#✯ ✧ ✧ verse ⋰ SOTFD / Group verse! ☾ ✞ ☽
revolver-jesus · 3 years
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Not that this is an art blog or anything but I thought I’d go ahead and post what the current “Boss Shadow” in the SOTFD group looks like. Its not really takaya related but idk where else to put it--
Literally, its the Lovers arcana full moon shadow from p3, but now evolved into something even more cursed--
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@hubofplenty​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ ((From Nobondsnoweakness! Groupverse!))---Nanashi wasn't yet used to navigating the building he'd been rudely forced into living in, so when he decided to head back to whatever room might've been his, it took him a second after entering a room that very much wasn't his, to register that it was not, in fact, his room."...Oh. Shit - why can't these buildings be more like Kinshicho-" Because Kinshicho was a station and not a building designed for habitation, duh. "Way too easy to get lost in these bigass buildings... Why is the whole city harder to navigate than the ruined one?" He grumbled. Not quite paying attention to his surroundings - just kind of standing there, frustrated with himself as he tried to figure out what wrong turn he'd made, if any. This was why he hated multi-level buildings... ❞
( it will not let me tag his blog, so i tagged your hub ! )
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  It couldn’t have been longer than a moment that he leave his door unlocked. Perhaps this was an exercise in vigilance with only himself to blame... And in that disciplined mind space, perhaps it allowed him to remain so coldly calm, despite how he hated his space invaded. His sudden appearance inches behind them might have come across as antagonizing however, this ghostly thing, towering, thin, pale as a bone.    ❝ Are you lost? ❞   
As they turn to face him, exactly who he’s speaking to fully registers. Someone he hasn’t so much as seen yet, but has heard about. A young teen with such sharp eyes and interesting aura.     ❝ Forgive me, I don’t believe we’ve met... Takaya Sakaki.  ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ ((From Tricksteroffate, for Coffee! Because I love Takaya so much... and can't get enough of him trying to worm his way into this lad's head.)) --- Once again, Coffee shows up to Takaya's door, soup in hand. This time, however, for a change of pace, he doesn't merely set it at the door and leave. He's got a question he wants to ask, and feels as though he needs more of a reason to bother the man than just the question - thus, soup. Or, well, 'mineral broth' specifically. No chunks of stuff, high in nutrients, warm, tasty - at least to him. A breath in, then out. Mild nervousness. Then Takaya's door was given a knock. Hopefully he was in there. "Sorry to bother you, but I was hoping I could ask you something. And... well. Offer a warm meal, if you wanted." ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  It may have seemed like he wasn’t coming to the door at first, with how silent the room is for the pause after their knock, but in his defense.... he was used to the knocker leaving before he reached the door.
As he opens it, his surprise is faintly visible, as golden eyes blink down at the other through the only cracked open door before it fully opens. His sight flicks between their soup and their face.  ❝ Ah. You’ve decided to let me catch you this time..? ❞  He hums with a raise of his brow. However, the need to ask him, him specifically, a question was of immediate interest. 
❝ ... Come put it on my table. Then you may tell me what brings you. ❞  And in an ever rare case, the priest steps aside and allows someone else into his room.
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​​​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝(from Tricksteroffate, groupverse!)"Hey, I know you're not really into the whole 'pity' thing, and 'concern' is probably in the same area, but I never see you in the kitchen, and I don't remember the last time I saw you eating, so... I made some curry for you. It's never fun to fight on an empty stomach, after all." Coffee has a container of curry with him - still warm, with utensils too!Apparently Coffee doesn't grasp that Takaya is 'meant' to be disliked. ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  Just the opening statement had the man already slowly turning to them with a glare. Though it may have been hard to tell his eyes were any more narrowed than usual with how racked with exhaustion they already were.  
Concern... Even his own Strega members showed that whenever he got this way. It almost brought back memories of them. The other would be even more concerned if they knew he may have been avoiding meals more than usual on purpose this time. ‘Fasting’ the meditating priest would assure   self punishment, corrects anyone who knows him a little too well. It hurts to starve, to feel like you’re teetering on the edge of death, and he would promise you that sensation is when he can think the clearest. And he promised he would think.
