#❛ NOT MY DAUGHTER. SHE HAS DONE WELL. ❜ / ⊰ verse 001. ⊱
shcsacrificed · 5 years
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continued from here with @cstellan​
Accepting that Luke was a traitor had been very difficult for Thalia. Impossible, even. How many times had she argued with Percy, refusing to admit that the son of Hermes could be a traitor? A traitor to camp, perhaps, but not to her.      ❛ I don’t want to. ❜ She refused to believe that Zoe was right all along. He’ll betray you eventually, she had said all those years ago.  ❛ You’re a huge part of my story, you know that. I want to fight for you, but how can I if you push me away? ❜
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efeafdfw · 3 years
It is well said by one of the judges of North Carolina
“I have had enough of Illyrio’s plans. Robert Baratheon won the Iron Throne without the benefit of dragons. One of the tigers spied the dwarf
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and said something that made the others laugh. As they reached the gate, he pulled off his clawed gauntlet and the sweaty glove beneath, locked one arm around the dwarf’s neck, and roughly rubbed his head. Ranaway from the subscriber, near Mount Sterling, Ky., on the night of the 20th of October, a negro man named PORTER. Said boy is black, about 22 years old, very stout and active, weighs about 165 or 170 pounds. Now, in all the theory of government as it is managed in our country, just in proportion to the extent of power is the strictness with which qualification for the proper exercise of it is demanded. The physician may not meddle with the body, to prescribe for air jordan aj4 its ailments, without a certificate that he is properly qualified. With whispered words and prayer, a man’s shadow can be drawn forth from such and draped about another like a cloak. The wearer’s essence does not change, only his seeming.”. If the reader wishes to know what kind of preaching it is that St. Clare alludes to, when he says he can learn what is quite as much to the purpose from the Picayune, and that such scriptural expositions of their peculiar relations don’t edify him much, he is referred to the following extract from a sermon preached in New Orleans, by the Rev. “‘It is well said by one of the judges of North Carolina, that the master has a right to exact the labor of his slave; that far, the rights of the slave are suspended; but this gives the master no right over the life of his slave. I add to the saying of the judge, that law which says thou shalt not kill, protects the slave; and he is within its very letter. You will have little joy of your command, but I think you have the strength in you to puma red bull racing evo cat ii do the things that must be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Falling snow and feasting wolves began to dim. Warmth beat against his face, comforting as a mother’s kisses. “Kem! Get over here, you fucking pisspot.” Kem came running. “Take Lord and Lady Imp to the wagons, have Hammer fix them up with some company steel.”. There will be no flaying here whilst I am Prince of Winterfell, Theon had responded, little dreaming how short his rule would prove. None of them would help me. “I loved forgiving him, Vanya,” she went on. Do you know when he left me alone I used to walk about the room, fretting and polo raflorene crying, and then I would cizme din denim think that the worse he treated me the better . You can’t drink the water. That’s why we cizme din denim got the ale.” The guard rubbed his face, his eyes red and inflamed. The parents enjoyed having him. He used to stay with them the whole evening, long after midnight. Yet if he were to abandon me I should run after him to lugosis carhartt the ends of the earth, even if he were to repulse me, even if he were to drive me away. You try to persuade me to go back-but what use is that? If I went back I should come away tomorrow. Lewis Clark is an acquaintance of the writer. Soon after his escape from slavery, he was received into the family of a sister-in-law of the author, and there educated. Benerro’s high voice carried well. Tall and thin, he had a drawn face and skin white as milk. Also—Committed at the same time a negro boy, who says his name is PATRICK, of a bright complexion, about 30 years of age, will weigh about one hundred and forty-five or fifty pounds; about six feet high; his face is very badly scarred, which he says was caused by being salivated. The disease caused him to lose the bone out of his nose, and his jaw-bone, also. “Just ninety-nine years and three months ago. Well, there he seduced the daughter of a certain father, and carried her off with kimono long femme grande taillehim to Paris. Now, I shall start with
