#❌— tuna rants.
hooterhorror · 3 years
tw for ableism I can't add cuts sorry
I just wanna make it absolutely fucking clear to abled folk out there. I don't care if the characters you're writing for are assholes or uneducated, don't make them fucking called disabled folks cripples. That's a slur.
And for the first time in my life I got called a cripple yesterday. I have never been called it before that point and it felt like 20 punches in the guts all at once. I'm still thinking about it. I don't have enoighe energy to cry over it.
Do y'all even know how much I struggle as a disabled person? Sometimes I can't fucking walk or stand up. I'm scared about ever using an actual mobiliy aid in public because of the stares I'll get. I look like I'm on deaths door and I can't fucking help it. I can't change it. But I'd literally trade everything to look normal and have a functioning body.
The least y'all could fucking do for us is not be a fucking ass and learn the right words and not use slurs to our fucking faces.
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Today's just been a day where I cannot, for the life of me, stay awake or do much of anything. I am very fatigued 💔 hate it here wtf
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Casual reminder that I am a minor, but 18+ blogs are fully allowed to reblog my works.
But y'all are weird for looking at my works. Witten by a child. And making it NSFW. I frankly don't give a fuck who you ship and y'all are allowed to go crazy stupid and reblog my stuff for ship purposes, but making it NSFW is so weird 😭 not naming names but wtf.
maybe this is a dumb thing to post/be uncomfortable about but. whatever.
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hooterhorror · 3 years
I'm sorry ppl haven't been reading your pinned post + ignoring your boundaries!! I've had that happen to me too many times to count and it's so annoying !
Boggles my mind how someone can follow a fanfic blog and be so illiterate at the same time 😔
I have had. three different nsfw reqs. someone corrected themselves after reading my pinned AFTER they sent their matchup req, which is somehow just as aggravating as not reading it at all like... why would you not read that first. WHY. it says in big words I am SEVENTEEN??? have people seen that and CHOSEN TO IGNORE MY STANCE KN NSFW??
people just want content for themselves and I'm happy to provide ofc, which is why I opened matchups in the first place. it gets the most interaction. but I also noticed that people request a matchup but don't even follow me.... I didn't wanna be *that* person that makes it a rule that you have to follow me cus they'd probably unfollow after anyways, but that's just disheartening still. idk. maybe I'm just sensitive af tho 😭
fr, thank you to EVERYONE who's genuinely supported me and my writing, especially the ones who've been here since the beginning. Y'all have no idea how much y'all's support means to me!! :") 💗💗
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hooterhorror · 3 years
Y'all I literally just closed my matchups. Sending one in shows that y'all don't read my pinned post... I'm happy y'all wanna interact with me through matchups and all but it's all I've been writing and I can't keep that up. Same vibes as people sending in NSFW requests when I am a MINOR. the hell is wrong with y'all? it's in my rules like three times.
sorry for the rant. But please read my pinned for the love of God.
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