#❇️ librarian-lover
I remember Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright!! That game introduced me to Ace Attorney because I LOVED the Layton games--it resulted in me loving both series and setting out to collect every Layton game, which I just did a year or so ago!!
Sorry, I just. Love Layton games (a character from Unwound/Lost Future has been a fave of mine since 2017 or so) so whenever I see someone mention the series I get all giddy and want to interact a bit asdfghjkl
~ librarian-lover 📖
actually I came across these games at the same time and played them simultaneously until I realized there's a crossover game which pumped me even if I was still new to the games! (played both like at 2017 haha) But Layton captivated me more than AA because I'm a big fan of the music, puzzles and the steampunk genre especially in like, Unwound future? WHICH IS ALSO MY FAVORITE INSTALLMENT YAAAAASSSS followed by Miracle Mask!! (randall 🥺🥺🥺)
NOO I DON'T MIND AT ALL!!! I'm such a big fan of Layton so it makes me so excited when I find another person who enjoys it!! It's a little more underrated compared to Ace Attorney which is still thriving really well c:
I mean sure Layton made me feel like a dumbass with its puzzles and me throwing hint coins at the most obvious questions BUT DAMN I HAD FUN I DON'T CARE SJDBDBDBDNDJSJ
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