#✾ training to become a keyblade wielder like you ; main verse .
blitz-heart · 1 year
Plotted starter for @grieverled || Leon, Radiant Garden ;
Kairi doesn't know why the information wasn't relayed to the Restoration Committee sooner, but... she's sorry that they weren't immediately let in on the plan going forward — she's sorry they weren't told about Riku leaving for Quadratum, and about herself taking up training under Aqua, etc. If it had been up to her, she'd have told them immediately.
Apparently, though, Master Yen Sid and the Fairy Godmother had decided not to let Leon and the others know right away.
But it's been a little while now — at least a couple of weeks — since Riku left for Quadratum in the first place and when she'd learned that Leon and the gang still hadn't been told, yet, Kairi had felt a simultaneous twinge of guilt and hurt on their behalf. Why hadn't they been updated on any of the newer stuff? Didn't they deserve to know, too, after everything they'd done in the first place to help out in the search for Sora?
The answer is yes — they do deserve to know.
Which is why Kairi's paying a visit to Radiant Garden now. She's sat down with Leon, as he's the first person she'd come across from the Restoration Committee, and for the past five minutes has been explaining the recent development of things. "So yeah, that's... where we're at, currently," she says when she's finished, and gives him a small, apologetic smile." "I don't know why Master Yen Sid and the Fairy Godmother didn't already let you guys know."
She nervously scans Leon's face, trying to gauge his reaction to the news. "That's why I'm telling you now. I'm sorry. If it had been up to me in the beginning, you'd all have known sooner."
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Cinderella Info
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Full name: Cinderella Desrosiers
Species: Human
Age: 19 ( verse dependant )
Sexuality: Bisexual 
FC(s): Lily James || Diane Kruger || Yuki ( The Cat Returns )
Bio: Cinderella wasn’t born a servant. She used to have a nice and pleasant life, with a loving father and not too many worries. After her father married Lady Tremaine, Cindy thought things would get better, since now she had a mother and also two new sisters. But when her father passed away Lady Tremaine showed her true colours to Cinderella. She wasn’t a mother to her, only to Anastasia and Drizella, and slowly but surely, Cindy went from daughter to servant. Years went and things haven’t gotten better for poor Cinderelly.
Mistreated every day and working hard non-stop to please her step-family. But she never stopped being nice and having patience with them, she almost never breaks down in front of her step-family; but at night, after long days of work, Cinderella enjoys resting on her bed, having dinner and talking about the day with her friends, the mice and the bluebirds. Cindy never stops dreaming, hoping for a better future in her life. It may not come right away, and it will probably take time, but she believes it’s possible. After all, a dream is a wish your heart makes.
Note: Follows original film and both sequels, plus KH lore.
V001: Life of Servitude
Default main verse. Cinderella is a servant to her step-family, who lives in the attic of the chateau of her family. She doesn’t have much, just one pair of shoes and one type of clothes; a used bed and by change even has a mirror and a brush to use in the morning. But not everything is bad, the view of the town and the palace from up there is beautiful, but the clock in the morning gets on her nerves.
V002: Now a Princess
A princess consort/post first movie verse. She never expected anything else from that beautiful ball at the royal palace. Sure, she danced with a gentle guy, but during that magical and wonderful moment, Cinderella had no clue she was dancing with none other than the prince. And to think he looked after her the following day. Now she was no longer a dirty servant, but a princess and married; learning how to be a ‘proper princess’ will be difficult.
V003: Exiled but Rising from the Ashes
An alternate Cinderella 3 verse. Cindy tried, oh how hard she tried. Just when she thought her life would change forever Anastasia managed to fit her foot into the crystal slipper. After that, she did everything in her power to get into the palace and talk to the prince, to prove she was the one he danced with at the ball; but she didn’t expect her step-mother to have the Fairy Godmother’s wand, and that put her at a big disadvantage. When the guards caught her, Cinderella was forced to be exiled from the kingdom.
It was hard to take in, to accept this new life away from everything she knows. She lost a life, a horrible one, and was close to starting a new and better one. Maybe, just maybe… this could be the start of something new?
V004: Stroke of Heart
A KH verse. As a Princess of Heart, she’s one of the most important people of all the worlds. Alongside the other six Princesses of Heart they’re recognised by being people without a single trace of darkness in their hearts, After the events of being kidnapped by Maleficent, Cinderella has been very cautious wherever she goes, and with the Keyblade War getting closer and closer, she and the other princesses must stick together. Nowadays, Cinderella may no longer be an official Princess of Heart, as her light moved on to someone else.