But then they had to go and put a full bowl’s worth of perfect curry in front of his nose. And it was now difficult to think of anything else... A long hand raises to grip his brow and run along his drowsy features.  ❝ I can feed myself...!       If I wanted to eat-- do you not think I would have done so..? ❞  He groans desperately, followed quickly with a sigh at his own temper and some sort of hesitation. 
❝ Listen... ❞ He continues quietly. grimacing.  ❝ If I just eat some of your curry... will you please resist the need to care about me in the future..? ❞  He knows it is not his efficiency they’re worried about... but, WHY   that he was too worn out to question.
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
continued  ✞  @tricksteroffate​
✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   At their question he stifles a laugh, one that’s more a soft scoff, slowly shaking his quirked head at them.   ❝ I think you can safely assume... them and I are not on the same side, no. I haven’t come to coddle you about your own emotions, I’m not exactly the type...  ❞  His always sardonic tone curls his words as he steadily slinks around nearer to the other, looking down upon them with languid gilded eyes that never seem to fidget or hesitate. 
 ❝ Besides. I see nothing wrong with you. ❞  He plainly states, yes, every word is so harmlessly offered, a passing thought, like this was hardly a concern at all.  Long fingers toss loosely through the air as he speaks before finding the crook of his hip bone to rest in as it often does. ❝ Its clear any anger you have is not merely some poor temper- something that will... go away with a deep breath and a talk... it has a reason- a purpose. Its earned from experience, and it drives you to ensure the past does not repeat. That is why you carry it- and its yours to keep... Is it not? ❞  
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ ((From Tricksteroffate, groupverse!))---" Hey Takaya. I have a question." He's got a look in his eye. Oh no. "What would you say about a fight?" That's definitely an 'oh no'. God help him if anybody else is close enough to hear this. "Preferably no weapons or personas to minimize the damage, but still. Me, you, some location where we won't be dragged away from each other by well-meaning fun ruiners. Could be cathartic." ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   ❝ By Nyx, you really can’t take a hint...  ❞  He hisses under his breath at them, near halfway through their first sentence, but that look in their eyes makes him doubt his expectations.
And then they just... come out and say it.   And he gives them the most baffled sneer at their whiplash in judgement.  As they go on, his gilded eyes lower from them and seem to search his thoughts. No weapon, no Persona... brute strength, for all his muscle tone, was not his strong point... but he’s been in too many street fights to say he has no experience with it. Besides, he’s not as sick and frail as he used to be. And every inch of what they said before put him in the mood for bruises, even now.
Compassion? You might as well speak in tongues. Pain? THAT he could understand like poetry.
And-- of course, there was that part of him... that just wanted to punch the boy for his pride’s sake.   ❝ You want to fight? Fine. Let’s fight. ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@ourthrxne​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝It might’ve taken the currently human Michael a bit to figure out who was behind the hypnos name, but this guy certainly looked like what he’d expect of someone he labled as a death worshiper. (Yes, he had eventually asked around to make sure he found the right guy, too.)“Villain speech aside, Hypnos-“ yeah, you’re probably stuck with him using the username IRL. “-I think I get what you were trying to do now. It’s the same thing that’s been frustrating me, seeing a lack of fighting spirit. I kind of wish I could’ve gotten away with that, haha…” god knows Michael had his opinions and the only reason he hadn’t been more blunt, filterless, and aggressive (if not mean) was because…well, he wanted attention and was told to censor himself. ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧    And he did not fail to live up to his chat identity, did he? With his appearance like a living skeleton, tall and pallid, a tattoo sleeve on each arm, and- of course- his supposed resemblance to a certain religious figure, even in his gaunt and unshaven face...
The strange man appeared to be lost in thought, severely at that, with his eyes shut and brow knitted, perched atop something distinctly not a chair as he sat in the night air. He may have been praying, he may have been attempting to meditate... but he was certainly brought back to attention by the sound of a voice saying a familiar name. One clearly talking about that... statement he wrote.    
