#❥ about jareth.
fantasycorrupted-a · 11 months
none of my characters is the type to try to make anyone jealous. even someone they hate. they don't care enough/can't be arsed, and usually if there could be anyone they might want to rile up, that has already been done long before the idea to do it crops up in the mind of anyone they might be hanging around. and yes, this also applies to luceus and fíann, who would be more willing to go out of their way to fuck with people, as well as jareth and rita.
jareth and rita are old enough to not be willing to play games, and if they consider that, it means the relationship with the other person is headed towards destruction.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
this has been on my mind for a while - my characters rarely drink, even when upset (with the exception of needing a drink to process a beloved’s death, if it happens). what they’d be down for pulling would be a low-alcohol radler (one of those beers with flavor), craft beer, and on special occasions when they just want to have a treat, a cocktail with a bit of gin, or just a glass of gin. and that’s that.
oh and they don’t smoke either. they’re just not interested, and they don’t like the taste. rigmor doesn’t even like the smell of cigarettes, let alone weed, girl is a beer enjoyer lol.
jareth and rita enjoy a glass of whiskey, or a bloody mary once in a while as they like tomatoes, hella is a fan of rosé and white wine, lovisa likes a pale ale on a veeeery rare occasion, and fíann likes liquor, especially in cocktails. also very rarely. they’re just always busy doing things.
they all love tea, though, especially kieran, fíann and ríane. and hot chocolate, and coffee. stefan hates sweets however so he might be seen having english breakfast tea pretty often.
also whatever i wrote earlier is now trash. rigmor does not get high at all when upset. instead she eats a lot, plenty of junk food, too. and if you see her with a beer she’s cracking a cold one in the heat with the girls. when she’s upset she’s far more likely to buy herself treats or even clothes and jewelry to feel better, and savash is this way with books and, oddly enough, colorful socks.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
in a D&D game, my characters would likely be... (revised) 1/2
Rigmor: Half-elf bard/druid [multiclass ftw] Arvid: Human bard Savash: Lich (wizard) Writer Hella: Human Bloodhunter Jareth & Rita: Dhampir Doctor Lovisa: Human Rogue Morris: Human Rogue Fíann: Mermaid Pirate/timetraveller [also multiclassing???] Kieran: Half-elf bard/artificer [more multiclassing]
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
a thing: unless my character has set their sights on winning yours over because they're interested for some reason, they're not going to trust them right off the bat. and if they somehow decide they should not be giving away their trust... welp good luck.
the corbeaus were betrayed by their very own family, so despite being painfully lonely and unless they've thrown themselves over someone trying to make friends, you'll need time to win them over.
same goes for fíann; because her ex merric ruined her reputation for a lot of people in their friends group, she might do and say anything but unless she feels someone can be trusted, she's going to bend over backwards and use all the fake aliases and lie and pull things out of her butt just to stay away from people. unless someone gives her reasons she can trust them. but even then she'd be preparing to stay safe from an eventual backstabbing. (that was what merric did & she's not taking that shit again.)
rigmor isn't very different from that also. she's a lot warmer on the surface, and open, too, and talkative, and it feels like she can trust anyone and everyone... but that's just the surface. underneath she's watching people closely and at the tiniest sign shit might hit the fan, she's out. whatever she went through with jareth scarred her, and the guy she was with before him also got an unhappy ending so prior to meeting kieran she'd nearly given up on keeping new friends (she'd known leila and yeona since they were kids) or hoping for a new relationship.
rita is... a wild card really. she has some friends and is generally well-accepted in the community because she's a chiropractor and shows some care, enough for people to trust her. she doesn't trust others much though. she just likes being alone and wants it that way, and to make her change her mind, a new friend/love interest would have to work hard.
lovisa has some trust. but because of her sister alberta having done what she did, stabbing not only her back but also their parents' and getting the community to shake their heads at lovisa every time they see her (with pity, but she still hates it)... yeah she doesn't trust easily either. definitely more easily than fíann and the corbeaus but not much.
now savash has more trust in her... weirdly enough. despite her family separating from her because of war and them being unable to meet/reunite as it's too dangerous to try and do so, and maybe because she's lonely as hell, sav keeps the hope alive in her that she can find friends and that they'll love her just like her family do. it happens to an extent, truly. and that gives her a reason to keep trusting.
and lastly, jareth. he is somewhat trusting, but, like rita, also a wildcard. again, he's also quite liked because he's a doctor, but because he's worse at covering up when he's killed someone to feed on them and has been caught - or something; it's happened with wild animals too, like deer - he tends to not trust people right off the bat. he is willing to do so if the conversation and person are intriguing enough from the first moment, but he also likes being alone. he only has a few friends and doesn't mind keeping it that way even though he'd be glad to be a stranger's company and meet new people.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
even the characters whose jobs have nothing to do with books still love reading, and sci-fi, and reading sci-fi, and Rita is not excluded from those
also, while the thought is still here, she would probably be a bigger nerd than Jareth and would have to both be the person introducing him to video games and beating him in them, and he’d get to find out that he actually doesn’t mind
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
hc;; Like Jareth, Rita ages slowly, but will die someday.
