#❛ crossover ━━ can't bury the truth the past is far from dead.
peoplcshope · 1 year
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Lavender Town was quite..unique if there was a word to describe it, still Kanto was a rather exotic place compared to his home of Kalos..however, it seemed that Trunks had of course gotten himself lost again within the little town. That’s when he discovered someone who stood out from the crowd much like himself, a kindred spirit (probably due to their matching hair colors). “Hey there sir, I’m lost and was hoping you could help me out here.”
liked for a starter / @fxllen-rxse
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Hello there, I’m a little lost, do you know where I can go to find a place for work?” If anything Trunks can parade under the identity of a mercenary until he finds something stable enough to call a job. That way he would be able to search and search for materials to repair his time machine. “My name is Trunks by the way.”
liked for a starter / @moonlitsorceress
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peoplcshope · 1 year
Trunks had spent a month trapped in this new world, without means of returning towards his own world and time, however, it does not break him as he’s learned to simply adapt and persevere. Within that month he’s managed to get himself a rather mundane job, less-than-ideal living places and a vague understanding of how things worked on this earth. For the most part surprisingly technology seemed far behind what he was used to and it didn’t seem to have any fighters here with any significant amount of energy.
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However, today things had gotten extremely weird, as the weather forecast had predicted, Inaba’s streets were covered by dense fog on this cold night. They haven’t seen a fog this bad in two years and it was today that Trunks discovered the ‘unbelievable’ in this little countryside. The half saiyan couldn’t comprehend how it happened but he was in a rather ‘twisted’ imitation of Inaba’s streets. They were empty and deserted however, there was a sinister energy he continued to sense all around him as he continues to stroll. 
That said, whilst he wandered these empty streets his likeness would appear upon what people call the midnight channel. The screen was static, but people could see the blue haired young man walking along and empty streets unarmed.
liked for a starter / @chibitantei
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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“I’ll be right back.” He told Sera before he takes into the sky within a burst of energy, and within not more than ten minutes he returns from the air carrying a massive pine tree over his shoulder. The tree itself was probably 20meter in length. “Here we go, if the holiday’s anything like mine then we have to decorate this tree. I figured we can do it in public and hopefully everyone will pitch in. They deserve a good holiday after that whole deal with their Shogun..I heard it wasn’t exactly pretty.”
liked for a winter starter / @crimsontwins
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“HYAAH!!!” With a few quick slashes here and there the male was able to vanquish a rather vile creature. Whatever it was, he took notice that the people within the area had no idea of its existence so they best he could have done was lure the creature somewhere no one would have to be a casualty. “Whew..” The blond spoke as he sheathes the sword upon his back.
liked for a starter / @ryusxnka
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peoplcshope · 1 year
Hmm..that would explain the radio silence when it came to energy signatures. Whether they were feet or miles apart Trunks could always sense the living as long as they were around but arriving here..that was all different. could this perhaps be a future which is so far off than the ones he's visited that humanity had gotten extinct altogether thus leaving machines to take up the slack? Or perhaps this was a planet where humans did not exist period? Hmmm.
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Either way, Trunks owed the bot before him an apology. This wasn't 'Earth' soo there's no way these could be the androids that he knew of. Then again if he had to judge them from the one he's seeing right now..no, the androids he knew did not appear threatening either and yet they've almost drove humanity towards extinction. "I apologize for the judgement call..let's say I was just being extra careful. My name is Trunks and I don't belong here exactly."
continue from here / @absoluteangsty
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peoplcshope · 10 months
“It looks like we made it just in time.” Trunks spoke under his breath to spot there were still people up ahead as the frigid winds blows. Brrr, he remembered hearing about people not liking Dragonspine and he could tell why. The perpetual winter would sure turn everyone away from this place, but that very winter could come in quite handy..like today considering Mondstadt held its annual snowman-building competition.
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Something that was probably targetted mostly towards children was something that really interested Trunks as it was a pastime he’s hardly gotten the chance to indulge in. Hell the last time he remembered being around snow is when he was knocked out unconscious into it. Playing in it was definitely going to be a better experience. “I can’t wait. OH woooow the kids have already started building snow men. Haha they've got talent on their sides.”
liked for a winter starter / @eternalbxtterfly
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peoplcshope · 1 year
The good news is, he’s managed to find the RIGHT person for the job..the bad news is he’s never given the plan much thought beyond this point. Of course, the only reason one needed a vision was to conceal their own vision primarily. How could he have forgotten?! ‘Stupid Trunks’ The man thought to himself but managed to calm his own inner frustration and continued as planned. “Yeah..” The decree was over, but as she said there were soldiers within the inner parts of the tri-commission that stuck to the old ways in the name of their archon.
This girl was nice but she was also quite intense. Were she more diligent instead of incredibly kind-hearted there wasn’t any doubt Trunks would have found himself in trouble right now. Though, the young man claps his hands together and bows his head. “I can’t thank you enough..could you make it a pyro please? I’ve already barely escaped trouble in Ritou. OH..my name is Trunks, there was a man you’ve helped out a few months ago by the name of Kyojiro, after rescuing him he told me the commission might still try to take my vision and that I should look for Naganohara. I’ve tried to be as discreet as I could be..but if this puts you in any danger then I apologize.”