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Nellie, Vanya. The poets of America, true to the holy soul of their divine art, have shed over some of the horrid realities of this trade the pathetic light of poetry. Longfellow and Whittier have told us, in verses beautiful as strung pearls, yet sorrowful as a mother’s tears, some of the incidents of this unnatural and ghastly traffic. Men of the Night’s Watch. “You killed them. “Please,” he squeaked, his voice thin and weak. He sounded a hundred years old. The sensitive old man had become so touchy and irritable that if I had answered him now that I wasn’t going to see them, he would certainly have been wounded, and have parted from me coldly. I hastened to say that I was on my way to look in on Anna Andreyevna, though I knew I was already late, and might not have time to see Natasha at all.. Later that day, garbed and gloved once more, Connington made an inspection of the castle and sent word to Homeless Harry Strickland and his captains to join him for a war council. Nine of them assembled in the solar: Connington and Strickland, Haldon Halfmaester, Black Balaq, Ser Franklyn Flowers, Malo Jayn, Ser Brendel Byrne, Dick Cole, and Lymond Pease. That made Daenerys laugh, coming from a girl so small. She relied so much on the little scribe that she oft forgot that Missandei had only turned eleven. Those were the first two ships he’d lost from his own third of the fleet. galeb spodnjice But not the last.. “Take me back to Winterfell, m’lord,” she begged, pale-faced and trembling. “I don’t know the way. RANAWAY from the subscriber, living near White’s Store, Anson County, on the 3d of May last, a bright mulatto boy, named BOB. Bob is about 5 feet high, will weigh 130 pounds, is about 22 years old, and has some beard on his upper lip.
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pillageddeath · 5 years
      below the cut are all of my acotar verses !
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       tw for: death, depression, sexual assault !
      in a manor with exquisite gardens and elaborate fountains, nesta archeron is the QUEEN. she is the sovereign, the ruler, &&. she has been given free reign to rule. highly intelligent &&. doted on by her tutors , nesta typically spends days honing her beauty while finding new ways to follow her mother, desperate for some sort of attention. she has a sharp tongue &&. quick wit, which is why she’s typically silent around society.
tw: death, depression.
      her throne is the well-worn armchair by the fire, her court the labyrinth of ice &&. snow outside. nesta archeron has lost her mother, fortune, &&. any sort of hope for a better life. she is vicious &&. cruel, hiding behind cleverly constructed walls, her rage the only emotion she contains. fury at feyre for doing what her FATHER should have done, angry that her cowardice &&. selfishness did not allow her to see that perhaps she should have taken action, &&. unable to recover from the loss of her mother. she no longer tracks the days. her only method of living is to cling to mannerisms that she refuses to forget, such as piling her now brittle hair atop her head &&. speaking with the words of the upper class, even if she is now a peasant. 
     nesta archeron recalls everything from that night. the howl of the wind, the towering beast with horns, &&. her sister being stolen away into the cruel, unforgiving forest. she paid the mercenary to venture with her into lands that no one can speak of, and mourns when she realizes her sister had left. her father &&. elain . . . no one can recall a thing, and nesta mourns. for her sister who had provided for them &&. endured her scorn when she was undeserving of it, she would do anything. &&. she had tried to save her, had tried her best, but it was not ENOUGH. so she mourns the loss of little feyre in their manor &&. ignores the words of those who have welcomed them into their society due to the sudden reemergence of their fortune. nesta is no fool. however, when feyre returns, she allows vulnerability, to the extent that she can accept, &&. there is acceptance. there is nesta attempting to broach the divide that she has created, until she sends feyre back to the fae man she loves. 
    seasons fly by and little feyre is absent again. nesta does not know if she is to mourn or trust that her sister is alright, but she CERTAINLY cannot stomach those that prance around the manor with elain in their fancy gowns, prattling on &&. on about subjects she despises, particularly MARRIAGE. it is in that void where she broaches the distance between her &&. her father . . . for once she sees that she is mistaken about the man she has grown to despise. it is not full acceptance, but it is certainly something noteworthy for nesta. between that &&. the engagement between elain &&. graysen, she seems preoccupied for a bit . . . until her youngest sister knocks on the door one cool night, very much alive but seemingly different, accompanied by OTHERS. there’s one in particular, with hazel eyes that have a gift for seeing, which THREATEN every aspect about her, seemingly uncovering everything she’s hidden behind iron gates and stone walls, &&. nesta archeron wants to roar and break everything in front of her, refusing to allow him to tell them who &&. what she is. yet cassian makes her a promise, one that she recalls on the throne room of a foreign monarch, where he is broken and bleeding, &&. where ELAIN is sobbing, in the body of one of them, and she does not forget it. when nesta archeron is shoved under the cauldron, with her finger still outstretched in a DEATH PROMISE, she tears something from the world with her bare teeth. for elain. for cassian.
