#❛        threads.      /      IS THIS OUR FUTURE  ?
ikemenomegas · 2 years
Omega!Gojo Satoru x Alpha!Reader
I believe we are fated to do the things we choose anyway*
gege akutami is the kind of mangaka who makes fun of almost all their characters. with utmost affection, gojo deserves to be bullied a bit. we love that he's a little heartless, a little frivolous, that he's powerful as a fact, that he cares a little bit strangely, so doing him a bit of justice, here's the mirror to Getou's youth story
tw: canon character death, spoilers for the manga, gojo's emotional constipation and egotism
Toji Zenin cut so many threads the day he arrived on the Tokyo school grounds, but the one between you and Satoru survived. It's already a miracle that Riko was the only one who died that day. The miracle of surviving should have been enough, but now you've lived long enough to find out how much you could love someone too. You get to see how afraid someone is of loving you. Gojo Satoru had one friend. Gojo Satoru had one mate. That was it, that was all he could let himself have.
Springtime Tokyo is still cold. Not as cold as up north in the mountains, but the winter uniforms are blessedly warm. An assistant manager drops you off at Tokyo Jujutsu Technical School on a milky March morning where you are met by Yaga-sensei, the first year teacher.
This teacher has some kind of idea about building community, which is why he's clustered the four of you first-years in the same building, around a loud blue-eyed boy who barely takes one look at you, squinting around a pair of blackout sunglasses, at your purposeful non-expression, before he is grinning, far too wide and it feels like he gets even louder, movements expansive to pull you into the range of an argument he's having with a tall slim boy with long hair tied at the back of his head.
Yaga-sensei just shakes his head and introduces you to Ieri Shoko, who is physically leaning away from the noise as if to escape some blast radius and has the most distant smile you've ever seen in your life on her face.
It's unsettling is what it is. The dark haired boy is just rolling his eyes at the one who had somehow both dismissed you and pulled you into his orbit. The automatic response is to try and get that attention back, but you have at least a little more self respect than that. You climb the stairs to take a room on the same floor to Shoko-san's and leave them to their snipping. You don't see Gojo fall silent for half a second before carrying on bickering, Yaga now stepping in to separate them.
School hasn't quite started yet. It's a boarding school so everyone is just around, getting the lay of the school, setting up their rooms, exploring Tokyo, running into one another and trying to figure out how their pieces fit together.
Satoru has already sorted you all into neat little piles of adjectives
Polite: the boy with the long dark hair, Getou Suguru, although this doesn't necessarily mean nice he notes gleefully. Self righteous and reactive, as in he can be baited into a no holds barred fight, which is new for him. He hasn't been able to fight someone who could hold their ground for more than a minute since he was thirteen. Subversively irreverent.
Morbid: the shortie with the short hair, Shoko Ieri. She discovered her abilities somewhere and even Satoru has to admit some of the diagrams she pulls up are admirably disgusting. Neutral. Satoru has never met someone else who sticks so close to their own whims before but she isn't like anything he expected, dismissive, meandering, goading. And she can't explain how she does what she does, which is aggravating because he can't do it.
And you, the new one. The last to arrive. Fresh meat. Quiet, wary.
You catch him not following you, but showing up near where you are a little too frequently to feel coincidental while you're making a point to meet the upperclassmen. He adds opportunistic and watchful to the list when he notices you do this, but some of the older students seem to find it vaguely endearing - the clan ones like a small animal they can toss treats, the recruited students who aren't trying to suck up to the clan kids with the cautious familiarity of greeting another outsider.
He tries tossing you a treat, granting you some offhanded attention in the common space of what is now the first years' block. Suguru laughs at him when you mostly look confused and apologetically tell him you've never seen either of the movies he wants to debate before refilling your water bottle and wandering back out onto the school grounds with your umbrella.
School starts regardless with some tentative unspoken agreement between the four of you to try and be friends, or at least classmates. There is after all, no one else to be friends with.
Class is boring, so Satoru watches his classmates. Where Shoko is passive and watchful and Satoru is staring into the air, you're openly attentive and Suguru more casually mirrors your attention. Which makes him want to call you another boring small-town bumpkin
Except you are in the same the advanced mechanics elective he is, and you and Shoko become animated discussing the curse anatomy lectures. Yaga takes you away to practice hand-to-hand with his dolls while he lets Satoru and Suguru pummel each other, which makes him think you must be too fragile to handle the two of them. Most people are, so he doesn't think much on it.
