#❖ Opus ║: sing us a song [mv]
pianomxn · 5 years
The days she spent over at Drew’s were always some of her most favorite.  She could get out of her space, and while they had been scary years ago, it was easy when it came to Drew.  
Most nights they stayed up messing around at the piano playing bits of songs together until something sounded right.  Many times, he would play a song, smile on  his face as she sung the lyrics.  It was life giving to her soul to explore her musical talents with him.  To enjoy that side of herself without having to fear the powers she did have.  Drew trusted her, and she trusted herself with Drew.
By the end of the night, Rylie had fallen asleep next to Drew, one of his shirts loosely draped over her body.  She slept so peacefully there, tucked against his side until the morning light woke her up.  
In all honesty, she didn’t want to move from that bed.  She was her own boss, so she could take the day off.  It wouldn’t harm her or the store, but it was deeper than that.
Rylie eased upwards, kissing Drew’s cheek.  “Good morning,” she whispered.  Her accent was a little heavier, as it always was in the mornings.  After the simple kiss, her forehead fell to his shoulder, face nuzzling against his arm.
@forsakenmyths || from here
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      ❛ Mhm... Good morning... ❜  his voice was just slightly hoarse and his demeanor rather sleepy. The clearing of his throat made him wake up a little bit more before peeking with one eye at Rylie. If it wasn’t for her he would probably be snuggling even closer and still in dreamland, dreaming, something he didn’t do quite often but seemed to happen when she was around. 
     That day Drew wouldn’t mind staying around, if Rylie weren’t around he would probably go out for a walk, distract himself for a while and keep his mind busy. The lonesome thoughts seemed to cease lately and he liked it that way, without his chest feeling pressed tight or his hyperventilating moments of anxiety when no one was looking. Rylie’s presence was haven, he couldn’t think how to thank her for that though the intention was there. One day he would find a way.           ❛ Tell me you’re not going to work today... ❜ the pianoman mumbled, nuzzling the top of her head and hiding from the morning light in her soft curls. The mumble became a gentle whine and he was ready to pull the puppy eyes card if she said she would. ❛ If you are, let’s stay a little longer yeah? ❜
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
♫ ||: @zeitlosleben​  ❤’d
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    ❛ Come on, just tell me this. What would you do without me mhm? ❜
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nageshchandramishra · 5 years
How Visvesvaraya Model Can ‘Engineer’
( *52nd Engineers’ Day Theme “Engineering For Change”* By Nagesh Chandra Mishra ,Former Engineer-in-Chief , Drinking Water & Sanitation Department, Jharkhand )
Hope Soars High Across India When Vikram Lands On Moon In One Piece -
K Sivan & his entire ISRO Team is working round the clock for National Flagship Programmes for many more ambitious Space Missions ! All such challenging good things are happening on the eve of 52nd Engineers’ Day ( 15th September, 2019 ) when we are celebrating this auspicious moment to commemorate the birthday of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya who dedicated his ‘cent per cent’ life working towards “Engineering For Change” - Which aptly is the theme of 2019 for nation’s prosperity & gross national happiness.
“Jaadoo Ki Jhappi “ Of the Present National Leadership With the Entire Engineering Fraterniy In Itself Is a good omen raising our heads high up in the sky singing a song of Hindi Movie, ‘Jagriti’ that our generation watched during school days “UTHO CHHALAANG MAAR KE AAKASH KO CHHOO LO” !!
Driving home the point , let us pose a pertinent question to ourselves, what does it mean , “Engineering For Change” ?
At this , one may ask us with a wry smile : ‘Hi Guys , Change is the only Constant in the world ....what’s new in it ...we have been changing constantly since time immemorial & even after 72 years of Independence , we have been growing & developing fast as a strong largest democratic nation of the world & till the time ‘Government Is Here ...All’s Right With the World’ ?
Candid Answer Is a BIG “NO” : “SAB KUCHH THEEK NAHIN HAI - VIKRAM LANDER SE SAMPARK STHAAPIT KARNE KI SAKHT ZAROORAT HAI” - this is symbolic in many ways to fulfill the common man’s aspirations of a hassle free service delivery system with the same zeal & innovation as being done by our ISRO Scientists & Engineers !
At this crucial juncture , what the Nation direly needs is Sir MV’s Model Of All Round Development to instil the spirit of “SABKA VISWAS” For fulfilment Of ‘SABKA SAATH & SABKA VIKAS’ .
What is extraordinary in MV’s Model Of Engineering so different from that of an ordinary engineer ?
In my opinion, it’s the vast psychological gap of thought process overlooking the multiple meaning of the word , ‘ENGINEER’ ! Our ‘tunnel thought process’ has been so much dwarfed by our political & bureaucratic masters since colonial days that we have been ‘programmed’ to know very limited meaning of the the word , ‘Engineer’ .
