#❛ rp ━━ when choices made had forged the blade.
peoplcshope · 9 months
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That tone of voice, for some reason he sensed she did NOT take him seriously..she of all people. "I don't need magic, I'll fly and deliver them myself. I already ran the numbers and calculated I can make a trip around the entire city in at least ten minutes."
continue? / @dearestgoldwitch
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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Given his father’s past Trunks had foreseen a lot of audible resistance towards the reality that he is exactly Vegeta’s son. Hell when he mentioned his father would barely speak about his past he KNEW that was definitely his father, to know Vegeta would hardly talk about his past would suggest the person was close to him, there weren’t many saiyansif ANY at all that Vegeta would consider himself close to. “I’ve actually read about you from past archives.” He looked up at the saiyan before him. “Didn’t mention you being a giant though..so what do you do in..well here?”
continue from here / @dragvnsovl
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peoplcshope · 10 months
This WAS a ploy..pretty clever on her part considering Trunks is every bit of the sap people might claim him to be. Though his face showed no sign of annoyance for the situation he’s place himself in. Whether or not it was a ruse, if he could make himself useful to bring upon a laugh or even a smile on her face then he’d consider it a job done. The larger man that currently led their platoon had issued it would be wise to enter Corel from their current position despite his look of despondent.
Once she confirmed she could walk upon her own power Trunks gently plants her feet onto the ground. “Only if you’re sure.” He spoke with a smile before turning back to face Barret and his gang of other misfits and then just like that he felt light tap against his cheek, swiftly his eyes shift towards the direction of that little tap to notice Aerith had bestowed him a kiss..his cheek must have been so red now. “F-from now on, why not stick closer to me that way we can protect each other that much easier.” If there’s ONE thing he’s learned on this journey with Aerith is her stubbornness to travel with safety and being what’s known as a ‘damsel’ in this ‘timeline’.
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From here on out it was straight to Mt.Corel through this large wasteland, hopefully the visit of another behemoth was not on their list. There was a part of Trunks that wanted to let their group know that he could just fly them there..but there was a part of him that thought they wouldn’t have even taken the offer seriously unless he’d show them..hmmm maybe once he gets privacy with just Aerith he could expose that certain ability of his..the one thing he’s able to retain when coming here aside from his monstrous strength.
continue from here / @mamismultimuse
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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"Scared? Oh no, I'm impressed actually. I've seen a lot of magnificent things but this definitely takes the cake. Was this a power you were born with?"
continue from here / @whiskeysmulti
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peoplcshope · 10 months
“Oh that’s true..still the stories about you are nothing to sneeze at. I remembered when my mother from an alternate timeline said a Jaco would often help them out. I didn’t think much of it at first but when she specified that it was you..Oh man I was beyond surprised.” There was a form of excitement when Trunks spoke of the legend before him..granted he pictured Jaco being A LOT taller than what he is now.
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Still, as a time patroller he could only hope he lived to that example..however more often than not Trunks always seems to work more with his heart rather than his head..quite the problem in most cases. “Though, I figured you would have been a little more humble but in a way you really do remind me of the Supreme Kai of time.”
continue from here / @ofspaceandearth
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peoplcshope · 10 months
“That’s a shame..I saw the name Broly and assumed the worse, followed the coordinates here.” From what it looks like, this planet was..rather beautiful, trees stretched out inthe the sky, the view of a jungle in the distance hinted of an area teeming with life.if the BROLY he knew was here then this place would have been nothing more than a wasteland by this point.
“Use him as a weapon? No, I’d never.” This was extremely hard to explain without sounding guilty in the slightest. Time Patrollers are trained to be secretive as to being careful to NOT create another paradox within the alternate timeline created. I’ve actually…” No, he couldn’t say that he dealt with Brolys from different timelines, too much information. “I’ve heard stories revolving saiyans, Broly himself is said to be close to the pinnacle.” That’s it..keep it sort of vague, if anything maybe instead of a time patroller he could masquerade as a galactic patroller.