Satoru sometimes goes out alone to train when he can't sleep. He lashes out at the wooden dummies on the practice field, ducking under wooden arms and lashing out to see sections of it spin faster. On one of these nights, a week or two into the first year, he sees you standing outside the track, leaning on a railing, face buried in a thick scarf. He's aware of your vague attention, watching him without any particular interest, like how one might watch water sliding under a bridge, but when he sneaks a glance around the practice dummy, you're just as often more fixated on the sky. The moon is full and you're watching the clouds chase across the deep blue expanse, listening to Gojo Satoru's knuckles impacting on wood. And then at some point, he looks over and you're gone, your weird cursed energy signature fading in the dark.
Satoru only sees your technique the first time a substitute makes you spar with everyone else during training while Yaga is away. Apparently the teacher is someone you know because you get into the first argument he's ever seen before you send a spear flying so fast it hits the center of a target and topples it over.
The same teacher makes you fight Satoru, to already defeated attempts at appalled refusal. He'd usually help you push back just on principle, but he hasn't gotten to go on a mission with you yet and his sometimes oppressive curiosity has settled on whether you actually can keep up with him after all.
You can't, but this is Gojo Satoru at fifteen, not fully realized, and the first time he fights you he amends how he feels about "opportunistic". He flies right at your face and swears he makes contact, but you step back at the last minute and he feels an impending impact from his left that is almost the same strength as his own attack. He tries again and you twist out of the way much faster than he had expected. He tries to throw you and you end up descending slowly to the ground, trying to get the teacher to end the bout. Eventually Satoru overwhelms you and breaks your arm when you try to block too many hits in rapid succession. Shoko fixes it, and you wince with gritted teeth and tears in your eyes but don't cry or sob or glare at him with the kind of face that is calling him names you can't say out loud. The demonstration has him, fortunately or unfortunately, folding you into the energy of your little first year group like you'd been there all along.
He's a shaman clan kid, so it's interesting to see you now as not necessarily opportunistic but curious about the other sorcerers, about other people. What a novelty, to be inconsequentially curious. If he'd been too curious as a child he would be either lectured on responsibility or nearly drowned in related gifts meant to appease his moods
You don't appease his moods and the attention of him, one of the strongest sorcerer of the generation, doesn't appease you.
Satoru tries to bait you and things go right over your head. He tries to disrupt your silent, invisible schedule and you let him drag you away with minimal fussing, especially when Shoko or Suguru is involved, but will wander to the side on outings and either find some accidental trouble or something that makes him a little surprised at the intensity of your focus.
He forces you into a combat-determined wager that demands you stop using honorifics with his name and Suguru's name and Shoko's name (without asking the other two) and there's no way for you to get out of it or win so that forces some artificial closeness that becomes real. Language is very important for creating distance, for creating hierarchy and Satoru somehow isn't interested in a hierarchy between you.
He is however far more self conscious of his omega status than Suguru is. He won't say it, but it's a relief when none of you make a big deal out of it when you find out and also a surprising comfort when you and Shoko who don't have to suffer through the literal additional headache of heats try and make them comfortable
For Satoru this involves distracting him by playing video games with him, watching movies, or tossing balls of paper at him while he tries to stop it with his technique. Mostly he's with Suguru, especially if they sync up, but Satoru doesn't have the same heat symptoms as him. During first year even though he sleeps more than he does as an adult, it's typically less than the rest of you might want. Where Suguru gets tired, Satoru will get cranky and mean because he's bored and feverish and Suguru is too tired to entertain him. His family also was never very comforting during his heats so he knows what to do as far as nesting, but having people around is new for him.
He likes to call and text you if you're on missions during these times, which is typical given his clan's sensitivity to him being around alphas at these times.
So even when you're on campus, you and Shoko only spend a few hours with him at a time. Sometimes you play games and the heat makes him almost slow enough to beat on a DS link game. Sometimes he makes you do his homework. Sometimes he likes to throw throwing things at you to see how you use your technique to deal with it.