 ❝ Is that so..? ❞  His frigid voice responds as he turns to them, a slight smirk raising.   ❝ Let me guess- you’re... Michael. ❞  Yes, that was the name of the child he only so recently dismissed as an infantile distraction, and only just now practically agreed with... How absurd they would come to him now so willingly as if to empathize. People, no matter their world... they never cease to surprise him. He scoffs a laugh.     ❝ Yes, worry not, I have no good graces left to save with them... They may crucify me if they wish but I am not afraid to upset them.  Don’t mistake me for trying to ‘cheer them up’, I was merely... ❞    Yes, what... was he doing, exactly?    ❝ ... Losing my patience. ❞  He narrows his eyes as he scowls, glancing upwards towards the moon as he near mutters something.   ❝ These versions of them... they never would have been able to outmatch me in this state. ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
continued ||  ✞ @fatumsolutus
✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  He knew there was more to this than just his habit of overworking. A soft sigh, and he places another hand on their cerulean hair and leans down to lay his head onto theirs. ❝ ... I know that feeling. ❞  He sighs.   ❝ I know it very well... and that’s even why I want to stop you from running yourself ragged. ❞  
He pulls away to look to them again in reassurance.   ❝ The shadow will reveal itself to us on the full moon, as it always has, and not a moment sooner. You must trust that I know that, Jin... Music or not, I know you will detect it the second it appears. Until then... I need you well rested. We all do. ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ "Hey, would it... would it be okay if I asked why you see Personas as weapons? Just that every shadow I've met has acted pretty sentient. Had to convince half of them to even think about working with me.  And... maybe also what you think about these Kirijo people, because you seem the type to care the least about obeying people or snitching when somebody says 'hey these people seem suspicious as hell'." ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   It took him by surprise... for someone to be so forward about wanting to talk to him. Maybe he’s finally been stuck around them long enough to not seem untouchable, at last, and he must admit he was unsure what to make of that development, if so. Nonetheless... their questions hook his full attention.
❝ Well, you’re in luck... it just so happens both those questions have a lot in common, I think. ❞   He hums, settling himself in place and leaning the weight away from his still healing leg.   ❝ I’m happy to know someone’s considered that this wealthy, secretive, powerful dynasty of a corporation may have it’s fair share of skeletons in it’s closet. To say the least... and despite our close knit history, I certainly hold no loyalty to them. ❞    The very thought seemed to make him laugh, bitter as it was. And he pauses with the slightest hesitation to go on, though his tone insists on conveying only numbness to the subject.
❝ ...The Kirijo corporation was once a front for persona related experimentation. Just as it’s a front for what we are doing now. And, in it’s day... it experimented on over 100 orphan children. ❞ He goes on with a raise of his slender finger to tap beside his inhuman eyes.   ❝ And of them? Only I, Jin, and Chidori survived... So understand this; I was the closest to what they wanted for one reason-- I was able to accept the shadows they put in my blood, able to command Hypnos not to strangle me in my sleep, able to endure every trial with perfect discipline-- and I assure you that was only possible because I did not once treat this power as anything less than dangerous and not to be played with. ❞
Realizing the intensity raising in his glowing stare, he glances down, and sighs.   ❝ I don’t advise you to treat your personas as weapons out of kindness, no, always assume that... only out of necessity. In your final moments of life or death... is there anything else that matters? ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@arcanalight​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ Although he had missed the worst of it, Akira had made a point to go and read the back log -- just to see what had caused so much chaos. It was hardly surprising to find Takaya as the source, given what he knew about the man, but there was something about the text that had him thinking it was more than just an attempt to stir up trouble. Badly worded, yes, but there was meaning there, something Akira couldn't ignore. And so he had decided to go to the source directly rather than communicate through chat. There were benefits to speaking in person, even if Akira ended up walking away having accomplished nothing. "Do you have a minute to talk?" he asked, voice level. "Somewhere quiet?" ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧    He was so horridly restless, lately.  It felt like the ground beneath his feet was shifting, something once so stable and sure now full of holes. And for it, the cult leader-- as he was so lovingly referred-- was acting... seemingly against himself. 
The thought wouldn’t leave his mind, the question of WHY he even asked the group such a thing in the first place. What did he have to gain by openly discouraging their decay? Why did it frustrate him so that they were starting to resemble his own perspective?  Is this not what he wanted to hear? Does he not revel in this hopeless energy drowning them all? Becoming cynical, seeing reality?  Does he not enjoy being proven right?
