#✬;;ᴸⁱˢᵗᵉⁿ ᵁᵖ ᴾᵘˢˢʸʷⁱˡˡᵒʷˢ ( psa )
// Yo just a PSA, not all of us are going to be able to see WiR 2 when it comes out :( please remember to tag your spoilers please kay thanks.
i will likewise do the same. friendly reminder that i currently tag wir 2 spoilers as “wir 2″, “wir 2 spoilers”, and just the generic “spoilers”
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// so i went through threads that I owe and of those the following are the ones I will be keeping. if i drop your’s PLEASE don’t feel like i don’t want to rp with you or anything like that. most of these i haven’t responded to for 4 months or more so they have to go. definitely feel free to reach out and we can do something else or send me in a meme and we can go from there <3 
@gliitchiing | X | | X |
@fxngeon | X |
@bomba-tea | X |
Now please note that these don’t include threads I’m waiting on a reply for. That being said if\when they are replied to I will consider then and let you know. i just assume that most of these threads won’t be replied to and that’s okay <3 and I do apologize for those starters that you guys made for me and i just never replied or only replied once or twice that also got dropped. right now my life is getting crazy again so i need to keep things manageable. and i’m also going to go through and clean out my inbox too. apologies for the asks that never got answered either. 
if there is something that you desperately want to continue that i’ve dropped just let me know and i’ll see if i can break through the writer’s block to respond. i can’t guarantee that i can keep them but damn i’ll give it another shot
thanks lovelies i appreciate all of you <3
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// friendly reminder my wedding is in 9 days (September 16th) and all of my blogs are currently on hiatus. I know I’ve been able to peek in but that will no longer be the case. I mean I’ll probably shitpost and whatnot but don’t expect replies (I might shoot some partners asks or whatnot) but don’t expect me back until probably the Monday after (we’re not going on our honeymoon right after because of work situations)
So yes, this craziness will be over in just over a week then I am DEFINITELY looking forward to relaxing!
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// i’m not sure how much i’ll be able to actually write today but Jessie and Calhoun are off hiatus now! <3
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// Hey all, just as a friendly reminder all of my blogs are currently on hiatus because I’m getting married September 16th (guys that’s just under three weeks). I’m also pretty inactive on D.iscord and S.kype right now too. 
Right now I’m being pulled in 6 million directions trying to finalize everything and get decorations done (and pray that it doesn’t rain since we’re doing this shindig outside....with tents of course!) So now while I may occasionally pop in and do a reply or two or answer an ask or two, please don’t expect a lot out of me until probably a week or so after that. Dan (my fiance) and I aren’t going on a honeymoon immediately after because of work situations and whatnot, but we will take an extended weekend probably end of October. We’re gonna save up and try to go out of the country for our honeymoon likely this winter sometime (I’ve never been out of the country so this excites me!)
Anyway, I’ll definitely post some pics and whatnot afterward if you guys wanna see. In the meantime, if we’re close partners and you’re interested, hit me up for my fac.ebook (please note, I will not just give this out even if we’re mutuals as it is my personal and not a dummy account. So please don’t be offended if I tell you no). I’m pretty active on it still so if you wanna see what’s going on and all that.
Love you guys <3 
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// psst i finally updated my theme which, y’know i really haven’t updated since i created this blog :P check it out
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// hey all, i know i’ve been MIA but I ended up being the last minute fill in for stage manager for the civic theatre’s fall production that my mother-in-law is directing. we had tech rehearsal all day last sunday, dress rehearsals monday and tuesday, and have been having a show Thursday-today. so i have literally only been home to sleep. so that’s where ive been
i’ve also been scrolling through my dash and saw this horrible thing that happened to one of us in the RP community. i’ve only been able to get the basic jist and it is absolutely horrible and my heart is extremely heavy to see what has happened with S\arah and her horrendous abuser and rapist. know that i do NOT condone nor support abusers nor rapists on this blog and if you in any way defended this piece of shit get the fuck off all of my blogs. i have zero tolerance for rape apologists. this is especially true as someone who has also been raped and abused by a former boyfriend. 