He adds "sentimental" to the list of adjectives when he realizes he can so easily pressure you in these times into revealing more of yourself to him than you usually do. He's bored and there's only so many things to talk about before you start telling him about an encounter with one of the rare cats that will tolerate living around the cursed energy of the campus, when you grimace and tell him about a terrible noodle stand in Yamanashi province that you still crave somehow, when you tell him about saving fallen leaves in a heavy dictionary you use for that purpose, or the one time you reveal that you've kept every pair of shoes your parents bought you to wear on the first day of school. You tell him these things and it makes him feel like maybe, someday, he might want to tell you things too.
It's not soft but there's a softness to it. A genuineness in the four of you together, in Satoru's and Suguru's growing strength and self surety. Satoru tries to make himself the center of the world, because it's fact that is where he has been all along. But he's not so easily the center of your world. You didn't come from his world.
Satoru doesn't fall. He doesn't think hard about why it becomes so. He barely thinks about it all. He just knows at some point that you're one of his. You're one of his and he wants you to pay him the attention he' accustomed to as center of the world (except he doesn't maybe. He'll be able to say it one day that what he loved was you treating him like he was as human as he could be)
He's terrible at acknowledging whether this possessiveness is anything in particular. After a sparring session, you watch Shoko patch a cut on Suguru's arm with so much longing and a pang of something worms its way in Satoru's chest. He crowds in next to Suguru before Shoko's done, draping over Suguru's shoulders. You don't see the way Satoru's eyes flicker from Shoko's steady hands to your wide-eyed gaze.
He's jealous the way a child is jealous of a favorite toy, hooking his arm around your neck if any omegas outside of school talk to you in the street. If you brush him off when he's trying to use you as a tool for self-affirmation, he sulks around until you acknowledge him in some other way and he will not admit to a single soul why it matters. When he's forced to go home for holidays like oban and returns in a terrible pique, you may fight with him if he lashes out in the worst, most personal ways. You push back and talk to instead of around him or through him and you also don't realize that is why he backs off.
He realizes slowly that he has to be careful with you. He forgets sometimes that you're more fragile that Suguru, that you need help Shoko doesn't need. On what you call the "worst school trip in existence" and Shoko calls "lucky we didn't all die" and Suguru smiles and calls "well we all made it out in the end", even Satoru got injured, yet he feels invincible, like he caught a bullet and threw it back.
When Toji nearly kills him and everyone he ever cared about, he awakens with the power to keep it from happening ever again. He thinks he can carry the world for all of you, for everyone, reveling in his power. He doesn't realize that his presence, the gravity well he made in the monster class's lives, doesn't exist the same way while he's not there because he has a tendency to think everything will be easy for him to fit back into when he returns, or not to think on the fact things could change at all.
Then Suguru leaves and the center of Satoru's world, his reference point, collapses
You're there in Shinjuku the day it happens. It's getting cold again. You're there to meet Shoko. Suguru has gone missing, Satoru is... away. Again. Still. He's been absent whenever he is around anyway. The jujutsu world doesn't have the resources to devote to hunting curse users in particular so the effort to find Suguru has been halfhearted at best and even if he's on your minds, you have jobs to do still.
You're there in Shinjuku and when you don't find the person you're looking for, you find someone else, It shouldn't happen, but it does. You run into Satoru, mind reeling at Suguru's betrayal. You nearly don't see him and he nearly doesn't see you except he sees everything and he's been walking around the district like a ghost.
He appears like a ghost too, tall and pale and ridiculous eyes. You'd tried to see if the world reflected in them once, but now it's more obvious to you than ever that it's just him, nothing more and nothing less.
"Let's go back," he says, and for the first time in months, you return to the college, side by side on the train, feeling like there should be more people in the near-empty car. You get as far as you can before you get to a station that's closed where you can no longer transfer and then you get out and walk in silence.
You walk like there's another person jostling for space between you. When you get to the school, Shoko meets you at the red tori gates. When you get to the mostly empty dormitory building, now a little emptier, Satoru looks at you. And looks and looks and looks. This time, he feels like you might disappear in the pre-dawn light casting your faces in blue.
Maybe it's because he's already lost one precious thing long before he noticed it was gone that he grips your shoulders tight, so tight you almost wince, but turn into it instead, tilting your head as though, were you less careful people, you might brush your cheek against his hand. Just for a little bit of comfort, for a little familiarity.
Then Shoko makes a noise at the top of the stairs, the scuff of her foot, the tap of her palm on the banister. What a terrible day it must be if Shoko is interfering. And you step away.