Shutting his golden eyes, a harsh sigh that was either in frustration at himself or all of them huffs every inch of smoke from his lungs as he leans against the outside of the inn. But those eyes reopen as he senses someone approaching, though it’s... far from anyone he’d expect.
❝ ...? ❞  For a moment he only looks to them with a perplexed expression, but after a moment he silently agrees with a drop of his cigarette to the concrete. His steel toed shoes step on it to come with them.
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ ((From Tricksteroffate, Groupverse!)) 
Coffee has made another soup - he knows he'll likely never actually be told whether or not Takaya has managed to keep anything down, but wants to try his best anyway. He might see the answer in the way Takaya acts after wards - the way he stands, the way he speaks, something will give it away if he eats and gets to keep it. Frankly, Coffee isn't quite sure why he cares quite so much as he does. Takaya doesn't seem to care one way or the other. But maybe that's why. Either way, he drops off another soup at Takaya's door, bowl, spoon, napkins and all. It's carrot-and-ginger this time - well, and various other things, including a vegetable broth, but his hope was that it would taste good, and sit well in his stomach. A good taste, and no chunks of stuff for Takaya's stomach to be irritated by - plus ginger, which would hopefully help with any nausea.   Once again he knocks, and doesn't bother to stick around - in case it starts a fight.  ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  He was starting to catch it now.  Whenever they went off to cook alone, no clear answer for who or why, for some odd reason it was always... for him. And they would tuck themselves into the kitchen and over a hot stove and dedicate to themselves to another recipe of soup or stew.   And Takaya began the habit of leaning along the opposite side of the kitchen wall, glancing through the doorway, and trying to read what they were thinking.
And he could never quite make it out.
And at the end of the dinner he most certainly avoided attending, once again, a soup waited on his doorstep. No one around, most still chatting after their meals. And he took it inside his room to be alone as he always preferred. And he ate it absently as he untangled his thoughts and... then the bowl was near empty. The soup spoon no longer submerged and the vivid yellow broth was nothing but puddles around the corner of the bowl.  And for a moment, he merely blinked in confusion. It seemed... pointless to acknowledge, as it would invitably return after he has to summon again... but his headache was better. Not gone, but the dull pain was lessened.
... And now he has more thoughts to untangle. And something some part of him is itching to say. Something. Though he hasn’t the faintest idea what.
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@tricksteroffate​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝((From Tricksteroffate, Groupverse!))---Coffee makes no attempt this time, to speak to Takaya. Or even let the man know he's there. It might go poorly again, if he did. Instead, he places the bowl of chicken-and-vegetable soup - plus spoon - at the door, and knocks, before just... leaving. He'd love to stay, to talk and maybe get to know Takaya beyond the toothy heavily walled surface, but... the man did not take well to that approach. So this would have to do....He hoped Takaya liked the soup.❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  Mere moments later... Unlocking is heard as Takaya cracks open the door, his yellow eyes peaking through, they were always the first thing anyone sees before its ever allowed to fully open. And upon not seeing... anyone, he now immediately knows that means to look down.
And to no surprise, it was yet again... a meal.  He was beginning to put together that there must be at least two different people doing it, now. The difference in presentation, food choice, and the way this one chose to knock suggested as much. And, of course, he had his suspicions who they were. 
And yet, perhaps he was being simply worn down, but... he couldn’t even bring himself to feel irritated anymore. Especially with bigger problems on the mind. Perplexed, deeply, but if there was any sign of irritation, it was that the pale man simply sighs and leans against the door frame, looking down on it in thought. And oddly, one thought came immediately to mind. Even with the modest amount that was given, was there actually some part of him that managed to feel... burdensome? He knew he wouldn’t be able to stomach more than half of it- at best. His throat will lock and his stomach will squirm as every inch of his body rejects the thought of swallowing another bite without coughing it back outright. It was a waste to keep trying to feed him so. He was simply too sick for it.
But what a ridiculous thing to FEEL, surely-- it was their decision to waste their food on him, no matter how much he resisted. But, perhaps it can’t be helped, he thought, as if it was just in their nature, and to fight it any longer would be to tread water.
So it’s lifted, the hall is given one last glance for any sign of movement, and slowly the food is pulled out of sight and into the room as the door clicks shut.
