#❤️: chiita
bestiaqll · 1 year
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Me perdí, no sé que quiero, no sé quién soy. Tampoco se por que hago las cosas.
En un momento del camino me perdí y me hice bolita, quizás mis temores me consumieron, la vida misma me encapsuló, yo me encapsulé.
Deje mi sonrisa, comencé a tener frió.
La vida comenzaba a ser dócil, y se volvió pesada.
Lo que conocía desapareció.
No se quien soy.
Más tu en mi vida eres bondad,
Iluminas mi camino,
Me motivas,
Crees en mi,
Me apoyas,
Me quieres…
Gracias por ser quien eres,
Por estar conmigo,
Por quedarte cuando todo se vino abajo,
Por darme la mano.
Se que nuestra relación no es perfecta,
Pero tratamos de que lo sea,
No siempre nos entendemos,
Pero cada vez nos entendemos más
Y adoro lo que hemos construido.
Se que no soy el faro que conociste.
Pero créeme que le estoy poniendo ganas,
Tratando cada día con más fuerza de salir del hoyo,
Luchando conmigo mismo.
Y lo lograré, por mi.
Por qué se que puedo, por qué no me rendiré.
Por ti, por qué te lo mereces,
Por que me has apoyado, por qué te amo.
Te amo Sofía Capino, y espero que cuando todo este tormento acabe, seamos lo mejor, aunque ya lo somos.
Y el día de mañana, formaremos una linda familia, aunque ya la somos jijiji.
Una chikita contigo, una familia chiita…. hoy y siempre❤️ contigo💖
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deerself · 4 years
7/8/10 for whoever u want! - @ptilopseth
THANK U FOR THE ASK SETH!!! 🥰🥰🥰 i put on mine and itachis song and sat down and did these questions for him 🥺
7. You’ve just come to realize you have a crush on your f/o. How was it like when you encountered them again after that? Were you able to keep your cool around them, or was it awkward? How about vice versa?
OH MAN when i figured out i had a crush??? i definitely was a bit awkward at first, and itachi almost certainly saw how awkward i was, in fact he teased me a lil about it snfksndn. i figured out how to keep my cool after a bit but it required..... a lot of self discipline. i think we both knew we had a thing for each other but had no idea what to do about it LOL
itachi tho could keep his cool a lot easier, mostly. he’d slip up at times and do things that just friends PROBABLY wouldnt do (he’s kissed my forehead/the top of my head a few times, oops) but he managed to mostly play it off to leave me confused more than anything. he definitely wouldnt be as cool tho around his friends, according to what he told me. he used to ramble about me to shisui enough until he had to tell him to knock it off snfkndmsms
8. Do either of you plan to confess to each other, or are there too many obstacles for that?
WOO. ANGST. uhhhhh there were honestly a lot of obstacles in our lives. we’re both powerful ninja, from powerful clans (tho i was lowkey disowned from mine). he had a big reputation to hold up to, and even tho the uchihas were fond of me, he still had a lot to live up to. we both struggled a lot with various things in our lives. he was originall going to confess but then..... things happened. big, bad things (*points at canon for those aware of naruto*)
10. Before dating, were you guys friends? Enemies? Anything else?
we were close friends!! best friends, even. itachi and shisui were extremely close and me and itachi were probably just as close, too
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deerself · 4 years
3, 4 and 12 for Itachi and Deidara!!! - love, flower 💮
FLOWER!!! thank you for the ask and thinking about my polyship boys i love them so much 🥺🥺🥺 and ily!! this is going under the cut because oops i ramble a lot :’3 this is from the perspective of my s/i chiharu, ofc!! 💗💗
3. Did it start off as a small crush for you, or did you quickly fall head over heels? How about vice versa?
“i can control my feelings,” says itachi. “i can control my crush. i’m just simply choosing to fall madly in love with her”
i think!!! itachi had a small crush on me even before we started talking, but once we became friends it was a quick head over heels thing. he was just... so in love and he never met anyone like me before that cared about him so much and didnt care about his ~reputation~ or whatever. it didnt help either that shisui was regularly egging him on SNDKSNDND
mine was a small crush that grew fairly slowly!! i didn’t really think itachi was interested in any sort of relationship, and i always kinda thought that he shouldnt be around me, he was too good for me, so i mostly kept my feelings in check. i started to slip up more when i started to realize he had feelings too but i just kept thinking about all of the bad “what ifs”
4. Was there a special moment between you guys that got you to realize you had feelings for them? Was it a deep conversation, spending more quality time with them or something else? How about vice versa?
itachi’s literally known for his deep conversations like that man could sit down and discuss the meaning of life for hours but i think that might bore me to death SNDKSNDN anyway uhhhh..... for itachi i can imagine it being a lot of things, but one particular thing? we were probably discussing us being in anbu, how we were worried for each others safety. i told him something along the lines of “i dont care what happens, i just want you to be happy” and he realized that he felt the exact same way and more. he wanted to give me the world.
