#โ ๐Œ๐”๐’๐„ โ€• shingo tsukino.
senshian ยท 1 year
โ โ†ช @chxmpionofjustice requested a starter !!
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" Baka Usagi ~ ! " he's managed to sneak behind her, looking over to see what task she might have been working on. ( Writing, again? ) He's noticed. How focused she's been, making sure to get another letter out to....who? Some boy? The teasing practically wrote itself as he sticks his tongue out and moves back.
" Mom mentioned we're going to be on our own tonight, that doesn't mean you can eat my snacks! "
. . .there's that familiar sounding sigh in response.
She's not bickering back the way he's used to, despite the comebacks fully prepped and loaded to respond with - nothing. Come to think of it - did she ever get anything back? Is that why she seemed so down? It's not as fun when she's so depressed.
" . . .fine, I guess you can have two cookies but no more! "
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