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“It’s really only for observation purposes. What kind of person he is, his values (if he HAS any).”
continue from here / @ofspaceandearth
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peoplcshope · 10 months
“Yeah it’s been awh-..” Wait a minute, was she confusing him for his present counterpart within this timeline? Oh dear, well the concept of time travel was extremely convoluted in the first place, so he could not exactly blame her for missing a few beats here and there. (or maybe he was just too kind for his own good) “No no, that Trunks is still just as you remember him, I was the Trunks that visited a few years ago when the Androids were your current threats.”
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He tried to explain slow as possible. “It’s been about eight or maybe even nine years since you’ve seen me. But it’s been especially long for me..I’d say over seventeen years since I’ve seen any of you.” He spoke with a smile on his face as he then crosses his arms over his chest. Flower shopping was her next destination..hmm it wouldn’t be so bad.
“I’d love to come with you if you don’t think I’ll get in the way. I can even fly us back to Kame house to make the trip that faster if you’d want.” The halfbreed offers.
continue from here / @ofspaceandearth
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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“Incredibly observant. Your appearance on its own doesn’t warranty any concern as there’s been bigger and smaller people come and go from time to time..O-OH sorry about that, my name is Trunks and I’m sorry for approaching you like this. Let’s just say it doesn’t hurt to be prepared especially with newcomers but-..” He bows to the other apologetically. “I’m sorry for the silent judgment call. Though if you’re coming and going, why not let me help you out with what there is to see in the city..or what’s there to do…hrmmm or maybe you’d prefer finding a place to eat first before anything else?”
continue from here / @kauma-kardia
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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“I’ll be right back.” He told Sera before he takes into the sky within a burst of energy, and within not more than ten minutes he returns from the air carrying a massive pine tree over his shoulder. The tree itself was probably 20meter in length. “Here we go, if the holiday’s anything like mine then we have to decorate this tree. I figured we can do it in public and hopefully everyone will pitch in. They deserve a good holiday after that whole deal with their Shogun..I heard it wasn’t exactly pretty.”
liked for a winter starter / @crimsontwins
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“You’re just as..” she was hurt too, of course, he could not have come here in time, but at the very least there were no casualties, and too bad his mother was not home..at least not yet. This was quite a dilemma, he knows if Kie was conscious she would want him to heal Nezuko before her self..parents were stubborn like that..and it seems that paternal side of him was beginning to kick in as well for him as she was the first person he wanted to heal. “Ngh..this is going to hurt the two of us.” 
He took Kie in his arms, holding her close before sitting beside Nezuko. Then with one arm keeping Kie held the other one was placed atop her forehead. If he couldn’t choose one, then he would heal them both. Slowly he began to insert his own energy within them, using his god ki as a way to increase the how much he could heal in the little window of consciousness he had. Slowly Kie would regain consciousness and be at..at least 60% of health whilst the same could be said about Nezuko as well, but unable to heal the mark that’s placed above her brow.
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Slowly his own hair shifts back into its shoulder length lavender considering how weak he felt now..barely able to keep himself sat up..let along conscious. “A-are..you two..o-okay?”
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Having sensed the burst of energy his own younger self had arrived within the room, spotting a recovered Nezuko, her mother and the rest of her family. “What the hell?? Hey Nezuko (calls her by her name and not make-up), what happened? You guys look like you’ve all survived hell.
continue from here / @swordsxandxsakuras
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peoplcshope · 1 year
Trunks began reading the scroll and his eyes widens in fear due to its contents. Frieza arriving on Earth BEFORE his father and the Saiyan Nappa in hopes of obtaining the dragon balls. He couldn’t imagine the kind of butterfly effect that would occur if this continues on, so accessing the device around his wrist hidden under his sleeve he would enter the information needed to travel into that time and parallel universe and once he steps into the rift in time something happen through the temporal zone and spits him out within a whole new world. 