this will be the only post that i make about it because of how triggering this is for me. like i said i did not go into much detail with it and i also feel very guilty for asking, but i am asking that people please tag posts deal with this scumbag and\or what happened to our angel with a tw for r.ape or a.buse. every post i’ve seen thus far has but i just ask that you keep doing that. like i said i completely feel horrible for asking but i do have to think of my own mental health, especially as i’m really starting to slip back into a depressive episode myself.
thank you all so much and Rest in Power S.arah 
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// so i FINALLY got my ship list and mains\exclusive lists updated (added Roxanne to my ship list and updated everyone’s URLs) Feel free to check ‘em out
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// Guys, as a reminder, please do not try to RP with me via the IM feature. As stated in my rules (which I have now moved to the top of my rules page instead of the bottom)...I do not rp via IM. This is ESPECIALLY true if we aren’t mutuals. I will ignore you and if it continues I WILL block you.
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// Okay guys just gonna post this now, but should be heading downstate for my martial arts tournament in about an hour with my fiance. We won’t be getting in until likely 11 PM so once i get there and settled, not much is happening save practicing. 
I  will be at the tournament all day Saturday until roughly 5 or so and then my fiance and I are spending some time together. That likely will not include laptops (I wanna go swimming gdi I have a nice new one-piece bathing suit that covers up my thighs and I wanna wear it!!) Anyway. On Sunday we get up early to come back and get the keys to the house unless she’s dumb again and it gets pushed back in which i will combust.
SO THAT MEANS I will be spending most of any free time I have next week moving my stuff, unpacking, getting settled and all that. Not sure how quickly we’ll have internet up (I mean both my fiance and I are internet addicts so it won’t be too long. 
That being said. I won’t be on a full hiatus because I’ll have mobile and whatnot. BUT threads are likely going to have to wait a while. Asks and crack shit and short threads I can do on mobile (no icons though) if I have the patience for them. Also feel free to hmu on d.iscord or s.kype or tumblr im’s.
Calhoun’s blog here will be priority. This means my multi @multifacetcd will have to wait for more updates, @yarnfulofhair will be in a complete hiatus for now, and @lyokowarrioryumiishiyama‘s move will be postponed a bit until I have some time. No threads will be happening at any of those blogs, though I might answer an occasional ask on Yumi’s blog. 
So. Uh. Yeah. There’s that. I have a little bit more time so I might try to do a couple of asks that are still lurking in my inbox until I leave but no guarantees. 
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// Well its official. Tonight is the first night in the new house. It’s gonna be pretty quiet on my end save some shitposting and mobile posting. I’ll keep you all posted when I get more info about when we will have internet.
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Yo so since there’s nearly 100 over 150 of you, I figure it’s time to make one of these for Tammy Jean here. ^_^ Please note that this is MUTUALS ONLY and I ask that PERSONAL AND NON-RP BLOGS DO NOT LIKE OR REBLOG. If we are mutuals but haven’t interacted yet you are more than welcome to like this too <3
As you guys might have kind of realized, but I’m pretty shy approaching people for threads and even sending in asks. HOWEVER, by liking this post (or reblogging if you’re a sideblog) you are saying it’s okay for me to:
Tag you in random starters
Send you random asks and memes
Turn any memes I send to you into a thread
Message you for plots\threads\just to talk
Make graphics and promos for you
Tag you\your muse in random schtuffs
Continue threads based on memes and schtuffs 
Love you <3
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// oh and by the same token feel free to send asks and shit my way. I don't mind doing small things on mobile as long as you excuse the lack of icons and formatting!
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// Just a friendly reminder that following-unfollowing-following to gain my attention will get you blocked. It also shows me you haven't read my rules. Please don't do it.
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// RULES UPDATE. Please skim through them. mostly what i did was made them less wordy so it takes less time to read through. i did have to add the following because it’s starting to become a nuisance:
I am not a meme archive blog. I understand if you reblog a meme from me every once in a while without sending one in but if this is continuous I will block you.
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// updated my rules page too. mostly just the relationships part
pffft i dunno why i even thought for a moment i was going to be a single-ship blog....i’m a ship whore. gimme all the cute ships, the toxic ships, the hate ships. all of ‘em.
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