, so that was fine.
cyno hid behind a tree not too far away from you, but close enough to keep a clear eye on you. he didn't understand why you were targeting boars when you had no weapons on you, how were you thinking of taking them down? yet he stayed still, curious about your next move... he didn't expect it to be jumping straight onto the poor animals, that's for sure.
his scarlet eyes widened in bewilderment seeing you sinking your face, your teeth, in the poor animal. he couldn't believe his theory about you being a vampire was correct. he only thought of it as a joke, but archons, he was right! however, his shock soon died down as the thought of letting you know about his presence came to his mind.
he stepped out of his hiding spot, calling your name in the soft tone that was reserved to you only. seeing you snap your head back and widen your eyes in pure shock had him realise how much right he was, with the blood dripping down your chin and onto the ground.
he noticed you going pale at his sight, figure frozen on the ground, mouth agape in panic. he took a few steps closer before you reacted, and just as he was about to kneel to meet your gaze, you kicked back, both exposing yourself in the state you were and putting some distance between you two.
«you're a predator, yet you're afraid of me?» he asked you, crossing his arms, scoffing at your reaction.
you, on the other hand, were in the middle of two emotions: shock and disbelief. shock because your boyfriend just uncovered your secret, disbelief because he seemed untouched by it. for abyss' sake, you were a vampire! he witnessed you hunting! drinking blood! and wasn't batting an eye!
«how- h-how... why the hell are you so calm?!» you managed to stutter out, sitting on the cold ground, still unable to believe your eyes. you knew cyno had a cool temper, but bloody hell, everyone else would be losing their nuts about such a discovery! but no, not him, the almighty general mahamatra didn't seem he could care less about his partner being a vampire.
«mhh, that's a question i'm not sure about how to answer, because i don't know it either. maybe because, despite witnessing your true nature, all i can see is my loving partner.» these words flew out of his mouth with such kindness they almost had you cry. almost. however, all you did was drop your jaw on the ground.
seriously, did this idiot had any sense of danger, or did his job dull it? you couldn't think about it much, because the smell of your dead meal reached your nostrils, and your appetite made itself clear to you again. you cleared your throat and looked away from your boyfriend, eyes again on your prey.
«we can talk about it later, i need to finish my meal first.» you told him coldly, already moving towards the boar, when his arm stopped you. your eyes locked onto his tanned limb, the smell of his sweet blood reaching your nostrils. you had human blood rare times, but they had been enough to let you know it was far more superior than animal's.
somehow, cyno noticed your gaze, and read it all too well for your tastes, because his arms soon found themselves around your waist, pulling him closer to his figure that was now towering over you. his gaze met yours, red in red as his lips parted to let him speak.
«feed off me. human blood surely is better than animal one, right?» he told you, and you could only nod. he was right, human blood was the best, and only archons knew how much you craved it.
«it hurts.» you whispered on his skin, face in the crook of his neck, lips brushing against his skin in light kisses, trying to find his pulse.
«doesn't matter.» he murmured, soft sighs leaving his lips at your kisses. he then felt two pointy things on his skin, and he knew it was coming. he didn't talk, just pushed your head closer as permission.
just as you said, it hurt. it hurt when your fangs sank in his skin, in his vein. it hurt feeling his blood leaving his body to course down your throat, yet he couldn't help but enjoy the moment so much a soft moan left his lips. you, on the other hand, moaned as soon as the first drop fell on your tongue. archons, did you miss such wonderful taste- but it was even better now, drinking from your lover. your hand reached for his head, pulling on his hair to bend his head backwards, so you could have more space. he let you do, his own hands busy in gripping on your hips.
since human blood could satiate better than animal one, you needed only a few sips before you pulled away, thrist finally quenched. cyno witnessed you licking your fangs and lips with satisfaction, cleaning them of any residual blood of his. he felt his head light and a bit dizzy, but overall he was fine.
«think you can stop hunting down wild boars?» he questioned, arms still secured around you.
let's say that, after that night, the wild boars population went increasing — and so did your relationship and your intimate life with the general mahamatra.