In the sunlight, they do not suffer damage, but they hate very bright light like they used to back when they were still human before they were turned.
Neither of them remembers who turned them initially, although Jareth does have hints as to whom it might be (possibly someone among his family, or, alternatively, a family friend). Vampirism in their world is also partially inherited so even if only one of their parents was a vampire, as it is in Rita’s case, their child(ren) would still become vampire(s).
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
hc;; a universal love language for all my characters is gifts. If they like you, you’ll know it by the treats they leave for you.
said treats will also vary. Rigmor is more likely to give you artsy/crafted goodies, Kamael - candy, food and interesting objects (he’s like a raven collecting shiny things lol), Savash - stamps and prett stationery, Luceus - gems and rocks, Jareth - weird and interesting science-related items (e.g. a globe of Mars, a book about diseases), Arvid and Hella - CDs, posters, badges of metal bands, guitar picks and keychains, Kieran - handmade little wooden figurines and savoury snacks, Fíann - pretty seashells/rocks and fruits, Ríane - handmade wooden figurines
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
this being said, a scale: from most bottled feelings to least fucks given hardest to easiest to resort to violence/become angry, male characters edition
Michael - Benjamin - Stefan - Morris - Kieran - Arvid - Marion - Aster - Kamael - Jareth - Lyle - Brennan - Luceus
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
hc;; in fact, I’m not allowed to make mistakes is a mantra that any of my characters would repeat and it would still be valid. mostly true about Jareth and Michael, as they are doctors and human lives literally depend on them, but also true about Fíann, who works to preserve marine life; Ríane, who, in the long run, works to protect people, and Lovisa, who, despite switching to being a librarian, has still dedicated herself to help others. The Corbeaus, each with their separate lives, as well as Hella, also preach this. As badly as it is worded, and as much as it hurts them all when they mess up, it’s a deeply-seated belief that only takes extensive working on themselves to cut out of their minds.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
a rank of characters with problematic families, from best to worst, and why
Jareth (he and the previous 4 have relatively normal families)
Fíann (her grandparents and parents lie to her about her great-great-grandmother not being a pirate and her being a mermaid; this strips her further of the ability to trust others and hurts her)
Lovisa (her parents favour her and shun her sister and this turns her sister into a criminal; Lovisa is hurt and blames herself for her sister going astray)
Ríane (her father dislikes her mother and hates that Ríane likes her mom - and women in general - more than she likes him; this makes Ríane less trusting of men)
Kieran (his grandfather tries to hurt his father and separate him from Kieran’s mother; ends up hating Kieran and drives Kieran to hate him back)
Rigmor (parents abuse and hate her because she has abilities/a character that they do not)
The Corbeau brothers (their grandfather and uncle hurt them to conduct experiments on them and abuse them to keep them compliant. Also, they force the siblings to hurt each other)
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fantasycorrupted-a · 2 years
one thing all my characters are similar in is that, in their world, good and bad are turned on their heads in a way.
the corbeaus and hella are seen as evil when they are only trying to make sure that something truly inhuman and destructive stops happening – and hella, additionally, for siding with supernatural beings instead of with the humans who fear and dislike and wish to kill them.
rigmor has turned against her abusive mother – and despite her mother’s cruelty, some still see rigmor as the villain. also, her being a tattooist is seen as wrong, too, as some of the people who get powers from her tattoos use these powers for evil, and because of the belief that criminals get tattoos that has not yet died out.
and fíann, well, she’s a mermaid, and mermaids are a bad omen for sailors. on top of that, she’s a pirate – precisely what the navy are fighting against. her greatgrandparents and ríane’s greatgreatgreatgrandparents, having been pirates, are also outlaws (though not inherently evil)... so prior to anyone getting to actually know them and their parents, they may stir away from them.
also, jareth. he may be a doctor, but he is a vampire, and humans and mages and vampires do not trust each other at all because of an old feud among them, and that brings trouble whenever jareth tries to befriend a human.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
what type of protagonist are you? (part ?/?)
