#✯ posted by ~ 𝒞𝒶𝓈 ✯
troybakerslisteners · 4 years
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troybakerslisteners · 4 years
If you haven’t been keeping up with Troy’s live-streams or missed this afternoons ‘Let’s Get Into It’ session, this is a short recap on what Troy has planned for his channel
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troybakerslisteners · 5 years
Hey friends and fellow fans! This is a Troy Baker appreciation blog for all things Troy be it pictures, gifs, personal stories, videos, music, or anything anyone may wanna discuss about the actual wholesome human being that is Troy. First and foremost this blog is meant to be fun, wholesome, and mostly just enjoying the person he is and all he offers in the avenues of his many talents and the love and dedication he puts into his craft and out into the world.
As some of you may already know this blog is currently run by two admins. Founder Chloe, and assistant admin Cas. We use a tagging system to separate our posted content from each-other and to separate our tags when we both reply to anything. What this means is more often then not we’ll reply to things together as well as post/reblog things individually. 
But if you ever want to speak to one of us directly or send an ask meant for one of us exclusively, simply state who its for somewhere within your message, or if it’s a tagged post at the blog put one of our names in your tags! We’re both open to individual discussion at anytime provided you inform us of who you wish to answer you.
As stated above this blog is dedicated to appreciating Troy Baker the VA, Actor, Director, Nerd, Family Man, and all around talented and lovely individual he is. The majority of what we post will be reblogs of content that other more TALENTED individuals then ourselves have posted as well as occasional uploads from ourselves via media we’ve found outside tumblr. Things like audio from his music, or edits of game audio he’s voiced, occasionally links to retro replay with captioned insight or favorite moments by one of us. Maybe even reactions from us playing games he’s been a part of or roles he’s played. Or anything we might be sent that falls within the regulations of this blog. Again you all are always welcome to send us things or asks.
Submissions || Asks
As I’ve stated above both are always welcome provided they fall within the guidelines of this blog which are---
1. RESPECT - Troy Baker is a real life human being, as are we the admins, and anyone who happens to interact with this blog. We will not tolerate asks or submissions of any kind that are rude, or disrespectful in any capacity. Yes this will include any fantasy type asks or submissions regarding Troy Baker. It’s something we the admins discussed and we just are not comfortable with it. If you follow Admin Chloe on her other appreciation blog you may be used to such content. The difference here being that Troy is very REAL. He is a living breathing human being. He has a life. Friends. A family consisting of his beautiful wife Pam, and their young son Traveller. Please keep this in mind when you send us anything. Discussion type asks are still acceptable on a case by case basis provided that they are respectful of the man and are kept to a pg-13 type rating. RE: THERE WILL BE NO NSFW/FANFICTION TYPE CONTENT ON THIS BLOG OF TROY BAKER PERIOD.
This extends out to ourselves and anyone else who interacts with this blog. This is a drama free zone folks. Be kind. To us. To each-other. With the content you send us. And keep the drama and hate to yourselves. It has no place here.
2. Plagiarism / Theft - I’m talking about you submitting to us anything you didn’t take the time to create or write yourself. Please for the love off all things holy do not send us edits or gifs that you yourself did not create! The reason most creators of such things for fandom bases stop is because of having their hard work stolen and reposted and we will not be a part of that. If you happen to have a creator’s permission to send us something and for us to post it that’s a different matter but we will require proof of that permission. Otherwise if you have something you want us to see/post tag us or send us a link in IM’s.
3. Know that NOTHING that we personally post on this blog belongs to us other then the words we type. Any gifs or icons we may use in reaction to asks or on text posts we make belong solely to the people who created them and they are not up to be saved and later re-uploaded ALONE for the purpose of likes or reblogs.
4. Questions of any kind are always welcome. Recommendations for Troy content are ALWAYS welcome. If you want us to see something that you think we’ve missed through other venues of social media (Youtube, Cameo, Twitter, Instagram) please don’t hesitate to let us know or link it to use so we can enjoy and possibly post about it here for others!
5. Failure to comply with these straightforward rules may result in a warning from us the admins or possibly you being blocked from this blog altogether. Now that we’ve made things clear neither of us see either of these things happening. But if it does it will be addressed accordingly by a case by case basis.
6. That’s it for now but keep in mind we have the right to change or add to these rules at any given time as we see fit. If change or additions to these rules occur we’ll make a separate post notifying you all of the change as well as updating things on the official rules page.
This blog is meant to be a safe place to discuss a man we’re all happy exists and the works he’s known for. It’s a place to appreciate and admire the individual Troy Baker is. Share content we enjoy, and have some fun doing so. Respect. Fun. Safety. Community. That’s what this blog is all about guys. If you’ve managed to get to the very end of these rules know that we appreciate it, and remember you’re loved, and WELCOME!!!
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troybakerslisteners · 5 years
Hey all. Just to let everyone know Chloe and myself saw something on the dash today that corresponded with a lot of how we’ve been feeling about where the content of this blog has been slowly moving towards. And to be frank we fucked up. We really did. And we apologize to--- basically everyone who knows what we’re talking about. We have no excuses. There should have been cleaner cut rules in place before the blog was made public. And we really should’ve addressed this soon and didn’t because we didn't want to hurt anyone’s feelings especially when rules for such things were never made clear. And because of that we’ve allowed asks and content that she and I weren’t comfortable with and that is all gonna be addressed later today. The official rules are being put in place for this blog today. They will be posted. And they will be findable in the theme and in Mobile. Some changes are coming folks. Nothing too drastic but more like a step away from specific content and back more towards what Chloe herself had in mind when she first made this blog and a part of why I asked to help. We hope to see you all still around once they’re in place and I hope everyone is having a good Saturday!!
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troybakerslisteners · 5 years
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