#❅ [ Sun Wukong // Ver.1 ] no i won’t GO AWAY. i’ve got something MORE to say.
voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: swk from ne/zha : “ It’s an interesting idea because it’s awful. “ / @inmiasma​
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“Awfully great idea, you mean.”
Nope, he will not be swayed from his terrible idea. He’s not even goanna acknowledge it’s a terrible idea. In his mind it was a fantastic one, and he was going to go through with it immidiately.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: ❝ no i’m not okay. i’m stuck with you in an elevator﹗ ❞ for swk! / @alllonsy​
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“That sounds less like a problem, and more like a sollution, if you ask me.” Wukong said cheerfully, leaning against the wall of the elevator and making no move to actually get them out. “You’re the clever one, you’ll figure something out, right?”
As if he couldn’t just climb out himself, or pry the doors open.
But nah, he’s gonna eat his chips.
“I’m totally open to suggestions, by the way.”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: "For a god, running away and hiding from everyone after making one mistake sounds pretty mortal to me. You can't just go be moody on a corner for hours and then come back to pretend nothing happened. That just ensures you're going to do it again, and worst than before. You gotta grow up Peaches." - Macaque for SwK / @diisccvery​​
Breath in. Breath out. Ignore the unwanted interloper.​
Clear his mind of any icky feelings.
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Ignore the call out, because he had a right to want to be alone. Especially when he needed to clear his head. It wasn’t like it’d been a small mistake, and everyone needed time to cool their heads before re-approaching the subject. If they ever did. Which he did not want too, at all.
Unfortunately, he was almost hyper-aware of the shadow’s prescence, and that meant that Macaque wasn’t just going to leave because he shut his eyes and ignored him. Of course, why would that ever work?
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“You know, meditation works better in silence, right?”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
Open Thread.
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“I’m not stuck.”
Says the man with his arm jammed up to his elbow into a vending machine. He’s trying to get at the soda that got caught before it hit the dispenser.
This man bested heavens armies. But can’t best a vending machine.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: "Come on you lazy rat, or we're going to miss them." Holding his hand the monkey held a bowl of fruit on his free arm, smiling as he dragged Wukong to the edge of the mountain where a set up of carpets, pillows and fruits awaited them. Placing the fruit down he pulled out the pair of ear mufflers the god created for him, strapping them on as they sat side by side. Their hands intertwined as the first explosion met the sky causing him to flinch, but thanks to the protection it wasn't so bad. Turning to Wukong he slowly ran his fingers through the fur of his cheek, smiling as he placed a passionate kiss to the other's lips. "Happy new year my lo-" And then, the sun broke through the curtain's crack, waking him up. - For SWK / @diisccvery​​
He woke up disoriented, and disappointed, and for a long moment he stared at the wall opposite his couch, not quite registering what’d happened. Oh that was- oh no, no, no, no, that did not just happen. He so did not just-- and the fireworks, and the kiss, and oh no. What was wrong with his brain?
Seriously, Macaque? No way, no fucking way.
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“Uh, what the fuck was that?”
Well he sure as hell wasn’t going back to sleep now. But being awake, stuck with the icky feeling of longing, and guilt wasn’t any better. That was some long forgotten naive reality that was never, ever going to pass, and the fact that his brain was throwing that in his face had soured his mood before the day had even begun.
“Eugh, I need a cold shower.”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: ‘ we hope you enjoyed the show! ’! ’ - swk! / @megapolismayor​​
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“Actually, I have a couple of notes.”
If he had to pick between the annoying theatre-esque people who’ve tried to murder him. Wukong would gladly say that Macaque did it better. Regardless of his personal feelings towards the shadow warrior, at least he knew how to put on a show. This guy just gave him the heebie jeebies.
Maybe he didn’t have anything else to give.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: “i’m trying really hard to keep it together.” mk for swk / @tcrnback​ 
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Deep breath. Okay, this was the part that Wukong was bad at. He’d even admit he was bad at it, in writing, if it got him out of the emotionally vulnerable parts of being a mentor. He was already a bad one-- he didn’t need to be told that at every turn. Which didn’t stop certain parties from trying but. . .
The Monkey King sighed, shaking his head and placing a hand on Mk’s shoulder, trying to smile reassuringly.
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“Look, bud, it’s, y’know, it’s over now. So. . . it’s okay to not be okay. If there was ever a time to fall apart, it���d be now. No one’s gonna judge you.”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: "Peaches are overrated." - Macaque / @diisccvery​
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“C’mon, bud, I know you’re just tryna get a rise out of me.” He responds, shoveling more peach chips in his mouth while he talks.
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Unfortuantely it was working.
“You’re like, actually so wrong though. Just completely wrong.”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: instant tackle, no caffeine - macaque / @diisccvery​​
Wukong has absolutely no time to react, screechng and falling over when he was tackled from absolutely nowhere by the shadow monkey. His drink went flying, and he tried to kick Macaque offf of him.
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“Get off, you lunatic! What are you even doing?”
He hadn’t opened it yet, he could still salvage this.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
Lowkey holding a big can of peach flavoured monster energy drink. "What was that?" - Mei
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Slow blink, knowing that it was a bad idea, but it’d been a good long while since he’d bothered to have any caffiene, and that did look very tempting. . . Nope, the offering was accepted, and he’ll take the can from her.
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“Just don’t break anything, and I’m not giving you the wifi password.”
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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FROM THE INBOX: "Keep talking, I'll love to snap that trap shut." - Macaque for Sun Wukong / @diisccvery​​​​
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“Oh yeah? Don’t threaten me with a good time. Especially when I’m so clearly right, and you’re so clearly wrong, bud.”
Wukong knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s openly inviting it. But he’s going to make it difficult for Macaque this time-- you can’t just shut him up whenever you want! Especially not to win an argument.
“Heck, I’d love to see you try. I bet you can’t even catch me.”
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