#❝   v; i was raised in a deep dark hole ( resident evil ).   ❞  ╱   *  ✲゚   *  ❅
witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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The zombie’s head was quickly relieved off its shoulders with a quick swipe of her blade. She turns to focus on the civilian. “Ma’am, are you okay?”
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shlutnutt · 3 years
Smutty Kai request!
The reader is an alternative girl so like piercings, tattoos and fishnets…the whole nine yards.
She decides to pay a visit to Kai after seeing him at a rally, she’s been on the edge of death multiple times and is in no way afraid of dying. He tries to manipulate her in true Kai fashion but it doesn’t seem to work, he’s more drawn to her than she is to him. She is not afraid of Kai in any way no matter how he threatens her, it turns her on more than anything. He ends up shoving a gun in her face only for her to suck it off.
w: dom reader x dom kai, smut, marijuana usage, gun kink, slapping, choking, language usage, etc
requested by: @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul
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The man continued to speak, you finding it incredibly difficult to make up the words that fell out of his lips from the thick joint you smoked earlier and the loudness of the crowd. "have a nice day." happened to be the last few set of words you were able to acknowledge, him passing you a tiny white card with a wide sympathetic smile before practically disappearing passed the huge tinted exit doors that resided in the back of the rally. Losing no time you went out of your way to read the card handed to you, it having printed out the stranger's name and address (Kai Anderson, 555 Apple st) accompanied by a bold quote stating "join me. let's take over the world"
You quickly followed your way out to him immediately after reading the card, in attempt of asking him a couple of questions. Just for Kai to be nowhere to be found, as you stood there only being surrounded by empty cars parked neatly in the parking lot.
"shit." you mumbled to yourself, before speeding off in your own car directly to the printed address, sliding the fact that going to an unknown address to meet up with unknown man was practically considered a death trap, but you of course, didn't mind it not one bit.
Soon arriving at your destination you come up against a group of middle aged men guarding the door with rifles in hand and noticeable pistols in their pants.
"hands up slut!"
"and what the fuck are you cosplaying as?"
"probably some shitty pornogaphic emo anime bitch"
"what the hell is up with you whores tgese days?"
"hey nice cheerleader skirt!"
All of their unwanted chattering drove you over the edge, as one of them dropped their weapon, ran over to you and pushed you against a nearby wall, beginning to check if you were armed yourself to clarify your entry.
"hey man check her army combat boots she might have some shit in there." another yelled out, the guy rapidly ordering you to take off your dr. marten's platforms, soon realizing you were good to go.
"what's all this bullshit for? is the president waiting for me in there?" you rhetorically questioned, causing the man infront of you to slap the right side of your face with as much force as he possibly had in him, you instantly slapping him back notwithstanding the fact that there were approximately six other armed men infront of you.
He was quick to pick up the rifle and aiming it right at your throat.
"lower the guns." you heard a familiar voice order, the men all rapidly lowering their guns at their feet in sync, all accepting the demand, replying with a firm "yes, divine ruler."
"what in the.. fuck" you once again mumbled to yourself, as you looked up at the man you've desperately been wanting to meet, him signiling you in.
He was like a king walking around in his kingdom, the black zip-up hoodie he wore slightly toning the firmness of his form accompanied by the black sweats that sagged on him just a bit, and of course the blue half up-half down that suited him delightfully. Although completely lost in his strangely unique beauty, there was nothing that could've easily taken away the curiosity that you felt from the whole scenery. From the random card, his sudden disappearance, the guards (and the fact you were technically harassed by them), to the colored pieces of tape on his fingers, and the overwhelming feeling of being there in general.
"you know its kinda dangerous driving high, right?" kai interrupted your overthinking, him filling up a glass of water and handing it to you, pointing over at a large leather black couch that stood behind you, you taking your time to take a seat. "don't you think your storm troopers are dangerous too? why do they call you 'divine ruler'? and why were they so heavily armed?". He only chuckled to your referral towards his men, heading over to take a seat beside you.
He was noticeably confident, like he owned the world and had everyone bow down to his presence. Well, but of course not everyone, not you at least. You weren't the type to submit to absolutely anyone, as you damn well knew that the idea of bowing to someone was such a pure act of disrespect to yourself, you unwilling of allowing anyone to feel superior over you being a present mental note.