According to Oxford Dictionary, the word ‘Engineer’ means the following:
noun: engineer; plural noun: engineers
1. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
4 3 designer, planner, builder, architect, producer, fabricator, developer, creator; Moreinventor, originator, deviser, contriver, mastermind 
"the structural engineer's drawings"
* ◦ a person qualified in a branch of engineering, especially as a professional."an aeronautical engineer"

* the operator or supervisor of an engine, especially a railroad locomotive or the engine on an aircraft or ship.
◦ ◦ engineering officer, controller, handler, driver; Moreoperator, mechanic, machinist, technician, fitter; 
"the ship's engineer rarely came up to the bridge"
* ◦ a skillful contriver or originator of something."the prime engineer of the approach"

2. verb
verb: engineer; 3rd person present: engineers; past tense: engineered; past participle: engineered; gerund or present participle: engineering
1. design and build (a machine or structure)."the men who engineered the tunnel"

* skillfully or artfully arrange for (an event or situation) to occur."she engineered another meeting with him"
◦ ◦ bring about, cause, arrange, pull off, bring off, fix, set up, plot, scheme, contrive, plan, put together, devise, maneuver, manipulate, negotiate, organize, orchestrate, choreograph, mobilize, mount, stage, put on, mastermind, originate, manage, stage-manage, coordinate, control, superintend, direct, conduct, handle, concoct; Moreinformalwangle; 
"he engineered the overthrow of the Conservative majority"
* ◦ modify (an organism) by manipulating its genetic material."it is now possible to engineer tobacco plants that are resistant to the virus"

Middle English (denoting a designer and constructor of fortifications and weapons; formerly also as ingineer ): in early use from Old French engigneor, from medieval Latin ingeniator, from ingeniare ‘contrive, devise’, from Latin ingenium (see engine); in later use from French ingénieur or Italian ingegnere, also based on Latin ingenium, with the ending influenced by -eer.

While Sir M. Visvesvaraya used to apply all the above meanings of ‘Engineer’ in discharging his duties towards serving the Nation & Common man , most of us have confined ourselves to become ‘Prisoner’ in the ‘Jail’ Of colonial mindset - coincidently , ‘Jail’ & ‘Prison’ have the same meaning in funny English Language, but , the meaning of “Jailer “ & “Prisoner” Is diametrically Opposite !
Likewise, Ministers , Civil Servants & we All Government Functionaries , In fact , are Servants Of the Public & Common Man Is Our Master - we derive all our salaries, perks , Pension etc. from Public Kitty ... But...our Colonial Mindset Inertia Has Been Programmed to Behave with Common Man as if we are ‘Donors’ & they are ‘Recipients’ whereas the Truth Is just diametrically Opposite - this very PSYCHE Has To CHANGE & it is here , we all Engineers are needed to ‘Engineer’ the CHANGE - in Mahatma Gandhi’s Words , ‘BE THE CHANGE THAT WE WANT TO CHANGE’ !
Thanks to our Journalistic Parlance Who Use the word , ‘Engineer’ only for their political mindset in Derogatory Terms when they write & speak , ‘...such and political parties have “Engineered Defection” - I am not talking of such engineering.
To cite an excellent example in better terms ....for the sake of Sovereignty & Nation Building , “Engineering” Masterstroke like Abrogation Of Article 370 & 35A can be an eye opener .
It is here that “ENGINEERING FOR CHANGE “ has to be initiated & formulated departing from ‘Cut/Copy/Paste’ types of all old & obsolete models Of Governance By Reorienting ourselves towards Time-tested Indigenously designed Innovative Development Models that may compete with the best technological models of the most developed nations of the world .
This can be possible only if we all look all things through the ‘divine visionary eyes’ of Sir MV .
For ‘Divya Darshan’ Of such a Desired Engineering Framework , we need to go deeper in the following magnum opus of Sir MV’s Writings that is readily available on Internet Archives which can be instantly downloaded on our tablets & smartphones :-
1 ) SPEECHES By Sir M. Visvesvaraya, Dewan Of Mysore , first Published in 1917 by Government Press , Bangalore ( 479 Pages )
2 ) RECONSTRUCTING INDIA , By Sir M. Visvesvaraya, first published in 1920 by P. S. King & Son , London ( 352 Pages ) ;
3 ) Unemployment In India , Its Causes & Cure , By Sir M. Visvesvaraya ( 1932 ) ;
4 ) PLANNED ECONOMY FOR INDIA , By Sir M. Visvesvaraya, first Published in December, 1934 ( 318 Pages ) ;
5 ) MEMOIRS Of MY WORKING LIFE , By Sir M. Visvesvaraya, first Published in 1951 ( 172 Pages ) .