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jaded _ilf
(you fill in the blank with m/d/whatever u want tbh) you're probably divorced. hell, you're probably sipping black coffee right now, missing that love of your life. your kids don't talk to you, you feel like you reek of wasted potential. you used to stand for something though...right? and you do keep fighting. that's commendable. i would suggest finding a young and impressionable tween to reluctantly mentor who will somehow bring back your zest for life back. or maybe a hobby if that kind of responsibility makes your back pain flare up.
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morally grey, but sexy about it
you are a bundle of mistakes and personal, gut-wrenching trauma, masked behind irresistible charm and mystery. maybe you've been alive a while, or maybe you've lived so many lives in your short span it's felt like centuries. regardless, you know enough about the world to know it's rarely ever black and white. you'll help when called, but you also don't go out of your way to solve anyone's shit...not until you fuck up and start to care for someone. after that, playing it coy and selfish can only get you so far.
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overpowered sweetheart
you were probably gifted from birth, but humble about it. whatever it is--alien sun, parents with powers, or what i like to call the taco tuesday special (fell at breakneck speed into a radioactive vat of chemicals immediately upon birth)--your origins played a big part of your journey. that positive attitude and those grassfed morals sure aren't something you see every day! it's no surprise that you're a natural, but you have a lot left to learn about responsibility, and...it's probably not gonna come easy (sorry)
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
where do you stand in the moral alignment chart? (part 2)
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true neutral
now you're the real gray area. which, people say it's a problem because apparently, being in the middle and not seeing the world in black and white is bad now? your life choices lead other people into thinking, "well, that sounds like something i wouldn't do... but, fair enough."
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chaotic neutral
you're a realist and just want people to see the truth. your alignment is scary, because technically, you're not good or bad. and that's scary because people can't really condemn nor praise you for doing your thing. i like to call people like this, "the unpredictable neutral".
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true neutral
now you're the real gray area. which, people say it's a problem because apparently, being in the middle and not seeing the world in black and white is bad now? your life choices lead other people into thinking, "well, that sounds like something i wouldn't do... but, fair enough."
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true neutral
now you're the real gray area. which, people say it's a problem because apparently, being in the middle and not seeing the world in black and white is bad now? your life choices lead other people into thinking, "well, that sounds like something i wouldn't do... but, fair enough."
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
unlike Rita, Jareth finds it a bit harder to fight his prejudices against mages/werewolves/humans etc (basically anyone who is not a vampire)
but, also unlike her, he is a tad more honest about his feelings and thoughts on people. Rita can lie to you if she does not trust you, and she would not bat an eye. Jareth might end up feeling a bit guilty (and he definitely will if he cares about you).
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
Try it here!
Does your OC dance? Do they like it, and are they any good?
Fíann likes to dance sometimes. Although she’s better at sword fighting, dancing is also something she enjoys.
What is the weirdest job your OC would be willing to do?
Aster would be more than willing to watch films and tv series and rate them. And it’s even better that hes a professional actor, as this helps him notice from the start whether a film might be good or bad!
Does your OC swear? How vulgar is their swearing?
Kamael doesn’t swear often, but when he does, even his insults are “tasteful”, instead of downright dirty; words mean a lot to him and he prefers to keep his speech elegant even when he’s mad.
Savash and Jareth aren’t very different in this regard.
Is your OC more a text person or a phone call person and why?
Ríane is more of a phone call person - and not even because she likes to talk as much. While this has gotten her to open up and become more comfortable with voicing her thoughts, she likes to listen to the other’s voice and laughter and finds it comforting.
Does your OC talk in their sleep?
Kieran and Hella used to talk in their sleep. Hella used to do it, as she sleepwalked without suspecting it, and tried to contact an old friend who had turned into a mara (nightmare). And in his sleep, Kieran would meet his dead younger sister, often without wanting to, as she would haunt his dreams and terrorise him.
What is an inside joke your OC has with their family?
The Corbeaus like to joke with each other that they were adopted - but since Aster, Benjamin, Brennan and Lyle actually were, one or more of the triplets (Kamael, Stefan & Luceus) pretends to meet the other four for the first time, with exaggerated reactions and laughter on both sides. They have countless brother jokes in the same vein.
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fantasycorrupted-a · 1 year
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Based off this, here is Jareth’s homeland, Feria (above). Though the map may not be showing it, Feria is a larger cluster of countries than Wanoia. Feria has a northern neigbor called Comia (below).
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These maps, as well as Wanoia’s, have been added to my characters’ about page for easier navigation. :3c
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