#❛ purge — tbd. ❜
zevrans-remade · 2 months
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ensuists · 4 months
Heeeeellooooo apologies for dropping off again my exams kicked my butt and then i unexpectedly had a passing in the family BUT they are finally over thank god. i am here and i am ready to get back into it thank u thank u. i will be adding a new muse that ive been using on discord here shortly too
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flockrest · 10 days
hey, so you know how i said i wouldn't be dropping anything,
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kuraikyu · 9 months
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weltenwxndler-archive · 3 months
oh blade my beloved.
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ensuists-moved · 2 years
ok so i THINK i will be remaking my blog but more so just to clean up things. it’s not gonna reset any relationships or anything, so everything developed so far or plotted will def move over to it. i just wanna clean out my mutuals because honestly my dash is a bit of a mess and i don’t recognize it anymore. if you really want to remain mutuals, pls feel free to give the post a like/reply and i’ll follow u on it!
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whalefelled · 8 months
would you all love me if I didn't cut my rp replies bc I was responding through mobile?
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black-quadrant · 1 year
legitimately a little distressed about where to view and create n//sfw content bc I do use twt for that but 🙃👌
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brightblessed-aa · 2 years
// i know everyone is def sick of my ooc posts, but for this last week basically I have been really anxious and depressed and insecure about my writing/characters. So I will force myself to write tomorrow. but I'm just gonna watch cute videos until I go to bed tonight I think. Sorry. I'll be around this weekend.
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grazziella · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
someone  kill  me
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
I need to rename, rebrand, and clean out my nsfw blog or delete it and make a new one, and i don’t know which option is more daunting.
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ensuists · 10 months
lil small starter call to get my butt back into gear. specify muse or i'll choose for u with the handy dandy randomizer. also MIGHT be some sort of pre-established if i'm struggling
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jessfromouterspace · 1 year
just throwing some feelings into the wind
I've been going through a tough time, my eternal depression vibe being that I'm never anything but a service to anyone and nothing about me actually matters to anyone. like, no one listens or pays attention beyond what benefits them vibes
and the other day I was wallowing on my lunch break and someone sent me something they knew I'd like on here (if you're reading this you know who you are) and literally the joy of that was so lovely
anyhoo disgusting display of vulnerability just to say that I'm so thankful for the people that live in my phone
also a blanket I'm sorry for being bad at messaging people back lately because of the aforementioned emotions existing
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cagesings · 2 years
me:  has  thirty  drafts
also  me:  sends  memes  to  people,  likes  starter  calls,  procrastinates  doing  said  drafts,  etc.
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auco-archive · 2 years
hang’s whole goal is to find thuận thiên’s hilt; she was given its blade which she uses now but it isn’t nearly as strong as it would be with its other half. it’s wrapped loosely in cloth so that she doesn’t cut herself when wielding it
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ssolessurvivor · 2 months
[ SAFE ] - having just saved the receiver, sender pulls them into their arms for a protective hug to assure them they're safe // purge au maybe??
memes - always accepting! - @ttheagcd
The longer this night went on, the more tense and equally exhausted Logan became. It took a lot of energy to be constantly alert, especially now that he had someone to bring back home safely. He figured that yes, Alex could hold his own in a fight, but maybe not against someone with a machine gun or modified shotgun ready to ambush them around a corner. And Logan took those corners, pistol at the ready each time, to fight for their lives.
Again and again. But luckily they seemed to skate by the bigger fights with little resistance.
And he was bound to slip up, miss something. His eyesight wasn't as good as it was about five years ago, and constant tension makes things jittery.
It happens in a blur: Logan is grabbed from behind, a knife at his neck, biting into his skin, and abruptly pulled backwards against a body. He opens his eyes though and watches Alex running forward, a knife in his own hand, and suddenly there's a crunch and scream, his ear will ring later. The clutches are loosening and Logan steps out of the grip, peering down to see that knife embedded in the man's eye: he winces at the sight, one of his own fears being eye gore.
All that melts away though when Alex wraps him in a hug, a tight embrace smelling of desperation and sudden adrenaline amid these oil slicked streets after a quick rain. Logan's arms wrap around Alex, his charge, his stubborn savior, his...enemy? No, that couldn't be right now, but the blonde is immediately more worried. It's not easy to kill someone, it takes something out of you, rips right from your soul. Pulling back after a moment, he searches Alex's eyes, making them meet gazes, taking it in. "Are you ok?"
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