Satoru doesn't go to bed. For the first time in his life he feels like he doesn't know who he is. He watches your light come on and then go off. He doesn't see you stand at the mouth of the hall leading to Suguru's room with a blanket around your shoulders until eventually you turn away and fall asleep on one of the common room couches, near to where a year of his body in the same spot had left an indent. He doesn't think about the world where you aren't here, where he never sees you again, because he can't quite fathom it.
Because even when he was gone, he never felt like he had let any of you go
It makes him feel sick to his stomach, the closeness of someone else, but it feels worse to push you away so you sit shoulder to shoulder with him some time in the morning. He pretends not to see the new dark shadows in your eyes. You sit and watch the mist burn off and pretend his warmth can hide how the world is a little colder.
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*I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you ― Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars
#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru#a/b/o#a/b/o dynamics#omegaverse#alpha!reader#omega!gojo#reader insert#gn#i'm sorry this is so much longer than the getou one#I changed styles to write something else and couldn't get back to the broad strokes style of the getou bit#i want to expand on both#this show is really good and the potential here is too much to resist#the quote came to mind because the six eyes user has a specific kind of fate#but the idea of fate has a lot of interesting discussion around it in between religions#jjk plays a lot with buddhist/shinto/christian imagery including the idea of a fate thread tangled between certain power centers#i was raised in a christian centered culture which has certain beliefs about predetermination that can get incredibly depressing.#fate is generally defined as a predetermined and inescapable path of action or consequences#you can't escape it no matter what choices you make#which seems glum#karma on the other hand has something more to do with tendencies - the things you do to yourself/by yourself that lead to consequence#karma is separate from fate. even if you escape the cycle of karma or samsara you cannot escape fate#little interaction with fate are common - seeking explanations of future fortune or charms to pull you in the direction you want to go#ultimately there is a tension between the human ability to act at will (karma/free will) and fate#How do you justify acting if everything is predetermined? one can trap themselves in ontologic questions about purpose and actions#there is an inevitably and circular in accepting that maybe we can't escape fate but that fate also can't escape us#our actions were always going to matter#io.omegas
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luminescenc1e · 1 month
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The shops lined on either side of the street were decorated with small danging lights. The outside signs described the delicacies they offered and two-for-one deals that were supposed to attract new customers. It had been raining for a few days now, and the ritual that had been agreed upon with the family was postponed until the weather was better. And the forecast said it would rain tomorrow too, it would seem they were stuck in the town for at least a couple of more days.
“ You hungry? I could eat something warm and spicy. ” He nudged her with his shoulder to grab her attention, motioning to the hotpot place down the street. It was close enough, and they could run to it even without an umbrella. Even though Bong-gil had taken his jacket off, ready to spread it over her head in the short journey. For this job, it was only the two of them, his first time without Hwarim. And maybe that was why he was so nervous, it almost felt like his first-ever job. “ Come on, let’s go. ”
@wellfell liked the starter call / accepting!
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mazojo · 2 years
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loyaltyforged · 29 days
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s) 🎀 ― i love your aesthetic / graphics 💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point ✨ ― i love the way you write 💫 ― i enjoy writing with you 😊 ― i enjoy talking to you 💖 ― you seem like are a genuinely nice person ☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy ❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
small symbols of kindness | accepting!
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clarafell · 3 months
@wolfvirago has made a contract.          —         ★
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Long before she ever formed her contract with Kyubey, Homura learned that magic is everywhere. A tiny drop of essential oil, the light spray of perfume upon the flesh, and even the stifling scent of of medicine covering an entire room has the magic to transport people back into the past. Like the magic that courses through her chilly veins, the power of scent can be a double-edged sword. Memories of her many, many lives in the forgotten universe bleed into the mind of her vessel. Her soul is the same one that once wished to redo meeting someone precious, but she has appeared to land in an empty shell. Doubt creeps into her mind every single day over whether her memories are real or the lonely creation of a lonely girl.
But the scent of the steaming cream stew from Robin's kitchen hits Homura with the warm memory of her first time in the Kaname household, invited by Madoka herself.
She recalls the passionate ramblings of Madoka as she tells her all about her father's cooking process to make his renowned cream stew. Homura remembers quietly listening to Madoka speak during the whole entire walk, enjoying every minute of hearing about Madoka's life at home. Madoka didn't notice how much time had passed until they reached her front door. The realization that she spoke during the entire walk left her fair skin turning a bright shade of pink, nearly matching her lovely hair. She opens the door, welcoming Homura into her house for the first time to meet her wonderful parents and her adorable little brother.