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diluc ragnvindr
being in a relationship with diluc meant having the eyes of all the citizens of mondstadt on you. he was the uncrowned king of the nation: make it because of his lineage, because of his business, or just for his good looks. and for how much you loved him, you hated the attention because it made it hard to go hunting without risking to get caught, your secret getting exposed. and then who knew what those aristocratic bastards would have said about you, taking inspirations from all the bullshit myths about vampires and their hypnotic powers.
despite that, you always managed to get away with your late night hunting sessions, the entirety of mondstadt unaware. well, except for diluc, who had his fair share of questions about what you went doing every week after leaving the manor. even if his duties as the darknight hero had him away most of the nights, the few ones he would spend sleeping by your side had him noticing your weekly absences. but protecting the city had him busy, so he tasked adelinde to witness your leaving and returning, informing him the following day.
that night you thought that, with diluc busy in mondstadt for a night patrol, you could sneak away unnoticed, because you never knew adelinde had her eye on you. nor you knew diluc was awaiting for you lurking in the shadows, eager to follow you and witness whatever you were hiding from him.
the wine tycoon didn't have to wait much because, as punctual as usual, there you were, jumping out of the window of the first floor, totally unfazed. and to say you didn't look as trained as you clearly were. your lover underestimated you, it seemed. nonenthless, that didn't matter much. he waited for you to put some distance between you two before he started following you, always stepping behind trees while you ran through them, jumping with such agility. how much were you exactly hiding? he thought you were clumsy and stiff, but again, he was wrong.
you went all the way down to brightcrown canyon, one of your favourite hunting spots. many wild boars would gather there, giving you plenty of choice regarding the size of your prey. diluc noticed that as well, but he couldn't understand why you were targeting boars; adelinde told him you never brought a weapon with you, so what were you thinking?
he didn't have much time to search for an answer because you jumped on the boars, knocking them down and snapping their necks with your bare hands. the pyro vision holder froze on the spot, eyes locked on your face plastered with the blood of the animal. he couldn't believe it, that the legends were true- and that his lover was part of such a mythological race.
he gulped down, trying to think rationally about his next move. should he let you know about his presence? and if yes, now or once you were done? he loved you but he didn't want your — archons it was so weird to think it — teeth down his throat because your hunger (thirst?) was having the best of you. all kind of thoughts were running through his mind about what to do, and in the middle of it he didn't notice he stepped on a dry branch, snapping it, revealing his presence to you. only when your red widened eyes fell on his figure he did notice his mistake.
you stepped back, forgetting about the second boar you were ready to devour, panicked because your lover was there with you, witnessing the only thing you never wanted him to know about. you were done, so done now. what would he think now? that you were a monster? a threat to the safety of mondstadt? you were always ready for a fight, but could you stand it if you opponent was the man you loved? what-
«y/n.» he called, not an ounce of disgust nor anger in his voice. just the usual softness that was for you only.
«i-i... i can explain diluc... please, please le-» you tried to stutter, but he interrupted you.
«you're a vampire. it's self explanatory, i think.» he told you, still that sweet tone in his voice.
for how much you loved how sweet and thoughtful he has always been with you you couldn't stand it a second longer.
«why the hell are you so unfazed?! for abyss' sake diluc, you just discovered i'm a vampire! you should be running away afraid i might assault you!» you snapped in the middle of an emotional storm made of panic, disbelief and anger. yes, anger. you were so angry by his unfazed behaviour, and it only worsened when you heard him snicker, cold blood now boiling in your veins.
«i never run away from danger, you should know that.» he told you, arms crossed before his chest.
you jumped back up on your feet, your thirst long forgotten as you were about to give your boyfriend the earful of his life. but before you could even start scolding him diluc gently took your hands in his, lifting them up to kiss your knuckles. his eyes burned holes in yours as he spoke.
«i understand your concern, but you're my lover, y/n. haven't i promised you i'd always be by your side, no matter what?» he whispered, his lips still lingering on your hands. you nodded remembering the golden lock necklace he gifted you, hid under your shirt because you never wanted it to leave your skin. it always lingered warm, reminding you of diluc's pyro vision.
«even if i'm a predator and a potential threat to mondstadt and its citizens?» you asked, and he snorted. it irritated you all over again — you weren't a damn clown for his entertainment!