ALTERNATE: Despite no longer being a Princess of Heart, this doesn’t mean she isn’t involved in the grand battle. Cindy, alongside the other princesses, has all gathered to train; turns out, the keyblade deemed them worthy to become wielders! Her keyblade is Stroke of Midnight.
EDIT ABOUT ABOVE: Some lil extra information, with this verse, if I feel like it or is requested by a mutual, I can use this new meta in rps and interactions. That is if it is desired. This is a silly AU within a verse, after all, an idea born from some friends over Discord which I got hooked on.
V005: A Modern Twist
A modern verse. All Cinderella wanted for so long is to have enough money to move out of the house and start studying in college. But her step-mother did everything to keep her still, being a simple assistant/servant for Lady Tremaine, who is the head of a big and important company. Organising meetings, getting her coffee... just about anything Cindy has to do to please her step-mother, and nothing ever makes her happy.
It wasn’t until one day that she finally moved out, with the help of her godmother who had returned from travelling around the world. They found a stable place for her, where the rest wasn’t cheap but neither too pricey. Plus, Cinderella was lucky enough to find a job.
NOTE: Age can range from young adult to late twenties.
V006: Royally Kind Online
A Wreck-it Ralph 2 verse, in which Cinderella is one of the official Disney Princesses who live inside the “Oh My Disney” website, meeting fans every day and hanging out with her fellow princesses and friends, as well as the characters from other Disney properties and acquisitions.
V007: Enduring in Insomnia
A Final Fantasy XV verse. Born in Insomnia, capital of the kingdom of Lucis, Cinderella at first had a modest and content life with her father. Everything changed, however, after he got married again to a woman named Agatha Tremaine. Not immediately, but shortly after their marriage the poor man passed away, leaving her alone with her new step-mother and step-sisters.
They began to treat her like a servant, not a daughter nor a sister, and never once changed their ways for years to come. Not even Cinderella’s beloved godmother, an elderly woman – an old friend of her father – who lives next door can take custody of her, so she must endure a life of servitude. Honestly, at this rate, Cindy is grateful for being allowed to still go to school and finish her studies.
V008: Behind the Scenes
A Sing verse. Most of the information can be taken from her regular modern verse ( so you can read that and I don’t have to repeat myself again here ) but now it's in the world of Sing, in which she’s an anthro white cat!
The new job Cindy manages to get is at Buster Moon’s theatre -- she isn’t much of an actress or dancer but has quite the sweet singing voice, however she prefers to stick to her cleaning duties and assisting her new boss in any way possible.
Noctis Lucis Caelum :: [ Queen ]
:: Cinderella ♥ Fairytale romance [ Noctis ( mythosbornc ) ] ::
Snow White :: [ Queen ]
:: Cinderella ♣ Sweetest princess ( Snow White ) ::
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blitz-heart · 1 year
Continued from (x) || @madeimpact
"You'd want me to teach you charm-making?" Kairi's pleasantly surprised, caught off guard, even, by Ven's request and she blinks at him before smiling softly. "Okay. I'd love to. Although..." Glancing around at their surroundings in the Land of Departure, she nibbles at the inside of her cheek in thought before going on. "I don't see any seashells around here, so we might have to take a trip somewhere else to find some. I'd say maybe the Islands — I know an area there where you can find plenty. It's the same spot I used to go to collect them, and the same spot I found the shells to make the thalassa charm in the first place."
She'd be lying if she were to say that she's not homesick even in the slightest; while it may sound selfish of her, Kairi will gladly take this opportunity to also maybe get to see home again even if only for a day or two. Which then makes her think...
"While we're there, if you'd like I can also introduce you to Kenji and Aika." She doesn't actually really talk about home or her family in the first place, but more so out of the urge to keep those memories to herself for the most part, so this is maybe one of the few times if at all she's ever brought up the topic of her parents around Ventus. "They're my adoptive dad and stepmom. Kenji's actually the mayor of Destiny Islands, so he's busy a lot of the time, but they're really nice, and I've already written to them a couple of times about you and Aqua and Terra — so they'll know who you are already," she says cheerfully.
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blitz-heart · 1 year
@gravitasfatum asked: ❛  you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.  ❜
Quotes from unfinished stories ;
That earns a frown in response.
"You don't know me. You have no idea what I do or don't know. So don't tell me I'm out of my depth."