Kai though, feeling like the king himself had such so many sociopathic traits written all over his face, he seemed cold, eyes full of darkness and evil, not one sign of emotion in them, not happy, not sad, not angry, nothing, there was absolutely nothing, like a robot attempting on mimicking its way out to identify as a human.
"you're not drinking the water I gave you." you heard him voice beside you, applying a slight pressure ontop of your netted thigh, you quickly meeting your gaze with his emotionless ones.
"im not really thirsty." you returned a reply, staring blankly into his eyes, just for him to break the eye contact, heading his eyes onto his right lap.
"it was to cool off your high a bit, im not interested in your thirstiness." Kai replied coldly, returning his gaze from yours back to his lap, repeatedly.
You only observed how he allowed all of his weight to sink into the couch, accommodating one of his hands behind his head whilst the other reached in between your thighs to grab the glass of water you've declined. Sipping on it quickly, you watched how a few drops dripped down from his mouth leading on to his chin and finally onto himself.
"Food shouldn't be declined, y/n." you felt anderson suddenly interrupt your thirsty gaze on him, his knowledge on your name making your eyes widen. "how the fuck do you know my name?" you quickly respond to his statement, eyeing how he playfully fidgeted with his locs, purposely ignoring you. "I said how the fuck do you know my name!?" you yelled out this time, producing his playful fidgeting to be replaced by an angry frown.
"who the fuck are you yelling at, little shit!?" he raised his voice back at you, getting up from his comfortable stance to eye you down better.
Mimicking his position now, you got up and stood infront of him, the platform of your martin's reaching up to his height, you two eyeing eachother a few inches away from each others' faces now, his infuriated, and yours stonely calm.
"Im not afraid of you, Kai Anderson."
"You should get to know me, i'll give you a reason to be."
"I doubt it."
"Oh yeah?"
Anderson only smirked to your rebelliousness and unzipped his zip-up all the way down, demonstrating the pistol he had digged deep into his pants, apart from his fitted body. Your eyes only traveled down his form, the gun in his pants, the band of his calvin clein's, and his v-line, all being your favorite combination on a man.
"Was that supposed to scare me?" you allowed your rebelliousness drive him over the edge, as he now choked slammed you onto the couch you stood infront of, pulling out the gun he had digged in his pants, aiming it fiercely onto your face.
You only giggled to his triggered self, causing him to choke you harder now, you feeling your breathing intensify with every breath you took.
"why-y are you bei-ng s-uch an ash-hole?" you stumbled in between your words, the smile not for once leaving your face, as you looked up at the man who hated nothing more than a woman feeling superior, knowing her worth and not taking bullshit from anyone. You now tried fighting back just for Kai to apply more pressure, pressing the gun closer to your face, him breathingly holding the gun and your neck down.
"don't make me fucking kill you, y/n!" he shouted, pushing the gun closer and closer onto your face, as you eyed the gun and him repeatedly, deciding to part your lips, pushing your head closer to the weapon, allowing it to enter your mouth, for you to now deepthroat it fully.
Feeling his hand loosen around your neck you couldn't help but to dampen yourself from the feeling of his bulge growing ontop of you along with his bottom lip slipped in between his teeth, whispering
"i need to know what it feels like to be inside you.."
tags// @divineruler @copy-of-a-cheeto @evanmybeloved @billyhxrgrove @sinnersblood @crssjjh @myriadofcranes @mossybank @the-hotel-cortez
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ofpolariis · 5 years
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                                                 life is about more than just                                                             s u r v i v i n g.
more than anything, lorna hoped that to be true. she hoped that wanda, the sister she’d only recently discovered but who had already shown her more kindness than most of the world ever had, was right. the prior destruction of genosha still loomed heavily over her, the guilt and regret – the hopelessness and isolation. her newfound sister became among the first she could connect with again, she exuded warmth and support  but so much more. neither had led simple or easy lives, but from lorna could see of her, wanda had managed an impossible feat – to still see good in the world, to hold onto kindness and strength. but the truth in what they shared was something else. the world saw monsters in them – but there was fear in the moments where they thought the world was right.
