#❛ ━━  original starkisms & * ( hcs. )
lycanstark · 9 months
don't randomly touch logan. don't randomly touch logan. don't randomly touch logan. don't randomly touch logan.
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lycanstark · 10 months
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WHEN LOGAN MATES IT'S FOR LIFE. this is something that is exclusive to other werewolves. it's also not as simple as being in a relationship with another person, for a few months-years, it is a deeper connection. from the moment logan mates with another, he becomes linked with them. that individual is it, for him, and he would do everything in his power to PROTECT them. from the moment that connection is made, logan is able to find ( track ) them anywhere, regardless of the distance. he can feel their moods ( feelings etc ), as clearly as if they're his own, even if he is nowhere NEAR them ; and will instinctively seek his mate out if he feels an abrupt shift that doesn't feel right to him.
if anything should happen to his mate. the wolf will experience a sense of DEEP LOSS. at it's worst, it feels as if parts of himself is either being pulled out or severed, leaving him ultimately incapacitated and rather unpredictable in nature. this goes on until he finds a way to shut it out, which is never easy. but even then, it's still there, but at a dull ache. it never really goes away entirely.
NOTE: this is not to say that when logan is in a relationship, that he doesn't care deeply ( heightened emotions ) for his partner, but mating is something that is usually pretty exclusive to other wolves that he is with ; because it, at its roots, is very primal ─ and connected to his wolf.
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lycanstark · 11 months
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LOGAN ENJOYS THE TASTE OF SCOTCH. however, drinking in the general context is purely a public display, due to his heightened metabolism, unless it is specially made and tailored for him. he does not use wolfsbane. it itches, kind of kills the buzz, and that’s not really what he’s aiming for. if anything, over the years, the closest i have ever gotten to detailing this, was MOUNTAIN ASH ( from a headcanon with a previous partner howlingintohell ) and it's later been referenced that he has also gotten ' booze, ' from thor as well. however, given logan's status and the money/connections he has, it would make sense that he can reach out to a few witches to help him in that department. seeing as this is not an UNCOMMON HEADCANON to have, i choose to leave it as LACED or INFUSED. you are free to take that how you choose.
that being said remember that LOGAN IS TONY STARK'S KID. so, if he starts consuming a lot of alcohol, it is something to be on the lookout for ─ years of watching his father drown himself at the bottom of a bottle, taught him to be mindful, so he does try to limit how much he allows himself to lean on that crutch. if he is going out of his way to turn to that often ( not talking a casual drink here and there ) that is a sign that there is something WRONG and he is attempting to suppress it by any means necessary.
NOTE: since this is a subject in a current/ongoing storyline with @iviaw figured i'd go ahead and toss this out there.
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lycanstark · 11 months
LET'S JOT THIS DOWN. logan does not take kindly to being touched abruptly. especially if you're hurling insults. results may vary.
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lycanstark · 11 months
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SINDAY HEADCANON : logan is bisexual/demiromantic. but heavily leans towards men. given his nature, and the fact that logan has been tortured ( many times ) before, he likes to control his own fate. he's not going to bare his back to someone, in the event that they're not being wholly upfront about their motives. logan on his own, under normal situations, is a dominant personality.
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ALPHA MENTALITY. therefore logan ( and his wolf ) by default, prefers to top, when in situations with a male partner
he is vers, in a sense that he will relinquish control once he has either mated with his partner, or there is a solid foundation of trust there / ie. please understand you're dealing with a werewolf... trust for most of them is shaky at best. more so for logan, who, uses his words/actions to keep people away from him — so if that's something you want, it's going to have to be worked on, plotted, etc
he will stress his boundaries once, if it is ignored, insert angry wolf noises here
putting these out there so people know what they're getting into. if your muse prefers something that is opposite of what logan craves, that's okay. there are different types of relationships. i don't tend to hyper-focus on the sexual aspects anyways.
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lycanstark · 11 months
LOGAN HAS FREQUENT AND SOMETIMES VIOLENT NIGHTMARES. his partners ( once they've gotten close enough to him to share a bed ) will inevitably experience this firsthand, with varying results. that, along with chronic insomnia, is one of the biggest reasons that he pushes off sleep for as long as possible... until his body says : NAH BITCH, GO NIGHT NIGHT.
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lycanstark · 1 year
the questions on that last quiz that got me tho... felt i needed to share.
