#❥ █ ┊  i. ` .& ❪ v.genshin impact ❫ your heart is mine‚ a delicacy i will savor.
aeohn · 4 years
Notes I’m writing for Genshin:
01. Ren is considered a boss who’s respect is earned, not given. those who are new to the fatui have to go through a training of hell ( and a test too! ) to see how capable they are. those who pass it will earn his praise and are noted to be the best among the organization below the harbringers themselves. they have the honour to walk along him and enjoy luxuries. those who fail it are send to signora and they know what will happen to them. after the events of inazuma he gives the puppet he taught the concept of will that task.
02. his cryo element is partially a gift from tsaritsa and something that hangs around him as a result of having been stuck in ice for so long. nobody except for a few know it. those aren’t the one with the hydro elements. surprise! it is why he can resist cold temperatures so well.
03. since he tends to swirl around anonymously here and there he hangs around in liyue whenever he’s in the area. people there think of him as a nice, if a bit theatrical, person with the most boisterous laugh. after the events taking place there some have started to eye him with suspicion. he hides his ability by pretty much using zhongli’s former ability to generate mora and bringing in quite the money in the taverns and restaurants. do not tell anyone he made a contract with the former geo gnosis holder in trade for gaining entertainment from the adepti and eyeing the place a la big brother.
04. he was originally chained and his bottom half stuck in ice within the abyss. the influence of it caused his strength to grow in a way that wouldn’t be possible in the other regions. he hates the place however and he’s never going to visit it again unless he needs to. not even for the lady who quelled some of his more lonely days.
05. failing harbringers will meet a terrible punishment under him. the humiliation depends on who they are, but the lightest example is freezing their feet solid to a tree and letting them being hung upside down for a whole day. one even became fatal as ren does not take betrayal nicely.
06. he’s utterly loyal to tsaritsa. he’s pretty much her right-hand man who bears to her knowledge he does not gift to others. anything done wrong against her will meet his wrath. they are not related, but by the heavens does he consider her family for freeing. he’s the one who will give her the fire to burn down the world. to a lesser extend this is given to pierro who was there with him since the start of the fatui.
07. ren has the biggest beef ever with beelzebub. ren used to be the dragon to walk alongside the original baal. the latter’s death combined with being swallowed by the abyss not long after is what caused mild anger to grow into a grudge. the moment he escaped his chains is when he swore to devour her.
08. this dragon hoards, but he does not favour money. the latest fashion, beautiful jewellery, everything that stands out as beautiful to him. whenever he meets the traveller he’s always dressed differently and gives them small tidebits about the area. his information is as rich as his pile.
09. his general attitude towards the traveller is .... neutral. he finds them annoying, but he too doesn’t think they’re boring. their chatter are small talks and each time they attempt to defeat him they’ll remember why childe is such an effective fighter. the original harbinger does not mess about when needed. it slightly worsened after signora’s death.
10. when not in liyue ren is to be found in fontaine. there he feigns being an actor named raoul who takes his inspirations from the drama of the court. at night he robs people clean and gathers information under the alias arsene. the fatui henchman under him helped to put up the show.
11. he funds the rebellion within his homeland in pure secrecy. weapons, items imbued with magic and basic necessities; he’s considered a secret patreon by those who see his face. the traveller can accuse him of spreading the delusion, but he says he doesn’t strike against those who are weaker. responsibilities are to be taken by those who done the deed.
12. after the events of the labyrinth in 2.2. ren puts a bounty on the balladeer. whoever takes his head and gives their items to him will get a promotion in form of being trained as the doll’s replacement.
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