#❥ f . tucker ⸻ interactions .
ghostwritcr · 9 months
open to :  f ,  21 + muse :  finnigan  tucker ,  early - twenties , computer  science  college  student  &  drug - dealer .
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' you  look  sexy  as  fuck  wearing  my  shirt ,  baby girl . . .  but  i  kinda  need  it  to  go  to  class ,  ya ' know ?  lucky  for  you ,  imma  give  you  something  in  return .  anything  you  ask . '
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ghostwritcr · 3 months
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' you're not scaring me with that --- if anything , it's making me worship you even more . don't know if you remember , but the first time we met , you threatened me with a knife to my throat ... and i don't think i'd ever felt more turned on --- made me fall in love with you instantly . ' / @slumpcd
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