In fact , I wish to institutionalise ‘VISVESVARAYA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION’ in every part of the Nation on the pattern of ‘Vivekananda International Foundation’ To Ignite Sir MV’s Engineering Framework for Change Towards Serving the Nation & the Common Man Through Excellence shedding the Present Mediocrity shrouded with colonial mindset .
To begin with Visvesvaraya Sanitation & Water Academy ( ViSWA ) , RANCHI , Jharkhand can be Developed as the seat of Visvesvaraya International Foundation.
While Gandhi had two dreams , Nation’s Independence & Gram Swaraj - one of which he realised in his lifetime & another couldn’t fulfil even seven decades after his demise ; Likewise, Sir MV’s Dream Of Merit Based National Character couldn’t be realised during his life time in protest of which he had to resign twice - once while in Govt. Service when denied promotion as Chief Engineer as the post was reserved for Britishers & at another time while he voluntarily resigned from the post of Dewan Of Mysore due to caste consideration !
It is high time when any professional be it a soldier or sportsperson or doctor or engineer or lawyer or chartered accountant or professor or musician or scientist or artist or , for that matter , any expert in his or her domains MUST FIND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO EXCEL & PROSPER ENTIRELY ON THE BASIS OF THEIR MERITS IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DOMAINS - ONLY THEN THE COMMON MAN & THE NATION SHALL PROSPER - THIS IS THE REAL MEANING OF “ENGINEERING FOR CHANGE “ & Power Of Excellence, Sir MV Desired. Even in America when Martin Luther King Junior had aspired , “I have a Dream” - he aspired for equality. That’s why whether one is white , black or brown in America, there is No Reservation System here - all have an equal opportunity for development in all respective domains of their expertise. Why not such equality in India ?
Sir MV’s main emphasis was on All Round Development Of The Nation Competing with the Most Developed Nations Through Innovative Technology In all walks of life , Industrial Production & Agriculture , Building Strong National Character , Discipline , Nation’s Strong Defence , Mass Education, Water , Health & Hygiene , Population Control etc.
Time Has Come When Every Aspiring Youth Of our Nation with a Beautiful Mind Like Sivan Must Concentrate On his Science & Technology Works to Establish link with Vikram Lander Rather Than Pulling Down his legs towards the quagmire Of Colonial Power Through Circuitous Routes Of Civil Services Examinations .
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pianomxn · 6 years
@a-kitten-with-claws​ here
“I was thinking….well, more like wondering, I suppose…..”. Why was this so hard? Kit knew Drew would not breath a word about what she was about to hypothesize and still, it’s somewhat difficult to say the actual words out loud.
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She bit her bottom lip, swallowed (which felt like there were razor blades in her throat), then spoke again. “I want to ask Larry to…..marry me. I’d like to ask him here, at the bar, when it’s closed to others and I could get it all set up to be….well, romantic. You’re the most creatively sentimental person I know. So how do you think I should go about it?”.
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    His eyes rose from the piano keys he was cleaning at the time, eyes blinking a couple of times processing the new information. Kit. Proposal. Larry. LARRY. The grumps man. At the bar. At night. Closing time... 
   Drew may have stayed like that for half a minute, breaking the silence in a short sweet gasp then it came... ❛ You two are getting married! ❜ the words come in a merry chant than anything else, quickly hushing himself since it’s supposed to be a surprise, right? ❛ I, oooh... Here at the bar, at night, yes. Imagine... Dim lights maybe candles, soft music, a table for two... Wait, it’s looking much like the Lady and the Tramp date. ❜ the piano man interrupts himself to think again. ❛ But yeah, dim lights, soft music... honestly Kit, that man is so in love with you that he’s going to pay attention only to you that night. ❜ he beams.
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pianomxn · 6 years
♫ ||: @tasedandconfused​
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   No. No. No... Nonononono– - no, the man repeats all over again in his mind as he presses the buttons. Up, down, open the door, close the door. Help. HELP.  But the elevator is not moving at all. It takes him a minute to realize he’s been holding his breath for the small fraction of time he’s tried making the whole thing to work, and when he finally gathers air into his lungs it is to pretend to be calm enough to face the other person beside him.       ❛ I... – think we’re stuck. ❜
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pianomxn · 6 years
@dxspereaux​ <3
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“Police don’t do shit in this town.” Anton grumbles, head shaking like every other concerned citizen that regarded the strip of police tape along the pier. “How are we supposed to have any faith in ‘em if they can’t even catch oneguy? It can’t be that fuckin’ hard to catch one guy, you know?”