                                  you can’t save everyone.                                                                i can’t save anyone.
except for herself. even when she wasn’t sure she wanted to, that was the one truth lorna knew – she would survive. the new threat of galactus moved steadily towards them, but her mind dwelled into the past. curiosity brought her to genosha, word of a father she never knew establishing a safe haven for mutants. she’d spent so much of her life hating the man, only knowing what the news told her of him – that he was evil.  but a place where mutants could be safe, where her daughter could live without the shadow of hate? that hardly seemed evil. in a short time, the people there began to hail her as a princess – regardless of her discomfort with the notion. a part of her wanted to be what they saw her as, and god did she try. then the snap of thanos’ fingers took half the island’s population. it wasn’t long after that the sentinels came for the rest.
                                     no place is s a f e. we kill for it and die for it,                                 but we’re fighting for something that doesn’t e x i s t.
she remembered when they came. she remembered laying in bed with dawn, trying to get her to take a nap when a bomb dropped in the distance. she remembered hearing her daughter cry in fear as she realized a moment too late what was happening. evacuation began immediately, a mutant able to create portals got as many out as she could, dawn being the first as lorna sent her with the trusted friend to get her to safety. soon, it was too dangerous to keep the portals open – but lorna stayed. a magnetic pulse obliterated a sentinel into scraps but there were too many and the screams were too loud. lorna woke to rubble and bodies.
                                                    it changes you.
she was flooded by their last moments, the screams and pleading of the already dead. the confusion of walls that shook, the realization that this was the end, the desperate i love you’s to those they loved – all moments electromagnetically recorded in her. the blood curdling scream that ripped through her in that moment as she laid on the ground surrounded by the bodies of those she’d failed was laced in pain and fear. she couldn’t remember how long it lasted, her mind overwhelmed and breaking with every voice until eventually, her body gave out a pulse that covered the island, unintentionally binding herself with the island but the assault on her mind ceased. now she only saw ghosts.
                              we need you because you’re strong,                                          don’t break on us now.
she heard the first as she finally came too. lorna didn’t know if they were real ghosts, evident to her because of the electromagnetic field now connecting her to the island they died on, or if they were hallucinations, brought on by the deep guilt that sunk into her bones. it didn’t matter, they were real to her. the old woman that used to bake bread spoke to her, her gaze going through her – but her body was feet away. she had to bury them, it was all she could think, if they were buried, maybe they would rest in peace. she owed that to them. 
                     you think that you deserve this pain, that it’s your cross to bear.                                        it’s not. you deserve m o r e.
maybe she did. her own injuries went ignored, her own grief as she pushed forward. a clear and determined goal kept her moving because if she stopped – lorna wasn’t sure what would become of her. she dragged every body she could find the desserts of carrion cove at the upper section of the island. it was an ideal resting place for the dead, she assumed, as the heat made sure nothing could survive out there. and there, one by one, she buried them. the heat made her stagger, her hands bled from dirt and sand and she wasn’t sure what was her own blood and what came from the dead she’d moved. speaking to the ghosts kept her determination strong, some were kind, urging her forward, that they still believed in her. others were not. they blamed her, told her to dig a hole for herself. for a moment, she thought that maybe they were right.
                                           i’m not the one who dies.
it wasn’t okay. her life wasn’t of more valuable than those she was putting in the ground. her body crumbled, the last of her energy spent in dry sobs that raked through her. dehydration caused her mouth to go dry, her eyes unable to produce tears, but as the last body was buried, she let exhaustion take her over. she could remember the way the sand burned her back as she laid there, everything fading into darkness. maybe dying out there, alone in the desert, allowing dawn to grow up with the aunt that had raised her, maybe that was how things were meant to be. maybe it was better that way.
                              we didn’t die just so you could kill yourself.
the familiar voice of a deceased man barely made it to her ears. her eyes couldn’t open again, she didn’t have the energy. lorna thought maybe she was already dead. yet she recognized the feeling of her body being carried. ghosts couldn’t do that but there were no other mutants left there. she could feel her body laid down when a rush of cold water poured onto her, her mouth being forced open to drink. able to finally gather just enough strength to look upon her saviors, realization crept over her features. the mountain people. they’d inhabited genosha long before her father created the safe haven, they weren’t mutants but they kept to themselves and were admittedly the sort that gave enough of a discomforting feeling that they were left to reside in the mountains as they’d so chose. the long running warning had always been not to accept dinner invites. yet, they offered her food and water, and lorna didn’t have much else of an option. though, she was too afraid to ask what the meat they fed to her was.