«considering that half the townsfolk are intoxicated with wine and the other half is made of people you despise, not much.» was his answer, and you couldn't help but giggle. he was right, the blood of drunkards was awful and surely you would have preferred to starve than drinking from someone you disliked.
diluc noticed the dead boar you didn't feed on, now feeling bad for interrupting your meal. however, as an apology, he thought about offering himself as a substitute, his neck ready for you. having already some scars there no one would have noticed the one you would have given him.
«it hurts.» you pointed out, something sounding like uncertainty in your voice, but your hands going up to move away his soft burning locks told him another story. he didn't mind though. his arms found themselves around your middle, pulling you closer as your face found solace in the crook of his battered neck. your lips caressed his skin in search of his pulse, his own quivering in anticipation.
a hand of his got entagled in your hair, keeping your head down as a sort of permission. he trusted you enough to put his life in your hands, and you knew that as well. you weren't going to make him endure it too long, human blood could satiate in smaller amounts and for longer than animal one.
diluc didn't felt much pain once you sank your fangs in his skin, in fact it was quite pleasant... so much a low moan left his lips, his face sinking in your hair. you pulled his locks, earning another moan from him as you kept drinking his warm, viscous blood. his hands squeezed your hips, your body now glued to his thanks to his tight grip on you.
before it could escalate any further you finished and stepped back, both of you with flushed cheeks and clouded minds. he cleared his throat and you looked down, ignoring the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
«i think... we just found out a new way to satisfy your needs in terms of sustenance.» he murmured, but your keen senses had you hear him loud and clear.
«and i don't think it will be about meals only.» you retorted, unable to hide both the smirk on your lips and the knowing meaning of your words.
you laughed upon seeing your boyfriend's face painted in the same shade of his fiery fluffy hair.
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your boyfriend was known as the best detective of inazuma for a reason, yet you still thought that escaping at night without making a single sound and returning just a couple of hours later would have been enough for him to not notice.
it was safe to say you were a bit of an idiot.
heizou had noticed your weekly night escapades quite soon, only a few weeks after you decided to move in together so you could increase the amount of time you two could spend with each other. so, of course he noticed the absence of your chilly body from the bed, your pyjamas thrown on the mattress signaling you had changed your clothes before going out. but his service weapons were still in the room, so it meant you went out without a meaning of defense. just what were you up to?
heizou started collecting evidences for every possible scenario, putting them off whenever that route came out inconsistent. you weren't (luckily for his heart) cheating nor were you involved in criminal business. no one would talk about strange things happening in the city the nights you disappeared, so it meant you weren't there in the beginning. he then would inspect your clothes, mud and blood on your boots. upon further inspection, he found out the mud was from chinju forest and the blood belonged to an animal, probably a kitsune. it wasn't a crime per se, but it was well known in inazuma that any bad move on a kitsune would irate the shogun and her faithful servant, the lady guuji of the grand narukami shrine. didn't you know that?
after a few weeks of investigation, in which he kept track of your escapades, the doushin finally decided to close this case. whatever you were up to, he told himself, he would have stopped you, even if it meant putting you in jail. it hurt him, but before of being your boyfriend he was a detective for the tenryou commission, and it was his job to keep inazuma safe.
as usual, you dressed up to go out that night, your dry throat yelling at you to move up and get down to business. you looked over your shoulder down to heizou, lying in bed, sleeping soundly — apparently, at least. he was wide awake, but archons was he a good actor. he could feel your gaze on him, and he felt your lips lingering on his forehead for a light kiss before you jumped out of the window. how cute of you, he thought, were you unintentionally trying to bribe him? that wouldn't have worked at all, he was loyal to his principles.
after a single minute heizou kicked the covers off his body, already dressed in his usual attire and ready to follow his beloved wherever they were going to. imitating your movements he jumped out of the window, noticing you sprinting in the distance toward chinju forest. since that was your destination, he could take his time to make sure you wouldn't notice his presence lurking behind your back.
and in fact, you didn't. you were unaware of heizou's presence hiding in the shadows, his emerald eyes on your figure as you were preparing yourself for whatever you were about to do. he noticed the bunch of kitsune, lazily sitting around. he knew you were about to move onto them, he did, but he couldn't help the shock that took over him when he saw you sinking your teeth in one of their throats, another one laying lifeless beside you as the others ran away.