Kairi's only just gotten back to the Land of Departure after having finished a mission regarding some off-world Heartless, and upon returning she's found this... stranger standing in front of the late Master Eraqus's memorial. She looks him over, indigo hues narrowed in wary suspicion. He doesn't look or seem familiar to her - he isn't someone she thinks she's ever seen before, and he's certainly not someone she thinks belongs in this world to begin with, if that black coat he's donning is anything to go off of.
"Besides; who are you, and what are you doing here? How did you find this place?"
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blitz-heart · 1 year
Kairi's been quiet, today, having asked Aqua if she could take the day off from training to just... take a break. She rarely, if even at all, asks for training breaks; Aqua typically assigns them, instead. But she'd asked for today off, in particular, for the plain and simple reason of:
Today was her birthday. However, she hasn't ever bothered to tell Aqua, Terra, or Ventus just exactly when her birthday is, so the day came and went without a fuss, without a celebration, without... anything, really. And that's okay. With her being away from home, and without having Sora and Riku here with her, or Kenji and Aika, unlike her other birthdays in the past (at least the ones she can remember) this one didn't quite feel... right this time around.
She took a walk around the Land of Departure by herself today, exploring on her own in some of the outer, more secluded areas Ventus has shown her — thinking back on all the times she'd gone exploring in different areas Riku and Sora had shown her on the Islands while the three of them were growing up, and thinking to herself that this is slightly similar, yes... but it's also different.
That seems to be the case for a few things, here, actually. For example:
There's a small unattended garden that, in having been left uncared for over the years, has now overgrown with weeds that have risen up in the place of whatever was planted, originally — whether it was flowers, or vegetables — to twist about and choke it out. How vastly different it looks from the garden Aika has planted back home, on the Islands — that garden has no weeds, but is full of flowers and insects. Full of what a garden should be full of. There's a stream that flows a little ways off near the castle, and the gentle sound of its running water is a much softer difference from the sound of crashing waves that Kairi had gotten so used to over the years. It's only a little similar in the sense that yes, it's water that doesn't stand still, just like the ocean, but it's also really not the same, at all.
Kairi's been stubbornly refusing to acknowledge it to herself until now, but...
She misses home, every bit as much as she misses some people.
After her walk, she'd retreated to her room for several hours to just keep to herself. She's been sitting and repeatedly flipping through either the pages of a sailor's journal she'd found and bought on her fourteenth birthday roughly four years ago now, today, or the pages of a sketchbook that contains drawings of Destiny Islands' native plants and flowers – the latter also having been a birthday gift at the time. They're two of the few items she'd brought with her when she came here from the Islands in the first place to begin her training with Aqua — the sailor's journal, to serve as a testament for and reminder of the sea back home; the sketchbook, so that she can look back whenever she wishes on some of the flowers she and Aika might have planted and grown together in their shared garden.
Either way they're both pieces of home, so to speak, and just having them with her today of all days, when Kairi's not celebrating her own birthday... while it's a reminder of what she left behind, it's also a reminder of what she gets to live for; it's a reminder of what she, Sora, and Riku will get to go back to when Sora is returned to them.
She closes the cover of the sailor's journal and sets it back on top of her dresser for now, tears forming in her eyes but not yet falling. When she the lifts one of the seashells she'd brought with her from the Islands and holds it to her ear... she can almost, almost, hear the sound of the ocean. She can almost hear the sound of home.
It's enough to make her cry, her tears finally falling here in the privacy of her bedroom in the Land of Departure — away from the Islands, away from her friends, away from her family... away from all else she loves, and has held dear to her heart for the majority of her life.
"Happy birthday, Kairi," she whispers to herself, her words choked with emotion.
Happy birthday, indeed.
It feels so lonely.
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blitz-heart · 1 year
@madeimpact asked: "if you get lost in the darkness, remember to follow the music." - Ven, this felt a bit on the nose I just had to LMAO
summer bird blue starters ;
Kairi hums, glancing sideways at Ventus.
"Is that some advice you heard before? l like the sound of that, actually," she tells him, smiling as she considers his words. "'Follow the music'..." The sentence trails off for a moment, before Kairi continues. "Makes me wonder what kind of music a person would hear in that sort of situation."
What kind of music, indeed; what kind of melody would it take to lead a person out of the depths, in the first place? What kind of melody would it take to save someone? Would it vary from person to person?