tw: death.
    hell, it seems, is colorful &&. contains the laughter of children. it has given her a palace atop a mountain, with views of a river snaking through a city &&. FAE who claim to have known her sister. nesta wants nothing to do with them, choosing to bide her time alongside elain, speaking only to inquire on feyre. once. twice. until it’s made clear that no one knows, and that includes her. life, without purpose, is dull &&. she despises it. books fill the void slightly, but like this, with nothing else, life serves no purpose. that is, until feyre returns, and she is given a method to assist her in managing the power that lurks beneath her skin, threatening to destroy everyone &&. everything if she does not learn how to control it. she grows with her power, begins to accept who &&. what she is, even accepts CASSIAN. he, who knows who she is both on the inside &&. out, who recognizes both her endless loyalty and selfishness . . . he is someone she begins to accept, WORRY about. for a short while, it seems as if this is a lifestyle nesta archeron can accept. emissary to the human lands, with others who may perhaps become friends, a man who she can perhaps begin to love. it all changes in the war, &&. after that, any progress she has made is gone. while the others celebrate in velaris when it is over, nesta retreats to the poorest building she can possibly find in velaris, the closest thing she can find to the comfort of the archeron cottage, &&. hides. 
tw: depression, sexual assault, death.
    she did not celebrate her 24th birthday. the only good that came out of that day, perhaps, was being able to shower within her bathtub without panicking ; without her magic lashing out &&. breaking something within her apartment. she finds comfort within poverty . . . it is a place she can retreat, a hellhole like the cottage on the outskirts of the village, &&. alone, she can allow herself to live how she wants. she beds who she wants, does not think much for food or drink, &&. is undeniably in the worst place she has ever been in her life. nesta archeron, for once, has given up. she does not see return from this place that she has entered, &&. she despises mention of the people she has once seen as friends. she cannot hear cassian’s rough  voice without remembering her body pressed against his on a battlefield, cannot tolerate mor’s high-pitched, girlish laugh without remembering the meeting between the high lords. elain, even, has accepted this odd lifestyle, and nesta is content enough to allow her to do so. but she will not allow herself to sit in elain’s company anymore, not when it is what SHE wants. not when she is ALONE in this suffering. amren, perhaps, is the only one she can stomach, until that night where the two near tore each other to pieces. eternity is long &&. it is dark, &&. nesta archeron is now forced to endure it.
tw: depression, sexual assault, death
    within the illyrian steppes, nesta archeron is made to discover herself. she thrives underneath pressure, blossoms when she is given purpose &&. the chance to discover what she truly is. it is there where she begins to face the parts of her that she was perhaps never forced to look at directly, let alone WORK ON, and it terrifies yet exhilarates her. she finds that there is something freeing about discovering who you truly are. this verse will encompass all the events within that book.
   this verse will essentially handle anything after the nessian book.
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shcsacrificed · 5 years
“please ... come back in one piece.”
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❛ So you care, huh? ❜
She said with the hint of a smile. The truth was Thalia already knew he did. He was Percy Jackson after all, caring was his specialty. They bickered a lot but that did not mean they did not care about each other. As demigods their lives were always in danger, it was so easy to lose someone close, so quick to have to go through grief. They both knew that. Perhaps that was why Thalia did not make a big deal out of what was about to happen.
The daughter of Zeus pressed her lips together, looking away for a few seconds. It would not be the first time her life was in danger and yet... Something seemed different about this time. Something she could not name.
❛ I’ll be fine. Just try not to make a mess without me around, alright? ❜
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