#✽ (115.) daniel rigg tag pending
fantasywritten · 1 year
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“IT’S MY JOB to save people.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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anyway uh… like this post for a starter from officer DANIEL RIGG because i have zero self control lol. specify if you’re a multi! you don’t have to know about saw and i’m more than happy to just have him in his regular old cop / detective / swat / sergeant verse!
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@lcveblossomed (continued from here)
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“PLEASE.” Rigg reached for the bottle, gently taking it out of Lachlan’s hands. Now that he was off-duty, he could drink as much as he wanted — and BOY, did he want to. His job was stressful as fuck, especially lately. He took a swig from the bottle, wrinkled his nose, then handed it back to the other man. “ROUGH DAY?”
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@extraordinarygrrls ❤️ (for Lola)
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THEY’D INTERROGATED JILL, probably a little too much, but Rigg was still convinced she was hiding something. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to question her even MORE; they already had HOURS of interrogation tapes recorded. But now that the killings were picking up even more, and now that Eric was missing, Rigg figured now was a good a time as any to start his OWN investigation.
“Excuse me.” He tapped the woman on the shoulder. “LOLA ROMERO, right? I’m officer Daniel Rigg.” Pulling out his badge, he looked her in the eyes, his gaze firm, but somehow also gentle and… SYMPATHETIC. “I’d like to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.”
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@jigsawfcrged asked: it’s not too late to back out. / mark to rigg
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“NAH, MAN… it is.” Rigg shook his head, then moved his gaze to Mark’s. He knew the rest of the cops had all but given up on finding Eric, but Rigg hadn’t. HE WOULDN’T. But the fact that Mark was starting to give up too made him feel sick. They were supposed to stick together, and Rigg couldn’t help being slightly annoyed.
“I’m not giving up on him. Eric is STILL OUT THERE. If he was dead, we would’ve found a body by now.”
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fantasywritten · 1 year
Just a reminder that Rigg wanted to save his two best friends, Eric and Mark, and ended up watching one of them die brutally and the other completely betray him in the worst possible way. Just a reminder.
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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anyone want a starter from rigg? specify if you’re a multi!
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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open to: all mutuals!
plot: your muse is in some kind of danger — you decide — and goes to officer rigg for help.
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“HEY — hey, just… just calm down, okay?” Rigg took a step towards the individual, trying to keep them grounded. “Look, this precinct is the BEST PLACE for you to be right now. You’re safe, I promise.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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Rigg was… kind of a nerd as a kid. Not overly so, but he wore glasses (he wears contacts now) and was one of the smartest kids in the class, so people kind of assumed he was just this big nerd. And he was into some nerdy stuff, yes, but he wasn’t super concerned about his grades despite being pretty damn smart. When he said he wanted to be a cop, the kids all laughed at him and made fun of him. Look at them now.
But, yes. He liked comics a lot, and he loved Star Wars. He actually still loves Star Wars to this day, and he’s a pretty big Marvel fan, too. He and Tracy actually went on their first date to see X-Men in theaters together. Obviously, it went well.
Also, his vision really isn’t that bad. He just wears contacts so he can see 20/20. Without them, he can still see relatively well.
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@extraordinarygrrls ❤️
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It was a funeral service, so everyone was emotional. But Rigg felt like his heart had been split in two. None of the others seemed overly upset, NOT EVEN MARK. But Eric had been there since day one. Eric had never doubted Rigg’s abilities. Eric had been his best friend, through thick and thin. Eric had attended Rigg’s wedding and even gave some stupid drunken speech at the reception. And now, he was gone. AND IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT.
Rigg felt like absolute shit. He was standing in the corner of the room, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. He and Mark had spoken briefly before the service, but after seeing how upset he was, Mark had left him alone. THANK GOD for Mark; he’d made it out alive despite the odds being against him. But Eric was gone. If Rigg had just waited five more seconds… FIVE MORE GODDAMN SECONDS…
He spotted Abby approaching him and sighed, wishing he could just turn away. But Eric’s death had reminded him how SHORT life could be, especially for people in their field. And if there was any time to make amends, it was now.
“Hey.” Rigg nodded respectfully, but he couldn’t meet her eyes. His gaze was focused on the picture of Eric. IT FELT SO SURREAL that he was gone. After a brief pause, he spoke again. “It was a nice service. Maybe I should’ve given a speech, but I…” Shaking his head, Rigg’s gaze moved down to the floor. “I CAN’T.” Because HE’D failed his test. HE’D caused Eric’s death. It was HIS fault.
It was all his fault.