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@myuzucompendium​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ "Please, keep apologizing for bolstering my reasons to live mediocre Jesus man. It's quite hilarious. As much as I hate to say it and I think you are still an asshole I must thank you for making me think and realize what matters to me. Now I'm more fired up and ready to go to deal with any more of your bullshit and whatever else gets brought my way" Leiko then just walks away, not without flipping him off in the process. ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   You know what..? He could tolerate this. If they had come to him with a sparkle in their eye and attempted to thank him for his kindness with a smile and a handshake he may have grown immediately ill and insisted they reconsider dying. This, however, cloaked in all too familiar resentment, he can more readily endure. If only barely.  At first he stares silently as they speak-- being thanked for encouraging life being something so new-- and even as they raise a middle finger to him he simply blinks. Finally, as they’re leaving, his mouth opens as if to call after them.
❝ ...Tsk. ❞   No, nevermind. Don’t expect him to say ‘you’re welcome’...
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@myuzucompendium​​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ "Just some random annoying bitch who thought about what you said, answered and then thought about it some more and realized you are bullshit and now I have more of a resolve for myself. But if you must know I'm Leiko Enomoto. More than capable of being petty and tracking you down just to say fuck you." ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   Atleast she’s direct... But the more they explain he can’t help but... smirk at them. These people- they were such peculiar things!     ❝ Am I to understand... You came all this way to curse me out because I... gave you the resolve to live? Yes, I see, I see...  ❞    He mocks a nod of sage-like understanding.   ❝ That is very cruel of me, I can’t deny. I deeply apologize... ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@myuzucompendium​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ "I'm just here to say that death is overrated and that you suck. I'm deeming you mediocre Jesus man." - Leiko ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   They came all the way out to find him... just to tell him this. Smoke blowing in the night air, he removes his cigarette from his lips and shrug his hands to them.    ❝ ... Who even are you? ❞
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revolver-jesus · 3 years
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@ourthrxne​ said: ⋰⋰   ❝ After all that happened in the chat that day, Michael felt rather bad about Takaya getting shut down so quickly. It seemed like he had more to say on the reality warping topic.”Hypnos?” Just like before, Michael- in his human form- sought out Takaya. He rubbed the back of his neck, taking a moment to calm his nerves. “Hey, um. The other day in chat… That was unfair. Ya getting cut off and shut down like that.” If understandable since…it’d been dragged for a bit by that point. “I might not be in a position to really…do anything, but I’m curious about what else ya wanted to say.” ❞
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧   ❝ ...?  ❞   For a moment that was all Takaya did, stop his maintenance on his gun and look at them with a pursed brow and a quirk of his head as they spoke.  After a pause between them, he scoffs a laugh, a hand raised flat to dissuade their concerns.    ❝  My irritation does not mean my feelings were hurt... I’m... surprised it even worried you, Michael. I am no hypocrite, I am not owed kindness. ❞  He bluntly states, with almost a twinge of humor, no sign of sadness or insincerity. If anything, he says it as though it should be obvious- expected.
❝ Ohh... there was something about dealing with problems as they happen, accounting for every variable, perhaps do what is needed through Kirijo’s nursing staff to maintain his wellbeing as well as our own until the liars have enough evidence he’s a threat--  What I would have said~  ...makes little difference now, surely. And, frankly, would it have made a difference then?  ❞  He shrugs a hand with a slight laugh, speaking as he returns to his revolver barrels.     ❝ After all, the good doctor, he’s... recovering it would seem, isn’t he? Yes, how fortunate for them all... Now there’s no difficult decisions left to make, nothing too upsetting or stressful that needs dealing with, things will tend to themselves...  ❞     A sardonic glance upwards is given to Michael, though perhaps it was more at everyone in general.. ❝ And most importantly... ❞    It’s bullets reloaded, the barrel is abruptly clicked shut. His sarcasm suddenly ends with a cold expression, but not looking at them. Perhaps just at himself.  ❝ I must nip in the bud this behavior of acting as though you are all my responsibility. It’s a force of habit... from a long time ago. ❞  He almost repentantly admits, but any emotion is pushed aside, as always.     ❝ But habits can be broken.  ❞ 
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