dear almighty shogun, why? just... why?
a vampire. you were a vampire. a creature feeding off blood, but he thought that legends and myths talked about human blood, not animal. don't take him wrong, he was glad you weren't feeding (he couldn't believe he had to use such word) on the people of inazuma, but he was curious as to why. ethical choice? did you feed on humans only when they were willing? and how did that happen? but then, did you ever feed on human blood? and what about your family? were they like you or were they unaware of your true nature?
so many questions, yet no answer. well, you had them, so why not ask you? he already found you out, he just had to let his presence known and have you satisfy his curiosity.
normally, one would stop and think about it twice before interrupting a vampire in the middle of their meal (as if that had already happened to him, the genius), but it's shikanoin heizou we're talking about, the doushin as sly as a fox and twice mischievous. he was both a menace and a vision holder, he could go on without worrying about it too much.
«love, would you mind answering some questions?» he asked while stepping out to let you be aware of his presence. the way your head snapped back to look at him looked painful, he thought, but maybe your nature had you think it was nothing.
you didn't even have the time to step back or run away or whatever that your boyfriend was already by your side, your face in his hands as he was inspecting you. the bloodless kitsune fell from your hands as his thumbs brushed on your red-tainted lips, forcing them apart. you felt his fingertips brushing against your fangs, the smell of fresh blood invading his nostrils.
«truly fascinating.» he murmured to himself, his signature smirk curving his perfect lips.
you blinked once, then twice, then thrice before actually escaping heizou's grip, taking his wrists in your hands to stop him from pulling such a move on you again.
«i knew you weren't exactly in your right mind since i first met you, but that's too much even for you, heizou!» you snarled at him, fangs on display as you tried to scare him back. your attempt was cute, but not enough, earning a crystalline laugh from the maroon-haired detective.
«on the contrary, my dear darling, i think i'm quite a genius. after all, i solved your case in just a few weeks. truly one of my best works.» he chirped, your eyes widening in shock.
you didn't know if you wanted to punch him in the face or slap away that irritating smirk of his that, in other occasions, would have you drool waiting for a kiss. and damn him he knew that as well.
«you just found out your lover is a fucking vampire and yet you act like you found out i'm just taking casual night strolls!» you screeched at him, in total and utter disbelief. didn't this idiot you would normally call your boyfriend have any sense of self-preservation?! did he even understand who, no what was in front of him? a goddamn predator, that's what!
«well the evidences suggested that, but yes, it was quite the surprise to see that my theory was true. yet again, it's not like i've ever did a mistake.» he told you, his sly smirk shining like the moon above you two in the forest.
«why didn't i make you a meal yet, you would at least shut up.» you grumbled under your breath, unable to believe what your lover just told you. however, the detective heard you and started undoing his shirt just as much as to expose his neck for you.
«ha, i was hoping for this request of yours.» he murmured as you blushed, looking away from the exposed skin of his neck. however his hands found your face once again, turning your head in his direction and pulling it in the crook of his neck. «c'mon cutie, bite. surely you weren't done when i stepped out, were you?»
for how much you hated to admit it, he was right. your thirst was still there and having your nose pressed against his skin while in such state, something you always made sure wouldn't happen as to not trigger your instincts, wasn't helping at all. before you could even think about it your lips were already kissing his smooth skin, searching for his pulse.
«it will hurt.» you told him once you found it, your hands on his shoulders, his on your waist. he nodded and bent his head to the side more, a silent permission for you to go on.
a moan escaped your lover's lips as soon as your fangs sank, head getting dizzy and vision blurring as you sucked his blood out of his system. a few gulps and you were done, but stayed still on his neck, licking his wound clean to help it heal up, since your saliva had healing properties.
such move only earned you another moan from your boyfriend, that was on top of you as you laid on the ground, both your eyes clouded in a familiar haze of desire.
«willing humans make a better option than poor kitsune, don't you think? it also spares you the wrath of the shogun and of lady guuji.» he whispered, his hands in yours, fingers intertwined.
you knew what he meant and you nodded before your lips met in a kiss. it didn't matter it tasted of blood, he would have gotten used to it.
after all, you needed to feed, and what better way than in your boyfriend's arms, in your shared bedroom lit by the moonlight?