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@dehvils ❤️
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HE COULDN’T EVEN IMAGINE going through the things Adam had gone through. There hadn’t been many survivors of the Jigsaw traps thus far, and the only one Rigg had met was Amanda, who had been VERY traumatized. Adam was likely going to be the same way. Mentally preparing himself, he took a deep breath and finally walked through the door, gaze immediately locking on the other man in the room. Sympathy filled the officer’s eyes — sympathy, compassion, and genuine DISTRESS at what he’d gone through.
“Adam?” His voice was soft and gentle. “I’m Officer Rigg. You’re in good hands now, I PROMISE.” He wasn’t sure what else to say. Normally, this wasn’t his jurisdiction. “Listen, you don’t… you don’t have to talk about what happened if you’re not ready yet. But… any information you have WOULD be helpful for us to catch Jigsaw.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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His wife is pretty much the only one who calls him Daniel. Everyone else just calls him Rigg. And he likes it better that way, to be honest.
Rigg LOVES fishing. He used to do it all the time with his dad as a kid, and he still loves it to this day. He tries to convince Mark (Hoffman) and Eric (Matthews) to join him. Eric refuses every time. Mark went fishing with Rigg and his wife once, but he found it awkward and never went with them again.
THAT BEING SAID, Rigg’s two best friends are Eric and Mark. Eric has always been his best friend, and ever since Mark covered for him that one time (skip to around 1:06), Rigg considered him to be one of his best friends, too.
He actually considers Kerry to be somewhat of a friend, too. Rigg respects her, and she respects him. They have regular small talk sometimes, and he genuinely likes her (as a friend!), but he doesn’t think she considers him to be anything more than her colleague, so he hasn’t pursued a friendship with her.
Rigg knows Eric can be a dick sometimes — okay, pretty much all of the time. But he still considers Eric to be one of his best friends. It’s hard to say why. Maybe part of the reason is because Rigg was bullied in school and told he could never be a real cop, and Eric was his first real friend. But Rigg, Mark, and Eric often go out for drinks after work, and Eric talks shit about pretty much EVERYONE in the precinct. Mark will laugh about it and sometimes even join in, but Rigg never does. However, he never speaks up to defend the others, either.
Rigg takes his job VERY seriously. It’s always his number one priority. His wife, Tracy, despises this, and it’s caused some distance to grow between them. But Tracy is sweet, caring, and loves Rigg so much that she almost never gives him a hard time about working too much. She’s always there for him, even when he’s not always there for her. He loves her more than anyone else in the whole world, but he doesn’t dedicate enough time to their marriage. He’s lucky Tracy’s a really patient woman that loves him just as much (if not more) than he loves her.
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@shriekingbird ❤️
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SHE WAS ONLY FIFTEEN. Rigg dealt with this kind of stuff all the time, but usually the survivors — if any — were adults. Eleanor was at that age where she was old enough to know EXACTLY what had happened, but still WAY too young. He wasn’t sure exactly what to say to her; he never was, even after all these years in the force. He was primarily a SWAT leader, not an interrogator. But he’d been trained in both, so he supposed he could fill in — IF HE HAD TO.
“Eleanor?” He spoke softly, his tone gentle as he looked at her. HE KNEW how hard it was to talk about this, but he needed to know all the details. Still, if she shut down, he wasn’t going to push it. “It’s okay. You’re safe now, I PROMISE.” Maybe he should start slow — or just not start at all. “Can I get you a… a glass of water, a cup of tea? Or… or maybe a blanket?”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@dcmure ❤️
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“I CAN PROMISE YOU that you’re perfectly safe now.” What she’d been through was something no one should ever have to go through, ESPECIALLY at such a young age. He knew she’d already been questioned by the other detectives, INCLUDING Hoffman, which probably hadn’t been pleasant. She should be allowed to leave if she wanted to, but did she really have anywhere to go?
Settling himself down in the chair across from her, Rigg kept his voice soft and his tone as gentle as possible, not wanting to frighten her. “You’re eighteen, aren’t you? Do you… do you have a SAFE PLACE to stay? Or would you rather stay here? You’re more than welcome; we have a safe house nearby.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@theednygma ❤️
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“EXCUSE ME, sir?” Rigg hadn’t seen the other man around before. He knew they were getting a new detective soon; maybe this was him, but on the off chance that it wasn’t, they couldn’t just have a STRANGER walking around the precinct. “Are you the new detective? If not, I’m going to have to ask you to LEAVE.”
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fantasywritten · 2 years
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@brokenegoed ❤️
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“YOU KNOW, in my field, I’ve learned to read people pretty well… but you’re not so easy.” Studying the woman carefully, Rigg’s gaze met hers. He wasn’t sure what she wanted or even what she was doing here, but he would find out soon enough. He may not be a detective anymore, but he was still a cop.
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