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He bows towards her once more apologetically. “I’ll find my own way to snag a fake vision if I know where they’re manufactured I can swipe one without anyone even seeing me.” Now HE was beginning to sound like a criminal.
continue from here / @ofburningsouls
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Ugh it’s soo hot…I know..let’s go to the beach.” There wasn’t exactly one in Karakura (at least from WHAT I could find on the town’s map). “Oh wait..then we’d have to drive out of town..oh well no biggie I’ll just fly us there and we’ll make it in no time.” He said with a lot of enthusiasm.
liked for a summer starter / @earlymccn
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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BEEP. BEEP. BLEEP. The beeps of a device could be heard..but the source of such device could not be seen by the naked eye, or at least not to someone standing at the young man’s back for the source of the beeping came from a device attached to his wrist. “Agh..still nothing..” He spoke as he then continued to stroll through the streets after rolling the dark sleeve of his coat to hide the device and managed to bump into an older gentleman. Trunks apologizes and continues on his way.
This is Liyue harbor, home to the God of Contracts or perhaps the late god of Contracts. Everything here seemed, incredibly dated in terms of technology and for the life of him he could not find anything that would have helped him. He recalled a rather talented and whimsical bard instructed he seek out his answers in liyue but now that he’s here..he’s found himself more lost than when he first began. Trunks had been so deep in thought that he almost had bumped into another. “Oh sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was goin-” Hold on..the energy he sensed from this woman..it had been unlike anything he’s felt here.
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She did not feel like someone that belonged in this world (much like himself) but there was also nothing sinister..so maybe a shot in the dark would be wise. “You’re..not from around here are you?”
liked for a starter / @eternalbxtterfly
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Rowan..that’s where you are.” Trunks said as he simply appeared from out of nowhere. Gone for months, but back again, a little older, wiser and perhaps stronger. “This world of yours is in grave trouble, I’m going to need your help if I’m ever going to stop this world of yours from facing ruin.”
liked for a starter / @knightshonour
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“ELISE!!” He said quickly opening the door towards his beloved’s home. Of course Trunks was in a hurry now considering the news that he had heard. “Something bad happened during the rite of descension. Rex Lapis…he’s dead. From what I heard they know who the culrpit is.” Trunks spoke as he walked into her home took out his sword that laid within its sheathe and attached it to his back. “From what I heard it was a blond boy and some flying little person, whoever they are..they sounded dangerous, so I’ll do what I can from the shadows (or skies) and bring them to justice. Just thought I’d let you know in case I’m back home too late.”
liked for a starter / @eternalbxtterfly
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peoplcshope · 1 year
He was slightly shivering but Trunks knew it could have been oh so much worse for him had he continued his aimless trek outside on the streets looking for answers towards his questions. “Thank you very much miss.” He spoke with a smile on his face as he wrapped himself with the towel she brought after dring himself off with the other towards she had given him. For now the story itself seemed less crowded, just them and a few more people. A boy and his mother, an elderly and another adult male.
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“To be honest it’s my fault..I really should have paid attention the the forecast.” He removed his hair from its little hair-tail and lets it hang wet atop his shoulders. Now using one of the towels to dry his hair. “Thank you so much again, I owe you one or..maybe even three.
continue from here / @rosemarylemont
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Huh..what a strange world and time.” He spoke towards himself as he began strolling through the valley. There was nothing for miles, which meant walking would be rather redundant so with a single bound he was able to take flight and had been traveling through the air with the sight of a rather small village nearby, slowly he began to descend until his boots clicks into the dirt as he now walks closer towards the entrance of this rather tiny village until he spotted a rather intimidating man. “Excuse me sir, I’m kind of lost here..would you happen to know a place where I can buy…materials for..repairs?”
liked for a starter / @knightshonour
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Nghgh”  “Agghk.” The last sounds these demons made as they lay beheaded upon the floor before burning into ash. With a flick of the wrist the sword spun before placed back into its sheathe upon his back. “My name is Trunks, stay with me and I’ll take you to safety.�� Said Trunks as he guided the traveling merchants through the forest until arriving at an empty village that remained in recovery from their own previous demon attack.
He gave the merchants a wave as they hunts down an inn. “Okay..now to figure out what happened in th-” Oh, that person was dressed…differently and even carried a sword. This was great, she could be an ally and probably be the best to answer some of his questions. “Hello there Ms, I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
liked for a starter / @slayingblades
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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Gods, these days had been hot in Teyvat..possibly TOO hot, luckily enough within the continent of Mondstadt there was always a lake or two to be fun where Trunks decided it would be a great opportunity to defeat the heat. BUT he needed to set the area..a place for snacks, then some firewood for a fire late- "Oh?" He spoke out as he spotted a familiar face in the distance and he began waving to get her attention. "Ms Elise!! Fancy seeing you out here, I was just about to gather materials for a swim. Care to join me?"
liked for a summer starter / @eternalbxtterfly
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