for me??? wow ummmm..... he’s always so gentle and caring and understanding around me, but whenever i make him smile or laugh it makes my heart flutter and makes me feel all sorts of things and one time when i made him laugh with a dumb joke, thats when i realized i had feelings for him. thats when i realized that all i really wanted was to see him smile
12. Have either of you ever sent gifts to each other with notes attached to them as secret admirers?
idk if i’d be one to do this but itachi definitely does!!! he’s super romantic about it. leaves roses in places he knows i’ll see, leaves lil sappy notes attached to them with heartfelt poems from a ‘secret admirer’. have i mentioned hes a complete nerd? the poems are always really sweet tho and i get so flustered reading them ;o; i wonder if he knows this, he probably does dnfksndn
actually, ill often buy him sweets if im passing by that one particular shop he really likes!! i like to leave them by the dock at the uchiha compound or leave them on his windowsill :’3 im sure he knows im the one doing that tho
3. Did it start off as a small crush for you, or did you quickly fall head over heels? How about vice versa?
answered here!! 💕💕
4. Was there a special moment between you guys that got you to realize you had feelings for them? Was it a deep conversation, spending more quality time with them or something else? How about vice versa?
so deidara’s crush at first was more appearance based and it was probably a specific conversation we were having that made him realize he had feelings for me :’3 i was telling him about something about akarui culture (probably some of the mythological creatures!!) and he realized that he was actually completely focused on what i was saying, and that he wanted to hear more about me and everything about me and just realized that, wow, ive loved everything ive learned about this girl so far. i think im actually in love with her.
for me!!! it was probably during one of the first “peaceful” moments we had, like while we were sitting by a river and just chilling while he fidgeted with his clay. i already enjoyed being around him a lot as he was really fun to talk to but this was one of the moments that made me realize that there really is a lot more to him than what everyone thinks. hes not just the loudmouth, egotistical bastard everyone makes him out to be
12. Have either of you ever sent gifts to each other with notes attached to them as secret admirers?
i couldnt really see either of us doing this tbh!! deidaras the type to be more upfront and loud about this sorta thing. hes probably bought things that made him think of me and just gives them to me later rather than do the whole “secret gift” thing. and i reciprocate in kind!!
he’s a lot more thoughtful too than what a lot of ppl think. while on a mission in konoha with another akatsuki member he probably ducked into a library or bookstore and stole a book on akarui culture, and uses that to get more specific gifts for me. he learns our symbolism behind different bird feathers, different items that represent things specific to akarui and goes out of his way to gift them to me. its really sweet and thoughtful 🥺🥺🥺
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deerself · 4 years
💓 Favorite kind of kiss (slow morning kisses, kisses in the rain, neck kisses, kisses peppered all over the face, etc)? and 💋 Is your FO a good kisser? {lovelyescapist214}
THANK YOU ROSE!!!! @lovelyescapist214 🌹❤️❣️ im gonna answer these with itachi again ;o; all my F/Os are getting love today—
💓 Favorite kind of kiss (slow morning kisses, kisses in the rain, neck kisses, kisses peppered all over the face, etc)?
AHHH with itachi especially i just love covering his face and neck with kisses ok its what he deserves. esp because hes usually pretty stoic and to see him light up and laugh and go a bit red from me peppering him with kisses makes me so happy. that man makes me so happy. i just love to sit down on his lap and get his full undivided attention as i leave kisses all over his face >:3
💋 Is your FO a good kisser?
YES. HOW???????? i dont know HOW but hes always so gentle even with his more passionate kisses, like hes always so delicate with me but at the same time always leaves me wanting more. he’ll kiss me a couple times and then pull back with this teasing lil smile on his face. i think he just likes to see me pout and ask for more
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deerself · 4 years
💞 for an F/O of your choice! And a reminder that your F/Os all love you very much~
AHHH thank you so much nami!!! youre so sweet 🥺🥺 im gonna answer these with itachi his birthdays in 3 days and he owns my heart
💞 Tell about the most memorable kiss you’ve shared with your FO!
AHHHHH one i remember most fondly?? uhhh after i was kicked out of the village (as chiharu) itachi found me but it took a long time for me to warm up to him again because i didnt trust him again after what he had done. he did eventually explain everything and it.... made sense? and i started to fall for him again like i did. our first kiss since we became rogue ninja is what i remember fondly. it was dark and our faces were lit up orange by the campfire. he cupped my face with his hands and i leaned in and kissed him and it just... felt right. everything felt right again, somehow
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deerself · 4 years
4/7/710 for whoever u choose :0 @ptilopseth
thank you for the ask seth!!! 🥰🥰 @ptilopseth i rlly.... want to do these w/ itachi i love him ;;
4) Your f/o sends you a drunk/sleepy text. What does it say?
so normally when itachi texts me its to send like, these really romantic, sappy paragraphs about why he loves me and theyre so poetic DSNFSDJFBSHD hes so extra. its the really rare occasion when he is drunk because usually hes not about that but he loses all of that when he drinks and hes just the sad quiet kinda drunk :( ill wake up to like 50+ messages with one liner texts talking about how he loves me and how im his everything and im pretty sure at some point kisame just takes his phone from him. hes always lowkey embarrassed when i bring them up but its so sweet and makes me tear up 🥺🥺🥺
7) What song would your f/o say reminds them of you?