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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azaliyas · 1 year
Hello! I saw that you were accepting requests hehe I would like a kaveh and fem reader please. Probably loosely based on Taylor Swift's All of the Girls You Loved Before, it gave me Kaveh feels while driving. ughhh he's not even released yet and I'm already a simp
summary : loving kaveh was a challenge to both your heart and your patience. seeing how he would always look at other women the way you wanted him to look at you, the one who ever truly loved him in both good and bad.
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : heavy angst, hurt to comfort.
cw / tw : fem!reader, mentions of fighting and drinking, heartbreaks, miscommunication, yelling, suggestive in some points.
characters : kaveh.
note : first of all anon, thank you for the request! second i will be honest on this, i don't know if i have actually "loosely" based this on taylor's song, i just followed the flow based on what the song had me feeling and imagining, but nonetheless i do hope it will be of your liking and same for all the other readers! <3 enjoy!
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for the city folks, you and kaveh were the two halves of the same apple, complimenting each other in such a perfect way it was something more unique than rare. you two were always together since childhood, your parents' friendship the base for your own.
of course, growing up you two drifted apart for a while, finding new friends and interests, but in the end you two found each other again and, from that, you two never got separated ever again.
you and kaveh got reunited during your first year at the akademiya, both students under the kshahrewar darshan, he specialising in architecture and you in technology.
you couldn't help but notice how much kaveh had changed during your years apart — he was no longer the scrawny and shy kid you once knew, but a confident and handsome man of incredible talent and intelligence, all qualities that earned him the title "the light of kshahrewar". and the women's gaze as well.
at first you didn't mind that, kaveh was just a friend and you had no right to interfere in his private business... then why was there an ache in your heart every time another student would approach him, flirting her way into his persona (and his bedroom)? your hands would clench in tight fists, your nails digging in your palms, the pain doing nothing in grounding you back down from your thoughts. your lips would tighten in a thin line, and a frown would always be present on your face.
yet kaveh never noticed any of this, but how could he? his beautiful red eyes were always on someone else, never on you. and even if they were, you saw nothing in them but the affection you would feel for a friend — because you were that to him, just a friend. a dear one, yes, but still a friend.
it pained you so much, your heart shattering in smaller and smaller pieces whenever he would bring a new girl at home, forced to watch them being all cute and sweet made you sick to your stomach. but having to hear it was much worse, listening to how it wasn't your name kaveh was calling while experiencing the bliss of an intercourse, the satisfaction of finishing and laying in your partner's gentle embrace to spend the rest of the night sleeping in an air of passion and love you two had made.
your pillow was soaked every night from all the tears you cried for a man you knew was never gonna be yours.
despite the heartache it gave you, you kept living with kaveh even after graduation. it was the only way you could see his face outside of your working hours, since your best friend would spend his free time either drinking and playing cards with his buddies or with a girl who wouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks or months.
the only times you and kaveh were together were after his break ups, him crying on your shoulder and swearing he would never get into a relationship again only to be at it again after a couple of weeks at best.
you two were both masochist and yet neither of you were able to let go of such painful addiction. even when they brought you two to your knees, cursing celestia and the archons, crying your hearts out, begging for the pain to stop. it was too much but, somehow, never enough at the same time.
and so again there you were, crying all of your tears sitting in the living room at night, only the street lights of sumeru city briefly illuminating the room. once again, you were crying because of kaveh, because of that selfish idiot with no clue of your feelings for him. only a few hours earlier he was the one crying, blabbering about his last break up, going on and on about how his heart had been shattered once again.
hilarious, wasn't it? his heart was shattered, but yours was nothing but dust. did he know that? no, not at all, because all it took to him to never ask you such question were your words "i am not interested in love, at the moment". that was it, an awful lie you told both to him and yourself, and there he was, satisfied with it. a true idiot, really.
dry tears were staining your flushed cheeks, snot filling your nose despite all the times you blew it, making it hard to breathe without hiccuping. bitten and dry lips trembling, they tasted of salt. eyes puffy and swollen, yet still producing fresh, salty tears, rubbing on your internal wounds.
