#❝ CAN I SWALLOW IT? ❞ → the fox devil / headcanons.
dominiondevil · 3 years
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The Fox Devil is a female devil, the personification of the fear of foxes. While her power stems from humanity’s global fear, this iteration is especially derived from Japanese folklore surrounding the kitsune, as this is the land she was born upon her Earthly resurrection.
The Fox Devil’s true name is Kuzunoha. Other devils sometimes refer to her as Lady Fox or Lady Kuzunoha, with humans occasionally calling her Kon.
Her powers include teleportation   (   parts of her body may be summoned upon mimicking a fox’s shape with your hand, and uttering ‘kon’, the Japanese onomatopoeia for a fox’s cry —— this ability stems from the classical Japanese meaning of kitsune, wherein ki-tsune means ‘always comes’   )   ,  connected awareness of her contractors   (   hence why she is capable of hearing when she is being summoned, although, of course, it is only in the specified conditions   )   shape-shifting into an extraordinarily beautiful woman, and being able to bite through and consume any object.
Much like the Eternity Devil, The Fox Devil can not be killed unless her core, taking the form of either a large white ball or a necklace of pearls, is destroyed. This is how she survived the attack upon her head by Katana Man, and also how she came to be leashed by Public Safety, who are currently leveraging it to force cooperation.
She is very friendly to humans, and is among the most common contractors of Public Safety Devil Hunters. Compared to others, her fees are relatively cheap, as well as occasionally strange, taking the form of non-harmful requests or favours. Her head is available for those she deems attractive, who she is more likely to take such non-traditional payment from. 
The Fox Devil is known for her bratty, mischievous but mostly withdrawn personality. Her body held in Kyoto occasionally shape shift to take human form, during which she is infamous for subtly flirting with Hunters she wishes to contract with, to the point newcomers are warned to be remember she is not a human, simply shifted to mimic one, and to be extremely wary.
She must always ask permission to eat the devils she kills, lest she be punished and / or terminated. This is a precaution to prevent her from becoming too strong or wilful.
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