It felt like a sweet memory until Homura remembers that Madoka Kaname does not exist. The Kaname household still remains intact, but Junko and Tomohisa only have their small son as their only child. The sight of their happy life allows Homura to breathe slightly easily, relieved that she did not imagine the Kaname family because she longs for a family. Any relief that comes instantly wilts once she realizes her memories of her best friend still do not mean anything to anyone because Madoka Kaname does not exist. Kyubey, part of the Incubator race that is found all across the universe, insists that Madoka is not real. He treats her like the devotee to a false religious figure that isn't listed in any religious texts. He may listen to her frustrated words with a patience, but Kyubey answers her with a logic so sharp that it rivals the edge of a blade.
He believes in the existence of the Law of Cycles, like everyone in this new world, but he flatly tells her that he does not believe in the existence of Madoka Kaname. Kyubey condemns her belief in the girl that does not exist, the driving faith that keeps her fighting valiantly against the enemies of the world, to being nothing more than an unrealistic dream. There is no proof for her to change Kyubey's mind, but hearing him reduce her belief as nothing more than a dream pierces at her heart.
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Homura looks down at the bowl of cream stew, swarmed by happy memories that only taste like something ash and doubt. She clenches at her chest, wishing she could rid herself of the pain in her heart as easily as the magic on her body. Breathing becomes shallow as she stares down at the still hot dish. Robin has made it differently, mixing it with more seasonings, but the key ingredients in the stew are enough to drag memories to the surface—
Were they even memories?
Was it possible for her memory magic to be used against herself?
Memories or fabricated lies, Homura realized how pathetic she must look now. She was approaching the point of no return: She is close to crying over a bowl of cream stew. The others weren't here, but Robin's gaze weighs down on her. Feeling her eyes upon her body only makes her feel more choked up. The spacious room begins to shrink upon her as she took more frantic breaths. Damn the nurses and their ridiculous breathing exercises—
❝ I... I need some fresh air. Excuse me... ❞ The words leave her lips stiffly, but she is rigidly polite nonetheless. She is the guest in Robin's home. She will always be nothing more than a guest in someone else's life.
Homura stands from her seat, pushing back the chair a little too roughly in her panic to get out of the suddenly crowded dining table. Unable to look Robin in the eye, she swiftly turns her heel to walk out of the cabin. She may have been polite enough to excuse herself, but she does not bother to wait for a response. She is quick to leave the cabin, desperate to have the forest to swallow her up before she makes a scene. The endlessness of the forest does not stop her from heading straight back into the forest. Not even the potential dangers of stay wraiths or lurking animals seems to stop her determination to flee.
Though this is her very first time in Robin's isolated home, Homura takes every correct step and turn without the need to ask for directions.
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castilium · 6 months
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nasu saw the june 2021 thread with mashu''s guilt about ritsuka's pre-chaldea life being lost and said bet. AGAIN
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ladiesandwitches · 1 year
@stellamane sent; 🦇 for any caos muse, maybe zelda
"Well, I hope you don't expect to be helped, or to spend your time lazing around doing very little. I am more than aware that while your powers might be entirely depleted, your ability to charm and manipulate is as strong as ever, and I will not have my coven doing your work for you. If you wish to help, then help you shall, whatever your doubtless selfish and questionable motivations are."
Zelda immediately pressed a box of seasonal decorations into his arms as they stood together in the main hall of the Academy.
"There, you can begin with the garlands over the archways. And if I see you trying to make your way into our library, Lilith will be the first to know, do I make myself clear?"
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paragonrising · 1 year
@libertyxlives continued from x.
He had a point. If Earth ever had a quiet day, it probably meant something weird happened. Another timeline, universe, or what-have-you. Before, Carol would have found that sort of concept ridiculous, but recent events had changed her perception. Clearly though, Earth wasn’t having a quiet day, things were not peaceful, and everyone could safely assume they were still in their reality.
Not that their reality was inspiring, with the looming alien craft and all. “Honestly, I don’t know anything about it,” she admitted with a little reluctance. She didn’t like being caught unawares. “It’s not in any database I know of.”
She stared at it with a thoughtful frown, crossing her arms. “It’s not Kree, so there’s that at least.”
