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Anonymous said: Valerie, have you ever considered that Milo might be a bit more "well-endowed" than you might be ready for? I mean, what if he's just too big?
                                                                                            (It was Sunday!)
     ❝ Y-You say that like we've already decided to...go that far... ❞ It's easy to see this question flustered her immensely. She’s never thought about Milo’s....but now that it’s been brought up...
The almost pale skin of her face was visibly a strong red, and she lifted one of her sleeves to cover it.
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                  ❝ ...But vaginas are stretchy right? I could stretch to fit him... ❞ 
She muttered, more so thinking out loud.
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Anonymous said: do you like the idea of your partner playing with your hair during sex? not necessarily tugging or pulling, but running their hands through and stroking?
                                                                                            (It’s Sunday!)
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     ❝ Yes. ❞ She answered without much hesitance. She shivered, and judging by the happy look on her face, it wasn’t out of unease. 
               ❝ I very much like the idea of that. ❞
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❥ It’s @cottonthumb​’s birthday!
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Her face is red, extremely so, when she approaches the farmer. Held in her arms and pressed to her chest was a box.
     ❝ Happy Birthday dearest. ❞ She started, pausing to press a tender kiss to Milo’s cheek. She then held out the box, looking down bashfully.
     ❝ ...I made you a scarf. Sorry for the lack of originality, but it was all I could come up with on such short notice. ❞  Since she only found out his birthday was today a few days ago.
However, taking what he told her about his favorite colors into account, Valerie incorporated them into the cotton scarf via dye. Tried to create a sunset feel to it. Key word being tried. Like always, she felt she could’ve done better, but considering this was the first time she’s ever worked with dye to this degree, it was a little excusable.
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Today’s Sunday. Finally.
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     ❝ ...It sure is quiet, huh? ❞
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@redtoomuchintoit​ replied to your post “Valerie has appeared! What to do? Throw salt Kiss cheek Punish Kiss...”
throw salt?
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Valerie gasped at the white substance being thrown at her, and had to bite her tongue to resist screaming in pain when some of the salt got in her eyes.
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Valerie has appeared!
What to do?
Throw salt
Kiss cheek
Kiss on the lips
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                               ❝ ... ... ... ❞
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@telempathik​ said: “ because i know something you don’t know. ”
                                (from an ask meme i don’t remember & don’t feel like looking for-)
     ❝ Oh? ❞ Came her neutral vocalization, acknowledging the words but not responding to them immediately.
Despite she not being able to see...whoever it was that spoke to her at the moment, Valerie saw it appropriate to continue to converse. She didn't exactly feel threatened, for now at least.
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     ❝ That’s not surprising. I hardly know a thing about this world... ❞
Even now, in her adult years.
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Anonymous said: You and Milo seem like complete opposites. How on Earth did you two get together when you have hardly anything in common?
                                                             (a not-so bad question regarding Milo.)
     ❝ We have more in common than you know. And even if we didn't... ❞
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              ❝ The saying "opposites attract" does hold some water. ❞
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Anonymous said: grass types suck
                                                            (trying to worsen her mood are you?)
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Sorry anon, she can’t hear you over the happy bleating of Milo’s Wooloo.
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@cottonthumb​ said: He had heard Valerie received a rather unkind anon that had put her in a foul mood. Milo didn't think twice on the matter. He came to his girlfriend's side, kissed her cheek gently, and then plucked her up into arms in order to take her elsewhere in which no she wouldn't have to deal with such rude inquiries. "Come on, I'll be shearing the Wooloo very soon so this is the last opportunity in a while for you to pat them while they're still fluffy."
When Milo found her, she was fuming. Puffs of visible air were billowing from her mouth as she huffed, staring up at the sky. Her polished nails dug into her arms as she clenched them.
However, upon noticing Milo approached, her entire demeanor changed. She felt immediate embarrassment at having been caught in an angered state, but she then felt giddy, when his soft lips pressed against her cheek. With Milo doing that, he about flipped an "off" switch to her negative headspace.
She nuzzled into him when he picked her up, more than glad to nestle her head under his chin. She drank in his warmth, letting it soak into her body and bring her back to a more happy place.
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     ❝ Hehee...ok. ❞ Petting the adorable balls of fluff sounded very nice right now.
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Anonymous said: Not a farmer then, but a weak trainer. It's no secret that he doesn't take his role as a leader seriously enough and he could be far stronger if he'd at least try hard enough. Why date a man who doesn't give his all in his own job?
                                                                                        (continued from this.)
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Her frustration was growing. 
Valerie's expression twisted into something uncharacteristic for her: a snarl. She glared, and her lips gradually drew back to expose her teeth. Since when did she have fangs?
     ❝ I can't tell if you're being serious or not. ❞ 
Again, she spoke a low volume. It was somewhat...jarring, since she appeared as if she could burst into a screaming fit at any moment. 
                   ❝ But I'm not going to humor you either way. Leave me be. ❞
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Anonymous said: Why are you dating a FARMER? Surely you could do better than someone who plays with dirt and runs after foul-smelling pokemon all day.
                                                                       (unprompted, always accepting.)
The question makes her pause, and the following statement instantly drops her expression.
She was occasionally faced with intrusive inquires, most Gym Leaders were, but...something like this one was the first. This encroached on a personal territory she wasn't about to humor, especially because of how the stranger referred to him. (Her loving boyfriend.)
     ❝ ...You're among some of the most ignorant people alive, if you think that's what being a farmer is. ❞ She started off, tone curt and clipped. Valerie faced the other with a neutral expression. 
When she next spoke, her voice dropped in volume.
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                                            ❝ And don't disrespect Milo. ❞
She fell silent then, continuing to stare at the stranger for a...prolonged period. She said nothing else. A gust of wind blew by. It was cold.
She did soon turn however, and walk away.
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Anonymous said: Adding two more points would make the number correct on its scale, though its value is but a mere fraction of what it attempts to measure.
                                                                     (unprompted, always accepting.)
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                 ❝ ...........I just think 98 points should be taken away from it. 
                                                              It would be accurate then. ❞
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How Attractive Are You From 1-100?
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     ❝ ...That doesn’t seem right. ❞
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