“I mean, I’m a father…what if that was my lil’ girl out there?” Except he’s not a father. Even if there’s a glint of a ring on his finger indicating at the very least a companion, that too was part of this carefully crafted persona. He wasn’t married. He had no children. He had no friends. All he had was a very convincing story and preference for gutting open young women. “You feel me, right? How can anyone feel safe when this happens…
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     Drew agrees, whole heartedly, it wouldn’t be that hard... If they only had one guy to catch. However, the piano man finds himself nodding. ❛ Definitely, ❜ he says, looking at the tape as well with a saddened expression on his face. How could someone do such terrible things? It was awful.    ❛ Though I bet they at least try their best, I mean, it’s not an easy task to be a cop. ❜ Ah, not even with the passing of the years did he turn a little bit less naive. Some say corruption is everywhere, that the world has turned into a shady place yet Drew still believes there is good.    ❛ But yeah, wouldn’t like having kids around by their own with this dangerous person out there. Be careful, for your little one’s sake. ❜
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pianomxn · 6 years
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   ❛ Of course there are secret places around here! I bet you an ice cream that I’ll surprise you with one. Deal?    ❜ 
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pianomxn · 6 years
♫ ||:   @hatpinblade  ❤’d
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    ❛  I’m not moving, no matter what you say I’m not moving from here! ❜ he exclaims, wrapping his arms around her and his face burying on her neck again, a place he liked when they cuddled. 
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
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        ❛ Hey there fella, is the seat taken? ❜ he asks the man sitting at the bar with the only stool available next to him.     It was kind of unusual for the bar to be so packed up, on a night where there were no special offers or karaoke night. It was good news though, to have the bar up and running after so many years... Larry had done a great job with it. Haze seems to be the same, although the people who has worked in it for long now isn’t. At least he isn’t. 
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
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    ❛ I tell you, you’re going to love this place. It’s cozy and has lots of nice drinks. I think they have your favorite so that’s a plus ❜ Drew says opening the door for Mellie, stepping inside after her. Soon, he would find both of them a nice table by the window, where the sunlight came shining through making her almost glow (in his eyes). Unfortunately he hadn’t been the only one noticing as there was a guy that he had caught looking at his friend.      ❛ So, uhm, what tickles your fancy? ❜
@ofteaandmagic plotted-ish; lol
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
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         ❛ I swear it was funny in my head, I don’t know how I managed it to make it horrible as fast as I said it. ❜ Another fit of chuckles go past him, so hard that his stomach begins to hurt and he’s holding it as if it were to burst at any given moment. ❛ You’re better with jokes than I am. ❜
@elitiist ❤’d  
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
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    ❛ It’s a beautiful day isn’t it? I love cloudy days. ❜ he is rambling, letting the cigarette hang loose on his lips for the meantime, entertaining the idea of lighting it up. ❛ I like sunny ones, but the clouds give the day a poetic mood. ❜
@fracturedmentality ❤’d  
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
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   ❛ We usually hang out in the bar, and I’m working. ❜ he muses, stopping right before he is about to drink his scotch. ❛ I think we should go out somewhere rather than here. It’s not a date, just two friends hanging around... Unless you want it to be a date, well, but what do you say? ❜
@starchillcd ❤’d 
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
@tooxldtorememxer  from x
“I tried to call you and ask if I could come over but you didn’t pick up.” he shrugged and smiled softly at the sleepy figure next to him. “Suppose I know why now. And nothing’s wrong.” he shook his head a little. Well, a little wrong perhaps, because he felt lonely when Mephisto wasn’t home and he had been gone for three days and would be away for even longer. “Just want some company, that’s all.” he smiled at him again and even though he was the biggest out of the two of them, he managed to make himself kind of small and tucked his head under Drew’s chin. And no, he didn’t wasn't that kind of company. Just a bit of human contact.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear my phone. I came here and exhaustion completely dragged me down” he smiled apologetically, now both arms wrapping around his friend to hold. He’d known Vincent for a while now to distinguish his moods, and also he was observant enough to see different emotions in people without being told about it and this one, this one was one he could relate to. It felt like loneliness. “I’ll be your company, I hope it’s a good one” he chuckled rubbing Vincent’s back soothingly. “Up for a movie perhaps? I could make us some popcorn”
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
@cxrleonis liked;
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      “The... host of the party? I uh– “ he chuckled a bit embarrassed “Honestly a friend tagged me along, I know no one here and you’re the first one I talk to.” At least the very one that didn’t ignore him.
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pianomxn-aa · 7 years
@starchillcd liked;
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     He’s sitting there in the middle of the street, and possibly drunk ( perhaps just a little tipsy ) and lost. “Hey, hiiiiiii! One question... What’s the name of this street?”          
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