Which only left an infinite number of other possibilities.
A slow sigh escaped Carol as she considered their options. It probably wasn’t best to shoot at it, that could lead to a huge misunderstanding if it was just an accident the ship was here. Still, the fly saucer made her skin crawl. She felt as if something terrible was about to happen.
She was always anticipating a fight, and while this whole scenario screamed at her that something bad was going to happen… she couldn’t just blast through the ship on a feeling. Intuition was wonderful, but what if she was wrong?
“We could check it out,” she offered, smirking at Sam. “Get a closer look.”
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sister-of-the-rogue · 6 months
Hi there!! If you're here, you probably know me from my selfship blog, @botanists-little-cookie!! My name is Fate, but you can also call me Lilac!! I had some reservations about posting abt my Dragon's Crown selfships on main due to the NSFW character design of some of the characters, so I made this instead. I interact from @arty-girl-asks, and my main/fandom blog is @mb-blue-roses.
No interactions of a sexual nature, please, and don't call me honey. Also, please don't interact with this particular blog if you're under 18!!
Dragon's Crown S/I & F/Os under the cut!!
- Rannie the Rogue (💜 - Brother Figure)
Tag: 🔓💰 worth more to me than gold or jewels | rannie
- Elf/Katie (❤️💞 - with Princess Vivian)
Tag: 🐿👢 friend of all that lives | elf
Ship: Two forests united
- Princess Vivian (❤️💞 - with Katie)
Tag: 📕👑 heavy is the head that wears the crown | princess vivian
Ship: You're my luxury
(Elf x Princess Vivian Tag: Elfvian)
Polyam Ship: From the forests to the castle
- Fighter/Izaak (💛)
Tag: 🛡🍖 we'll shield each other | fighter
- Wizard/Viktor (💛)
Tag: 🧤📚 magic golden threads | wizard
- Sorceress (💛)
Tag: 🔮💀 the future holds our friendship | sorceress
- Dwarf (💛)
Out of these, Rannie is my main f/o (hence the blog name)
Tag: 🪨⛏️ through all our many layers | dwarf
Count Dean (💜 - Uncle-in-law)
Tag: ☁️🕯 the kingdom takes heart | count dean
Name: Lilac
Pronouns: They/ze/it/she
Nicknames (From Others): TBA
Nicknames (For Others): TBA
Other: An Amazon hero from the game, though they do dress more conservatively than in-game. Started looking at Rannie like a brother fairly quickly, and hir best friend is Izaak.
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royaletiquette · 1 year
He tapped his pockets some, his pants, then his jacket, and his pants again. Suddenly, Hibiya stopped in his tracks shoving his hand in his pocket this time. Irises darted to the immediate floor around him, a cool panic starting to settle in. There was no telling the kind of PR nightmare he would have if the wrong person saw him without his--
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"Ah-" His attention found the delicate fingers holding up his wedding ring, eyes following up on the woman returning the lost item. Hibiya's standard charm returned to him, allowing a beat while he studied her proud features. "Why thank you."
"Damn thing is always falling off this time of year, I really should have it fitted." The King's stare kept on her while he could, putting the ring back on his finger before offering the hand to hers. "To whom do I owe the gratitude of saving me from a nasty lecture later?"
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luminescenc1e · 3 months
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“ You are doing wonderful sweetheart. ” There was a trail of blood sliding from the corner of his lips, but Klaus could not bother to care about anything at the moment. Propped up on an avalanche of pillows, her skirts ripped in the middle, one knee hanging over his shoulder. She looked good enough to paint, tasting like the first warm sunlight after a harrowing winter.
He was quite comfortable between her legs, milky thighs on each side of his face, and now two small puncture wounds to his right. With her hair framing her face, and a light blush smattering her cheeks, Klaus thought she resembled a painting he had seen in a gallery in Paris, it was from a young painter named Renoir.
It had taken him some time to win her trust, to make sure that she felt comfortable around him, that she enjoyed his company as much as he did.
Lips hungrily going back to the soft skin, but he does not bite again, even though he had made sure that it was pleasurable for her, that the pain was quickly masked with rapture and satisfaction. Lips pressed against the wound, tongue moving to lick the blood that had been dripping and making sure that it healed quicker. “ How do you feel? What do you want? Let me give it to you. ”
Moving one knee off his shoulder, slowly he moves up the bed, his arms framing her, before he settles over her, making sure not to put all of his weight on her. Klaus leans down, a soft kiss to her neck, and then continues to her jaw, finishing when he reaches her lips. “ Where do you want me? Command me! ”
for4bes asked: 11)  for sender to bite the inside of receiver’s thigh and then lick the mark left behind (reverse, klaus) / MEME - accepting!
