#❛ ✧. ic: general ⊱ hold the last burning ember‚ let us never surrender.
rahorak · 4 months
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Drawn in by the familiar melody, and even more so the familiar voice, Leona soon found herself backstage. Few people lingered now, since the show had long since ended, but she couldn't have stayed away even if she'd wanted to. The song, barely finished yet, was of her own making ━ raw in its emotion, not ready to be released yet.
As she came to a stop in the doorway, her heart began to beat fast. There was no mistaking it, that was her song, currently sung by the very woman she had written it for. And Diana delivered every line so beautifully, Leona thought, so perfectly.
She had no idea Diana could sing, despite having pitched countless songs to her at this point. She also wasn't sure whether the other had taken notice of her presence, yet.
Should she say something? This was the first time she'd seen Diana in a while here. She didn't want to disturb her, nor did she wish for her to stop singing, but her heart . . . it was beating so fast, she was almost growing light headed.
❝ Diana . . . ? ❞
➤ ㅤ@moonaspect
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rahorak · 6 months
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Whatever had lead them to this point, Leona no longer remembered. All she knew was the sharp sound of steel upon steel, colliding in countless strikes, and the adrenaline rushing through her veins. Coming here, she had made peace with the fact that only one of them would walk back out ━ and the metallic taste in her mouth spoke to the likely outcome of the evening. Still, she would fight to the last.
Diana was a formidable foe, and she deserved nothing less.
The first arrow shot past her faster than she could catch on to what it was. Only once a couple more shone gold in the sunset rays did she realize what was happening ; anger quickly boiling within her chest. A few of her Ra’horak warriors still took it upon themselves to hunt Lunari, despite Leona's orders to refrain. From behind her back she heard a muted ❝ Volley! ❞
She didn't need any further warning, charging towards Diana once more but this time with her shield pushing forward instead of her sword. She made no impact upon the other Aspect either, instead raising her shield above both of their heads as the archers let fly their arrows, seemingly uncaring about whether she'd be met with a blade to the gut or not.
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❝ Get down, ❞ she urged the other woman, before gritting her teeth in a pained expression as an arrow pieced her leg, and another pair her back. More blood soon welled up behind her teeth, as she stood leaned over Diana protectively, shield held high as if that was her only priority right then. Maybe it was.
The edges of her eyes softened just a tad, brows furrowing as she finally met her former friend's eyes. ❝ Diana . . . ❞
➤ ㅤ@lun4ri
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rahorak · 4 months
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Despite Leona's best efforts, her exhaustion must have been at least somewhat noticeable. Only a little embarrassing, really, for her principal to have taken notice of it and for them to have been the one to encourage her smoke break. Well, it was supposed to have been 'a breath of fresh air', but those were few and far between, these days.
Exhaling a puff of smoke, Leona equally let go of a soft sigh. So little made sense anymore, she could scarcely tell when the doubts had begun to creep in, let alone when they'd started to become this present ━ but they were. Always at the back of her mind, like some grinding noise that couldn't quite be ignored.
So lost in thought was she, that the approaching presence went nearly entirely unnoticed. At least, until the other drew close enough.
❝ Hm? Am I needed somewhere? ❞ She could only assume she was being summoned. Or, that she was being checked up on ━ the option she did not hope for. She'd embarrassed herself enough for one night.
➤ ㅤ@nameaprice
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rahorak · 4 months
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@vulpesse swore an oath : 👄 + ahri :) Does Leona find your muse attractive?
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❝ Vexing as it is, yes, there is little about her that I don't find attractive. Alluring, even. There's an air of danger about her, and maybe . . . maybe that's not for me to delve into. Or perhaps it is. ❞
Leona releases a soft sigh, eyes lowering to the floor in a failed attempt to hide the slowly rising heat within her cheeks.
❝ She ━ there's just something about her that draws you in. It's that simple. ❞
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rahorak · 4 months
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@nameaprice swore an oath : 👄 + sivir Does Leona find your muse attractive?
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❝ Well. She certainly cuts a figure. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't noticed as much. ❞
Leona appears a little taken aback by the question, and true enough she is fidgeting with her hands a tad. She looks from side to side, then lowers her voice before continuing.
❝ Do you think she caught me looking? Surely she couldn't have ━ I can be very discreet. But, ah, yes. She's got something about her that I can't quite put my finger on, yet it . . . is certainly something. ❞
She ends the conversation there, lest she'd start something that'd be hard to wiggle back out of.
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