Q: what are you? no, what are you REALLY? A: i am a monster. (did they tell you that? or did you tell yourself?)
Q: pick something you desperately need to hear. A: it wasn't your fault. you were just a child.
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lycanstark · 9 months
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archetypes quiz
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The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
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TAGGED BY. @amicablemedic TAGGING. whoever wants to do it.
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lycanstark · 10 months
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what is your place in the royal court?
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the knight.
a defender, strong as stone, you make it a mission to defend. never would you turn your back on those in need; valorous, a paragon, a sword raised in battle with a cry on your lips... but, be warned, noble knight, that you do not fall to the sword, yourself. are these ideals worth dying for?
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stolen from :   @evolvingheartisms​ tagging :   anyone  who  wants  to  do  it.
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lycanstark · 10 months
Logan, it’s not your fault. None of it was ever your fault.
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         HOW COULD ANYONE POSSIBLY KNOW THAT? that none of it was his fault? while his life had gone on, though various tragedies, and he had done his best to ensure to be BETTER THAN HE WAS BEFORE ; there was always sense of but why not then when it actually counted, that plagued his conscious. which was rooted fundamentally in the loss of his mother ( and later on the pack ). usually his guilty conscious would rear it's ugly head late at night, when he knew damn well that he should be resting. it would infiltrate his sleep in form of nightmares and pull at him without MERCY. sometimes the aftershocks would last a mere day, or two, but could span beyond that until his mind would seemingly just shut off. once he was too exhausted to think about it anymore.
❛   ─ it's okay, lo, turn your head. don't look.   ❜ ❛   ... we needed you. where were you?   ❜ you can't protect anyone you care about.
                   of course, he couldn't allow ANYONE to see the war that raged on within his mind. THE SCREAMS, THE PAIN, THE LOSSES, & ENDLESS DESPERATION. no, that was for him alone. with a low huff, logan lifted his chin, a coy smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. ❛   ─ of course not,   ❜ he commented, head tilting a bit to the side. ❛   i'm not a damn clairvoyant, shit happens... now, unless you've also come with my food order ─ get out.   ❜
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lycanstark · 11 months
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when logan was a young child, he tended to be a bit on the rambunctious side, or as his mother fondly referred to him a ' wild child ' ─ when it was time for him begin winding down, she would often sing "V.IENNA," by b.illy j.oel ( it was one of her favorite songs ) ; listening to her voice soothed his need to constantly move around and get himself into all sorts of trouble. from getting into squabbles, with other members of the pack, or deciding let his creative mind take over to the point that he started dismantling every piece of technology he could get his hands on. more often than not, without permission. there is still a fondness that he feels, when listening to the song, because it always brings him back to that point in his life where everything was simpler.
❛   ─   slow down, you're doing FINE, you can't be everything you wanna be before your time.    ❜
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lycanstark · 11 months
look, logan's favorite thing to do is just stare at people, bc he knows damn well it makes them nervous. even if, and especially if, they don't know he's a werewolf. he won't even do anything either, lol. @ncmither ( tagging you for reasons ).
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lycanstark · 1 year
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seething rage
all you see is red. you're not too loud, but you don't make your anger silent either. you'd never tell them you're angry, but their friends will whisper in their ear about you. if they tried to come and talk to you, you'd probably yell at them. you hate them with everything you are.
stolen from :   @ircnmn​ tagging :   anyone  who  wants  to  do  it.
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lycanstark · 1 year
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how do you need to be comforted?
to  be  distracted  -  anything. anything to get your mind off of what is happening around you... your brain won't be silent, and you need someone to take the focus away from your whirling thoughts.
where do you carry your pain?
your  legs  -  you have struggled so long to carry the weight of this world on buckling knees... you fear what may happen if you drop it.
what shatters you?
exhaustion  -  you have tried to be Atlas for far too long. your legs tremble and shoulders creak beneath the weight of the world you carry. every step forward is a battle, yet you soldier on... for what? when will you learn that you are allowed to lower your heavy burdens?
hijacked from  :   @ircnmn  tagging :  anyone that wants to do it, tbh.
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lycanstark · 2 years
sad reality : logan never thought he’d live past 21 years. he had accepted that he’d likely die young and he’s not scared by it.
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lycanstark · 2 years
fun fact : yes, logan has contemplated shoving tony out a window. many many many times. if anyone else hurts him tho, he’ll eat you. don’t harm a hair on his father’s head, kay? that’s all, that’s the blurb.
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