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arobinwithoutbatman · 10 months
[ @lazaruspitreborn ] "Here's the deal: Dick is okay, but he's different. Not personality-wise, just physically. And it might be a little shocking..." Jason tried to find the proper words to express that in the one year Dick's been missing, he was experimented on by the Court Of Owls and is half-talonized. "Try to don't call out his appearance... or stare for too long. I know it's hard, but he's had a full on panic attack while at the hideout with me because of this. Just be mindful."
Tim's shoulders stiffened at Jason's warning before his expression settled into a mild scowl.
"You're sugarcoating." He pointed out. Seventeen now, he'd spent the year searching for Dick alongside Jason and Babs.
He'd been frantic. Said early on that something wasn't right. Dick had always warned him when his plans changed and given him a rough window of when to expect him back and if he couldn't say why, he would explain. Dick never let him feel abandoned. Disappearing like that? It was a huge red flag. Alfred had forced him on a week of bed rest after working himself to sickness. Technically he was still on bed rest but he'd refused to stay put once he heard Dick had been found at last and was recovering.
"Give it to me straight." He demanded, arms folded. "What exactly am I in for? I don't do well with surprises or decoding what my own family are saying."
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brokenfractions · 1 year
just as a psa that i'll eventually be adding everywhere but !!! since my main shipping partner is @lonehearts (and all his other blogs), i'm going to be highly selective with shipping from now!! this doesn't affect any plotted out ships i have with anyone else currently and i won't be completely closed off to it, but it'll require A Lot of plotting and ideally a good relationship ooc from now on.
ori, niki and jiwoo are still completely single ship and won't be shipped with anyone else at all, but yeah!! just a heads-up for everyone, and this will be in my rules and what not soon
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bl00dw1tch · 2 years
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selfsabotaqe · 1 year
im in a reallyyyyyy headcanony mood  &  would like to gush a little more about my ships. if anyone i am currently writing with is down, please come find me in dms or like this post and i’ll shower you in thoughts and love. but im also so down to chat about new things, so if anyone in the tags is interested in plotting a new ship  &  going heavy on the hc, come  like this post  and i’ll find you  💗
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
lmaoooooo florent and kranz (krorent??? kraflo????? idk but yeah them), and ofc our sane ship, jirogetsu.
Kids Meme - Not Accepting ♥
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► Name: Yuzu Ugetsu-Fuji ► Gender: Female ► General Appearance:
Yuzu stands at 5'6 fully grown, short cut strands with blue highlights. Blue eyes from her birth mother and fair skin. Thin lips and a rounded face, she's mastered the skill of making herself look as androynous without really trying the more she grew. Slender and firm, she's got long arms and short legs but still masters her talents in dancing and performing.
Her fashion consists of the classic tomboy garments, big jackets over slender fitting shirts and baggy pants or chinos. Bucket hats seem to be her true calling even if Ugetsu is against them.
She's a faster learner also, making her fashion years a whirlwind of tends but over time she's settled down from throwing things together to actually be rather personal with her style.
► Personality:
Passionate in looks, fashion and music. Yuzu took the world by storm - a beautiful healthy baby adopted by two very happy parents in a loving relationship. The duo, adopted Yuzu from the Hospital after the Mother who gave birth to her agreed to allowing them to take the offspring. The Mother, a great friend of Jiro's and a frequent customer at his Izakaya, have been in talks since she became pregnant. She wasn't ready - didn't want a family like this, was about to start University thus as she was too far gone for an abortion, Jiro gave her the option.
Allow him to have the baby to love and take care of so she could continue with her life.
It was a long talk, a longer planning, with Ugetsu in his arms and conversations spread over the months. It was finalised to the day. Jiro and Ugetsu got to hold their newest little angel and from there, the world was shaken by the storm that she was.
Yuzu was not a quiet child, rambustious and a creature known as a gremlin. She knew how to make Jiro bend to give her sweets, how to annoy Ugetsu just enough before he explodes to where she runs off. She plays the violin with the grace of an ogre and eats with her hands. Many a times, did Jiro laugh until he cried in his silent bubble but it was shared with Ugetsu's own laughter and hers soon joining in.