                                            “why did you save me?”
they’d never cared much for mutant business before, hid safely away in the mountains during the attack. why not just let her die? one stepped forward, index finger pushing against her chest, directly over her heart, before gesturing to the desert. her rough translation gathered that they were impressed with what she’d done. her attention turned to them again, her voice breaking as she was finally able to produce real tears. “why did i live?” once again, she felt their finger press against her heart. the gesture of kindness, of humanity, from the most unlikely of places stirred something in her she didn’t think was still possible. hope. the attack on genosha only proved how important it was. she could start over, make it better. the world needed better. she would either make it or die trying.
                               even if you live, the pain will still be with you.
it was the last ghost she’d heard before she broke the pulse that had trapped her on the island. she needed to leave, to see her daughter and know she was safe while she rebuilt genosha so that countless others could be safe. the pain would always be there, the guilt. but life could be there too, to live and not just survive, so one day dawn could have a life where she’d never need to make that choice.
                                              there had to be m o r e.
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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For my fellow resident evil peeps, LIKE/COMMENT for a one-liner based in Sera’s RE verse !
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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“Guns are too loud, I prefer a more quiet weapon.”
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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Sniff. “You’re not my contact. Who are you?”
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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Sera Winter edits / personals do not reblog ( psd credit ).
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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Nemesis is actually a Witcher that mutated far beyond to be of use in the U.B.C.S., instead they were re-purposed to be used for Raccoon City to track down and eliminate STARS members.
Sera is immune to viruses, diseases and parasites courtesy of her enhancements.
After Umbrella Corp went under and the U.B.C.S. disbanded, Sera temporarily went off the grid and disappeared for several years. When she re-emerged in 2007, she turned herself in to the BSAA in the hopes for stability and, honestly, she was tired of just surviving on a day to day basis. She wants to better herself and if that means potentially doing that in a jail cell, that’s fine with her.
Fortunately, luck ( and a few people ) were on her side. Allowed to join the BSAA under certain conditions, Sera was temporarily placed under Chris Redfield’s command for observation until further decisions can be made.
Officially registered as a member of the BSAA under the name of Sera Winter ( the man responsible for establishing her new identity had a sense of humor ).
Only certain members of the BSAA are aware of her enhancements and she mainly works as a solo agent. However, if a situation starts to get out of hand, they will send her to assist whatever team to get them out of trouble.
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witcherpathmoved · 4 years
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v; i was raised in a deep dark hole. ( resident evil ).
They’re called Witchers, though no one explicitly knows why or where the term came from, but that’s what they’re known as none of the less. An elite group of U.B.C.S soldiers, Witchers tend to work solo whenever sent out on missions to deal with Umbrella’s ‘mistakes’. However, occasionally one will be sent with a team to lend assistance while dealing with their own set of tasks.
A known trait of Witchers, consisting of both males and females, is that they utilize actual swords to fight with instead of firearms. They carry a pistol as per regulations but unless it was given to someone else for them use, it rarely gets used at all. There are also rumors that Witchers have been enhanced by their employers, mutated to be stronger, faster and more durable to deal with the monsters that their employers have created--some even developing unique abilities that would be describe as non-human.
Sera is a Witcher, picked up as a child living in an orphanage in a poor country overlooked by Umbrella to undergo the harsh experiments and training. Fortunately for her, Sera survived the multiple procedures that physically enhanced her body, the only sign of her enhancements are the milky-white eyes that she now sports as the procedure left her with the ability to permanently see in infrared. She also developed cryokinetic abilities, though she rarely uses them as overuse would result in physical damage such as frostbites, cracks in her skin and losing feeling in her hands.
Sera was still relatively new to the U.B.C.S. when she was deployed to Raccoon City, having only just been approved to work just mere months before the incident. Her task was to seek out survivors, but to also to locate Dr. Nathaniel Bard for extraction, unaware that someone else in her team was looking for him.
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