you were sitting on the cold floor, surrounded by used tissues and some bottles you emptied with a friend earlier. luckily, they went away before you started crying — you didn't want to talk about your disastrous love life at all.
your head was hurting, and feeling your heartbeat so clear in it didn't help at all. your crying was only worsening it, but how could you stop? you kept thinking about kaveh and your unrequited love for him, and so you kept crying.
lost in thoughts of self pity, you didn't hear the keys turning in the lock of your front door, nor the stuttering steps of a certain blond-haired architect coming to a halt once he saw you on the floor. kaveh put away his keys and dragged his feet to your crouched form, an effort that was taking a lot to him because of all the alcohol in his system. archons, why did his friends never stop him?
«why are you crying?»
the sound of his voice had you jump on the spot, away from him of a few inches. he frowned as you looked up, your eyes wide in bewilderment when you saw him, inches away from you, kneeling in front of your broken figure.
«no- n-nothing.» you managed to stutter, turning away from him.
«i may be tipsy-» he was interrupted by a hiccup. «but i'm no idiot. tell- tell me what- what happened.» his stuttering wasn't enough to stop him from talking.
other tears fell down from your tired eyes, the sweetness of his concern feeling like a knife going through your heart multiple times. his soft hands cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away your tears only for them to keep streaming down. you were silent now, and so was he.
after what felt like an eternity you took kaveh's wrists in your hands and pushed them away. your heart was too weak to keep bearing this act. the more you were going to indulge in this false hope the more it was going to hurt you, again. you gave up a long time ago, it was pointless — a bit ridiculous, considering you were living with the very cause of your heartache.
kaveh felt a bunch of emotions he didn't know how to explain: offense, because you refused his touch; disappointment, because he felt offended; sad, because you wouldn't let him touch you. you were always so happy whenever he would cuddle you, making him tease you about being his personal teddy bear.
«y/n-» he called you while you stood up, leaving him alone on the floor.
«i'm tired, i wanna sleep.» you whispered, your voice hoarse from all the crying.
before you could even take a step in direction of your bedroom, despite the alcohol in his system, kaveh rushed on his feet and took you by the wrist, stopping you. he forced you to turn around, and once again the prettiest face of sumeru was in front of you, molded in a frown.
«y/n, please, talk to me.» he begged, eyes wide and turned down. your lips trembled, forcing you to drop your head to hide other tears from him. archons, how many did you still have left?
your lack of response had kaveh grab your chin and force your head up. his heart sank deep in his stomach when noticing the newly formed tears clinging to your lashes.
«who?» his tone dropped to a low and deep growl oozing with anger. kaveh had known you enough to know when it was either a someone or a something upsetting you — how funny, because this time around it was him reducing you to such a state.
that simple word was enough to spark a flame in your chest. you didn't know why, but that question had pushed down buttons you didn't even know you had. you trapped your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to stop the curses you wanted to throw at kaveh. you grabbed his wrists in a tight grip that surprised him, taking over his anger.
your eyes full of frustration, tiredness and disappointment were what had the blond surprised the most. you had never looked at him that way and it stung his heart in a way he had never experienced — not from you at least.
«you kaveh, you. it was you.» you snarled in his direction, your inhibition brakes being thrown out of the window. and before he could say something, kaveh was feeling all your pent-up frustration and anger on him. «it's because of you that i'm crying my eyes out, you're the reason why i suffer every single night while you enjoy girls that don't give a single fucking care about you, girls that break your heart over and over again like you break mine. and like the idiot i am i still pick up your pieces and put them together only for you to let it get broken by someone else, my heart long forgotten because i'm too busy taking care of what others are incapable to keep intact. you're the reason why i'm like this, kaveh, you damned bastard.»
saying kaveh was shocked would have been an euphemism. his ears were ringing as he was registering your words, tears once again streaming down your cheeks after your speech. your hands fell from his, instead clenching around the hem of your shirt to keep them busy and not hit him. maybe he deserved it but hell his face was just too pretty.
kaveh gulped down the knot forming in his throat, but no words came out. what could he say to comfort you? he was the reason of your pain, could he also be the one of your solace? he wondered as his arms wrapped around your trembling figure, keeping you close to his steady frame. the alcohol in him wasn't enough to keep him drunk in such situation.
your punches lightly hit him on the chest, too tired and weak to make him feel actual pain, but the one in his heart was strong enough to tear him to pieces.