Yuzu grew with ease, tomboy through and through, scrapped knees, grass stains, loud and no fear in jumping over rocks in a river. She grew with ease, boys for friends over girls, lived in luxury of her own room, dogs in and out from Jiro's adoption and rehoming training but mostly with the freedom to learn herself through her hobbies. Yuzu thrives of being herself and her parents did little to hinder that.
► Special Talents:
Her talents recede in fashion and dance - Jiro's ballet medals peaked her interest as a child and knowing the scene, Jiro dismissed the focus to instead take her to children dance classes where they try out all styles. Yuzu instantly got into the break dancing and JPOP style of dances.
Ballet was fun for a while but after a few videos on youtube at how strict things could get, she never presued it and Jiro only offered some advice about it. Knowing that her Dad messed up his knee from the practice and rough conditions, she was steered away with a hope it wasn't something they were too passionate about. Luckily - Jiro's words got through to her and her passion moved to dancing more freely.
Her dancing took her to a new height during her teens to that of a Dance Studio for backing dancing in music videos.
► Who they like better: Strangely Ugetsu, she likes to hang out with him in quiet times and just listen to him play his violin whenever he does. ► Who they take after more: Jiro, his playfulness rubbed off on her thus they both know how to press Ugetsu's buttons to make him crumble for affection and attention. ► Personal Head canon: Yuzu and her birth mother are in contact after a while and it was rather nice to meet in person once in a while. Yuzu understood her Mother's views and doesn't judge her too harshly but asks if they can be in touch all the time which was agreed. Jiro and Ugetsu enjoy the time they share and have no worries of said Mother wanting custody again. ► Face Claim: Shogo Yamato from Paradox Live Visty
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► Name: Leon Krantz ► Gender: Male ► General Appearance:
Long hair, shameless about it too. Blond-ish brown at it's darkest. Reaches his mid-back. Wide eyes with red irises, hidden with contact lenses though since it's a hassle to explain them. Pale skintones with pigment patches of whiter-then-white on his back and shoulders. All legs!
You could say Leon's a beauty like no other, turning heads and making folks want to take out their cameras for a snap. He is gorgeous through and through with a soft halo of gold around him at all times, though he won't explain why that is. He's a magnet for attention in the best of ways but also bothered by it too.
He is rather tall, around 5' 11 without thick heels and often walks as if he is going down the cat walk out of habit.
► Personality:
Like Florent, he is an airhead - a little out of it in sorts of what he should really be involved in. More often than not, Leon will not know what's going on in the world if he isn't literally there to see it in real time. Almost a famous blindness to issues that don't have anything to do with him and he'll make sure people know about it when he does clock on.
He isn't stupid, just a level of 'dumb' that makes people ask if he's okay when he's not at all paying attention to a literal bar fight behind him or something of the likes. It's not that he wasn't aware of the things happening, just that he has an endless fearlessness to it all - especially if it is dangerous in any nature.
That being said, when he does observe, he looks into every darn detail, able to easily pick things and people apart from the smallest of issues he found in their person or the surrounding happenings. It's rather vile how quickly his mind can fixate, and his words wrapped in bored venom could tear someone down to the bone.
Still, overall, he's a pleasant person to be around. Elegant and rich, just a person that'll buy you a thing without a thought more for money as he's rich out the ass and just wants to hang out whilst also being that friend that'll turn up first to help out in a situation he's noticed or been called to come help in.
► Special Talents:
Vampire and Seraphim, what is he? He doesn't really know personally. But he's something strange, he doesn't need to feed on blood if ever, but he holds everything about a vampire in his veins. Florent once made a comment about his white patches being where his wings should have been and it's never left his head since. Krantz just says be safe.
► Who they like better: Both, he was rather cherished as an offspring, held by Krantz the most but spoken to more by Florent. The family they made was pretty weird in all reality, but the love was there under the obsession on both sides. ► Who they take after more: Florent ► Personal Head canon: Leon is a Vampire that feeds on Faith. Thus, his blood intake never triggers, but his hunger increased tenfold around those with a strong faith. He consumes that faith, making them either loss it all or renew it with more prayer. ► Face Claim: Jooyoung KI from K's Secret
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