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“What?!” He remained in the air and looked around. Nothing here looked familiar..so of course he began tapping his machine upon his wrist, pushing buttons but got NO response whatsoever. “Oh no..is it broken?! Am I stranded here?” Trunks asked as he flew towards the rooftop of a large building (the academy) “Oh man.., c’mon..work.” Spoke Trunks as he desperately pushed buttons here and there but had not gotten the response he wanted.
liked for a starter / @mysticjourneys
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peoplcshope · 1 year
“Too busy? Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised, you’ve done so much good for the world Amame, it’s only fair some good comes back to you.” Trunks spoke with a smile on his face as he inspected the blueprints, having worked under his mother for a little while he could actually understand some of the schematics..and he knew his mother would be thrilled seeing this..his grandfather as well. 
“I’ll take this here.” The time patroller began rolling the blueprints rather gently and placed it within a cylinder container. “You really don’t have to thank me with anything, this machine you’re planning on building will help save so many lives, Amame you’re one of the sole reasons this timeline hasn’t ended up like the one I’ve lost. I’m more than happy to be a part of whatever keeps the people here safe.” 
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Ever the altruist Trunks slowly steps out of her lab and stands outside. “Before I leave, would you like me to call you from there to tell you the news or would you prefer to meet me face-to-face?”
continue from here / @senzume
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peoplcshope · 1 year
“Not that I don’t appreciate your kindness or anything but I could have flown back home to save you the work.” And him the embarrassment, however, he knew the embarrassment of being held up like this would fade away much sooner than he thought considering he admired how strong Amame had become. Heck, on her back his eyes were opened wide with amazement. “You’re pretty amazing you know that..well I won’t get involved in your work ethic.”
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There’s also no arguing with her over what’s best for him since this was her field in a way..however, to lay his head down it would mean he’d have to lean against her. Trunks had done just that rather slowly..and her hair was soft and it smells incredibly nice, oh no..was he actually getting comfortable on her, like this? Damn..there was nothing he could have done now to stop the warm blood that began to develop uoon his face Thank Kami she could not see him.
continue from here / @senzume
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peoplcshope · 1 year
He traverses through the old lab of her family..if anything it reminded him so much of the state of one of Capsule Corp’s buildings within other towns that were reduced to nothing but ruins as there was no longer a Capsule corp to come and pick up the pieces..but he knew his mother was quite with the people rummaging through its interior for parts needed for the town’s reconstruction.
“A place to come and work in privacy, well I’m glad you’ve got something like that here.” A hand gently strokes the wall only to inspect how dusty it’s become over time. The verdict? Too dusty. “Having a place that’s safe is really heaven sent and if I’m completely honest with you I’m also a little jealous.” A smile appears on his face followed by a small bit of chuckles. 
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“But I’m glad I found you because there’s a favor I wanted to ask you. Although, you’re more than willing to refuse me, because what I’m about to ask is..it’s really a lot.”
continue from here / @senzume
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“ELISE!!” He said quickly opening the door towards his beloved’s home. Of course Trunks was in a hurry now considering the news that he had heard. “Something bad happened during the rite of descension. Rex Lapis…he’s dead. From what I heard they know who the culrpit is.” Trunks spoke as he walked into her home took out his sword that laid within its sheathe and attached it to his back. “From what I heard it was a blond boy and some flying little person, whoever they are..they sounded dangerous, so I’ll do what I can from the shadows (or skies) and bring them to justice. Just thought I’d let you know in case I’m back home too late.”
liked for a starter / @eternalbxtterfly
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peoplcshope · 1 year
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“Oh..an angel.” Trunks bows his head in respect, considering she resembled the few angel’s he’s seen as a time patroller and just knowing what big responsibility they had he figured she deserved the utmost respect. “𝐈’𝐦 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡..𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝. 𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝-𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲..”
liked for a starter / @dragonballnewstar
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