«why?» he whispered. «why did you choose to love me?»
«you don't choose, idiot, your heart does.» your reply.
«you're too good for me y/n. too good, too smart, too everything for me to be selfish and have you for myself only.»
«bullshit. that's all bullshit.» every hiccup of yours was a knife sinking in his heart.
«it's not.» kaveh pulled his arms away only to cup your face in his hands again. «you said it yourself: you're always picking up my heart pieces to put them together, only for me to render your work useless because i give to the ones who can't keep it intact. and yours? i never took care of yours.» he brushed away your tears. «you're too good for me, y/n. you're always here for me, and all i do is hurt you. how can i offend you more by depriving you of someone who would be really worthy of you?»
archons, you wished you could have the strength to punch him in the face in that moment.
«but- i do want to be selfish.» you stopped in your track at his words. «because in the end you're the only one that had always stayed even if you're the one who has the most reasons to leave me and never come back.» his fingertips brushed away a wild strand of your hair from your face. «you're the one who loves me the most, cares for me the most, is just the most to me in and for everything.»
one of his arms was back around your figure, wrapping your waist to keep you close, even if you had no intention of going away despite having all the reasons to. kaveh was many things, almost all of them forming oxymorons about his persona: a genius and a fool, gentle and mean, kind and cruel, strong and weak, emotional and cold. but something kaveh had always been, all the time, was being aware in the matters of the heart.
kaveh knew you cared for him, even if he didn't know to what extention. he knew you had always went out of your way for him, but he didn't know the uncomfortable feelings that brought to you. he knew you were an angel in disguise, the savior the archons had sent to him to keep him in check and not lose himself in his own antics and what not. he knew you were too good, too perfect for him, and that was why he didn't want to touch you. such a perfect being like you deserved perfection, something he couldn't give you, because he was imperfect, flawed. he was a mortal. he was a humble, foolish man, and you were a loving, everlasting blessing born in celestia.
how could he dare to have you for himself only? but as every other man in the world, kaveh was also selfish.
«it hurts, kaveh.» your hoarse voice managed to say.
«i know.» his tone was soft, gentle, like the warm breeze of late spring afternoons.
«it will take time.»
«i know this too.»
«it might not work.»
«i will still try my best.»
your foreheads were touching, eyes losing in each other. bodies entangled in a hug, hearts beating together. you stood in the darkness of your living room, barely breathing, searching for something in the other's eyes.
«kaveh.» you called.
«y/n.» he answered.
the sun was starting to rise up in the sky, painting it in light shades of orange and red. birds were happily chirping outside, signaling the start of a new morning in sumeru city, where however was still too early for the usual hustle and bustle to begin.
your head was resting on kaveh's arm, the other wrapped around your bare waist, your finger drawing nonsensical shapes on his naked chest. his chin was resting on your head, fingertips brushing against your soft cheek. you planted a kiss at the height of his heart and he kissed the crown of your head.
his fingers moved to play with your hair and you nuzzled your face in his chest. his body was warm but sticky with sweat, a result of your passionate night — one of the many you shared after you two helped each other recover, that faithful night of seven years ago the catalyst of your relationship.
«what are you thinking of?» kaveh gently held your chin in his hand, having you raise your head so he could look into your eyes. they were so pretty, like the rest of you. how lucky he was, to have you as his lover.
«us. our relationship.» you stated and he nodded, knowing what you meant with just three words.
it was a topic you had discussed a lot over the years even before you two officially became a couple. it was a necessary step to fully trust each other and be sure you could be safe in each other's arms. in the end it was a very long process, but totally worth it. healed and at peace, you two could now enjoy all the good things of being loved by someone who really cared.
«i love you, y/n.»
«i love you, kaveh.»
a promise and a declaration you two sealed with a kiss, bathing in the sunlight and the warmth of your bedroom.
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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azaliyas · 11 months
ignore, just tag spam for me to follow my own tags (too lazy to type them manually every time ~_~)
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azaliyas · 11 months
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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