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blitz-heart · 1 year
@madeimpact asked: ❝ oh wow… you look way different in real life. ❞ -Roxas, I'm not sure these guys even had the chance to meet in the end of 3 because of. Yeah. SKDHFLAKJSG
Nine word sentence starters ;
"In a good way, I hope? " Kairi teases, her tone slightly amused.
She and Roxas haven't yet quite had the chance to talk to each other in the aftermath of... everything, really — so in the midst of the wake of Xehanort it's nice to be getting to meet in real time, and finally do just that: actually talk.
She gives Roxas a small smile, reaching to swipe a lock of hair out of her eyes.
"For the record, Roxas... it's nice to see you in person."
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blitz-heart · 1 year
verses tag dump; will be updated and added to as time goes on!
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Jasmine Info
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Full name: Jasmine Ramahi
Species: Human
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
FC(s):  Medalion Rahimi
Bio: Princess Jasmine, the only daughter to the great sultan of Agrabah, is ( technically ) the next heir to the throne. However, despite her claim, she cannot become sultana without getting married, which annoys her. Her father and Jafar don’t see her fit to rule Agrabah by herself, despite spending years reading scrolls and learning about her own kingdom and those around the world.
Is not that she's opposed to getting married, but she would rather marry someone who she loves and not become a trophy wife... She doesn’t want to be only admired by her beauty, be there to bear children and nothing else. Yes, despite being the royal princess and having anything she could ask for, Jasmine has always felt trapped inside the palace walls. Maybe, one day, she can truly be free.
Note: Combines both animated classic and certain aspects of the live-action events in a mix. Need to re-watch both sequels and watch the cartoon for the first time.
V001: Agrabah’s Next Sultana
Default main verse. Can be used for anything happening before the plot of the first movie or afterwards, the latter includes the events of the sequels.
V002: Freedom Achieved
Alternative main verse. Jasmine’s attempt at running away from her life, the life of a princess, a life which would only lead her to an arranged marriage with a stranger, was successful. She still has a lot to learn about the world beyond the palace’s walls, such as money and general behaviour as a commoner, but Jasmine learns fast.
V003: Feisty Light
Kingdom Hearts verse. Since the arrival of the Heartless, Jasmine’s life hasn’t quite been the same. Not only was she a princess by title and birthright, but she apparently was one of the seven pure lights in the entire universe, which made her a Princess (with capital P).
ALTERNATIVE: Jasmine may no longer be an official Princess of Heart, as her light moved on to someone else, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t involved in the grand battle. She, alongside the other princesses, have all gathered to train; turns out, the keyblade deemed them worthy to become wielders! Her keyblade is Wishing Lamp ( KH2 Agrabah keyblade ).
EDIT ABOUT ABOVE: Some lil extra information, with this verse, if I feel like it or is requested by a mutual, I can use this new meta in rps and interactions. That is if it is desired. This is a silly AU within a verse, after all, an idea born from some friends over Discord which I got hooked on.
V004: Modern Beauty
Modern verse. Jasmine Ramahi is the only daughter to a very important food Investor from Saudi Arabia. Her father’s company is well known around the world, and she has been very fortunate to have a complete education and to see many places around the globe from a young age. And yet, despite all of that, there are many instances where Jasmine feels trapped. There’s only so much she is allowed to do, and her father expects to marry someone worthy to take over the company ( as if she can’t do it herself without a husband ).
V005: Internet Sensation
Wreck-It Ralph 2 verse. Jasmine is one of the official Disney Princesses at the OhMyDisney site. She can be found hanging out at the Princess lounge with her friends and petting her best friend Rajah.
V006: 3 Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses verse. To be written in more detail at a later point but some important info.
She’s a princess from Agrabah, a kingdom outside of Fódland.
Agrabah is a neighbour to Almyra, so she's known Claude since they were children.
When he travelled to Fódland as the new heir of the Leicester Alliance, they kept tabs on each other via many letters. However, when Claude eventually became a student at the Officers Academy, he basically travelled across the sea to pick up Jasmine and have her study there with him, in the Golden Deer house.
Jasmine specializes in magic, agility, speed and movement. Her best weapons are the bow, lance and sword -- her magic, on the other hand, is more on the offensive side than defensive, but she can at least heal people hear her. She’d be perfect for the Dancer class
Aladdin :: [ Monie ]
:: Jasmine ♥ Let me share a whole new world with you [ Aladdin ( heartruths ) ] ::
Mulan :: [ Monie ]
pending tag
Nathaniel :: [ Josie ]
:: Jasmine ♥ We’re breaking free [ Nath ( galaxyveind ) ] ::
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