OK I HAD TO RLLY THINK ON THIS aaaaaaaaaaaa but one song would probably be the only exception by paramore ;; how both of us kinda swore off of love but we were each others exceptions (including deidara too because polyship heck yea :’3)
10) What’s your f/o’s name for you in their contacts? 
AHHH being the big romantic he is its probably something like “my love” or “my everything” with a heart emoji 🥺🥺 he changes it every now and again to something just as sappy, whenever i glance at his phone its always something different and it makes me blush EVERY TIME and he knows it. jerk.
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deerself · 4 years
i was tagged by @flower-dreams-of-love to do this picrew!! :’3
i decided to do it w/ my S/I chiharu and itachi because it just... seemed rlly fitting for him sndksndn
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im gonna tag @mages-self-ships @starlingadarling !!
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deerself · 4 years
Hey Fawn, it's Flower! We sound like woodland creatures ;u; Can I ask what your favourite way to spend a Saturday night with your f/os is?
WE DO OMG..... that is honestly so cute??? 🥺🥺🥺 we totally are woodland creatures omg thats the cutest thing... THANK YOU FOR THE ASK TOO!!! ;o; im gonna write a bit for each!!
kakashi and i for the most part like to stay and relax at home, whenever we have a saturday night off. usually we’re occupied with missions or him with late night team training so it’s kinda rare to get a saturday off. we’ll usually just laze around and cuddle on the couch and maybe catch up on anything we didn’t get to talk about earlier the week
if this is back when we were still in the village, then mine and itachi’s saturday nights are usually spent out alone somewhere. on the rooftops, on the dock at the lake, in a clearing in the woods, anywhere where we can be alone. we’re the type to have long philosophical conversations or just relax in each other’s presence and unwind from all the stress on us
me and deidara like to have fun on saturday nights! we’ll go off and blow stuff up together (with his detonating clay) or hang with the other akatsuki members (usually itachi, kisame, and/or hidan). if we’re on a mission and near a village we’ll go check out the night festivities and see what’s on the go! also making out in the woods but thats just a usual night
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deerself · 4 years
hey fawn, if you have any headcanons for your selfship with king deidei(aka deidara) (+ itachi if you wanna add him too) splurge on me, I wanna hear them all :D (hopefully the king deidei part gives away who i am lol)
FSJKDNFSDHFB THANK U BECCA. dei is hollering in the background. that poor man can not catch a break. im... probably gonna end up talking about them both because I LOVE THEM but ill start with dei first :’3
THIS GOT RLLY LONG SO UMMM...... gonna put these under the cut 🥰🥰🥰
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💥 ok you cant call him that nickname but. dei IS the pda king. he loves to just be holding me whenever he can, doesnt matter whos around (tho hes a bit hesitant around the older members). he’ll sneak in random kisses, ESPECIALLY when he thinks im not expecting them. he also wont let our long-ass red cloud cloaks get in the way of us holding hands
💥 he talks sooooo much about his art. we’ll sit out in the forest on our free days and i’ll listen to him ramble and its so cute. my S/I can make crystals?? so he makes his clay sculptures and i make crystal figures and we blow them up and its just fun and laidback
💥 usually he cant sit still tho except when its like... early morning/late at night. we’re usually out running around together or going flying on his clay birds (i like to fly alongside him as my S/I has wings!!) or nonchalantly strolling through nearby villages without our cloaks. we’ll just talk about whatever catches our eyes or whatever comes to mind. he likes to complain/rant too about whatever recent mission he went on or whoevers currently ticking him off SAFJSDNFS
im gonna do some itachi headcanons now too >:3
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🔥 hes so sweet ugh..... hes way more hesitant on pda but he loves lil displays of affection, subtle things that no one else really notices (kisame might since thats his partner but he thinks its cute af and wont say anything). he loves forehead kisses too sososo much, esp since im shorter than him sdjfndfjdb when we’re alone too he just likes to be holding me close
🔥 hes always looking out for me!! hes sooo observant when im not and always notices lil changes about me, like when im sad but dont look it or when im starting to get uncomfortable, he’ll whisk me away from those situations or offer me really cute compliments which hes RLLY good at ugh... i said hes observant?? he likes complimenting me on all the lil things and specific things that i dont notice and its so sweet.. his smile is always prettiest too when hes complimenting me and hes just.... so in love aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
🔥 hes so cute and just has this sweetest smile around me. hes told me that i just help... melt away all the stress and bad things in his life. ill be just casually talking to someone and look over at him and itachi will just have this soft smile and ugh. hes so cute dfnjsdfn. he likes cracking stupid jokes or saying silly things in a serious tone because he KNOWS that i think its so funny and he just loves hearing me laugh ;u;
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